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Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Off The Reservation - 03-21-2019

Quote: (03-21-2019 07:33 AM)Belgrano Wrote:  

So a foreigner enters your country and murders a bunch of people, and as a result you take away your own people's guns?

What kind of logic is that.

[Image: huh.gif]
What kind of logic is that? The logic of a tyrant who wants to replace its subjects with more obedient welfare slaves before they write any letters like the one this paragraph came from.

"He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation."

Read it anew in 2019.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - budoslavic - 03-21-2019


Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Bienvenuto - 03-21-2019

Quote: (03-21-2019 06:52 AM)No More Mr. Soy Boy Wrote:  

Quote: (03-21-2019 06:33 AM)Dirtyblueshirt Wrote:  

Now ask yourselves- If this same attack were committed by Muslims against non-Muslims, would the same actions be taken? I think we all know the answer to that.

Yes. I think the easiest double-standard that has been possible to spot during this NZ case is how literally no one from the left has come out to say that not all extreme right-wingers are terrorists. No one has tried to point that out and said we need to be careful to blame all far right-wingers even though they saw this guy as right-wing. No, now we should ban everything.

Meanwhile, that's all we ever hear after a Muslim terrorist attack, that not all Muslims are terrorists and the most important thing now is that no one looks angry at a Muslim woman at the grocery store.

This shooting really showed how much the left is in bed with Islam.

And their whole act is based on the fact that deep down they don't even believe it.

They know its not true, that's why they push the contradiction so hard.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - JohnKreese - 03-21-2019

Somewhat on topic, I want to draw attention to some very captivating fiction I recently read that relates to the NZ gun confiscation policy.

Matthew Bracken wrote a series of books that intend to show what happens when governments orchestrate events in order to achieve desired outcomes.

The description of his first book "Enemies Foreign and Domestic" (published in 2003):


BULLETS RAIN DOWN UPON A PACKED FOOTBALL STADIUM, killing dozens, and triggering a panic stampede which leads to a thousand more deaths. A police marksman kills the sniper, a mentally unbalanced Desert Storm veteran holding a smoking assault rifle. It's an open and shut case, or so America is led to believe...

In the aftermath of the stadium massacre, an outraged public demands an end to the threat posed by assault rifles, and Congress passes emergency legislation banning their private possession. American gun owners have one week to turn in their semi-automatic rifles, or face mandatory five year federal prison terms.

Jimmy Shifflett, the alleged stadium sniper, is linked to a shadowy "gun club" in southeastern Virginia, which the FBI believes is a cover for a secret right wing militia terror group. Those who knew Shifflett the best don't believe he was a member of any militia, or that he was guilty of the horrific mass murder.

But if he didn't fire the "assault rifle" into the stadium, who did, and why?

A small band of Virginians, thrown together by fate, is forced to undertake a desperate odyssey through a minefield of government blackmail, official deception and covert death squads, to discover the truth behind the stadium massacre, and save their own lives.

Some of this sound familiar?

Mr. Bracken may have been on to something.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Gremlin - 03-21-2019

Quote: (03-21-2019 09:17 AM)budoslavic Wrote:  


New Zealand had a population of 4.885 million people in 2018 compared to the USA's population of 327 million of the same year. This should give a clue (but probably won't) to the globalists as to the outcome of their plans for gun confiscation in the US if they ever resort to that. It turns out that everyone who said that gun confiscation, gun rights or no gun rights, is a pipe dream has been proven correct.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Off The Reservation - 03-21-2019

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - kaotic - 03-21-2019

Quote: (03-21-2019 10:08 AM)Gremlin Wrote:  

This should give a clue (but probably won't) to the globalists as to the outcome of their plans for gun confiscation in the US if they ever resort to that. It turns out that everyone who said that gun confiscation, gun rights or no gun rights, is a pipe dream has been proven correct.

We've had more people killed by gun violence and mass shootings than most other countries.

Gun confiscation won't work in the US, neither does banning them (as we've seen).



NZ doesn't have one so it was fast and easy for them to do.

Idiots who say- "WeLl nEw ZeAlAnD dId iT !!" - don't understand how things works.

The founders were smart enough to know a tyrannical government could never rear it's head fully and put it's boot to a free Americans neck because of 2A.

Attempting a nationwide ban on guns and then confiscation - would be an immediate grounds for civil war.

Even in places where guns are banned (Chicago I'm looking at you) illegal firearms skyrocketed.

Hell even in here in SoCal - most people who have guns laugh at these unenforceable rules.

Side note for all the Thin Blue Line Cop Bootlickers on here:

Who the fuck do you think would come and confiscate your guns if a law was enacted to do so?

