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Official introduction thread - Printable Version

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Official introduction thread - StealthAlpha - 04-01-2013

Hey everyone. I've lurked for about two months before making my account. I love reading about everyone's travel experiences and hope to have some of my own. I'm a 24 year old guy from upstate NY. Nice to meet everyone

Official introduction thread - Akula - 04-01-2013

yo hi everyone - just wanted to introduce myself (copied the format from Stardust thx again!)

But before I do wanted to give big props to all the posters on this forum who make it so solid IMO. Special thanks to Roosh V of course. I have felt most of this stuff for years but didn't know there was a building manosphere movement that felt the way I do about marriage, relationships, feminism etc. I'm one of those guys who was pretty successful job-wise in NYC for many years, but always felt I was missing something and was frankly dying to come to EE to see what everyone was talking about so finally made the move after the crisis. I have already learned quite a bit and improved my game just in reading this forum religiously. Been living in Moscow for 4 years, speak ok Russian and know the general scene pretty well (at least would like to think so) so hopefully I can give back now - pls ask away if you want and I'll try to do a Moscow overview soon as well.

Age: 44 (34 to the early 20s girls in Moscow!! ))
Nationality: American
Location: Moscow
Game level: still a recovering Beta, but getting better all the time, making many more approaches, experimenting with day game, etc....will take a lot more hard work and effort. All of my past problems were due to my serial monogamy and beta-tude with girlfriends and new prospects.
Crew: Have a good crew of single buddies here + a lot of married friends too. I used to rarely go out solo but now I do more and more as I like it after getting some great advice from the forum, and often times I go out after big dinners on the weekends (when the married crowd goes home)
Target Age Range: 22 to 32. I could care less about the age difference and women here could as well generally. So different from most of the US. I look younger by at least 5-7 years so easier to pull off I guess.
Current/Past Prospects: Last Russian girlfriends were 24, 28, 23 and 30 respectively. Current prospects are 24, 19 (!), 25 and 26 (I think)
Cash level: pretty good bankroll, been in banking for over 15 years now
Languages: English, Russian, French & Spanish (intermediate), German (low)
Fitness: working out 4-5x a week now after setting a new resolution this year

Official introduction thread - Roadrunner - 04-01-2013

Hello everyone, nice to finally join the forum.
I am a teenager from D.C. and I look forward to learning from this forum.

Official introduction thread - Firestorm - 04-01-2013

hey guys. Been lurking for the last month or so. I haven't read any of Roosh's books but when I get some spare time I am gonna read day bang.

Currently studying for a master's degree in mechanical engineering and got a pretty cool job lined up in London. I like this forum because I always found I was the guy who people thought was a sexist jerk or trying too hard to be 'alpha'. It's good to see other people have opinions simialar to mine and it sounds like you guys are pretty cool.

Age: 27
Nationality: British
Location: England
Game level: Not bad, could sue some work.
Cash level: Good for a student, but got a sick job lined up.
Languages: English
Fitness: I'm in really great shape, need to lean out a bit. Been training since I was 14.

Official introduction thread - Special1 - 04-01-2013

Hi there,

registered today and been reading in this blog about a month now ... cool stuff here.

I so far did an average game I would say. I conisder myself as good looking and did not really need any gaming skills to score. Still, i wish i had more scores. What I noticed is when I work out in the gym, i get much more scores ... and higher quality of women. Now i don't want to just work on my body, but also on my social and game skills. So here we go :-)

I am 27, currently living and working in Switzerland, born and raised in Germany (Berlin). In my spare time i do fitness, DJ-ing, music production, reading and travelling next to improving my gaming skills now :-)

to give some value to this amazing forum, i will post a short data sheet on Geneva as I have seen the latest one is not up to date ...


Official introduction thread - Aliblahba - 04-01-2013

Welcome aboard gents!

Official introduction thread - Anaguma - 04-01-2013

Found this place through The Spearhead several years back.
The stuff I have read from The Spearhead and here have influenced how I approach life now.

Official introduction thread - Fly Fisherman - 04-01-2013

Hey all, new guy here. Found this place through The G Manifesto (respect, from what I've read you and I definitely see eye to eye). Here's a quick profile based off of what others have posted.

Age: 24
Nationality: American (1/4 split German/Irish/Russian/British ancestry).
Location: VA, USA.
Education: Some college. I took two years off between high school and college and bummed my way up and down the Eastern US. I'll graduate in December.
Game level: You name it, I'll claim it.
Cash level: Hah. Square one. Long story short, my family could've paid for my college, but we've never been tight (to put it politely) and I ended up having to take out a ton of loans. Living pretty well right now though, and still managed to assemble a decent wardrobe. Definitely more than able to show up the clownish competition around here.
Languages: Fluent in English and German. Used to know a little Russian, but I lost it. Just started learning Spanish a couple days ago.
Crew: I prefer to fly solo when I go out, so I don't have a set crew for that. Speaking more generally, I'm pretty well-connected. I'm the guy people usually hit up when they're looking for something.
Fitness: Getting back on the horse. I started lifting when I was 12, played football in high school and rugby freshman and sophomore year of college, but I've since fallen out of my routine. Also have some martial arts experience (Systema). Not out of shape, but nowhere near where I want to be.
Skills: I'm a good cook, and I mix a solid drink. I'm also a decent singer (enough to impress pickups if the opportunity arises). Oh, and laugh if you want, but I'm a damn good rapper.

