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Are you "political"? - Printable Version

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Are you "political"? - Belize King - 06-10-2012

It's crazy how most players on the forum are Libertarian. Is it because we are in the "live and let live"? We just want to make money and smash lizards. If I asked 50 of my battlebuddies in my unit what are your politics, less than 5 would say lib. I am also in the lib boat. If I voted, Ron Paul would have it. Like most on this thread, I don't vote and don't care to. I was active in local politics for networking purposes really. Because of my help in a local election, I got hooked up with a great lawyer and good contacts in the city. I would advise players who on stuck in their cities to do the same.

Marriage laws are shit but what can you do? Call your local representative? You just hope enough men in power would get fucked by the system to make some changes in your state. If I need health care, I would go to Mexico like so much of our population has been doing. Social mobility is the key to America. As long as Americans believe that you can come from shit and work hard to get to 100K, the population won't uprise. Only when Americans feel as though you are stuck in the class you are born in, then you will see us getting more active in politics. What percentage in your state would you say actually know the name of their two state Senators? What percentage do you think know who their state Rep is? People with money know, people without don't care. What’s the turnout rate for your city officials? Probably less than 10%. People bitch and moan but don't vote, but even if you did vote would change really happen? For you to make change in your city or district you need influence. Money and power gets you influence. 95% has neither.

As long as I stay away from the house, wife, and kids, I wouldn't mind calling America home. If I want to start that life, I rather do it somewhere cheap. As long as I have the oppertunity to make 60K after taxes, I could care less about American politics. If I was a small business owner making 300K plus, I would be pissed and become more active. If I was a professional make 250K, I would work on influncing my local officals to get in their club.