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Third 100 approaches - Blackliter - 03-20-2015

more approaches in, 5. well this is getting amusing. Talking to these 2 girls and both were pretty cute. They were doing double tequila shots towards the end of the night..

so talked to them and 1 of the girls gets the bright idea to tell us to drop them home, and I said "sure, but we might make a middle stop en route" she wasn't having it. Nor was I about to extend myself. then they were like hey we're lesbians, trying to say nah not interested. I was like whatever. they start making out passionately. after that they said, you should buy us drinks.. I was like yea fucking right. Then they tried to say they were bi and still interested in guys. So I said prove it, kiss my buddy. She does, makes out with him, he gets #. we know they're playing us so we bounce. My friend still gets laid from another girl who we pick up en route home. Not kidding when I say my friends get laid multiple times a week with diff girls.

honestly just keep talking about whatever shit authoritatively to girls. they'll listen most of the times. 2 complete blow outs over past 2 nights out though. have to expect those.

Oh and much easier to game and slay with good friends.. Clint's advice was spot on with upgrading friends. I still have my old friends, but going out I'm with a new group.

Third 100 approaches - Blackliter - 03-21-2015

4 approaches in, another makeout with a cute girl.

So what happens is we makeout and then I sorta lose the momentum. Closing skills need to improve. Prob need to isolate harder?
also somehow I think my neediness is subconsciously communicated after we make out, making it less desirable. I dont care about it at all in the approach stage, but the more im with the girl the more i start caring which slowly deteriorates the push/pull

Third 100 approaches - Cobra - 03-21-2015

^Makeouts are the key to that ignition I think. I had some interest a week ago from a girl and didn't make out. She gave me a number (without me asking). But that fizzled out.

If I made out with her, I think it would have been a different story. However, beyond that, my problem was logistics.

What are your logistics once you initiate a make out?

That could be subconsciously communicating to you that you can't isolate her and take her to bang.

Third 100 approaches - Blackliter - 03-24-2015

Logistics are perfect. 5 minute walk from bars to my pad which is nice relatively for a college place.

I went on another date for 4 hours. I realize my problem isn't conversation, I talked for 3 hours straight.., its making that transition to sexual stuff. Bringing the sexy eyes into picture and teasing her much more (already tease the girls, but not enough). I'm more of the mellow sort, need to bring that excitement. anyways date went well, got a 2nd one lined up.

Third 100 approaches - Fortis - 03-24-2015

4 hours?? Yo should try to go for the make out well before the 4 hour mark. What do you even talk about for 4 hours. I can't even talk to my best friend of over 10 years for 4 hours.

You seem very logical so let me give you a logical shortcut for this (a heuristic):If there is a point in the night where the girl is looking at you in a way that makes you think, "what is she looking at?" Then she is ready for you to kiss her. Are you touching them on the dates and such. Take the lead dawg.

You have to plant the seed to pull her back home. Did you talk about cool music? Tell her you wanna show her some of those tunes you were talking about. Do you play guitar? tell her you want to show her your guitar colllection or something. You need to give her plausible deniability in that regard, unless she's doing something super overt, like rubbing your inner thigh while making out with you. Hell, you can just call the bartender over, pay the tab, and be like "let's go."

Edit: wanted to specify a little bit more about how to get her home.

Third 100 approaches - Clint Barton - 03-24-2015

On a date you should be touching the girl within the first hour. Light touches on her arm when making a point. Hand on lower back when sitting next to her or leading her into a certain direction or when at the bar getting a drink. Hell, bust out that old school Roosh move where you use your fingers to fix her hair by putting it behind her ear.

Touching her let's her know you ain't fucking around and puts her on the spot instead of just letting her go along for a free ride.

No risk no reward.

Third 100 approaches - Blackliter - 03-26-2015

Appreciate the info guys. No excuses, but how would I work around a girl who doesn't drink and is a virgin? I could get barely get touches on her without her reacting. Leg touch, she says "oh im sorry" i accidentally touch her leg she backs off, at the same time she gives signs of interest and listens to me intently.

I've got the seed planted to take her home, as long as she shows up for the 2nd date.. dinner and then movie at my place. Guess im just gonna keep pushing and touching.