So yeah, I lurked for a minute and it seems like there are some cats here I could learn from. My current major hurdle is getting my paper up. I've realized just how worthless a college degree is. Thinking of going into sales. Let's just say I have experience, plus the work ethic to take advantage of uncapped commission. Having to make a living out of nothing for two years will do that. I've also been looking into copywriting - my gut tells me I'm well-suited. If anyone here does that for a living or is familiar, I'd appreciate a quick overview of what it takes. Both of the above are jobs also jobs I could freelance, which is appealing because I don't want to be tied down.

Looking forward to learning and sharing what I can.

Official introduction thread - Sharky - 04-01-2013

My first post.

39 years old tomorrow.

Been places, seen things. That was my old life, this is the new one.

I have nothing.

I am nothing.

But then again, I'm just getting started...

Official introduction thread - Atavistic - 04-01-2013

Figured I'd join after reading roosh's forum for awhile. I read Bang and very much enjoyed it. I plan on reading his other books as well. Very much like the vibe on this forum. I'm in my 20s and trying to better my game. Fluent in German and English hope to provide some data sheets on Germany in the future.

Official introduction thread - Asha - 04-01-2013

Hi Everyone,

My name is Asha (Ashley, but it was already in use)
I'm a recovering feminist from Canada, and have regularly been reading ROK, and Roosh V Forum since October 2012. Glad to see that women are allowed to post here now!

Haha, you had me fooled. Realized this was an April fools joke! If i'm not allowed on here, feel free to let me know.

Official introduction thread - Sharky - 04-01-2013

Quote: (04-01-2013 08:39 PM)Asha Wrote:  

Hi Everyone,

My name is Asha (Ashley, but it was already in use)
I'm a recovering feminist from Canada, and have regularly been reading ROK, and Roosh V Forum since October 2012. Glad to see that women are allowed to post here now!

Well, it was nice knowin' ya. Pick up your free teddy bear at the gift shop on your way out...[Image: sadwave.gif]

Official introduction thread - Asha - 04-01-2013

I shall creep from afar lol...

Official introduction thread - Ajax - 04-01-2013

Hey guys. Been periodically browsing the forum for over a year now, but I've only just recently swallowed the red pill and committed myself towards treating game the same way I treat everything else in my life (languages, fitness, career). I'm mid 20's, spent the last few years living abroad, now settled down for a bit in NYC. I've read some great stuff on these threads, and love that there's a place like this online.

Official introduction thread - lampshade - 04-02-2013

Hey guys,

I've been lurking on here for the past month or so. I had read some game literature in the past, but when I found this site accidentally, I decided that it was time to stop screwing around, get serious, and join up.

I would describe myself as very good looking, average height, slim. I'm fresh out of college, making pretty good cash (software industry), and I figure that though I know I should have started really trying years ago, that this would be the time to start.

I've had success with girls in the past, but only racked up about 12 notches, 2 of which were hot milfs, 2 of which were HB<5s, and the rest were average or above. I have a small harem going right now with 2 HB7's, but I am looking to expand.

My goal here is to get better at socializing with people in general, and especially women. I also want to figure out what I really want in a woman, and whether or not I want to get married, etc. Those are more personal goals that I can only complete by myself, but just thought I would state them in my introduction.

Anyway, I look forward to having some of my questions answered, answering those of others, and generally learning about game and enjoying myself.

Official introduction thread - Handsome Creepy Eel - 04-04-2013

Lampshading your planned topics, are you? [Image: tongue.gif]

Official introduction thread - Last Parade - 04-07-2013


Official introduction thread - 2Wycked - 04-10-2013

Yeah, I lurked the manosphere for some time before finding this forum.

Jesus, game and serious red-pill commentary in one forum? Fuck So-Suave.

I have been commenting for years under various names in the general "manosphere." RVF strikes me as the best and most secure outlet for serious RP views.

Official introduction thread - Amigoish - 04-12-2013

Hey guys, introducing myself:

Age: 25.
Nationality: Brazilian @ Brazil
Game level: Beginner, just got out of a beta LTR
Cash level: intermediate
Languages: native Portuguese, good English (TOEFL certified) and learning Russian.
Fitness: working out at least 3 times a week and eating 4k calories a day for bulking (+44 pounds in 10 months). I was skinny as hell back then.

Official introduction thread - Sarryn - 04-18-2013


I'm back! I'm sure no one remembers me, but I've been around this community for about 10 years now. I was on the original, which had some amazing posters, like Polkaroo. Looking forward to participating again and meeting the newer members.

I live in DC.

Official introduction thread - Prosal - 05-01-2013

Hi here, this is Prosal. Some of you perhaps know me from another forum. Friends who actively participate here pointed me this community. I found many interesting topics, great datasheets (even about off the beaten tracks destinations), and good debates.

My hobbies ? .. ping pong, sunbathe, disco dance.... [Image: wink.gif]

More seriously. I enjoy travelling east to FSU and EE. I am fond of russian culture. I love russian women, I am into them and they seem to be into me.

For my first participation here, I will post something about Tashkent - Uzbekistan.

Official introduction thread - Roosh - 05-01-2013

Welcome Prosal. Your reputation as an FSU veteran precedes you.

Official introduction thread - Gopher - 05-01-2013

Hi everyone.

I have been lurking on the forum for some time now...lots of interesting conversation going on. Even started drinking ACV, good stuff!

Looking forward to learning more.

Age: 28
Nationality: American
City: Minneapolis
Education: Bachelors
Occupation: Management - Manufacturing
Health: Work out 4-5 times a week. Eat Paleo.

Official introduction thread - DickDastardly - 05-01-2013


Official introduction thread - singaporean - 05-01-2013

Hi my name is rajan, from Singapore doing business consulting as profession.