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Lifter's Lounge - Ringo - 12-04-2014

Has anyone ever tried Joe DeFranco's Westside for Skinny Bastards I or Westside for Skinny Bastards II?

Lifter's Lounge - Chaos - 12-05-2014

I'm also hitting 5-6 times a week.
Before last weekend I did 13 days in a row, maybe not necessarely but I just love the feeling of getting a pump in the early morning.

After that I'm having "light cardio" all day since on my current gig I need to walk around in the forests for 7-8 hours a day.

In other news I still have something strange going on in my lower back, I don't dare to do any squats or deadlifts in case if something snaps. Maybe I need to wait it out.

I do some brutal sets of bodyweight squats instead and that causes me no problem.
Still, it bothers me that I need to leave out deadlifts.

Lifter's Lounge - Kieran - 12-05-2014

Quote: (12-04-2014 05:46 PM)Ringo Wrote:  

Has anyone ever tried Joe DeFranco's Westside for Skinny Bastards I or Westside for Skinny Bastards II?

I've used them. Good programs that allow plenty of flexibility and volume with assistance work. His built like a badass program isn't bad either (less volume and frequency than the other programs), and uses a somewhat similar rep scheme to 531 for the main movements, so you might also want to take a look at that.

I personally have had the best results strength wise with 531 though.

Lifter's Lounge - Veloce - 12-05-2014

Chaos what's going on with your lower back?

Lifter's Lounge - Giovonny - 12-05-2014

Quote: (12-05-2014 12:20 AM)Chaos Wrote:  

In other news I still have something strange going on in my lower back,

Try this:

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSaprVF2I_dMftugUU5P6Q...9WqiOfWQZS]

Don't be afraid to go all the way vertical..

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcScDPV_rd4F6P9a2Rc81M3...ZdJYdnVIOA]

Also, get a great warm up before lifting heavy weights.

Do a bit of stretching before lifting heavy weights.

Get regular massages.

I suspect that you are slightly inflexible due to all the heavy weightlifting. (compressed spins, tight muscles, etc)

Lifter's Lounge - Chaos - 12-05-2014

Quote: (12-05-2014 02:16 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

Chaos what's going on with your lower back?

An unpleasant feeling when I'm bending my back.
It's not really painful,but it feels like it's a big warning to hold my horses.

This feeling increases a lot if I'm trying to do a barbell squat or a deadlift.

Lifter's Lounge - ElJefe - 12-05-2014

I think I know this feeling.

I got it from incorrect deadlift/squat technique.

You'd have to upload a video for us to be sure. My mobility is not very good, so even now I'm not close to reaching my deadlift/squat potential. It simply takes many weaks of dynamic stretch exercises to get the ankle, hips and hamstrings adequately flexible for these lifts.

Lifter's Lounge - Nascimento - 12-05-2014

Quote: (12-05-2014 03:44 PM)Chaos Wrote:  

Quote: (12-05-2014 02:16 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

Chaos what's going on with your lower back?

An unpleasant feeling when I'm bending my back.
It's not really painful,but it feels like it's a big warning to hold my horses.

This feeling increases a lot if I'm trying to do a barbell squat or a deadlift.

I'd recommend laying off those exercises entirely, for months. Not worth risking serious injury.

Besides, I think you'll find squats and deadlifts are not as essential as we're lead to believe. They are useful, but so are many more 'safe' exercises that can be done in their place.

Lifter's Lounge - Veloce - 12-05-2014

It really depends on what this feeling is. We need Prophylaxis in here...

I'm naturally VERY stiff. I have very stiff hips, lower back, and I've had a lower back injury. You really have to get to know yourself, know your own pain, and know what you can work through and what you can't. My lower back and hips were stiff and sore today but I got through all my deadlift reps and felt great afterwards.

But if you know your body well enough to know it could trigger an injury, definitely take some time off.

I've been doing this morning routine before I hit the gym:

I highly recommend it.

