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Dubai DataSheet - _Cicero - 03-26-2015

Just back from Dubai.

I met up with a girl after being there for less than one day, but I think the OP has this right. Not necessarily a great location to roll solo for pickup, would be average with your bros, but pretty good to go with a girl, though you'll pay for it.

I dropped lots of money in Dubai -- it's much more expensive than Moscow at current exchange rates. Alcohol prices are off-the-charts, which led me to turn full bootlegger. There is quality to be had, but ratios in bars/clubs can be terrible. I took too many cabs, which weren't actually that cheap. I'd use the metro more if I returned.

I hit Barasti Beach Bar during the day, and found good targets there willing to mingle. Lots of FSU'ers, so Russian helps. I picked up a pair of Asian-looking girls from Kazakhstan who were cute and didn't know a lick of English. However, when I was at the bar, some Middle-Eastern-looking Russian speakers swooped in on them, sat next to them, didn't get the signal that they weren't welcome, and wouldn't leave. The girls then decided to leave 5 minutes later, but not before I got their number for a later meetup. After this success, i targeted a large group of Russian girls. Right away they asked what I do and how much money I make. When I asked them what they do, one leaned in and said "you want to know what we do? We f*ck for money...". Lol. They were good fun, although I got nowhere near shoring. One bet me I wouldn't get laid in Dubai without paying for it. I returned at night there after being denied entry at another bar because I was a single male. The place was packed on a Sunday night but the ratio was awful. I was still able to chat up three sets of girls before meeting the Kazakh pair, but one set were prostitutes, a second set were fatties, a third set didn't hook (and, in any case, weren't all that great anyway), and a fourth set I didn't see.

Pro-tip at Barasti Beach Bar: enter via the hotel next door to avoid the bag check. If you enter through the front door, they'll make sure you can't bring in booze or even water, which costs $5 for a small bottle (roughly $25 for a burger). However, they bag checkers aren't all that diligent (I was never patted down in Dubai, anywhere), and the bartenders are happy to provide you with a cup of ice for whatever you sneak in. Just buy alcohol at the Duty Free shop in the airport as mentioned in this thread, as you can only buy booze at bars and restaurants there.

I did a bit of pipelining pre-arrival, and while I did get some responses I couldn't set up dates with anyone attractive (though I could have tried a bit harder), and I decided not to bother with the others. A decent fraction of the girls on OKC in Dubai are obvious working girls.

I did some side trip to Oman after my Russian gf arrived, and it was probably the highlight of the trip. I was just relieved we weren't imprisoned and stoned for public indecency at some point on the trip, as Russian girls dress for the club (miniskirt and 4-inch heels) even when going to a fish market surrounded by religious-looking A-rabs. I got sucked off on the upper deck of a boat in full view of people on other boats and the shore while in Oman. In fairness to Shariah we probably did deserve to be locked away for this display... Also, don't sweat the border crossing too much -- we were worried bringing alcohol into Oman might be a problem, but they didn't really check our stuff.

If you do go to Dubai for game I'd recommend being there on Thursday and Friday night rather than Friday/Saturday.

Also, while I flew in on Emirates in order to pick up the cabin crew, there wasn't much worth troubling over, although I did chat up an uglo-English girl. Sitting in the exit row one way of starting a conversation (as you'll have one flight attendant sitting by you for take off and landing), but getting up and walking around the plane during the flight gives you more selection.

I did see enough talent in Dubai to want to return, and to want to explore more in the Middle-East, however. I didn't see much of the nightlife, but the glimpse I have suggests the presence of high-end gems, but terrible ratios and it's an expensive place to visit (though, again, on this score I'd advise simply going full bootlegger). Places like Dubai would have potential if you are a male 9, but probably mediocre at best if you are a male 6 or below.

Dubai DataSheet - rishboy77 - 04-12-2015

Quote: (02-26-2015 09:20 AM)Menace Wrote:  

Eh, I want to leave this place already. Just not my thing. I'm here with a girl, so sex is already there. For those coming, I recommend not staying in Bur Dubai, as there is not much to do here. Marina or Downtown is better, provided you can afford it. 360 Degrees looks like a cool venue, but it's a huge pain in the ass to get to from Bur Dubai, and then I will have to cab it back because the Metro does not run that late.

