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Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - Ingocnito - 03-23-2015

My main right now is 9 years younger than me. She's a surgical tech.. not a great paying job but right under that of a nurse. I don't see her yearning to do a LOT more with her career other than solidify it's stability.

The age-gap has caused me to allow for the expected lack of life experience. In H.S. she was a cheerleader, popular chick, so the carry over from that social sphere is noticeable, but manageable, as she still has her girly gossipy streaks.

What's been difficult to comprehend is just how different she is from my ex. Almost polar opposites besides the strain of bitchiness that all American women have. In fact, I almost lost this one treating her similar to my ex nutcase, who I hate to admit.. had conditioned me a bit apparently.

I guess I'd run through so many heavily damaged wack jobs that when I finally got this one, it threw me aside. She's damaged alright, just not as badly as most, and the shit that comes out of her mouth actually makes sense most of the time. Shocking.

Sometimes when they're acting TOLERABLE, not necessarily EXACTLY how you want, it's best to just go with the flow and not stir a turd trying to polish an unperfectible bitch.

I figure after first bang the key pre-screen definer is: 1) Is she a career bitch who I can tolerate the presence of? >>> move into FWB category, or 2) Is she self sufficient and accomplished, but doesn't define herself with titles and achievements.. >>> consider for relationship material.

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - Wahawahwah - 03-23-2015

Quote: (03-23-2015 10:13 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

This post is very problematic.
Is it systemic though?


Great question. It is endemic isnt it?

Quoting OP


I actually TRY to antagonize her, and like a dog that really likes you, she just sort of seems baffled by it. She doesn't amp up in response.

As guys we start qualifying girls on more than the basic set of criteria over and above those that were good enough for us to settle for an LTR initially. Sure, there are a few important aspects every LTR, but when one's perceived value is much higher than one's girl (hamsterization, irrationally high self esteem, excessive power in a relationship....) its almost as if there is a subconscious need to qualify the girl just because one can get away with it or as a get out of jail card for ending the relationship in the future.

Both partners in an LTR need to rein in the other occasionally (i'd say 65/35 in the guy's favor??), and in lopsided relationships, this lack of control leads to excesses on the part of the "settler" that often manifest themselves in actions seeking to hurt the other one.

I've noticed genuinely decent people show a sadistic streak with their partners (and ending up dissatisfied in the long run)....its almost like a neanderthal switch being flipped on. And this either leads to break ups or their partner rebelling and reigning the other in if the person in control pushes too far.

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - Brodiaga - 03-23-2015

IKE's post is controversial, because it left a very good and a very bad impression at the same time.

I'll start with the good part, in fact probably one of the most important red pill lessons which IKE has articulated very well. I kind of thought about the same thing, but his post has post summed it up very well.

I agree 100% that raw intelligence is not very important in women as potential partners. Too much intelligence can definitely be bad. I would much rather be with a woman of average intelligence who has class and knows how to treat her man. It's not a coincidence that most of my recent relationships and mini-relationships have been with girls of about average intelligence.

What's wrong with a very smart girl as a potential partner?

-Before you even start dating, she will probably be harder to get other things being equal. She will think of more reasons to disqualify you and look for a better match. She went to a better school? You're out. She has a better job? Get lost. You were nervous and said something stupid? Next. Etc, etc.

-Once you start dating, if she is interested in you as a long term partner, she will think of better ways to rope you in when you are more vulnerable by threatening to leave you if you don't move in, etc. Not really a big deal for us jaded red pillers here, but a lot of betas fall for this bullshit.

-Once she's roped you in and you already have a lot to lose if you break up with her, she can stop being nice and start acting like a bitch. A smarter girl will know better when exactly she can do it and how she can hurt your feelings. Never heard of some obscure book she quoted? What a moron. Don't buy her flowers and kiss her ass? Insensitive bastard. Didn't get that job at an investment bank and joined an insurance company instead? Loser.

-If you cheat on her, it will be much harder to hide. She'll remember and pay attention to small details. For example, if you tell her you went out with some friends last night, she'll ask which ones, where did you go and other details, then find an excuse a couple of weeks later to ask the same thing and compare notes. If you lie, chances are you'll forget some details in your story.

-Let's say you are married and she wants to divorce you. A smart girl will be more strategic about that and find a better way to fuck you over. Your bank account may be depleted before you even find out about her intentions to divorce you. She'll have already consulted with a good lawyer and devised a detailed plan to take you to the cleaners.

