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GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - Printable Version

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GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - good looking loser - 06-24-2014


GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - soup - 06-24-2014

If your vid got big, that girl would have probably found out sooner or later. Boyfriend got involved? If she had a boyfriend why is she giving you her number [Image: hamster3.gif]

Sounds like the boyfriend is jealous or mad.. Guess he didn't really have as much hand over her as he thought.

That's sucks that somebody here got in touch with get Facebook, but you do realize that if the vids get around the internet, these things are going to happen regardless, right?

If anyone here is showing their support it's because we do want to see good helpful videos. It's not just about being negative around here like puahate was. We celebrate good game resources and recommend people buy the stuff we like.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - Cobra - 06-24-2014

This thread started getting derailed very early.

GLL did not deserve this. He's one of our own.

I don't like to see this as a forum where we rip apart one of our own like this.

I'm disappointed in myself for not being vocal enough on grounds of reps or posts which the more vocal posters have.

All I can do is be more on my feet next time.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - RexImperator - 06-24-2014

Seems like faces really should be pixelated just to prevent this kind of crap from going on.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - runsonmagic - 06-24-2014

It's really unfortunate, because the conversation now is about what is real and fake, not the purpose of the video which was helping guys get out there and approach. That's how bad trolling works - it doesn't change minds but it changes the conversation.

Of course, rooting out fakes is important, but without and objective measurement, it's all different peoples gut intuitions. "Looks fake." "Looks real."

When I first started out gaming ALL infield videos looked fake to me. How could anyone do this stuff? It couldn't be real. Even written accounts seem fake. But I went out and tried what I saw and discovered some of it worked.

GLL's point about rape cases is smart. The accusation of fakery casts a shadow over someone's reputation even when it's totally unproven. His responses have all made sense.

Perhaps we need some sort of standard for verifying infield videos. Say GLL's video is real and he shoots some more stuff and it looks the same. What is he supposed to do? What would convince forum members that it's legitimate? Even if the videos looked exactly how veterans would expect them to, there will always be someone saying it's fake and the actresses are just really really good.

It occurred to me watching this that most of the "infield" footage I've seen of Roosh is from foreign news crews doing segments on him. I've never questioned the legitimacy of what I see him do because he has a third party filming him, who isn't there to make him look good.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - Dusty - 06-24-2014

I think GLL could win over the skeptics and salvage his reputation by doing another filming with an objective spotter to verify its veracity. I believe Christian McQueen offered to do that in this thread.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - monster - 06-24-2014

Quote: (06-24-2014 10:29 AM)Dusty Wrote:  

I think GLL could win over the skeptics and salvage his reputation by doing another filming with an objective spotter to verify its veracity. I believe Christian McQueen offered to do that in this thread.

then everyone would say the third party was paid off lol

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - Roosh - 06-24-2014


not the purpose of the video which was helping guys get out there and approach

The purpose of the video is to market Chris' products. His business is not a charity, and neither is mine. So either you hold sellers of such products to an honest standard or we become something like reality TV where anything goes.

I am disappointed in Chris that he allowed an artificial video to be discussed as authentic. He sponsored ROK for the month (which I'm grateful for), but this allows people to attack me by saying I promote a marketer who is not honest with his videos. What I don't understand is that he could have done real approaches and have made an even better video. His game skill is not in doubt, so this blunder really serves him a small benefit in the long-term. I'm sure he has learned from it.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - soup - 06-24-2014

Quote: (06-24-2014 11:38 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


not the purpose of the video which was helping guys get out there and approach

The purpose of the video is to market Chris' products. His business is not a charity, and neither is mine. So either you hold sellers of such products to an honest standard or we become something like reality TV where anything goes.

I am disappointed in Chris that he allowed an artificial video to be discussed as authentic. He sponsored ROK for the month (which I'm grateful for), but this allows people to attack me by saying I promote a marketer who is not honest with his videos. What I don't understand is that he could have done real approaches and have made an even better video. I don't think his game skill is in doubt, so this blunder really serves him a small benefit in the long-term.

In his recent posts on this thread he is still claiming everything in there was real.. the only thing was that he swapped out the location so people wouldn't stalk the girls.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - good looking loser - 06-24-2014

Quote: (06-24-2014 11:38 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


not the purpose of the video which was helping guys get out there and approach

The purpose of the video is to market Chris' products. His business is not a charity, and neither is mine. So either you hold sellers of such products to an honest standard or we become something like reality TV where anything goes.

I am disappointed in Chris that he allowed an artificial video to be discussed as authentic. He sponsored ROK for the month (which I'm grateful for), but this allows people to attack me by saying I promote a marketer who is not honest with his videos. What I don't understand is that he could have done real approaches and have made an even better video. His game skill is not in doubt, so this blunder really serves him a small benefit in the long-term. I'm sure he has learned from it.