Any recent up dates on Dubai ? I read that you can bring in up to 4 litres of booze duty free to help off set the price of alcohol ?

Anybody try the night desert safari with the dinner ? I heard it better the day rides.

I'm heading there May 8-13 with a much younger girl from Kiev.

Dubai DataSheet - MdWanderer - 04-13-2015

Quote: (04-12-2015 09:41 PM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

Anybody try the night desert safari with the dinner ?

I did and it was amazing. Would recommend. The ride through the desert was pretty bumpy but fun. Plus towards the night the desert gets cool so you won't have to worry about sweating up a storm (unless you go in the summer).

Dubai DataSheet - Menace - 04-13-2015

Quote: (04-12-2015 09:41 PM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

I'm heading there May 8-13 with a much younger girl from Kiev.

This is the right move for short stint in Dubai. I'm sure she'll love it. I'm not there anymore. I didn't do the desert safari but wish I did. Make sure you do so. I wouldn't waste time or money with Burj Khalifa. Don't bother with Atlantis either. I'm not a big club guy, and if I already have a girl, why would I go to a club? I'd go only if you're really into it.

Dubai DataSheet - Sonoma - 04-13-2015

I think anywhere being a male 6 would blow

How expensive are we talking for Dubai? What price would be cheap, but worthwhile?

Dubai DataSheet - Laserspewpew - 04-15-2015

Tinder is now banned in Dubai. I had the contents of my carry on bag poured over in forensic detail for over 30 minutes in DBX, for daring to be a casually dressed young male flying from Amsterdam. I had been smoking all week in the Dam but of course wasn't dumb enough to try and sneak any into Dubai, it didn't stop my heart beating fast in case I had accidentally left a baggie in a pocket somewhere, thankfully I hadn't!

Dubai DataSheet - Esus - 04-17-2015

I might go to Dubai to work but I am not sure about the cost of the city.

Is 900$ to get an apartment in a decent location ? (having roommates is not a problem)

Is a car a must have ?

Is 2600$ a month enough to live there ?

Dubai DataSheet - Beirut - 04-17-2015

Is that your salary or what youre planning to spend?

Dubai DataSheet - Esus - 04-17-2015

It would be the salary.

Dubai DataSheet - Esus - 04-24-2015

Does someone know more about the "shagging hour"?

Is it a common thing if you stay in a long term apartment ? Or you can bring a different girl every night with no problem ?

Dubai DataSheet - zanetti - 04-25-2015

Quote: (04-17-2015 04:15 PM)Esus Wrote:  

I might go to Dubai to work but I am not sure about the cost of the city.

Is 900$ to get an apartment in a decent location ? (having roommates is not a problem)

Is a car a must have ?

Is 2600$ a month enough to live there ?

I've been in Dubai for 3 weeks now. Best place to look for accommodation is dubizzle

I don't know how much renting a place with roommates costs but if you wanted to get your own place you would need at least twice that and then you would still struggle. But this also depends on what you mean with "decent location".

There isn't one centre as such in Dubai. Major hubs for expats are downtown/business bay and marina/jlt. But there are plenty of other places too, greens, tecom, difc, around emirates mall. It all depends on where you want to live, where you will be working and who/what you want to live close to.
As to whether you need a car, all depends. Summer will be too hot to do a lot of walking. So to get from A to B you need a car, take taxis or live close to metro. Out of these 3, what makes most sense from a $ perspective, all depends on what I said earlier, where you live, where you work and where you want to go

I have no idea what the OP meant with "shagging hours". Most foreigners live in "towers", large apartment buildings, with 24 hour security. You don't have to register guests or anything, at least not that I'm aware of so in theory you could bone a different chick every night I guess. However, if you're constantly bringing in sluttish looking hoez there might be complaints from other people living there. These towers come in all shapes and sizes, very nice and luxurious ones and real nasty smelly ones.

