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Do you lie about your ethnicity? - Printable Version

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Do you lie about your ethnicity? - MrXY - 08-15-2013

I tell girls I'm Irish on St Patricks Day

Do you lie about your ethnicity? - Sonsowey - 08-15-2013

This is funny because I have an Indian friend who never "realized" being Indian was negative.

He hangs mainly with white people and pulls really good quality white chicks mainly. He gets other ethnicities too but mainly white. He never thought to lie and say he wasn't Indian, and he has tats of Indian gods and jokes about his ethnicity like anyone might, without insecurities.

He's not really a handsome guy either, pretty regular looking, doesn't work out, but a charmer for sure. Pulls way above his range in white girls.

One day I was talking with him about it and he honestly never thuoght before that there is no place in the world where Indian guys are prized, the way white guys or even black/hispanic guys are. His response was "Yo fuck that" and he didn't let it bother him.

Do you lie about your ethnicity? - Sonsowey - 08-15-2013

Quote: (08-15-2013 03:12 PM)Dick Stroker Wrote:  

Personally, if I hadn't seen it, I would never have believed a woman of Indian ancestry could be hot, but some, very few mind you, are.

Bengali bishes are cuter than straight Indian usually, good amount of them in NY. Most Bengalis are a little bit mixed with Asian, you can see it in their facial features being a little rounder/softer/more delicate

An interesting discussion on the genetic composition of South Asian peoples:

[Image: allHAP2.jpg]

Do you lie about your ethnicity? - Hencredible Casanova - 08-15-2013

I tell people I was born white but that I'm black due to a condition called "reverse vitiligo" a la Uncle Ruckus. Haha jk.

Do you lie about your ethnicity? - misello - 08-16-2013

I do this all the time man. Why lie to girls about what you do, your age, your name, but not your ethnicity? It's not because I feel ashamed of who I am or where I'm from, it's because I'll tell a girl I want to bang just about anything to make it happen, as long as it doesn't disgrace me (I wouldnt tell a girl I'm Indian).

Most girls aren't that hard to read, it's easy to notice if she's really proud of her own culture or more into foreign cultures. For example, if you meet a jewish girl who tells you that she is really proudly, tell her your dead grandfather was a jewish soldier who helped found Israel. If you're on holiday and meet a British girl in an exotic beachclub, tell her you're half Spanish. They will believe what they want to believe. Ofcourse you have to be able to pull it off with the way you look.

I was once in a club in Cuba with a French guy. The local girls were totally in love with the fact that he was French. So fine, eventhough my French sucks, I'm French too. I say a few words in French to the girl i wanted, she buys it without a second thought. Cuban girl got her romantic French experience, I got blowed on the beach, everybody goes home happy.

Do you lie about your ethnicity? - EisenBarde - 08-16-2013

Only to polls takers and census workers.

Do you lie about your ethnicity? - Beyond Borders - 08-16-2013

Paging El Mechanico.

Do you lie about your ethnicity? - pegador - 08-17-2013

Honestly, I think it's idiotic to lie about your ancestry, unless of course you're in a really dangerous or life or death situation, for example if I were in Pakistan and some Taliban looking dude came up to me and asked me where I'm from, I'd say Canada or even New Zealand. But with girls, I don't think it matters as much, at least not in the short-term. IF you get serious with a girl, maybe for example, if you're Palestinian and she's Israeli, that could bring some family problems long-term.

If you're just looking to get laid with a decent looking girl, ethnicity doesn't exclude you from her panties just like not being the best looking guy doesn't either. You can be super good looking to women, but if you don't even have simple game, you'll not get laid. Conversely you could be relatively ugly but appear to have value to the girl and still get laid relatively easily.

I know tons of Indians that get the hottest women from any nationality. It has nothing to do from where they're from and more to do with how they act or what they've accomplished.

Little boys lie. Real men are confident and proud with who they are, no matter where they're from.

Do you lie about your ethnicity? - misello - 08-17-2013

Quote: (08-17-2013 11:23 AM)pegador Wrote:  

Little boys lie. Real men are confident and proud with who they are, no matter where they're from.

Please tell me more about these real men

[Image: jordan.gif]

Do you lie about your ethnicity? - Sp5 - 08-17-2013

I knew a guy in the U.S. Army in Germany who used to say he was Jewish, to guilt-trip German girls into fucking him. He was subtle about it, acted like it was no big deal. He did wear a Star of David while out clubbing on occasion.

This was back in the mid-70s.

Do you lie about your ethnicity? - Basil Ransom - 08-17-2013

Sometimes I'll say I'm black - I'm white. Girls laugh at that. Other times I'll say I'm Italian, especially if she seems intrigued by my look. Or I'll just tell the truth. It can help if they start to pigeonhole you into some 'sexy stereotype' and your stated ethnicity plays into that.

I know a guy who's Persian but doesn't look or sound it at all - and he told me girls have LOST interest after he told them he is Persian. Or Persian girls would start acting prude if he revealed his true ancestry. Persians in LA have a bad, and not altogether undeserved, reputation. It truly can pay to lie.

Do you lie about your ethnicity? - PrettyBoy - 08-18-2013

Quote: (08-15-2013 02:12 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Although Clashie is being a bit trollish, I'm gonna have to agree with him.

Can anyone name a situation where lying about your ethnicity would help you get the bang?

Only case I can think of is that Arab who passed himself off as a Jew in Israel in order to get his Jewish flag.
Tell a bitch your Dominican and Brazilian and they'll love it. Fact. You'll have the one up from the jump. It just sounds interesting to your average american bish