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Dumb slut thinks money should be earned.... - megatron - 11-02-2012

Quote: (11-02-2012 12:04 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (11-01-2012 11:51 PM)megatron Wrote:  

Only non-white women experience pain?

Not at all. The white-girl problems meme isn't lampooning all white girls--or people, for that matter. It's a specific type of clueless, privileged, and complainy variety of girl (like the dumb-chick in the OP, hence my inclusion of the video). In fact, the meme is most vociferously repeated by white girls who find those girls annoying and embarrassing to their demographic.

Oh . . . well, that um . . . makes sense then.

heh. Carry on. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Dumb slut thinks money should be earned.... - Hooligan Harry - 11-02-2012


No one around here is "pro-Obama," to my knowledge. We just know he's the better of the two choices. We're more anti-Romney, if anything. In many cases--like my own--we're anti-corporatocracy, which makes us opposed to the political system as it stands today.


The level of hardcore leftism on this forum is not libertarian by any stretch of the imagination. There is an underlying current of entitlement here and it can be seen in this very thread. True libertarian values are conservative, all I see is a ton of people bitching about a lack of redistribution and systemic racism all the time as they try to excuse their own shortcomings instead of just dealing with it like men.

Like accusations of white privilege being in no position to hold views alternative to the left for example, which you more than anyone were quite quick to point out.

Me saying you should be grateful for her white babies that will one day pay the welfare you want dished out is just as retarded as your statements that a good looking white chick should never support conservative values as a result of her privilege. That was my point.

Honestly, wtf dude.


2. Many progressive (and devout) Catholics support birth control, including abortion. In fact, I banged a theologian who fits this description not long ago.

Jesus, you once knew someone who bucked the trend and this now invalidates all concept of principle?

If you are a devout catholic who supports abortion, you lack principle. Just like if you are a person who considers themselves liberal, yet has a major issue with feminism.

Its a selfish, entitled view that is feminine in nature. You are not a man if you cannot stick to your principles or convictions even when its difficult to do so. To deviate away from that is to compromise your masculinity and what makes us men. We do whats right, not what feels good, and whats right is the principles we live by.

You do not get to conveniently pick and choose what you want to believe if you are going to remain consistent in life. This is a luxury that men do not have. If you cant pass lifes shit tests, how the hell can you expect to deal with the vapid shit tests women throw at you.

Christ, no wonder men need instruction manuals on how to meet women these days. They are forgetting how to be men.


3. Yes, you can be anti-feminism and liberal. There are entire movements which meet those two requirements. Feminism and progressive politics are not one and the same; maybe for the misinformed (anywhere on the political spectrum) it is, but not in reality. The idea that right-wing politics are somehow the only position from which to attack the absurdities of feminism is almost as absurd as feminism itself.

No, you cant be. Sorry.

How in the name of hell can you be an egalitarian in some cases but not all? Either you believe that there are biological differences, or you believe that those differences are nothing more than social constructs as per the entire philosophy that is egalitarianism. And if you believe in biological differences dictating probably outcomes, then complaining about some hot white bitch whose looks are a meal ticket is absolutely hypocritical.

The problem is you prefer to pick and choose what you like to believe because while you can accept the hard reality of gender differences, when it comes to other issues you refuse to show any principle Tut. If you are an egalitarian, you cannot dispute the neccesity of feminism. And you cannot be a liberal if you dispute philosophical egalitarianism either.

There is no middle ground here nor any grey area at all. Its that clear cut.

Enough is enough already. You a moderator here and far too often you are leading the way with this racially driven hyperbole that is completely contrary to what positive masculinity should be.

This chick won the genetic lottery. That is how it works for women. That she feels her future resources earned by giving up her ass should not be redistributed to single black ghetto mothers is not a sign of white racism ffs.

Its human nature which should come as no surprise to you nor upset you if you dispute feminism, and by extension, egalitarianism as a whole.

Dumb slut thinks money should be earned.... - durangotang - 11-02-2012

Yeah, fuck hot white girls...

That's always been my plan anyway. I feel you Brian.

Seriously, white, black, latina - all young hot girls benefit from massive unearned privilege over the entire population. Furthermore, especially women, but pretty much the entire youth population just parrots what they have been exposed to. They are too young to have formulated original opinions and they lack experience in the real world. I don't think you should be able to vote unless you are 30. And while I am at it, seniors lose their voting privilege at 70. I respect my elders, but if you have no stake in the future you don't get to vote.

How about that. Seriously, young and old voters piss me off. I remember bitching to one of my friends about welfare voters and he said "are you kidding me, poor people expect to get fucked. Old people expect to get paid."

Dumb slut thinks money should be earned.... - Tuthmosis - 11-02-2012

@Hooligan: This seems--like other political discussions in the past--to have quickly become personal (and heated) for you. If you ever have specific issues about my political views somehow interfering with your vision of what a moderator for this forum should be, feel free to PM me (or Roosh, for that matter) about it.

In the meantime, it probably makes sense to agree to disagree--about non-game related matters anyway. Your views on politics (and, frankly, race) strike me as firmly in place, and not liable to change by trying to address you point-by-point. I can only imagine your response if I were to merely replicate your tone in my reply.

Our political differences aside, I don't think it's necessary, or productive, to hurl generalized, ad hominem insults like "effeminate," hypocrisy," "[ir]rational," and "fucking retard" vaguely about the forum--especially into a discussion that was, until then, very civil. Nobody had attacked you personally for your beliefs though, as you know, not everybody agrees with them.