$2600 doesn't sound like a lot. but if you hardly drink alcohol it could work I guess. all depends on the quality of living you want to have here. Most expensive is accommodation and alcohol/nightlife

Re accommodation, another thing to keep in mind that most places are for a 1 year lease. There are short term rentals too but they tend to be more expensive. For most of these 1 year rentals you have to pay rent in advance, i.e. not once a month. Most common is "2 cheques" meaning you give two cheques for 6 months of rent; 4 cheques is also accepted by some landlords

Dubai DataSheet - McBain - 05-04-2015

Hey guys.

I have just landed in UAE for an indefinite amount of time, and would be interested in sharing tips and ideas about gaming in this place. Because there is potential (even some non-professional), whatever haters say. Maybe even set up a meeting some time.

Anybody in ?

Dubai DataSheet - rishboy77 - 05-04-2015

I will be there May 8-12. Send me a PM.

Dubai DataSheet - zanetti - 05-04-2015

Let me know if you guys wanna meet up in the weekend, I'm around. Best to download whatsapp if you haven't already; everyone uses it here

Dubai DataSheet - rishboy77 - 05-14-2015

Quick recap to my 4 days in Dubai as I got back last night.

Accommodation: 4 Points by Sheraton on Mankhool Rd. Strangely most of the taxi drivers confuse it with other 4 Points nearby unless you say Mankhool Rd, but it's new well priced hotel only $15 from the airport. The hotel has free wifi, and shuttle with service to the Dubai Mall and the Beach. My girl was waiting for me since she arrived 6 hours before me, although I did get not get first the bang until the next morning.

Nightlife: Went out only 1 night last Sat night and was a bit disappointed. To start the night we came to the Mercury Bar at the Four Seasons to take drink at the trendy rooftop bar. By midnight it was busy but not really full. Only single girls were the Slavic beauties working the rich Arabs and business men. My 24 year old not so innocent Ukrainian girl took careful interest in the fact these girls were making at least $500 a night. We split after a drink. Tip bring your own liquor as each person is allowed 4 litres into the country as booze is outrageously priced. Next up Barasti Beach Bar which seemed pretty dead considering it was 1am. Few single girls, mainly in groups and they usually Indian or Philippino. I think a white guy could pick up here but it would take good game for lower quality.

My Girl: She was 24 year old 110 lb Ukrainian hottie from Dnep. Although she had a bit more acne scars on her face which is typical of Ukrainian girls her body more then made up for it. She was a solid 8 in my book and considering I'm 44. She was better quality then I ever get and if I'm eating lobster I'm definitely eating as much as I can. We had only met via the internet but had video Skyped at least a half dozen times plus texted via Viber almost every everyday over 2 months. However after the second day she become a bit tight and refused sex. Since this is about the 15th Ukrainian girl I have banged, I know one thing I know is that never show weakness to these girls.
I told her I was changing my flight and leaving early as I had some urgent work and she was on her own. Within 2 minutes she was on top of me and sex only got better from there. Disclosure: my cost was $400 for her flight and visa but I never paid a penny to her. I did pay for the meals and drinks but that is standard no where you are and I brought my own liqueur.

Overall: Although I thought Dubai was interesting I doubt I would want to return. From a North American perspective strange to hardly see any couples holding hands even at the beach. The reports of locals being treated better are true and and blatant. One arrival at the airport I saw locals being fast tracked, I saw Arabs disregard no smoking laws, etc Even my girl felt afraid as if left her alone for a few minutes as local men usually would hit on her. In fact even the driver of our desert tour gave her the tongue as he dropped us off, which was not surprising as I could see he was interested in her during the tour.

Dubai DataSheet - zanetti - 05-14-2015

Quote: (05-14-2015 07:57 PM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

Quick recap to my 4 days in Dubai as I got back last night.

Accommodation: 4 Points by Sheraton on Mankhool Rd. Strangely most of the taxi drivers confuse it with other 4 Points nearby unless you say Mankhool Rd, but it's new well priced hotel only $15 from the airport. The hotel has free wifi, and shuttle with service to the Dubai Mall and the Beach. My girl was waiting for me since she arrived 6 hours before me, although I did get not get first the bang until the next morning.

