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Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Bury Zenek - 05-10-2016

The narrative is being pushed so hard down peoples throats they're bound to get suspicious. New breed of websites (like ROK) pop up and they do send an echo. Good, the more distrust for the government the better.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - federalREBEL - 05-11-2016

Quote: (05-04-2016 05:30 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (05-03-2016 09:17 PM)HonantheBarbarian Wrote:  

Believe it.

Another really common theme used by satanists, is to basically plagiarize and parody the biblical story of Jesus and switch it around to make themselves the protagonists/antihero.

One very stark example of this is the Matrix trilogy. The ultimate red pill movie has the ultimate rid pill truth.

Agent smith=Jesus

Their crew walks around, dressed in black basically fucking shit up. Their ship is called the Nebudchanedzer. They live underground, near the Earth's core. Pretty much every notable religion in the world associates this with the underworld/devil/Pluto.

Agent smith and the dreadlock twins wear white or neutral colors. They are about order and purity.

The Matrix is literally exploding with Satanic symbolism. There is too much to mention. The deja vu with the black cats; the checkerboard floor in the old building in which he first meets Morpheus. The incident under the rainy bridge, the "harnessing" of human "energy" read: souls, the Merovingian. The very name Thomas Anderson is a symbol for a doubting Thomas.

People think the Matrix is an allegory for Jesus... it's really the other way around.

Interesting. Is this spelled out in more detail somewhere?

This documentary, The Replacement Gods, makes the case for the hollywood superhero movies serving as propaganda for the people to accept the coming anti-christ.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - borntomack - 05-13-2016

This is not directly related to Hollywood and Satanic rituals but I think this interview fits in here:

Very interesting interview.

Billy Corgan talks about being an insider and how in the entertainment industry you have to fall in line or else they will blackball you.

He basically admits he was a pawn for years and was unaware of the elite's plans to control him.

He woke up and choose no longer to participate and went his own way.

Highly recommended. [/size]

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - 911 - 05-13-2016

[Image: lena-dunham-dress.jpg]

(sorry guys - eye bleach)

[Image: 10586167-Portrait-of-beautiful-stewardes...endant.jpg]

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - budoslavic - 05-13-2016

Quote: (01-26-2016 08:21 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2016 06:57 AM)Tokyo Joe Wrote:  

Needless to say, I have never really been able to enjoy a Hollywood film after that. Makes you wonder what guys like Jimmy Stewart, James Mason, John Wayne, Gary Cooper got up to back in the day...

Those guys weren't Talmudic Jews. They actually fought and served in WW2 and many of them put their lives in danger. Could you imagine any of today's Hollywood stars fighting in a war for America's sake? Could you imagine even an ounce of patriotism from these guys?

Oh, and by the way, G Manifesto would always go on and on about how Hollywood stars were the coolest and were all left-wing. When I pointed out that 1950's Hollywood stars were mostly right-wing he would ignore it. I guess he was only attracted to the evil ones.

This. +1.

When I think of 1940's - 1960's Hollywood stars, I think of:

Steve McQueen
[Image: 1ed6327593bc73dc0109e3e8bad14443.jpg]

Clark Gable
[Image: clark-gable.png]

James Stewart
[Image: 628bf458116f8133cfd89742a1ac2eb1.jpg]

Lee Marvin
[Image: 430e2e8f4c42d2590bd18ba8024cd622.jpg]

Ernest Borgnine
[Image: borgnine_sailor.jpg]

Charles Bronson
[Image: charles-bronson-army.jpg]

George C. Scott
[Image: ed9cefc44403d2b2dd95a5d42f86b73d.jpg]

and Paul Newman
[Image: newmannavy.jpg]

These guys displayed masculine authenticity and competence because they came away with hard-won experience and adult perspectives. These guys were the real American manhood like my late father, who also fought and served in WWII as a 17 year old kid.

Hate to say it, but the damage is already done to today's American manhood because this has been amplified by the rise of female film executives.

Current Hollywood stars are such a fucking joke. Look at Hollywood executives and their left-wing agenda, you will see a lot of patterns in TV shows, movies and advertisements that are being pushed into the mainstream to spread their message: homosexuality, female empowerment, single motherhood, gay couple raising a child, etc.