As someone who lost a best friend at a mass shooting I'm somewhat mixed on what we need.

Part of me is this:

[Image: 42e.jpg]

Another part of me does think we do need to make sure fucking weirdos don't get guns. (Maybe people on psychotropics)

But we sure as hell hardly have a clue of who could be the next mass shooter - as KimDotCom's tweet mentioned.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Leonard D Neubache - 03-21-2019

Gun control doesn't need to be about confiscation.

I've written about this routinely, suffice to say the short version is that they ban the guns they want to get rid of, then and time and tide does the rest.

Imagine they banned semi-automatic rifles on pain of 10 years in prison BUT didn't bother sending anyone door to door to take them.

What then? Who's starting a civil war? Where? When? Under what banner?

I'll tell you what happens. Dudes thump their chest about keeping their guns but all that happens is that those guns become an albatross around your neck, like a pound of cocaine you can never use or sell that sits wherever you hide it, just waiting to get you dumped in a supermax cell.

You can't sell them in stores or online. You can't go to the range with them. Every time you move them or clean them or try to use them somewhere you risk your whole life. And it'll eat you alive, hearing story after story of some guy pulled over or searched in his house on a domestic disturbance who ends up on 10 year weapons charges. You're gonna sit there wondering how clean your paper trail was when you bought that AR15. You're gonna wonder if the NSA doesn't drop your address in the lap of the local PD. You're going to spend the rest of your life wondering if that knock on the door is the one that buries you for the rest of your life.

Your life will be that of the cryto-Jew in Nazi Germany, for ever and ever until you die.

They're banning guns not because it will make a difference or even because they want you unarmed. They're banning guns because as long as they don't enforce it proactively they can reduce the chest-thumping patriots to meek little mice obsessed with quietly protecting their precious AR15s rather than getting in the face of the state. That's how it happened in Australia and that's how it will happen everywhere else. The patriots will say "come and take them" and the government will say "on our time, not yours".

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Jetset - 03-21-2019

Quote: (03-21-2019 10:56 AM)kaotic Wrote:  

[Image: 42e.jpg]

Another part of me does think we do need to make sure fucking weirdos don't get guns. (Maybe people on psychotropics)

But we sure as hell hardly have a clue of who could be the next mass shooter - as KimDotCom's tweet mentioned.

Fucking lost it at that comic.

In all seriousness, the first order problem is that we don't, and won't, have the kind of infrastructure we need to actually enforce restrictions on people who we damn well know don't need to be carrying. The due process requirements for an adversarial hearing are 100% righteous - and also 100% impossible for most jurisdictions to deliver.

Yet when you look at the profiles of mass shooters, people like Paddock and Tarrant, who were merely marginally strange - as far as we know - they don't exactly outnumber the people who were obviously running more than a little psychotic before they got to this point.

It's one thing to have a police contact, but if the nature of that police contact is that you tell the police your neighbors are beaming messages into your brain with microwaves (Washington Navy Yard) or that you beat up a baby and then fled a mental institution (Sutherland Springs), we probably need to make time to deal with that and make sure that the paperwork is handled swiftly.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - DJ-Matt - 03-21-2019

Quote: (03-21-2019 07:33 AM)Belgrano Wrote:  

What kind of logic is that.

Women's logic, otherwise known as NONE.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - budoslavic - 03-21-2019



Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - captain_shane - 03-21-2019

Wowie, they cleaned up the crime scene fast! No blood stains, no bullet holes, etc

[Image: 100bb0b766e3c1116d41e92b10845be1c6a5cfa9...67518b.png]

They must've hired this guy
[Image: 213618__05433.1342531534.380.500.jpg?c=2]

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Off The Reservation - 03-21-2019

^i thought serious crime scenes sometimes took weeks of investigation and strict control of access?

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Disco_Volante - 03-21-2019

Lol exactly Shane. 30 murdered yet its spotless and holding meetings a couple days later. Fake as hell.

Crime scenes they mark every bullet, every casing, every hole in the wall, etc...guess they just ignored all that huh.

Im disappointed how gullible many on this forum are. They genuinely dont see the governments lust for total firearm confiscation.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - saner - 03-21-2019

Quote: (03-21-2019 01:37 PM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

^i thought serious crime scenes sometimes took weeks of investigation and strict control of access?

The real ones do.

This reeks more and more. Between the internet bans, crazy 'do not spread video' (what law exactly?), conflicting stories of more than one assailant.......

Almost every incident in the last two decades seems be the trigger to implement a pre-made legislation for exactly the event that takes place AFTER writing it.

There are no coincidences....

