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Anyone ever helped mold a player? - InternationPlayboy - 04-11-2013

I wouldn't say I've totally turned a guys life around, but I've definitely gave some guys to tools to think differently and become more confident. I throw out a little red pill here and there one some of my more blue pill friends, and with some it really connects. My friend was telling me last week about how his young Argentine girlfriend does weird things like text somewhat secretly text late at night. I tell him she's young and hot, don't fall head over heals for her. Don't make it so she controls you. Do you and if she leaves or you leave her, fuck it, there are plenty more girls out there, don't make her your one and only option. He seemed to be digesting that. I've also helped him loosen up over the years by showing him how to approach. He's stepped up his game quit a bit since I've met him.

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - bojangles - 04-12-2013

Quote: (04-11-2013 04:39 PM)houston Wrote:  

Bojangles and Gio - Can you tell us the stories? That's nice of you Gio, but I think a lot of players are lonely at the end of the night (after busting a nut). Sometimes I am. I think a lot of guys who are not used to being with girls would fall in love right away even if you tried to mold them the right way.

Sure lad, I'll write something up, not sure if Matt has written about it before though.

Yeah he also feel in love right away with the first hot girl he fucked.

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - EL PADRINO - 04-12-2013

Quote: (04-11-2013 06:36 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

I have tried to point a few guys in the right direction but most are so brainwashed by society that it was hard to get anything through their skulls. I can't be bothered with it now unless they are ready to follow and swallow the red pill.

I agree. No matter how much they agree with me on points I make during our conversations, they will always go home and toss it out the window and go back to their original way of thinking. I was always stunned when I would send a post or w.e to a male friend on roosh's site or another manosphere site and they would reply with a , "lol thats true" and then go on about there lives and make the same mistakes the post pointed out. Not only that but they never go back to the site, if someone would have send me that I would have prob spend the whole day reading, googling and reflecting.

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - Belize King - 04-12-2013

I wonder what type of dudes you guys kick it with. I keep my circle tight but when I was in Corpus all my guys were monsters. I guess its a cultural thing. I dont know. All we try to do is get lizards and go out at least three tjmes a week.

When I moved to Brownsville, shit changed. My roommates were locked into a relationship or broke so I was dolo 95% of the time. I would run with the African chick who helped me pull. I never had to mentor because my team always had an appetite. Now that I am back in the world, its just my brother and my boy. My boy got me to Rio. He is a natural and I learned alot from him.

You can only mentor the willing.

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - EL PADRINO - 04-12-2013

Which is exactly why I roll solo %98 of the time

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - Sebastian - 04-12-2013

Fuck I have this dilemma. I roll solo all the time.
I go to this bar every week. Sometimes I meet guys who came together and walk around like sheep to hit on women. When I tell them I came here by myself. they give me an odd look. Obviously,I don't give a damn about those guys.

But I am concerned about being known as a creep who goes to the bar all the time and hits on women all the time.
Obviously, I don't know those people and they are nothing to do with my life. but I still care about those things. (eg: we try to be polite even though you will never see that person again)

Quote: (04-12-2013 10:26 PM)EL PADRINO Wrote:  

Which is exactly why I roll solo %98 of the time

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - Millz - 04-13-2013

I converted my best friend as I saw the dormant potential in him and also converted a few others when they come to me for help seeing my successes.
I forced them to read all of CH game pages from 47 backwards..
If anyone wants to make the same journey here is the link read page 47 to 1 on game by heartiste and you will be a new man after

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - Moreless - 04-13-2013

my ex girlfriend destroyed me.

"Without breaking something – without a sacrifice of some kind – nothing good can ever be created"

I gave up video games so I could spend hours on this forum reading EVERYTHING 10 to 15 pages back. Finding as many red pill blogs as I could. Hitting the gym 5 days a week. Building a new social life.

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - Giovonny - 04-13-2013

Quote: (04-11-2013 05:00 PM)houston Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2013 04:49 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2013 04:39 PM)houston Wrote:  

Bojangles and Gio - Can you tell us the stories?

What stories?
The stories of you molding some players.

I feel like a help mold players everyday on this forum.

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - thebassist - 04-14-2013

Though I still have a long way to go in the game, I'd like to think that I've changed the lives of my two best friends for the better. And vice versa.

To be honest, I barely even remember how we became friends, because we just sort of drifted together- we were all slightly socially awkward, not 'popular' (aahhh high school), but with little sparks of potential- a wisecrack in class here or there, or a sarcastic joke to a girl (in the rare occasions that this would happen) that would duly be apologized for.