I rarely watch TV or movie. There is just way too much garbage, social control and brainwashing going on. All it does is just numb your mind and make your IQ drops.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - shameus_o'reaaly - 05-14-2016

Huh, I just watched A.I, and realised something about that one, too:
-children repeat as themes in ALL Kubrick films (except in Barry Lyndon, their being there and their being threatened is essential to the plot)
-the robot child wants to reconnnect with his human 'mother' after she is dead and humanity is gone, which made me think of the stories about the Illuminati (why might someone want a child who never ages? think about that one for a while. And who might have that same relationship with a parent they've not seen for an age, besides victims of abuse?)
-a child robot being led by a gigolo robot to find his goal? Hm, nothing to raise an eyebrow there, right?
-'programming'. both the boy robot and the gigolo obey their programming-in pursuit of what?
-robots that can mimic human emotion
Kubrick either created the idea of the Illuminati out of whole cloth, or he was obsessed with them, or else they had a hand in the creation of all his movies.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - HectorLavoe - 05-15-2016

Quote: (05-13-2016 11:06 PM)budoslavic Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2016 08:21 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2016 06:57 AM)Tokyo Joe Wrote:  

Needless to say, I have never really been able to enjoy a Hollywood film after that. Makes you wonder what guys like Jimmy Stewart, James Mason, John Wayne, Gary Cooper got up to back in the day...

Those guys weren't Talmudic Jews. They actually fought and served in WW2 and many of them put their lives in danger. Could you imagine any of today's Hollywood stars fighting in a war for America's sake? Could you imagine even an ounce of patriotism from these guys?

Oh, and by the way, G Manifesto would always go on and on about how Hollywood stars were the coolest and were all left-wing. When I pointed out that 1950's Hollywood stars were mostly right-wing he would ignore it. I guess he was only attracted to the evil ones.

This. +1.

When I think of 1940's - 1960's Hollywood stars, I think of:

Steve McQueen
[Image: 1ed6327593bc73dc0109e3e8bad14443.jpg]

Clark Gable
[Image: clark-gable.png]

James Stewart
[Image: 628bf458116f8133cfd89742a1ac2eb1.jpg]

Lee Marvin
[Image: 430e2e8f4c42d2590bd18ba8024cd622.jpg]

Ernest Borgnine
[Image: borgnine_sailor.jpg]

Charles Bronson
[Image: charles-bronson-army.jpg]

George C. Scott
[Image: ed9cefc44403d2b2dd95a5d42f86b73d.jpg]

and Paul Newman
[Image: newmannavy.jpg]

These guys displayed masculine authenticity and competence because they came away with hard-won experience and adult perspectives. These guys were the real American manhood like my late father, who also fought and served in WWII as a 17 year old kid.

Hate to say it, but the damage is already done to today's American manhood because this has been amplified by the rise of female film executives.

Current Hollywood stars are such a fucking joke. Look at Hollywood executives and their left-wing agenda, you will see a lot of patterns in TV shows, movies and advertisements that are being pushed into the mainstream to spread their message: homosexuality, female empowerment, single motherhood, gay couple raising a child, etc.

I rarely watch TV or movie. There is just way too much garbage, social control and brainwashing going on. All it does is just numb your mind and make your IQ drops.

Weren't a lot of these traditional masculine roles used to herd the masses of men to be pawns in central banker wars though? As bad as pussified Hollywood is now, being Cannon Fodder for Talmudic Jew bankers is not something to aspire to either.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - 911 - 05-15-2016

Good, non-controversial, insider documentary on the roots and cultural mythology of Hollywood, and how it shaped America (summarized in 3 short segments):

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - CynicalContrarian - 05-15-2016

Not that he's doing himself any favours with his current look & such...,
however, has anyone heard from Randy Quaid of late...?

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - MikeMcLaren - 05-15-2016

Hollywood has changed over time. From 1930's to 1990's, it was run mostly by straight Jews. From 1990's to now, it is being run mostly by Homosexuals. That is why there is a lot less that straight men can identify with now and why the message is different.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Speculation - 05-22-2016

Via Voxday:

Elijah Wood speaks out about the Kiddy Fiddling in Hollywood


Hollywood is in the grip a child sexual abuse scandal similar to that of Jimmy Savile in Britain, Lord of the Rings star Elijah Wood has claimed.