With all the downside, there is very little upside in getting involved with a smart girl. The most obvious positive thing, a higher combined income, will be negated by the fact that she will likely be high maintenance. She will want to go to better restaurants, live in a better neighborhood, and if you two have kids, send them to expensive schools. You will probably end up spending more of your money being with a "strong, independent woman" even if she spends as much as you do. If that's your goal in life, finding a smart wife probably makes sense, but you're still at risk of getting into the situations I mentioned above.

Now, I hope I don't come across as a white knight, but the part of the post that left a bad impression on me, IKE, is about how you treat that particular girl. Like other guys mentioned already, if we criticize feminists and ball busting bitches for treating us like shit for no reason, why do the same to genuinely nice and feminine girls? Only a feminist cunt will compare her man to a dog and regularly shit test him if he treats her nicely. You have moved across the world away from feminist cunts, so why act like them?

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - Medic42 - 03-23-2015

Quote: (03-23-2015 02:33 PM)jariel Wrote:  

Are we just asking too much from women??

[Image: giphy.gif]

Oh no, poor little things, they're so modern now, and there's just so much shit for them to do, that we need to lower the hoop. Let's go get the kiddie hoop that's six feet high, so everyone over 10 can dunk.

Fuck that noise.

We're not asking too much from women, if anything, we're not demanding enough. You keep asking, and you'll keep getting their answer, which is "Fuck you, I'll do what I want to do."

You're the man, you make the rules. She doesn't have to play your game, but the right women will, and the wrong ones can tell themselves on their death beds that they played the game by their own rules, and rather than have an adoring man at their sides until their last breaths, they can look over to the right and see a fuckin' empty ass coffee table.

With a cat sitting on it...

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - Barron - 03-24-2015

Quote: (03-23-2015 01:20 AM)kaotic Wrote:  

Why would you antagonize or beat a loyal dog down ?

Something tells me you aren't fully satisfied with her...

You fear the future so you antagonize her and shit test her ?

You can't control the future, sure you can help predict it, but you shouldn't live in fear ?

Is there anything else going on that's bothering you with your relationship with her ? Perhaps we aren't getting the full picture ?

This, and it sounds like you're looking to the wrong gender for intellectual companionship.

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - Captain Gh - 03-24-2015

I'd say that you have a nice problem on your hands. Just don't expect too much out of her and let her be the best that she can and go have those stimulating conversations with someone else . Women are women so always be ready because eventually she'll challenge you just to see if you're the strong and masculine man that she needs. Stay sharp and ready for that recurring day, because it'll always come, just like taxes!!

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - Parlay44 - 03-24-2015

You guys are looking for a running partner. An equal. It's about the ying and yang of it. She compliments you and balances out your life like your balance out hers. But never forget that you steer the ship and she's along for the ride.

Find your intellectual stimulation with your bros like men have done since the dawn of time.

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - Dantes - 03-24-2015

We don't get to have it all in a LTR. Prioritize three qualities that you want, more will be a bonus although unlikely to be found.

Mine are :

IDK, there are no guarantees. Use your best judgement and accept her for what she is.

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - kaotic - 03-24-2015

Exactly, more than likely you won't find your equal, you won't find a woman on your intellectual level.

And if you do, guaranteed you'll be shit tested constantly.

Parlay's right....leave those discussions and thoughts for your bros.

I had a conversation with my main last night about the UVA Rape Hoax and explained to her what went on, what the police said, etc.

In the end she said "wtf, why isn't she in jail" "this sounds sketch" "I can't believe that happened"....we didn't do into much other detail or have a long discussion about the faux "rape culture" in the states.

I leave those conversations to fellow RVF'ers here.

Instead we enjoy each others company, the great sex, talk about our days, and the things we'll be doing in coming months.

The last thing I want to do is have a long intellectual discussion with the person I'm fucking.

Shit, being naked in bed, silent, watching a movie with her satisfies me.

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - Travesty - 03-24-2015

IKE is shit testing his girl for the same reason bitches here in the U.S. do - they can - they can get away with it. They are testing their SMV. If the girl would leave at the first hint, and his only other option were fat bitchy 40yo divorced single moms, he wouldn't do it.

Humans are easily pushed away from satisfaction which causes all kinds of good and bad.