Roosh? Are you kidding me?

I don't think you have read the entire thread, you are really busy (I understand), it's not fake.

You have absolutely nothing to worry about.

this entire mess with the girl has happened because the video was real.

other than right here, the feedback on the video is the best we have ever gotten

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - MikeCF - 06-24-2014

Quote: (06-24-2014 10:29 AM)Dusty Wrote:  

I think GLL could win over the skeptics and salvage his reputation by doing another filming with an objective spotter to verify its veracity. I believe Christian McQueen offered to do that in this thread.

No one doubts Chris' game skills.

If he hired models it would only have been because paying a film crew thousands and then having no girls worth approaching show up would suck.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - el mechanico - 06-24-2014


having no girls worth approaching show up would suck.

Well it's gonna suck for the guys trying this also so he should have just dealt with what was there. 2/10 wnb or whatever as I said before.

As for the girl..

Chris you're the one who made the video even though I believe you may have fabricated that story as well to pull on our heartstrings a little.

Chick at the park gives random dude her number and her boyfriend finds out? Like we're supposed to feel for that?

Also I'm sure the guys posting here are not the ones stalking your models.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - soup - 06-24-2014

[Image: wtf.jpg]
My brain can't take it
[Image: mindblown.gif]
Man, at this point, I don't know who to believe..
[Image: facepalm2.gif]

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - el mechanico - 06-24-2014

Soup, why dont you go to the park and try this and report back. I believe you have the free time.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - soup - 06-24-2014

Quote: (06-24-2014 01:05 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Soup, why dont you go to the park and try this and report back. I believe you have the free time.

I can't I have to work right now. I have free time, but it's not like free time in the traditional sense. Almost everything I'm doing is related to my occupation.. so I never take vacations or just go to the park to relax for extended periods of time. If I do go to a park, it's usually to work or promote.

If I make a big chunk of change in one shot, I'm going to treat myself to a day of this kind of game.

Last time I did something like this was last summer. My friends and I just walked around central park. Did get a girl's number but I didn't use "nervous guy".

I might try it out on the subway or at night. I usually use Roosh's style when I approach in public.. innocuous opener, followed by focussed conversation to get her to ask me questions.

Also, I like to build the shit more. It seems a little weird for me to go up to a girl and say: "I'm really nervous, I never do this, but I want to tell you that I think you are attractive"

What's the point of telling a girl that? What nervous guy would really do that? It seems incongruent.

What's a girl supposed to do with "I think you are attractive", give you a gold star or a cookie? "Good boy"

I need to have more momentum in my game.

There's other ways to talk to girls about stuff that is low pressure, even for newbies. You can ask non-gendered questions. If you can't ask strangers man/woman questions, then you have bigger problems than game related stuff.

I think new guys who have social anxiety disorder would benefit from talking to lots of different people, regardless of their genders. Go out and make friends with strangers. Learn how to bridge that gap between stranger and acquaintance.

Even if Chris' isn't my thing, I appreciate guys trying to help other guys loosen up and relax when they talk to women. I think if more guys took the reigns, we'd have less white knights and misbehaved ladies.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - ManAbout - 06-24-2014

Quote: (06-24-2014 01:29 AM)good looking loser Wrote:  

When a guy gets accused of rape and is found 'not guilty' -- does his rep get stronger?

Of course not.

The shadow of doubt will always remain, in some people's mind the guy is simply a "rapist" that didn't get caught - which makes him an even worse person.

Oh please. Save us the fake outrage. Comparing yourself to somebody that has been accused of rape is ridiculous in the extreme.

What is the likelihood that a model from modelmayhem would be in the park at the same time as you were filming this video? A million to one? If it was a club in LA, I might believe you. But, a park in Boise Idaho, at 9 AM in the morning?

You are still not willing to come clean, even if after you have been caught in a lie. There was no reason for you to come here and try to claim the video was authentic, when it's obviously not. You could have left it at "This is a learning exercise for those with extreme approach anxiety." No more, no less.

As people have stated earlier, we can see why you would want to make a video using models. It is more time effective, and you are trying to sell products. Nobody begrudges you wanting to make a living doing this.

But, don't take us for fools.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - Kieran - 06-24-2014

^ Yeah, I still believe it's fake. I just can't get past my initial gut reaction, and I think some of the big name members who initially said it was fake, but then lost their conviction a little, still feel that way too.