Lifter's Lounge - Veloce - 12-05-2014

I was feeling completely unmotivated today. I've been getting shitty sleep the last two nights, I always have 1-2 days per month that I get insomnia, and I just wasn't feeling the gym today. I was also pissed off about some shit on my mind, and I was in that headspace where I was ready to just walk out of the gym at any moment.

A sentence flashed in my mind that made me power through the rest of my routine: "Give it to the weight". The anger, the sluggishness, the laziness; I visualized all of it manifesting itself in my torso and channeling it down my arms into the bar. Every feeling, every positive and negative feeling at that moment, just give it to the bar.

My lifts weren't exceptional, but I got through every single rep on my routine and stuck with it. Before I used to get amped up on Metallica and other loud music to get motivated, but sometimes that can just be a crutch, and if it doesn't work, then what? My mental space lately has just been, "Whatever happens, whatever you're feeling. Do the rep. Give that emotion to the bar. Lose yourself in it."

Am I the only one that has these crazy internal monologues?

Lifter's Lounge - Hades - 12-05-2014

Quote: (12-04-2014 05:46 PM)Ringo Wrote:  

Has anyone ever tried Joe DeFranco's Westside for Skinny Bastards I or Westside for Skinny Bastards II?

Joe DeFranco espouses that only 1 in 50 trainees have the "genetics" to overhead press safely. Look elsewhere.

Lifter's Lounge - RexImperator - 12-05-2014

Quote: (12-05-2014 07:27 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

I was feeling completely unmotivated today. I've been getting shitty sleep the last two nights, I always have 1-2 days per month that I get insomnia, and I just wasn't feeling the gym today. I was also pissed off about some shit on my mind, and I was in that headspace where I was ready to just walk out of the gym at any moment.

A sentence flashed in my mind that made me power through the rest of my routine: "Give it to the weight". The anger, the sluggishness, the laziness; I visualized all of it manifesting itself in my torso and channeling it down my arms into the bar. Every feeling, every positive and negative feeling at that moment, just give it to the bar.

My lifts weren't exceptional, but I got through every single rep on my routine and stuck with it. Before I used to get amped up on Metallica and other loud music to get motivated, but sometimes that can just be a crutch, and if it doesn't work, then what? My mental space lately has just been, "Whatever happens, whatever you're feeling. Do the rep. Give that emotion to the bar. Lose yourself in it."

Am I the only one that has these crazy internal monologues?

No. ^^^ Good example of "acceptance of the now..."

I've come to realize that how good an individual workout is doesn't matter as much as being consistent and persistent over time, and gradually adding weekly volume.

Lifter's Lounge - Chaos - 12-06-2014

Thanks guys for your insights.
You are probably right it's a form issue.

I will stay away from those exercises until the feeling has disappeared.

In other news I'm enjoying a Pulled Pork omelette right now.
I just finished a brutal tabata exercise recommend to me by Fisto.

5 Pullups
15 Diamond Pushups
25 Air Squats.

As many rounds as possible in 20min.

That workout is brutal as hell if you give it all you got.

Lifter's Lounge - dog24 - 12-06-2014

Im having trouble with the jerk.
I cant take a deep enough dip due to my ankle not bending that much anymore (it wont get any better due to injury).
What are my options? Its causing me shoulder pain when it gets heavy because im using too much shoulders.

Lifter's Lounge - Veloce - 12-06-2014

Quote: (12-06-2014 09:13 AM)dog24 Wrote:  

Im having trouble with the jerk.
I cant take a deep enough dip due to my ankle not bending that much anymore (it wont get any better due to injury).
What are my options? Its causing me shoulder pain when it gets heavy because im using too much shoulders.

Then don't do it.

Are you talking clean and jerk? Or just the jerk? If you've got ankle mobility issues and can't do a proper deep squat, then you've got no place doing a clean.