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - kaotic - 03-24-2015

Quote: (03-24-2015 10:54 AM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

IKE is shit testing his girl for the same reason bitches here in the U.S. do - they can - they can get away with it. They are testing their SMV. If the girl would leave at the first hint, and his only other option were fat bitchy 40yo divorced single moms, he wouldn't do it.

Humans are easily pushed away from satisfaction which causes all kinds of good and bad.

Let's delve into this a little - what exactly are they getting away with when a guy shit tests a girl ?

SMV - do you mean qualifying her to be allowed to date you ?

Leave at first hint of what ?

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - Sp5 - 03-25-2015

A simple girl who's trying to qualify for you now by tidying up and cooking for you can also turn on a dime if she sees a better deal.

IKE is well aware of and has alluded to the dangers or even impossibility of an older guy bringing back a 25 year old with a thigh gap to the USA.

This is where intelligence comes in. Brodiaga said that a smart girl would be better able to fuck you over. That is true.

The question is whether she'd be more likely to fuck you over. This is where the "lizard brain," or "going feral" comes into play. From what I saw in court, the worst cases where a woman was fucking over a guy with restraining orders, false abuse charges, false rape claims were when the woman was a real dumbass. One time I had a case where a woman and a guy were breaking up and making up and fighting each other with criminal charges over nothing. I was representing the woman, who was a very cute slender Trini Indian / PR mix in her early 20s, like a 7 or 8. So one day for a hearing she shows up to court with her "social worker." I talk to the social worker - she's from the state mental retardation department. The girl was officially mentally retarded! Every time I saw a case where false rape or repetitive false restraining orders and abuse charges were filed to create courtroom drama, the woman was a dullard.

My theory is that the gap between the woman's higher cognitive functions and the "lizard brain" was not that great in dumb girls and they relied on their lizard brain more than smart girls. That goes with dumb people being more violent, too. A smart educated woman is going to have to make her hamster work harder to justify crazy vicious behavior. She will feel the burden of having to explain herself.

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - WestIndianArchie - 03-25-2015

I read this again.

The title gets at the right idea.
But the attached story is not a good execution of the idea, in fact it's problematic.

Jariel makes a great point, I just don't think it applies here. Especially the specific given cultural context.

And the general sentiment of preferring a dumb woman over a smart one, it's not as clear cut as you guys make it seem, especially in the context of a long term relationship that contemplates children.


Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - kaotic - 03-25-2015

So with SP5's experiences and WIA agree, we can't too dumb a woman, however we can't have too smart a woman where she's smart as or smart than the man.

You're right WIA it's not clear cut, but can anyone agree on limits of what's too dumb and what's too smart.

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - Dusty - 03-25-2015

Quote: (03-25-2015 10:40 AM)kaotic Wrote:  

So with SP5's experiences and WIA agree, we can't too dumb a woman, however we can't have too smart a woman where she's smart as or smart than the man.

You're right WIA it's not clear cut, but can anyone agree on limits of what's too dumb and what's too smart.

I'd stay away from women who place a great emphasis on their degrees and career (there's always exceptions of course). It's been my experience though that women with law degrees, top tier MBAs, or doctorates are insufferable. These girls might have 120 IQs, which is pretty good, but they think they are smarter than they actually are, and are quite smug and pleased with themselves. Suddenly they are in competition with you over male traits like intelligence and leadership. They expect you to follow them around like a pansy as they call the shots because they know everything.

Who needs that when you can find a girl who readily concedes you are smarter than her and looks at you with doe eyed wonderment and is happy to follow as you lead. A girl happy to fall into a traditional female role. She may have a lesser degree and an IQ of 105 instead of 120, but nothing wrong with that.

I've known a few girls who are quite pleased with their degrees and career status who are 7+ in looks and are now in their 40s and never married and their SMV is declining sharply every year. They are quite depressed about their predicament but will flip their lid if you tell them the truth - no man wants them because of their aggressive and masculine manner owing to their overestimation of their own intelligence.

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - Dusty - 03-25-2015

The bitter alpha widow Maureen Dowd had some interesting articles related to this topic about a decade ago. Tl;dr successful men don't want insufferable career women.


Men Just Want Mommy


A few years ago at a White House Correspondents' dinner, I met a very beautiful actress. Within moments, she blurted out: "I can't believe I'm 46 and not married. Men only want to marry their personal assistants or P.R. women."

I'd been noticing a trend along these lines, as famous and powerful men took up with the young women whose job it was to tend to them and care for them in some way: their secretaries, assistants, nannies, caterers, flight attendants, researchers and fact-checkers.