I made the dumbest mistake yesterday, was out and i was with 3 girls and a friend. 2 of the girls were grinding on me sandwiched, and I end up talking to the more sober one... drunker one was dtf and down to leave with me. anyways got the number of the other one. she's a promoter so i get in for free at places now.

coming across as too needy over text and in person after making out. What would you suggest do to change that?

Third 100 approaches - Clint Barton - 03-26-2015

Wouldn't expect too much from the virgin. Tougher to game them. Sex ain't even that great to begin with but I guess if a virgin is on your bucket list then by all means.

Only use text for logistics. No chit chat.

Get something going on with more than one girl and that should cut down on the neediness.

Quote: (03-26-2015 11:09 AM)Blackliter Wrote:  

Appreciate the info guys. No excuses, but how would I work around a girl who doesn't drink and is a virgin? I could get barely get touches on her without her reacting. Leg touch, she says "oh im sorry" i accidentally touch her leg she backs off, at the same time she gives signs of interest and listens to me intently.

I've got the seed planted to take her home, as long as she shows up for the 2nd date.. dinner and then movie at my place. Guess im just gonna keep pushing and touching.

I made the dumbest mistake yesterday, was out and i was with 3 girls and a friend. 2 of the girls were grinding on me sandwiched, and I end up talking to the more sober one... drunker one was dtf and down to leave with me. anyways got the number of the other one. she's a promoter so i get in for free at places now.

coming across as too needy over text and in person after making out. What would you suggest do to change that?

Third 100 approaches - Blackliter - 04-05-2015

Alright I got 3 girls texting me back. Why do I always get the really slow girls.. Went on a date yesterday she was interested and I would touch her, but didn't let me kiss. she's like no kisses on first date...

other 2, 1's lukewarm. other is down to hookup.. but im lacking on the sexualizing front. can talk, can kino, but can't turn the conversation sexual or pull her aside and get intimate..

past makeouts, I've successfully isolated the girl, go for the makeout. and then they walk away within 5 minutes.

Edit: jk, the lukewarm number started responding too now. I have to play "don't fuck up game" on 2 girls but even that I don't have that down. wish i had prior experience.

Third 100 approaches - heavy - 04-05-2015

"awkward silence kills it fast"

This is telling of inner confidence. Everything others have said totally applies, but it's awkward during pauses, you need to fix this.

Enjoy pregnant pauses. Don't fret about them. When you feel awkward because you aren't constantly entertaining her, it probably means the following convo line will feel forced.

Enjoy pregnant pauses.

Third 100 approaches - Saweeep - 04-10-2015

Quote: (03-24-2015 09:26 PM)Clint Barton Wrote:  

On a date you should be touching the girl within the first hour. Light touches on her arm when making a point. Hand on lower back when sitting next to her or leading her into a certain direction or when at the bar getting a drink. Hell, bust out that old school Roosh move where you use your fingers to fix her hair by putting it behind her ear.

Touching her let's her know you ain't fucking around and puts her on the spot instead of just letting her go along for a free ride.

No risk no reward.

Within the first hour?

Within the first few minutes!

Third 100 approaches - Blackliter - 04-19-2015

Ahhh I'm an idiot and a half. I can chill well with my boys, but me and girls no bueno. I was told by multiple friends that I've had a ton of girls interested in me over the course of the past couple months. Somehow I manage to not notice and fuck it up. Went to an event yesterday 80% girls.. guess what happened? multiple girls interested 7s-9s but nope. Approached and talked to a decent amount. Was talking with an 8, prob 9, but lets say 8. and then got fucked up. honestly guys you should be here taking these girls, dimes.

What can I do to change... honestly I do better when I'm with rooshers. more so than forcing me to approach, they influence me into closing. nyc is just another atmosphere. essentially remembering into the night knowing this is the goal would help.. but nope have to go hard at the pregame cuz friends. I'm still drunk now... the next morning.

Third 100 approaches - Blackliter - 04-26-2015

Wow 2 girls were interested in me yesterday. 1 was seeing another couple and said "I want to make out too" I should have just pulled her aside and kissed her. later in the night she sobered and wouldn't do anything with me. Why am I more hesitant when drunk and at night game.. idk. And then in daytime and dates I'm too aggressive sober which has affected dates negatively. Other girl wanted to go home with me but nope 1 of my friends pulled the swoop unintentionally because he was drunk. and then all her friends came later and cockblocked him cuz he didn't pull her home which thanks to reading Roosh I know to do fast if she's down.