Nightlife: Went out only 1 night last Sat night and was a bit disappointed. To start the night we came to the Mercury Bar at the Four Seasons to take drink at the trendy rooftop bar. By midnight it was busy but not really full. Only single girls were the Slavic beauties working the rich Arabs and business men. My 24 year old not so innocent Ukrainian girl took careful interest in the fact these girls were making at least $500 a night. We split after a drink. Tip bring your own liquor as each person is allowed 4 litres into the country as booze is outrageously priced. Next up Barasti Beach Bar which seemed pretty dead considering it was 1am. Few single girls, mainly in groups and they usually Indian or Philippino. I think a white guy could pick up here but it would take good game for lower quality.

My Girl: She was 24 year old 110 lb Ukrainian hottie from Dnep. Although she had a bit more acne scars on her face which is typical of Ukrainian girls her body more then made up for it. She was a solid 8 in my book and considering I'm 44. She was better quality then I ever get and if I'm eating lobster I'm definitely eating as much as I can. We had only met via the internet but had video Skyped at least a half dozen times plus texted via Viber almost every everyday over 2 months. However after the second day she become a bit tight and refused sex. Since this is about the 15th Ukrainian girl I have banged, I know one thing I know is that never show weakness to these girls.
I told her I was changing my flight and leaving early as I had some urgent work and she was on her own. Within 2 minutes she was on top of me and sex only got better from there. Disclosure: my cost was $400 for her flight and visa but I never paid a penny to her. I did pay for the meals and drinks but that is standard no where you are and I brought my own liqueur.

Overall: Although I thought Dubai was interesting I doubt I would want to return. From a North American perspective strange to hardly see any couples holding hands even at the beach. The reports of locals being treated better are true and and blatant. One arrival at the airport I saw locals being fast tracked, I saw Arabs disregard no smoking laws, etc Even my girl felt afraid as if left her alone for a few minutes as local men usually would hit on her. In fact even the driver of our desert tour gave her the tongue as he dropped us off, which was not surprising as I could see he was interested in her during the tour.

Hey dude, good to hear you had an interesting time in the sandpit.

Though not everyone's cup of Moroccan tea, I think Dubai has a lot to offer. There are a couple of reasons probably why your stay wasn't as much fun as you were hoping/expecting.

This is a wrong time of year to visit Dubai. The weather is seriously heating up now. Best time would be October- April.
Also, you mentioned you went out last Saturday and that it was kinda quiet. Well, that's because the weekend here is Friday and Saturday and main party nights are Thursday and Friday night. Going out Saturday night here is like going out Sunday night in the west, dead as f&ck.
Regarding the fast-tracking at the airport, such meet and greet services are common here and available to anyone regardless nationality. Was also the case when I came to Dubai, paid for by my employer.
As far as the locals receiving preferential treatment, very true, and it's best to avoid altercations with them at all costs out of deportation concerns. But locals in this context means Emiratis, not (Gulf) Arabs in general. It seems unlikely to me that your desert tour driver was an Emirati as they tend not to like those kinds of jobs, most likely from another Middle Eastern country. Yeah, those guys tend to be frustrated and thirsty. If your girl was blonde that would only make it worse.

Dubai DataSheet - rishboy77 - 05-15-2015

This the girl my Dubai report.

The best girls are still the ones form outside Kiev I find.

Dubai DataSheet - McBain - 05-21-2015

Little update on this thread.

Given the diversity in the place, I suggest a small categorization of girls (non-professionals only !) so anyone can give some advice about where to meet them, how to approach them, your previous scores, your recommendations. Will be regularly updated.

Westerners (US, Canadians and Europeans): a lot of singles working in US/European companies. Still looking for some spots to openly chase them.

Russian & Eastern-Europeans: many of them. Lots of Russian tourists. But also more and more Serbians. Lots of them are working in hotel administration or in shops in malls.