Women in staff support are the new sirens because, as a guy I know put it, they look upon the men they work for as "the moon, the sun and the stars." It's all about orbiting, serving and salaaming their Sun Gods.

In all those great Tracy/Hepburn movies more than a half-century ago, it was the snap and crackle of a romance between equals that was so exciting. Moviemakers these days seem far more interested in the soothing aura of romances between unequals.

In James Brooks's "Spanglish," Adam Sandler, as a Los Angeles chef, falls for his hot Mexican maid. The maid, who cleans up after Mr. Sandler without being able to speak English, is presented as the ideal woman. The wife, played by Téa Leoni, is repellent: a jangly, yakking, overachieving, overexercised, unfaithful, shallow she-monster who has just lost her job with a commercial design firm. Picture Faye Dunaway in "Network" if she'd had to stay home, or Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction" without the charm.

The same attraction of unequals animated Richard Curtis's "Love Actually," a 2003 holiday hit. The witty and sophisticated British prime minister, played by Hugh Grant, falls for the chubby girl who wheels the tea and scones into his office. A businessman married to the substantial Emma Thompson falls for his sultry secretary. A writer falls for his maid, who speaks only Portuguese.

(I wonder if the trend in making maids who don't speak English heroines is related to the trend of guys who like to watch Kelly Ripa in the morning with the sound turned off?)

Art is imitating life, turning women who seek equality into selfish narcissists and objects of rejection, rather than affection.

As John Schwartz of The New York Times wrote recently, "Men would rather marry their secretaries than their bosses, and evolution may be to blame."

A new study by psychology researchers at the University of Michigan, using college undergraduates, suggests that men going for long-term relationships would rather marry women in subordinate jobs than women who are supervisors.

As Dr. Stephanie Brown, the lead author of the study, summed it up for reporters: "Powerful women are at a disadvantage in the marriage market because men may prefer to marry less-accomplished women." Men think that women with important jobs are more likely to cheat on them.

"The hypothesis," Dr. Brown said, "is that there are evolutionary pressures on males to take steps to minimize the risk of raising offspring that are not their own." Women, by contrast, did not show a marked difference in their attraction to men who might work above or below them. And men did not show a preference when it came to one-night stands.

A second study, which was by researchers at four British universities and reported last week, suggested that smart men with demanding jobs would rather have old-fashioned wives, like their mums, than equals. The study found that a high I.Q. hampers a woman's chance to get married, while it is a plus for men. The prospect for marriage increased by 35 percent for guys for each 16-point increase in I.Q.; for women, there is a 40 percent drop for each 16-point rise.

So was the feminist movement some sort of cruel hoax? The more women achieve, the less desirable they are? Women want to be in a relationship with guys they can seriously talk to - unfortunately, a lot of those guys want to be in relationships with women they don't have to talk to.

I asked the actress and writer Carrie Fisher, on the East Coast to promote her novel "The Best Awful," who confirmed that women who challenge men are in trouble.

"I haven't dated in 12 million years," she said drily. "I gave up on dating powerful men because they wanted to date women in the service professions. So I decided to date guys in the service professions. But then I found out that kings want to be treated like kings, and consorts want to be treated like kings, too."

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - WestIndianArchie - 03-25-2015

@kaotic, I don't think we actually agree.

I don't think you can be with any chick that you have contempt for. Not for long.

I've already had long relationships with chicks
that are slow on the uptake. That's a burden that I don't want. I have a feeling most guys don'tt realize that horror until it's too late.

As for dating a woman as smart or smarter, never had that experience. A chick might know more about a topic or an area, but I've never found encyclopedic knowledge to be evidence of intelligence.

IKE has contempt for this chick, but he's an older.western educated man in a third world country. Its not like those of us in the states dealing with college educated chicks who want more than just a man to provide for them.

The G7 problem is that these chicks want to bite off more than they can chew. Education, career, money, fun with alphas and eventually family with a stable alpha.

Most men don't get to have it all, most barely get a piece of any of that.

I see this as a first world meets issue.

Overall though, the idea that we as men aren't asking women for enough is essentially right.

Deep topic, I don't think the responses so far are doing more than repeating the party line, "don't marry lawyer cunts."


Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - reco2100 - 03-25-2015

I think IKE is a lucky man.