Lifter's Lounge - dog24 - 12-06-2014

Im training to compete in weightlifting a couple of weeks from now, just for the fun of it, i know im probably gonna end up in last place.
I have no problem snatching, cleaning or squatting.
Its weird i think its because in that position the knees travel forward a lot, even more so than in a deep squat, i cant do a heavy power jerk either, i tried a squat jerk the other day and it felt as if i was gonna snap my ankle.

Lifter's Lounge - Ensam - 12-06-2014

@dog24 - Something sounds off. How long have you been training the olympic lifts? What kind of coaching are you getting?

Lifter's Lounge - StrikeBack - 12-06-2014

My knees definitely do not travel more forward in a spit jerk compared to a rock bottom deep Oly or front squat. What you said sounds off.

Lifter's Lounge - Ingocnito - 12-06-2014

Quote: (12-05-2014 07:13 PM)Nascimento Wrote:  

Quote: (12-05-2014 03:44 PM)Chaos Wrote:  

Quote: (12-05-2014 02:16 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

Chaos what's going on with your lower back?

An unpleasant feeling when I'm bending my back.
It's not really painful,but it feels like it's a big warning to hold my horses.

This feeling increases a lot if I'm trying to do a barbell squat or a deadlift.

I'd recommend laying off those exercises entirely, for months. Not worth risking serious injury.

Besides, I think you'll find squats and deadlifts are not as essential as we're lead to believe. They are useful, but so are many more 'safe' exercises that can be done in their place.
As I've gotten older I've altered my perspective on back issues. If it's a familiar pain, strain, etc, I've had in the past, I tend to workout with the injury and 90% of time it actually helps it go away.

However, if it's a completely unfamiliar strain, especially lumbar and spinal centered, like it could be a disc issue, I chill the hell out and work around it. I've noticed when my lower back is strained, I can sometimes alleviate the problem by working out my upper back, and vice versa... just do a more chilled workout.

I discovered this when I threw out my lower back when I was only 18. I stayed off it and completely stopped working out. It lingered for months. Then when I was 27 I threw it out again. I stayed off it 3 days just long enough to regain 75% mobility back and working it actually alleviated the problem. FWIW.

Lifter's Lounge - StrikeBack - 12-06-2014

Try hanging off a chinup bar or just the power cage for 3-5 sets of 30-60s. Gently rotate your hips and swing your legs around. That usually helps with tight low back. I do it anyway despite having no back issue at the end of squat or deadlift sessions just for decompression.

Also, get your abs and glutes crazy strong. Your low back will thank you for it.

Lifter's Lounge - dog24 - 12-07-2014

I started a couple of years ago, got injured then started again but i have never consistent with it, so im still a beginner.
I have a coach that points out some flaws every now and then when he is walking around.
I meant that because the feet are much closer together in the rack position before the split and the toes pointing pretty much straight forward makes me rely much less on hip flexibility and a lot more on ankle flexibility.
Its really hard to explain, ill see if i can make a video.

Lifter's Lounge - britchard - 12-07-2014

At what kind of BF% do you find women are most attracted to you?

Lifter's Lounge - Hades - 12-07-2014

Quote: (12-06-2014 01:18 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

Quote: (12-06-2014 09:13 AM)dog24 Wrote:  

Im having trouble with the jerk.
I cant take a deep enough dip due to my ankle not bending that much anymore (it wont get any better due to injury).
What are my options? Its causing me shoulder pain when it gets heavy because im using too much shoulders.

Then don't do it.

Are you talking clean and jerk? Or just the jerk? If you've got ankle mobility issues and can't do a proper deep squat, then you've got no place doing a clean.

This is good advice. Dog24 you may have to retire the jerk permanently for the military press and behind the neck snatch grip strict press.

Lifter's Lounge - Glaucon - 12-07-2014

This day is gym day. I cannot wait...

Lifter's Lounge - Bilboswaggins - 12-07-2014

Quote: (12-07-2014 03:42 AM)britchard Wrote:  

At what kind of BF% do you find women are most attracted to you?

Lowest you can maintain. Gaunt face (assuming you have some muscle behind it) works like a charm. Better to have an angular jaw and look ripped than being big.