Sometimes you just look at a guy- and you don't see him for what he is, but what he could be. It might just be the way he handles himself- doesn't take himself too seriously, can make or take jokes and laugh either way, or the glint in their eyes when you make a red pill comment, and they take the time to seriously consider it and think it over without immediately dismissing it. The kind of guy who subconsciously realizes that what he's been doing so far hasn't been working out and is ready to change.

We were those guys, and all we needed to grow was a place where we could be set free.

I'm bolding this, because to me this is the most crucial aspect in helping someone improve.

When we were hanging out, I'd always enjoy our discussions no matter what we were talking about, be it sports, videogames, or even politics. We'd be able to debate, exchange opinions, and most importantly, be able to concede our opinions if someone's argument turned out to be much more viable. And I guess eventually, the topic turned to girls.

As must be pretty obvious, we were all pretty much invisible to girls. I was the funny skinny kid, who didn't even have the courage to say hi to girls outside of class, my Mexican bro (super Americanized) was the funny chubby guy with massive insecurity issues, and my Asian bro was the classic clingy friendzoned beta. But what we all had in common was that we were unsatisfied.

I think the first red pill thought that I ever uttered was 'Guys, we need to start being dicks towards girls'. And I'm laughing right now because it sounds so simplistic, yet it was such a big leap in our thinking at the time. It was my 10th/11th grade mind trying to verbalize cocky/funny or aloof game in a crude way, but you can see the idea behind it.

And that was how it started. This was the point where we started going out to bars and clubs as well (ahhh the freedoms of China as a foreigner), and we'd always talk about what happened later, break it down, analyze, see what was going on. And we were on an upwards trajectory. I'd made a habit of forcing myself to say hi to people in the hallways, even if they didn't say hi back (again, funny to look back on), my Mexican bro was always hi-fiving random people in the hallways, and my Asian bro was finally pushing away the chick who had previously had him by the balls. All of us were becoming more confident, less scared, and most importantly, we had gotten a taste of the game.

I got my first proper makeout 11th grade summer. One year later, right before uni started, I got my first bang. Sometimes you don't notice how much you change until you take the time to think about what you once were.

Anyway, all of that just kind of poured out, but I guess this is just such a topic that I can really connect to.

But in regards to molding a player, the most important part of it is freedom.

Molding an environment where they can exchange their inner thoughts and issues without being scared of judgement, giving them space to think things through and give them time to undo their social programming, a place where they can fail all they want without consequence or judgement.

But I guess the key to this is that they need to want to set themselves free. You can open the door, but you can't force them to walk through it. Sometimes I'm just chilling in class, cracking jokes at a girl, making them blush, and then I'll turn around and see a guy looking at me, like 'what the fuck are you doing????'. You can see the shock in their eyes, that this guy is saying all this shit, and more than getting away with it, actually making the girl attracted to him.

Most guys are jealous of this freedom, will make snide comments to you later, try to make you look like an idiot, yet in their eyes you can see the confusion. Don't even bother with them. 90% of the time they are unwilling to drop their egos, admit that they need to change, and for the first times critically analyze their own flaws. They are the metaphorical crabs in the bucket.

What you need to look for is the spark.

The spark that says, I am ready to change, I am willing to do what it takes to improve, I will listen to what you have to say and think it through.

It is when you see that spark, when you kindle it for the first time and it latches onto everything you throw into the flames, that you know they are ready to be turned into a roaring blaze.

[Image: spark.jpg]

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - Nonpareil - 04-14-2013

I've had guys who I know wanted to do better, but in terms of actually 'molding', there are a few common hurdles;

Unwilling to face the truth about women: These guys have in their head this perfect ideal of what women are, you know the oft-repeated sayings; 'girls don't fuck guys unless they're in relationships', 'she's a nice girl', etc,. Sadly, to get past this stage, you need to get your feet wet and bang a few girls first.

Unwilling to put in the work: 'I like this chick, but I don't want to have to do too much.', well fuck you. You want to get good with women, to the point where you can easily bang a new one every 4-6 weeks and you run game like osmosis? Two years of hard lessons will get most guys there.

Also, many guys are tightwads; too many of them are unwilling to drop a grand on a gym membership and some fresh new gear.

Afraid of rejection: I was once afraid of rejection, and I look back now and realize what I pussy I used to be. Men get rejected every day and not just by women; we're rejected at our work, by other men, by society, and when you realize that, you see that getting rejected by a girl isn't so bad at all. I've been rejected thousands of times, I'm desensitized to it by this point.