Filippinas: Basically any waitress/shop salesgirl/nurse is from the Philippines. Also, it seems like any Filippina between 20 and 28 in Dubai is on OKCupid. Try your luck there. Careful though, they seem to be big on the Church/Filipina community here, and might have a tendency to stay between them.

Other Asians (Japanese, Koreans, Chinese): some of these expat girls have office jobs in real estate agencies, hospitals, hotels or airlines. Generally more educated, higher standards and more "westernized" than Filipinas.

Lebanese, Syrian and other Arab girls: if young and not wearing the Hijab, there is a huge chance that their parents are millionaires. Good luck with that.

Persian girls: no data so far.

Indian/Pakistani girls: they are not all wearing sari with a colored dot on their forehead. A lot of them actually have Western standards. And they have this variety of skin color that makes them quite interesting I find.

African girls: loads of Kenyans there. Some from Uganda also. Very dark-skinned, some are damn sexy. Working in ethnic hair saloons for the least educated, companies and hotels for the sexiest and most educated.

Latinas: Heard the Latina community was somehow growing rapidly here. They have that weekly huge party at the restaurant El Malecon where they tend to gather. Have not been there yer.

Special category, Airlines stewardesses: I keep hearing about these parties where Emirates crew gather altogether. Anybody had a chance to see by himself?

Dubai DataSheet - Off The Reservation - 04-11-2017

any new info on dubai?

Dubai DataSheet - Belize King - 04-12-2017

I'm in Paris right now. Dubai tonight. Just a day lay over. Would like to know a good spot to hit tonight and tomorrow night. Any info would help.

Dubai DataSheet - bumborass - 07-01-2017

PLEASE let me know if anyone has any good info on nightlife.

I'll be in Dubai from the 9th-13th, although it's not my first time there, it'll be the longest amount of time I'll be spending in Dubai to date.

Every time I've tried to go clubs I've been rejected entry at the doors. I'm black 5'10 mid 20's.

Dubai DataSheet - Veul - 07-01-2017

I'm not into club scene but will tell you some places where you will have less chance to realize that the unpaired nice looking girl is actually a professional. You are coming also on the low season with less tourists and from the dates you come you miss the Thursday night which is the night of the week where people stay later. Regarding being blocked at clubs what clubs it happened ? Never been blocked while solo or in groups of two three guys .

Lock stock barrel - Tuesday night is packed due to ladies night so a lot of girls that don't go out any day will be there due for the free drinks. I Will say that 90% of the crowd are groups of co-workers that come for the happy hour and stay through the night. You will see the odd pair of girls from Poland , ukraine , Kazakhstan, southern Asia. Small amount of pros and you identify them pretty easily. There is a club on the same hotel that I heard good things but didn't tried yet.

Mc Gettigans - Irish bar with live music. You need lot of stamina since there will be drunk girls looking for guys but this tend to happen more towards the end of the night and it is a hit and miss. Been there on Fridays and was fantastic and other Fridays just had a drink and left

Chameleon club in Tecom - nice venue with nice crowd , mix of pros and EE girls that are on holiday and tecom has some mid price accommodation so chameleon club and the one next to lock stock barrel are the best bets in this area .

Pier 7 - any of the places gather a nice crowd mainly British / Australian that have their own group. Each floor has his own bar and you can move easily to see which one gives you a good vibe.

Barasti - one of the oldest I know and maybe the only that gathers a good crowd every day of the week although Thursdays it's the night that it is totally full. Not sure if they are doing ladies night. There will be the instagram girl that needs to go to barasti since the girls back home knows it's an historical place in Dubai

One thing you have to consider also is logistics . Since most probably you are staying in a hotel check if you are allowed to bring guests. the number of hotels that don't allow guests is lowering but in case you get lucky make sure you don't get screwed by the security.
Rolling solo is tough here , you need to hop from place to place since you can be in a place where not even see one single girl or group of girls partying. Interacting with girls in groups with Arabs or British is doable but pretty difficult. the single girls here are getting ton of aattention from online and also from night venues. Be aware of the pros and the ones that although not pros will just milk drinks out of you

Edit : and the previous info by other posters is still pretty accurate

Dubai DataSheet - bumborass - 07-02-2017

Quote: (07-01-2017 11:45 PM)Veul Wrote:  

I'm not into club scene but will tell you some places where you will have less chance to realize that the unpaired nice looking girl is actually a professional. You are coming also on the low season with less tourists and from the dates you come you miss the Thursday night which is the night of the week where people stay later. Regarding being blocked at clubs what clubs it happened ? Never been blocked while solo or in groups of two three guys .

