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Male modeling? - realologist - 03-24-2015

When I was 16-19, I received mail and a few voicemails on the house phone from a company that wanted me to pursue modeling and acting. I always threw the mail away and deleted the messages because I thought it was a scam. I never pursued either and wondered how they got my contact information. I always thought modeling was a scam regardless because I heard only a few make any money

I still sometimes think if it was actually real or not though because my parents would be too quick to get rid of the contact information. This would be solely to stroke my ego more than anything else though.

I would also look at Craigslist. I've seen amateur model gigs posted on there in my area. I think it was for clothing ads for a local business and they would pay for a shoot. You just had to send them a portfolio and meet them in person.

Male modeling? - jamaicabound - 03-24-2015

I've done a litle bit of male modeling myself, was never able to get very far because I'm only 5'8" maybe 5'9" on a good day, you pretty much have to be minimum 6 foot to get into any runway stuff and wear a little bigger jacket size as well. I was able to land some print jobs, did a Paypal print ad, motorolla ad, and lots of stock photo stuff for vacation catalogues and stuff like that.

I did what you did got a TFP shoot setup and got a portfolio made for free and just started applying to jobs and landed some. I've commented on a few similar posts to this one and given some advice about taking every job that comes along even ones with no pay b/c you really just want to get your name out there and meet contacts.

I wound up landing a job with a casting company. We didn't really do huge stuff or hollywood stuff a lot of promotional modeling gigs so liquor and beer girls for bar promotions and stuff but we also did a fair amount of stuff for print ads and tv commercials.

Honestly I wouldn't expect to get too far but like you said it's a fun way to make a little money on the side and meet some hot chicks. I know many people don't like hte promotional stuff but you meet tons of chicks doing that.

I worked as I guess you could say model scout my job was basically walking around the loop, michigan avenue and river north bringing girls back and dudes on occasion lol though not as enjoyable if I felt like they'd be a good fit for a job we were casting for.

I didn't get paid much but the coolest thing was I was constantly getting free wristbands to clubs and events at clubs. They'd have model parties on yahts on lake michigan and i'd get to attend those so that perks were much better than the pay.