I'm here to help. Hell, I even had one guy, a good acquaintance, pine on and on for this chick (good-looking and sharp dude too, classic all the tools, no toolbox type of guy...girl was pretty cute, not shit-your-pants hot, but easily above average) and I laid out a by the fucking book plan for him to swoop this girl, filled with some essential game truisms:

'Swoop down in your car [clean it first] during the week, call her up say 'I'm in town visiting relatives, let's get a drink', take her for a beer, ask if she wants to puff later, she'll say 'my weed is at my house', go there and bang her.'

AND HE NEVER FUCKING DID THAT! So of course when he brought her around one day I got to witness some truly weaksauce game from him first hand, and me, not even trying, just trying to help, ended up getting her info, her interest and a few weeks later, her face-down ass-up on the bed (she confirmed as well: she did like him, which of course I already knew). Call me a snake or a biter all you want (sadly, it did cost me the friendship), but girl was lobbing pitches down the center of the plate and buddy whiffed one after the other after the other, and she liked me because I was 'mature' and 'laid back', and I don't pass up 19 year old pussy.

In the future, I would certainly welcome the chance to turn a pussy into a player, but there is something important, something far more important than looks, height, income, charisma et al,...desire. You want to become a player? You have to want it as much as you want to be rich, powerful and successful. You can't want it 'a little bit' or 'kinda want it', not in this game.

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - NY Digital - 04-14-2013

Quote: (04-14-2013 12:05 PM)Nonpareil Wrote:  

Also, many guys are tightwads; too many of them are unwilling to drop a grand on a gym membership and some fresh new gear.

I'm still trying to understand this part. My gym, after all the fees and monthly dues, comes out to around $30 a month.

I don't understand how people can bring finances up for something like this when they're spending $40-$70 a weekend on shitty restaurant food and overpriced drinks.

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - Nomad77 - 04-14-2013

I agree with Nonperil: "but there is something important, something far more important than looks, height, income, charisma et al,...desire. You want to become a player? You have to want it as much as you want to be rich, powerful and successful."

It's no different than teaching anything else. You can provide someone with knowledge BUT they must possess the WILL to apply it in the real world. Someone once asked Mark Cuban what does it take to become a billionaire? He said, forget about a billionaire, most people are not willing to do what it takes to become a millionaire.

The problem with most men is not a lack of knowledge or teachers its a lack of will and this you cannot teach. WILL comes from one or a combination of four things: love of sex, love of women, love of game, or validation seeking: as in Roosh's case.

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - Nonpareil - 04-14-2013

Quote: (04-14-2013 12:19 PM)NY Digital Wrote:  

Quote: (04-14-2013 12:05 PM)Nonpareil Wrote:  

Also, many guys are tightwads; too many of them are unwilling to drop a grand on a gym membership and some fresh new gear.

I'm still trying to understand this part. My gym, after all the fees and monthly dues, comes out to around $30 a month.

I don't understand how people can bring finances up for something like this when they're spending $40-$70 a weekend on shitty restaurant food and overpriced drinks.

It's not even so much 'dropping' money as it is re-prioritizing your spending; instead of buying a 1/2 oz. bag ($100) every week, get a quarter ($60) and a pipe ($10). Instead of buying two new video games a month ($150), get three every two months ($110/mo.). Instead of ordering pizza, chicken wings or whatever three times a week ($50), order once ($20) and cook for yourself. Instead of going to see every new movie that comes out ($30), stream them as soon as they're online (free). When I was doing more 'conventional' work, I'd always try to buy at least one article of clothing each pay.

People are so deep into their routines that they aren't willing to adapt and change, even if it will substantially increase their results.

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - NY Digital - 04-14-2013

Quote: (04-14-2013 12:32 PM)Nonpareil Wrote:  

Quote: (04-14-2013 12:19 PM)NY Digital Wrote:  

Quote: (04-14-2013 12:05 PM)Nonpareil Wrote:  

Also, many guys are tightwads; too many of them are unwilling to drop a grand on a gym membership and some fresh new gear.

I'm still trying to understand this part. My gym, after all the fees and monthly dues, comes out to around $30 a month.

I don't understand how people can bring finances up for something like this when they're spending $40-$70 a weekend on shitty restaurant food and overpriced drinks.