Lock stock barrel - Tuesday night is packed due to ladies night so a lot of girls that don't go out any day will be there due for the free drinks. I Will say that 90% of the crowd are groups of co-workers that come for the happy hour and stay through the night. You will see the odd pair of girls from Poland , ukraine , Kazakhstan, southern Asia. Small amount of pros and you identify them pretty easily. There is a club on the same hotel that I heard good things but didn't tried yet.

Mc Gettigans - Irish bar with live music. You need lot of stamina since there will be drunk girls looking for guys but this tend to happen more towards the end of the night and it is a hit and miss. Been there on Fridays and was fantastic and other Fridays just had a drink and left

Chameleon club in Tecom - nice venue with nice crowd , mix of pros and EE girls that are on holiday and tecom has some mid price accommodation so chameleon club and the one next to lock stock barrel are the best bets in this area .

Pier 7 - any of the places gather a nice crowd mainly British / Australian that have their own group. Each floor has his own bar and you can move easily to see which one gives you a good vibe.

Barasti - one of the oldest I know and maybe the only that gathers a good crowd every day of the week although Thursdays it's the night that it is totally full. Not sure if they are doing ladies night. There will be the instagram girl that needs to go to barasti since the girls back home knows it's an historical place in Dubai

One thing you have to consider also is logistics . Since most probably you are staying in a hotel check if you are allowed to bring guests. the number of hotels that don't allow guests is lowering but in case you get lucky make sure you don't get screwed by the security.
Rolling solo is tough here , you need to hop from place to place since you can be in a place where not even see one single girl or group of girls partying. Interacting with girls in groups with Arabs or British is doable but pretty difficult. the single girls here are getting ton of aattention from online and also from night venues. Be aware of the pros and the ones that although not pros will just milk drinks out of you

Edit : and the previous info by other posters is still pretty accurate

this info is solid, thanks a lot!

yeah I went out one night on a Friday night, wearing jeans, a Polo, and shoes.. pretty much what everyone else was wearing, and got rejected in 5 clubs. Don't remember their names though. All the bouncers denied me offering to pay them extra as well.. they all told me it was "couples only"

but do you think that these locations are pretty jumping throughout the week and the time that I'll be there?

The hotel I'll be staying in allows female guests.. just gotta sign em in though. Had to do that on NYE but the security was cool so they told me their info just stays in their system..

Dubai DataSheet - Kitchener - 07-03-2017

I live in Dubai. If anyone wants any info, PM me.

Dubai DataSheet - zatara - 07-03-2017

Quote: (07-02-2017 07:42 AM)bumborass Wrote:  

this info is solid, thanks a lot!

yeah I went out one night on a Friday night, wearing jeans, a Polo, and shoes.. pretty much what everyone else was wearing, and got rejected in 5 clubs. Don't remember their names though. All the bouncers denied me offering to pay them extra as well.. they all told me it was "couples only"

but do you think that these locations are pretty jumping throughout the week and the time that I'll be there?

The hotel I'll be staying in allows female guests.. just gotta sign em in though. Had to do that on NYE but the security was cool so they told me their info just stays in their system..

Dubai's door staff are very lax in general, its pretty much unheard of to get refused from most places unless you're in a giant group of lads or absolutely hammered. "couples only" is just them politely giving you a 'go away', its not common at all. The unfortunate problem you're having is most of the Dubai expat bars are very wary of letting any darker skinned customers in. Theres a very real danger of bars getting a rep as a low class place where the Pakistani labourers go if they do so, and so losing all their European/Aus/US white expat clientele.

I'd say try to dress as formal/preppy as you can. And if you've got any white friends to go in with that'll help massively.