Third 100 approaches - Phazlenut - 05-02-2015

Quote: (03-26-2015 05:05 PM)Clint Barton Wrote:  

Only use text for logistics. No chit chat.

Absolutely agree with the above.

More text policies:

-No smileys/emojis
-No questions, only statements ("Come out with me Wednesday" vs "Would you like to come out with me Wednesday?")
-About 1-2 of your messages for every 3 of hers

Third 100 approaches - PainPositive - 05-03-2015

Are you doing the roosh program? Go back and make sure you are reading a game resource (bang especially) and following the program to the letter. Don't forget to take notes while reading.

Third 100 approaches - Blackliter - 05-04-2015

Finished Bang and Day Bang, took detailed notes, as well as some other game books. Need to revisit and put more into action. Hit 250 approaches now.. but i'm starting to doubt this will ever work for me, finished college with nothing and that's supposedly the easiest time.

Third 100 approaches - Blackliter - 05-07-2015

Truly is a numbers game. Almost pulled a 19 yr old girl in France while abroad where she was with family. Sort of Insta-date style.

Took a bit of effort and hanging out with relatives, but was able to pull her away on side short trip. Talked about some stuff but then started talking about who's she's dated and what she likes in a guy. Finally I ask (and I work it in.. and not the best way) "Would you mind I kiss you right now?" She said no, pulled her in and made out with her for little. Then pulled her later and made out with her later for looong time. Couldn't close because logistics and she was sober and family wanted her dropped off.

Okay question that I need answered: What do I do after I've approached, rambled and now the girl is interested. How to work up kino in a sober environment? I honestly was struggling today to touch this girl, she had a backpack on too. Touched her waste, but seemed off. Would make jokes, push her if making fun of her, hold her forearm if I'm reacting in surprise. Why I'm asking is because I've forced kino on previous dates and it gets back to me through a friend or the girl's friend that I was too aggressive. Trying to find that midpoint.

Nor the smooth transition into kiss. looked up a couple on Roosh but haven't been able to work them in. Like the "See that xx there, I'm going to kiss you there" Or make her look around to see if anyone blatantly so she gets idea.

Third 100 approaches - Alfa - 05-07-2015

Quote: (05-04-2015 11:51 PM)Blackliter Wrote:  

but i'm starting to doubt this will ever work for me

Man we're all in this together. Keep pushing.

Third 100 approaches - The_CEO - 05-07-2015

Quote: (05-04-2015 11:51 PM)Blackliter Wrote:  

Finished Bang and Day Bang, took detailed notes, as well as some other game books. Need to revisit and put more into action. Hit 250 approaches now.. but i'm starting to doubt this will ever work for me, finished college with nothing and that's supposedly the easiest time.

You are succeeding just by trying.

Third 100 approaches - Blackliter - 05-09-2015

Almost pulled a girl in the airport/plane. Approached a girl near the gate and boarding area. talked with her for a bit, then mentioned we should try to keep each other company on the boring flight, she was interested in switching seats. Person sitting next to me was making it difficult, finally took some talking to him to get him to move to another aisle seat. Brought the girl over, started talking about random stuff. Brought up the past relationships thing again, then started asking her what she looks for a guy. and i made it a game where she would ask me what do i look for in a girl. 1 for 1 questions. This game would save the awkward silences because if we ever went on a tangent and then it became quiet we would revert back to playing the question game. Finally knowing questions were running out, I asked her "what about if guys are good kissers, is that a factor?" she was indifferent, asked her same question as previous girl, "do you mind if I kiss you right now then?" she didn't, made out.

Continued to make out 4 times with her in flight whenever cabin lights would go off. Tried pulling her to business section but she was too afraid to try. 2 empty rows..big flight. I was definitely kino-ing the entire time and she was definitely sober. She wasn't down to join the mile high club hah..

