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Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - ru2486 - 01-23-2014

Comrades in the game,

I'm a bit drunk, so excuse me. I'm once again shamelessly bumping my own thread, I apologize. I was crashing at my parents' house for the holiday academic break, so little gaming occurred.

This past week,however, I have made out with 2 different girls, the one tonight was easily the hottest I've ever done anything with. I'm 27, she's 23, and she's at least 2-3 inches taller than me (again, I'm facially disfigured, barely 5'7). I'm realizing that "game" involves minimal gestures, confidence, alcohol, and being a generally interesting, well-dressed person. I'm sorry this account is so incomplete, but I wanted to share my joy and enthusiasm with the successes I've had. Both of these girls I met thru Tinder.

Ask me any questions - again I apologize for the incompleteness of this update.

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - commiejoe - 01-24-2014

All you need is confidence.

Just with that, girls will do whatever you want them to.
If there is something you want them to do, straight up tell them, don't sugar coat anything, because if they even get a whiff of doubt, they won't like whatever it is you want them to do.
They will want to do it more than you want it done, like it was their idea in the first place.

So when my salad gets tossed, it's rimmed with enthusiasm.

Edit: Do you need alcohol to be confident? Try without?

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - Richiavelli - 01-24-2014

great stuff man keep it up

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - soup - 01-24-2014

Fixed it: game works especially for the facially disfigured.

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - gringochileno - 01-25-2014

This thread really warms my heart. You're doing the lord's work, gentlemen. [Image: grouphug.gif]

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - ru2486 - 02-26-2014

I'm a bit late in updating this thread, but 2 Thursdays ago I went out on another Tinder date - snowstorm in D.C. and everybody was snowed in - I got quite a bit of matches on Tinder, this must be something girls do when they are especially bored. Within an hour of half of matching we had met up for a date around 9 PM (and this was in snowstorm conditions). This girl was a solid 7, without makeup (I hate using the 1-10 scale, I prefer Roosh's boner test).

We had 5-6 beers there with really good conversation (very similar backgrounds). I thought about trying to have us bounce to another bar, but the conditions outside were truly bad, and I didn't know of too many bars that were around or even open in those conditions. About 1 PM I went in for the kiss, and we had a solid makeout at the bar. Kept talking, made out a bit more, and then it was closing time. She lived nearby (I took the metro), and so I walked her home, we made out, I tried to go up, but she refused, and we parted ways. I txted her the following Monday to set up another date, her reply: "I'm taking a break from dating." Both Tinder and Okcupid seem to have gone cold for me a bit since then.

Reflecting on the past 5 girls or so I've gone out with since November (essentially since I started this thread), I seem to get a date or 2 in, and the girl then loses interest. I can't seem to put a finger on it, and I'm wondering if it's too small of a sample size to try to make any adjustments to my game. Would welcome any insights, or further probing questions.

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - gringochileno - 02-26-2014

Quote: (02-26-2014 12:39 AM)ru2486 Wrote:  

Reflecting on the past 5 girls or so I've gone out with since November (essentially since I started this thread), I seem to get a date or 2 in, and the girl then loses interest. I can't seem to put a finger on it, and I'm wondering if it's too small of a sample size to try to make any adjustments to my game. Would welcome any insights, or further probing questions.

Work on going for the bang on the first date. Did you ask to use her bathroom? Use "waiting out the storm" as an excuse to stay at her place? Girls these days are flaky as shit, it might not be anything you're doing. I think you'll find that girls are more likely to want to meet up again if you've already fucked (although even that is no longer a guarantee).

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - G Trooper - 02-26-2014

Congrats on your success playa. I think your next step in the game is cold approaching, whether you do it in bars or daygame, it's a fundamental piece of the game that you need to unlock.

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - Vacancier Permanent - 02-26-2014

Very inspiring stuff ru2486!
Keep doing what you've been doing man!
just one suggestion: start a blog and post about your experiences, emphasizing on your background, the challenges you've been facing and overcoming all your life and ou coud easily build a huge following and hen nicely monetize it....

Best of luck man!

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - Horus - 02-27-2014

I second the idea of writing an article for ROK.

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - Bill - 02-27-2014

This reminds me of Sean Stephenson.

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - Blunt - 02-27-2014

Props man.

It is easy to get lost in the world of self improvement and forget that it only helps improve your baseline.

Looks, dress, money should be improved but game requires the most effort and attention for the vast majority of us.

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - little wing - 02-27-2014

Game recognized.

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - ru2486 - 05-09-2014

Once again, shamelessly bumping my own thread. I've been busy with school and finals, and travel, so my apologies to the forum for the lack of updates.

Went out tonight on an Okcupid date. I picked the place, but the problem was that for a Friday night in DC it was packed. So we bounced to a place across the street, had 2 beers each and dinner (if you like bacon and are in DC, PM me). We then started walking to the Metro, then made out on the street, and then walked to another bar. More conversation, 2 beers, and then we peace'ed.

Self-proclaimed feminist, but boy she sure did like being pinned up against a storefront door.