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Syberpunk - 03-21-2019

Quote: (03-21-2019 01:37 PM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

^i thought serious crime scenes sometimes took weeks of investigation and strict control of access?

Outreach programs and dialogue say more than real evidence ever could.

They even have their shoes on....IN. A . MOSQUE. Looks like none of them are going there to pray if all their shoes are firmly on.

Just like those mannequins.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - budoslavic - 03-21-2019

Thinking out loud: “White Helmets?”

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Once Was Not - 03-21-2019

Quote: (03-19-2019 08:31 PM)Sooth Wrote:  

It's already started in NZ: "28 Year old woman who posted a message on Facebook about the Christchurch shootings will be charged with inciting racial disharmony"


[Image: D2JqnM8WoAEa_e6.png:large]

[Image: D2JhZmsWwAA4r51.jpg]


[Image: 100bb0b766e3c1116d41e92b10845be1c6a5cfa9...67518b.png]

[Image: giphy.gif]

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Syberpunk - 03-21-2019

[Image: 100bb0b766e3c1116d41e92b10845be1c6a5cfa9...67518b.png]

[Image: floor1.jpg]

5-6 days people, dry wall fixed. Its over. I hear a few people that "they don't need to investigate anymore based on the footage" and act as if that's all there is or could, My God that is not crime is investigated, you don't assume based solely on what the attacker has given you!

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Sooth - 03-21-2019

Well hello incels.

[Image: Lm1FK8j.jpg?1]

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - saner - 03-21-2019


The prime minister announced the new ban would take effect at 3 p.m. local time, with Ardern warning that dealers "should now cease" selling assault rifles and semi-automatic guns.

"In short, every semi-automatic weapon used in the terrorist attack on Friday will be banned in this country," Ardern said.


So if I read right it has been decreed that the semi autos are illegal. No law yet, but illegal just because she says so?

Never mind that the people of NZ had fuck all to do with this (if even real), let us punish them for it.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - No More Mr. Soy Boy - 03-21-2019

Quote: (03-21-2019 01:38 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

Lol exactly Shane. 30 murdered yet its spotless and holding meetings a couple days later. Fake as hell.

Crime scenes they mark every bullet, every casing, every hole in the wall, etc...guess they just ignored all that huh.

Im disappointed how gullible many on this forum are. They genuinely dont see the governments lust for total firearm confiscation.

"Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”.

It's just you who are basing your view of the reality on groupthink and confirmation bias.

So alternative 1 is that this video on (which you had said nothing about by the way):

... is all fake and they're using fake actors who deserve an Oscar each. They are using fake blood and everything and about +50 people at the scene are in on this false flag operation. And this Brenton guy will just spend life in prison because he likes it.

Alternative 2 is that they've had a lot of people working on trying to clean up the mosque.

Christchurch Terror Attack -Police and cleaners working overtime to prepare mosques for Friday prayers

Christchurch attack: Damaged mosque repaired for Friday prayers


""Police have been working relentlessly, doing everything in our power to gather all appropriate evidence from what are active crime scenes so we can allow people to return to the mosques as quickly as possible."

If the Kiwis are so cucked to do Friday's prayers with the koran in their hand and "take courses about islam", they can probably work overtime in order to clean up a building with religious meaning to these muslims.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Off The Reservation - 03-21-2019

^ That cleaning story is total BULLSHIT. You don't "clean" a crime scene in a hurry unless it was a false flag and needs to be covered up. You document every casing, every bullet hole, collect every fragment, document body positions etc. Doesn't the process take time for even a much less serious crime? The story about cleaning is just because they got caught.

Your logical failure Soy, is that you are allowing the IMPLICATIONS of accepting the EVIDENCE stop you from seeing the EVIDENCE. EG., "They would have needed so many people..." is a statement about a potential implication of contemplating a false flag, not about the facts we can see, such as they are conducting a meeting in a suddenly cleaned crime scene.

They even say in the article that they brought drywall contractors. Why? The drywall was perfect and has NO BLOOD and NO BULLET HOLES.

Edit 2:
What happened to the football team which was supposedly in the mosque at the time and then they changed the story to they had just left to then scrub the story?

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Disco_Volante - 03-21-2019

Yes the liveleak video is fake too.
Its a rehearsal showing a bunch of people just laying on the ground.

Considering Islam mandates they lie to non-muslims its easy to believe theyd go along with it.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - saner - 03-21-2019

What a coincidence. Another 'training session' just happened to be active at the time.

You know, it's almost like there is a correlation. Maybe the police should stop having drills, to prevent massacres.

Edit: and

The IED thing got dropped pretty quick.