It's not even so much 'dropping' money as it is re-prioritizing your spending; instead of buying a 1/2 oz. bag ($100) every week, get a quarter ($60) and a pipe ($10). Instead of buying two new video games a month ($150), get three every two months ($110/mo.). Instead of ordering pizza, chicken wings or whatever three times a week ($50), order once ($20) and cook for yourself. Instead of going to see every new movie that comes out ($30), stream them as soon as they're online (free). When I was doing more 'conventional' work, I'd always try to buy at least one article of clothing each pay.

People are so deep into their routines that they aren't willing to adapt and change, even if it will substantially increase their results.

That's what I was trying to get at.

I can't stand when people make excuses like they don't have time for the gym. Bullshit.

Stop sitting on your ass going on Facebook and watching reality TV or playing video games and you'll have plenty of time.

prioritizing and people making excuses about not having money or time is something that really bugs the hell out of me and I'll ignore the person and stop talking to them afterwards.

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - Giovonny - 04-14-2013

Quote: (04-14-2013 12:05 PM)Nonpareil Wrote:  

Unwilling to put in the work

"The work" is the most important part.

The only thing that matters is doing the work!

Guys unwilling to do the work are guys that don't want it. They think they want it, but they don't. If you are unwilling to take action, you should find a new direction. This stuff is not for everydody.

Quote: (04-14-2013 12:05 PM)Nonpareil Wrote:  

there is something important, something far more important than looks, height, income, charisma et al,...desire. You want to become a player? You have to want it as much as you want to be rich, powerful and successful. You can't want it 'a little bit' or 'kinda want it', not in this game.

The most important factor for any young player is the sheer desire to succeed.

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - ronsaur - 04-14-2013

Quote: (04-14-2013 01:09 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

The most important factor for any young player is the sheer desire to succeed.

This already goes on between guys on the forum, but it's especially helpful being able to meet up and watch a veteran in action.

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - TheRookie - 04-15-2013

Giving needy friends words of advice is tough. They usually give a nervous laugh that is a tacit admission, "I'm too big of a pussy to take your advice even though it is obviously working."

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - Giovonny - 04-15-2013

Quote: (04-14-2013 06:07 PM)ronsaur Wrote:  

it's especially helpful being able to meet up and watch a veteran in action.

You can watch me anytime you are in San Francisco.

Or, you can call me on the phone. Or, we can skype.

You need help, you got it.

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - Pacific - 04-15-2013

Wish you were in LA. Really nice of you being so helpful to others.
Quote: (04-15-2013 02:31 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (04-14-2013 06:07 PM)ronsaur Wrote:  

it's especially helpful being able to meet up and watch a veteran in action.

You can watch me anytime you are in San Francisco.
Or, you can call me on the phone. Or, we can skype.
You need help, you got it.

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - ronsaur - 04-18-2013

Quote: (04-15-2013 02:31 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (04-14-2013 06:07 PM)ronsaur Wrote:  

it's especially helpful being able to meet up and watch a veteran in action.

You can watch me anytime you are in San Francisco.

Or, you can call me on the phone. Or, we can skype.

You need help, you got it.

Thanks for the generosity!

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - brianmark - 04-21-2013

Yes, I’ve tried, but I’m beginning to think it is hopeless. My young cousins now have graduated college and have to work. The won’t change and work hard and go after young good looking girls. Instead of taking the red pill, they date fat cougars. They tell me I should get a girl my own age, even though they know I only date pretty young ones!

My good friends tell me how much they love their career and don’t have time chase girls. They'd rather fight me to prove their point than change. They tell me, I should get an old ugly girl like the kind they date. They won't be happy unless I'm miserable like them.

Overall, it’s hopeless. I’m spending my time enjoying my own life!

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - Roosh - 04-21-2013

[Image: hello.gif]

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - renotime - 04-21-2013

I've tried to convince my brother to take the red pill. He'd rather be a feminist, though.

Anyone ever helped mold a player? - gandt - 04-22-2013

Yes, I am helping my friend now who is very shy and truly wants better for himself.

Sometimes all it takes is an extra push in the right direction from an external party to get them on the right track and then they are good too go.

I recently got back from a vacation and met my student who said to me:

"I actually started doing approaches without you while you were gone"

THIS made me feel so good and warm inside. I opened this guys life up to a new world of possibilities.

This is why I try and post whenever I can on this forum.

I love helping men better themselves to the point where they are able to present their "best self" to women combined with a mindset of indifference and outcome independence.

But then you have those who look at your lifestyle in envy who are unwilling to step outside their comfort zone.

They are in shock when they see you bang 2 girls in one night but then laugh when you try and help them only to go back to their mediocre girlfriend who has them emotionally bound by the sack.