And all this about the girl being contacted and the boyfriend finding out just reads like a sob story to me. If there was really any concern for her privacy then her face should have been blurred, plus if she's giving her number out when she has a boyfriend (right in front of her brother I might add), then fuck her anyway.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - Roosh - 06-24-2014

I did not read this explanation:

Before posting this:

If I take him for his word, I don't have a problem.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - Thesoloist - 06-24-2014

I remember when "Simple Pick UP" first came out and people thought it was fake too, then ABC news followed them around and they where authenticated

I don't think Chris is lying but that's me

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - josephkay - 06-24-2014

Quote: (06-24-2014 01:50 PM)ManAbout Wrote:  

What is the likelihood that a model from modelmayhem would be in the park at the same time as you were filming this video? A million to one? If it was a club in LA, I might believe you. But, a park in Boise Idaho, at 9 AM in the morning?

Pretty high, I'd bet. Modelmayhem is a social networking for cute girls looking for modelling gigs and guys who own camera equipment who do free shots for a chance to game those girls. There's no requirements for being on it like doing print work. Lots of cute girls are on it for a chance to make some extra money and appear on a junk-mail flyer for a local company. I've gone out with a couple of girls on it.

Also, there's plenty of these second-tier state schools like Boise State that rich kids who couldn't get into their flagship school attend so they can party. I've been on some of these campuses and gotten whiplash from checking out girls. The quality in the park is high but not crazy for being near that type of school. BTW, someone should seriously post a data-sheet on Texas State-San Marcos!

I'd like to believe the video is true. Still, the behavior of the women is pretty bizarre. They never actually seem to open or get excited, but they are plenty receptive. But Chris's behavior is also pretty weird. He says that he's nervous but despite the newbie game he spits, he doesn't actually seem nervous. It could be that girls are being nice to a newbie. Or it could be that they don't know how to open and express interest (I haven't gamed college-aged girls in a long time, but this is consistent with the iPhone social retardation generation according to this forum). Or it could just be that they are confused by Chris pretending to be nervous and that creates some sort of tension, and when he breaks it by going for the number, they are relieved and give it to him.

Has anyone gotten any results from running boring game, plowing, and taking a number? I would imagine that this would lead to a bunch of dead numbers, but maybe you could work them if you had some party you could invite the girls to.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - PapayaTapper - 06-24-2014

I have no dog in his fight... but the video was staged/produced. Anybody in the entertainment industry whose seen more than a handful of auditions would say the same thing. The girls are all fairly bad actors with significant "tells" that scream in-authenticity.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - hoof - 06-24-2014

Quote: (06-23-2014 10:23 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (06-23-2014 05:38 PM)good looking loser Wrote:  


- The video is in Idaho. (SoupDuJour, correct)
x I never once said the video was in Seattle. You guys ran with that based on the YouTube description and comments where it's written "Pacific NW", "(or surrounding states)". "Near to the university of Washington."

You still deleted your comments about it's relative location. That's still some sketchy shit, man.

I know I'm a new member so this may not count for much, but I also remember Chris's initial description of the location which made it seem like this campus was in Seattle or a surrounding suburb. Deleting this comment is suspicious.

I initially thought the video was real, but in addition to the stuff that's been debated already a few things bugged me that I hadn't seen others mention:

Three of the girls don't react normally when Chris sits down. The girls at 14:21, 20:45, and 33.40 just keep doing what they were doing (reading, highlighting) when Chris sits super close to them and they even don't react for a while after he starts talking to them. Anyone else find this weird?

It also seems like a couple girls should have noticed the camera when it was super close to them and right in front of them. Watch from 14:21 to see how close the cameraman is. He's basically right in front of the girl. Same thing starting from 20:45. Same starting from 28:31. The camera is close and in the girl's field of view. It's an expensive camera, so it's not like it looks like the cameraman is sitting there texting on a phone. The park isn't that crowded, so it's also not like the cameraman is blending into other people.

None of these things is conclusive, but combined with the other stuff in this thread I now think that there's about a 75% chance that these girls had talked to Chris beforehand.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - Roosh - 06-24-2014

7 day ban for Papaya and permanent ban for hoof. Newbies who participate in this thread will be marked as puahate refugees.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - Travesty - 06-24-2014

This thread turned into a prison break where the guards are using live ammo. Newbies beware lol.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain - Beyond Borders - 06-24-2014

Quote: (06-24-2014 11:38 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


not the purpose of the video which was helping guys get out there and approach

The purpose of the video is to market Chris' products. His business is not a charity, and neither is mine. So either you hold sellers of such products to an honest standard or we become something like reality TV where anything goes.

I am disappointed in Chris that he allowed an artificial video to be discussed as authentic. He sponsored ROK for the month (which I'm grateful for), but this allows people to attack me by saying I promote a marketer who is not honest with his videos. What I don't understand is that he could have done real approaches and have made an even better video. His game skill is not in doubt, so this blunder really serves him a small benefit in the long-term. I'm sure he has learned from it.

[Image: facepalm.png]