He went out there and found what he wanted. And now he is trying to prove to himself that it really is what it looks like. Pretty simple. No expert analysis no deep understanding of women because that is impossible.

He just needs to do his due diligence and make sure that is what it looks like. The real thing.

Shit test her a little. Verify she is telling you the truth when she is not with you. Meet her family and friends and spend time with them in Their environment. If things look good then live with her for an extended period of time. That's about all you can do.

Nothing is guaranteed pretty simple.

Over 50% of domestic marriages fail in the US. And that's just the ones that end in divorce. The real number is more like 80% failure when you count the unhappy marriages, people staying toghether for the kids or financial reasons etc. Or the huge rates of infidelity.

But American men marrying foreign women is only a 20% failure rate. I think that is about as good as you can get.

Make sure you have a good prenup, have your assets hidden and mobile, and be ready to move if the shit hits the fan.

Lucky man what a great predicament to be in, in your sixties.

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - Merenguero - 03-25-2015

Quote: (03-25-2015 03:40 PM)reco2100 Wrote:  

But American men marrying foreign women is only a 20% failure rate. I think that is about as good as you can get.

That makes sense and I'm not doubting that, but can you cite a source for that statistic? I've never read or heard that.

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - reco2100 - 03-26-2015

Quote: (03-25-2015 03:44 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (03-25-2015 03:40 PM)reco2100 Wrote:  

But American men marrying foreign women is only a 20% failure rate. I think that is about as good as you can get.

That makes sense and I'm not doubting that, but can you cite a source for that statistic? I've never read or heard that.

I have read it in a few places but the original source is US Immigration. They track this based on marriage visa process some of those folks lie so the number is most likely different.

As a piece of anectdotal evidence I grew up with some close friends that were part of a large social circle of parents that were US men and foreign wives and none of these marriages ever ended In divorce and I am talking about dozens of families. At the same time the U.S. marriages were dropping like flies.

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - Geomann180 - 04-12-2015

I had a conversation with a friend of mine about this thread.

I think 'asking for things' and 'expecting things' are two different things. I think that in a general sense, it's better to expect things rather than ask them.

Take for instance, my Turkish girlfriend from three years ago. I met her my second semester of senior year. We were both virgins and she knew I was a virgin as I knew she was. We ended up never sleeping together, despite there being plenty of opportunities (and I realize there were more than I thought at the time). I asked plenty of her, or demanded plenty of her, but when it came to sex, when she felt like taking it slow she used the fact that I was a virgin against me. She'd say something like, "It's not like you've had sex before and expect it or it's normal for you. It's new to you and new to me too". That's paraphrased from memory of course, but the fact that I didn't expect sex I believe worked against me.

In contrast, let us examine my current girlfriend, who is catholic and from El Salvador. I met her my second semester of my junior year at university while ice skating. She was a virgin and I was not and both of us could readily observe and ascertain the relative experience of each other. She knew I was experienced and had sex before and I knew that she was wholly inexperienced, having only kissed a boy or two before me. I remember she was nervous about sex but comforted by the fact that I spoke about it as if it was the most normal thing in the world. One weekend I came to see her, we had been writing a small erotic story together, but then she got cold. She asked me, "But what if I can't do what I did in the story." I told her that I didn't expect anything. "If it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't." We didn't have sex that weekend, but a week or two before we had sex, she said something interesting. We had gotten back from a movie and laid upon my couch kissing when she said, "One day this won't be enough for you." We had sex soon after. It looks to me like she expected to have sex because I expected to have to sex.

I think having expectations is a 'hack' whereby you use a woman's herd nature and awareness and adherence of social cues against her. That is to say, if you expect that you're going to have sex, then it must be normal to have sex, and therefore it would look strange if the girl didn't go through the whole shebang. In the interest of full disclosure, I'm American and my girlfriend's been living in the US for 4 years. Caught her at the end of high school, so I can also say that I made a mention to the fact that people in America move a lot faster than they do in El Salvador. That probably had something to do with my frame of expecting it.

So to sum up - I think it is better to expect rather than to ask, and when you expect something it creates a frame that if a girl step insides, she's allowed herself to be swept up in your world and to go along with your show.

What do you all think?


PS - I'm not saying you can't ask things of girls or demand things, but it's a different animal that you have to go about differently. That said, if you ask a girl to do something as if you expect it to be done and it's normal to ask for it, it works the same way.