Have her number and she's supposed to show me the city when I get back. Wondering how to work logistics.. can't sleep at her parents house or my friends place. Will have to work some hotel thing in. drinks at hotel bar, idk

Third 100 approaches - Prof. Ligate - 05-10-2015

^ I couldn't imagine having the balls to do this on an airplane... a long long flight if the approach goes south. You have some major balls man, keep on trekking

Third 100 approaches - Blackliter - 05-29-2015

Coming very close. Had a girl who wouldn't have sex with me cuz she was on her period, and wanted to have after, but I left the country before I could see her again. I will hopefully see her in a few months as plans are laid out.

I now have 2 other girls that want to have sex with me but they are in other cities as well in USA. 1 will be visiting hopefully in a few months as well.

Approached 2 more girls in airport, one 8, one 7. The 8 unfortunately was going on a different flight, sexy french girl, she was open. The 7 was a cute latina on same plane, unfortunately the guy sitting next to me wouldn't move.. pissed me off but I kept it cordial. I would've deff got her, at least make out. Man, girls are silly yet adorable. Really have to treat them like 5 year olds.

Third 100 approaches - Comte De St. Germain - 05-30-2015

Quote: (05-29-2015 10:29 AM)Blackliter Wrote:  

Coming very close. Had a girl who wouldn't have sex with me cuz she was on her period, and wanted to have after, but I left the country before I could see her again. I will hopefully see her in a few months as plans are laid out.

I now have 2 other girls that want to have sex with me but they are in other cities as well in USA. 1 will be visiting hopefully in a few months as well.

Approached 2 more girls in airport, one 8, one 7. The 8 unfortunately was going on a different flight, sexy french girl, she was open. The 7 was a cute latina on same plane, unfortunately the guy sitting next to me wouldn't move.. pissed me off but I kept it cordial. I would've deff got her, at least make out. Man, girls are silly yet adorable. Really have to treat them like 5 year olds.

Seeing that girl who wouldn't fuck you on her period, HA. She'll have moved on by then girls have attention spans that even barely last a few hours. Odds are you won't see her again or atleast won't be able to fuck her.

Airports are hit or miss on actually securing bangs or even dates from girls. Still good practice OP keep it coming.

Third 100 approaches - MaceTyrell - 06-09-2015

Quote: (05-09-2015 01:59 AM)Blackliter Wrote:  

Almost pulled a girl in the airport/plane. Approached a girl near the gate and boarding area. talked with her for a bit, then mentioned we should try to keep each other company on the boring flight, she was interested in switching seats. Person sitting next to me was making it difficult, finally took some talking to him to get him to move to another aisle seat. Brought the girl over, started talking about random stuff. Brought up the past relationships thing again, then started asking her what she looks for a guy. and i made it a game where she would ask me what do i look for in a girl. 1 for 1 questions. This game would save the awkward silences because if we ever went on a tangent and then it became quiet we would revert back to playing the question game. Finally knowing questions were running out, I asked her "what about if guys are good kissers, is that a factor?" she was indifferent, asked her same question as previous girl, "do you mind if I kiss you right now then?" she didn't, made out.

Continued to make out 4 times with her in flight whenever cabin lights would go off. Tried pulling her to business section but she was too afraid to try. 2 empty rows..big flight. I was definitely kino-ing the entire time and she was definitely sober. She wasn't down to join the mile high club hah..

Have her number and she's supposed to show me the city when I get back. Wondering how to work logistics.. can't sleep at her parents house or my friends place. Will have to work some hotel thing in. drinks at hotel bar, idk

This is my favorite story of yours, and its inspiring how much progress you've made since Feb! Although I'm sure most of it is due to the boatload of approaches you had before Feb. Great example of why one should just keep pushing, even if failing spectacularly.

Third 100 approaches - Earl Grey - 06-10-2015

Quote: (05-04-2015 11:51 PM)Blackliter Wrote:  

Finished Bang and Day Bang, took detailed notes, as well as some other game books. Need to revisit and put more into action. Hit 250 approaches now.. but i'm starting to doubt this will ever work for me, finished college with nothing and that's supposedly the easiest time.

Don't be so hard on yourself. You're 10 years ahead of me when I started game. The learning curve can be brutal. It is still for me. The important thing is you're putting yourself out there and good things happen when you do that.