I'd like to proclaim, yeah, maybe looks matter, but they probably don't. There's no excuse. Just get out there. Not once on a single date has a girl asked me about my face. Not once has a girl expressed disappointment about how I look.

Looking back, I created 25 years of excuses. 25 years of being a huge fucking pussy. 25 years of shooting myself in the foot before I even opened my mouth.

Let them turn you down. Let them reject you before you reject yourself.

We call it "game" but we need a better name for it, because it keeps marginal men like myself alive. And what's better than that.

Enjoying the journey, and grateful to be here, as always.

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - kaotic - 05-10-2014

This is awesome, thank you for this read, wish you nothing but the best !

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - MMM - 05-10-2014

Respect. Go forth and bang.

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - HankRearden - 05-10-2014

Seriously man, reading this gave me chills. I have a ton of respect for you and if you ever find yourself in London get in touch. Beers are on me.


Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - Jackreacher - 05-10-2014

You are an inspiration dude, God gave you lemons and you're churning out that lemonade like a boss.

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - Soothesayer - 05-11-2014

Sounds like what I'd imagined: Game is not wholly focused on your appearance alone. Though it helps, the way you conduct yourself mentally has an effect physically in the way she perceives you. The way you move, your laser-like focus on her eyes, your gait, your dress style, your tone. All of this translates to something superior than mere physicality alone.

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - ru2486 - 01-29-2015

So it's been at least 8 months since my last update, my apologies to the Forum (this isn't a mere opening or convention, the advice and knowledge I have gained here and other like minded places has made life not only bearable, but eminently worth living).

With my last update, I left off with my notch count at 2, minus the nearly dozen girls I have made out with or done intermediate stuff with.

My notch count is now 4. At this point I have now dated and had sex with more girls than a good number of my friends (not bragging, but I feel very humbled.) In the last 3 months I plated 2 girls (both of whom I met thru online dating apps), alternating between them almost every other night, before dropping one of them because she was too mean and unstable.

One lesson that I tried to internalize and consistently apply was a form of dread game: if your girl acts out of line and in a disrespectful way, LEAVE OR KICK HER OUT. Ignore the yelling, crying, or guilt-tripping - if she acts disrespectful, then don't be afraid to leave or kick her out. It has consistently worked for me in establishing boundaries with plates/LTRs. Be your own man. So many others here have written on this topic so much more eloquently and with so much experience, but I wanted to add my 2 cents of experience. There are few feelings more liberating than walking out the door on bad behavior knowing that she will not be your last source of female companionship. You owe it to yourself to figure out your boundaries and what is acceptable and not acceptable to you.

My main plate at the moment consistently tells me how she sees nothing wrong with how my face looks (despite the obvious asymmetry), etc. If your attitude, experience, and personality/charisma are masculine, positive, and congruent in an overall manner, it almost doesn't matter what you look like.

To the Forum members in D.C., I'm happy to meet up, so PM me. To any guy who is struggling with his appearance, please PM me. Thank you to the Forum for its encouragement, advice and unswerving dedication to making men out of males. Please let me know of any questions that you think might be useful.

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - Cobra - 01-29-2015

Awesome and inspiring. Hoping to read more from you.

And definitely encourage you to cold approach as it may up your quality.

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - bewater - 01-29-2015

Very inspiring man....... I can't believe what a pussy I was(and I'm far from getting healed). 2 weeks ago I made a thread saying I have 0 confidence because I'm only 5'9 and small frame. Now I see your thread, you being 5'7 with facial asymetry and maybe lower self-esteem than me having all your life that chip on your shoulder, beating my notch count of only 3 girls.

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - Cheetah - 01-29-2015


if your girl acts out of line and in a disrespectful way, LEAVE OR KICK HER OUT.

Or make sure to act in a way that regains her respect?

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - bewater - 01-29-2015

Quote: (01-29-2015 10:56 AM)Cheetah Wrote:  


if your girl acts out of line and in a disrespectful way, LEAVE OR KICK HER OUT.

Or make sure to act in a way that regains her respect?

I tried that. If you have been beta for long(like I was, over 1 year) than you try to change your attitude(more aloof, more confident, calling on her bullshit) she will either dump you, cheat or pick up fights because something happened with you.

If you are at the beginning of the relationship you can pull it off if you are consistent.But after a year, it's not so easy and she will shit test you at maximum, you need to be very strong to pass all of her shit tests otherwise you'll only make her dump/cheat you.

In the first 2 weeks I tried it worked wonders but she started to shit test me a lot. I couldn't handle all of them and she started to pick fights and tried the same thing. Eventually we broke up for a few days. The 2nd time I tried she was entitled, had a new job....she didn't give a fuck, pulled the same thing as I did 5x times. I was beta and tone it down to make the relationship work.

You can change your attitude, but at the beginning of the relationship, have a very good reason or be very strong to pass her shit.

Game Works, Even for the Facially Disfigured - game_ethic - 01-29-2015

Much respect, ru2486. Keep us updated.