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - Zooxanthellae - 04-12-2015

I don't know what the policy on mentioning other blogs on this site is but if you read Rollo he said a long time "a woman can't love a man the way he expects to be loved" or something to this effect.

If you are expecting a woman to intellectually satisfy you AND be a demon in the sack, it ain't going to happen.

The smart ones the Hillary Clintons are too career focused to do all that housecleaning shit all day and put up with tests, and the dumb beautiful ones don't give a fuck about politics.

Just the nature of the world.

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - Ingocnito - 04-13-2015

The formula I've applied, and also hoped to deny it's truth goes something like this:
**And it's purely based on the concept society is ass backwards from what men normatively prefer it to be.

1) Whatever she says makes and strong point to claim in the first few months, expect the reverse to be true in every single case, especially any point she repetitively brings up. Put this idea in your subconscious, in hopes you may be wrong, but look ONLY for signs it's true, which reveal themselves because after all your'e a Red-pill player-in-training and are good at creating comfort. Women = guilty till proven innocent.

~ I'm not a whore (she is)
~ I went out with friends (she sucked 2 cocks and fucked another)
~ I'm a deep person (she's shallow as fuck)
~ I come from a great family (her family never held her fully accountable for shit)
~ Threesomes and group sex are disgusting (she's had a few at least)
~ I'd never fuck a married man (she's caused marriages to end, broke up families)
~ My last boyfriend was a cheating asshole (I got busted cheating numerous times)
~ I keep a clean tidy house and cook a lot (she's putting up a front to lure in a chump, maybe you)
~ I have a medical condition that disables me from living a normal life at times (sure she may have a condition, but it's embellished to use as excuse to get away from you and be a shady cunt with increasing or decreasing effect at her will)
~ I'm well revered in my career (ask her specifics about her career and make her teach you things about it. If she can't teach it well, she's full of shit and not all that accomplished)

2) Watch for blank spots of missing time in her schedule. That's when the shadiness occurs. Doesn't have to be long. A 30 min trip to store takes an hour. Somethings up.

3) Look for even keeled middle-of-road attitudes as ones to keep around a bit. For a woman to be too opposite from the feminist imperative isn't even possible anymore. They've ALL been conditioned at this point. Otherwise, they're hiding something(s).

4) Words mean nothing, talk is cheap. Both from her and from you. Only be concerned with actions or lack of thereto.

5) If it's too good to be true, it is, but you can ride out the good part long enough to gain some enjoyment and experience.

6) If it doesn't make sense, the decision makes itself.

Re. #6: I've quit fuckin with an increasing amount of girls simply because I don't want to put in effort to over analyze their bullshit, but know sure as shit, they're words versus their actions just don't add up to benefit me enough to be satisfied. Bad ROI methodology.

Re. abundance mentality: It's not so much my focus to be abundant with women to find "the one" per se, but rather to have enough women to fill my basic needs collectively. That's seems to be the only way I can tolerate women in the west anymore. Funny thing is that's pretty much what they do with men so...

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - Redwood - 04-13-2015

no. i'm a firm believer that we are not asking or expecting more out of them. that is the problem, and that problem is the reason why they are expecting more from us.

that is why building up your lifestyle and tightening your game up is important for us.

Are We Just Asking Too Much From Women? - WestIndianArchie - 04-13-2015

Quote: (04-13-2015 04:32 AM)Redwood Wrote:  

no. i'm a firm believer that we are not asking or expecting more out of them. that is the problem, and that problem is the reason why they are expecting more from us.

that is why building up your lifestyle and tightening your game up is important for us.

That's that GQ/Conventional man's game.

Look sharp
Get fit
make money.

There are plenty of places all over the world, where men have their shit together and women do not rise to the occassion

San Francisco
Washington DC

Lots of places where you see good looking, fit, well dressed, well coiffed and groomed, well off guys with harpies for girlfriends. Everyday I see that on public transportation. Some dude being henpecked by a chick he shouldn't have looked at twice.

And these guys expect these women to be at least be some what sweet and nice. They've given up on domestic skills.

Rarely do they get that. They get sarcastic chicks that love the sound of their own voices.

IKE is not dealing with what we're dealing with in the West, and his post is about some other shit.

But there's really no point in building your health, fitness game, bank roll for the express purpose of attracting women.

Do that shit for YOURSELF.

If she's attracted to that shit, you're in trouble.

You want her attracted to your dick and your personality, not the easy and fashionable life that she could live with you.