The 35-year-old former child actor said paedophiles had been protected by powerful figures in the movie business and that abuse was probably still taking place.

In an interview with the Sunday Times, Wood said he had been protected from abuse as he was growing up, but that other child actors had been regularly “preyed upon” at parties by industry figures.

“You all grew up with Savile – Jesus, it must have been devastating,” he said.

“Clearly something major was going on in Hollywood.

“It was all organised.

“There are a lot of vipers in this industry, people who only have their own interests in mind.

“There is a darkness in the underbelly – if you can imagine it, it’s probably happened.”

Wood said the abuse was allowed to continue because victims “can’t speak as loudly as people in power.”

“That’s the tragedy of attempting to reveal what is happening to innocent people,” he said.

“They can be squashed but their lives have been irreparably damaged.”

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Paracelsus - 05-22-2016


Well, I'm guessing Wood doesn't want to make any more films in America. That's the end of his career. At least he had a parent/s who gave enough shits about him to watch him.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Fortis - 05-22-2016

I respect Wood for saying that. Takes balls--if that shit is true. Could be outrage trolling.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Paracelsus - 05-22-2016

Looking quickly at his bio it looks as if he hasn't been near Hollywood as such for four years or more, and the last LOTR movie was his last substantial work connected with it, back in 2003. He seems more concerned with TV/DJ/Videogames stuff these days, so maybe he thinks he's got a solid base outside Hollywood film work. Either way it's significant that someone with his profile, even if they've been out of the game for a while, has come forward.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - porscheguy - 05-22-2016

I wonder if they'll really pull back the curtain on Hollywood like they did with the Catholic Church? The only difference is that Hollywood probably owns a lot more politicians than the church ever did. And since many of the victims of Hollywood are compensated for their buggering will they speak out? Take one of these child actors who baited into doing deviant sexual activities with older savvy pedos, and then when they hit puberty, the rolls dry up, and the sick fucks who paid so much attention are ignoring them, you think you've got a recipe for someone to divulge the dirty details. In reality you just dangle the carrot in front of them and their big break in adult roles is on the way. Most will stay silent in the hopes of keeping the dream alive.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - 911 - 05-22-2016

Hollywood is the church.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Tresdus - 05-23-2016

Just read all 15 pages. Mind blown.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - debeguiled - 05-23-2016

Quote: (05-13-2016 05:57 PM)borntomack Wrote:  

This is not directly related to Hollywood and Satanic rituals but I think this interview fits in here:

Very interesting interview.

Billy Corgan talks about being an insider and how in the entertainment industry you have to fall in line or else they will blackball you.

He basically admits he was a pawn for years and was unaware of the elite's plans to control him.

He woke up and choose no longer to participate and went his own way.

Highly recommended. [/size]

To connect this back to Satanism. Lee Ann McAdoo, cohost at Infowars, who is worth posting pictures of for boobs alone, has been putting some pictures up on Twitter with some weirdly suggestive captions that seem to indicate that if not a Satanist, she is at least a witch of some sort:

[Image: Ci_2IgFVAAYifd5.jpg]

Lee Ann McAdoo

15000 years old. The Childlike Empress

[Image: Civ0IcgU4AAZ9Xo.jpg]

Lee Ann McAdoo

Happy birthday to my Goddess soul sister Emmeline ?Your talent, drive and compassion inspire me to greater heights!

[Image: Che37UoWIAA7lXV.jpg]

Lee Ann McAdoo

As above, so below

[Image: CbtyClEUEAAjHq2.jpg]

Lee Ann McAdoo

Lady McAdoo

And this is the About section from her personal website:

[Image: head8x10.jpg]


About Lee Ann McAdoo

Lee Ann McAdoo

The Girl is a Galaxy.
A Tenacious Truthseeker from Beyond.

Psychic. Lion Tamer. Ensorcelling Muse

Of course, when it comes to women, there is not much of a leap from bog standard narcissistic hamstering to believing you are a Goddess, one of Satan's chosen, or a powerful witch. Could just be her job title going to her head. Interesting anyway.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Praetor Lupus - 05-23-2016

Quote: (05-23-2016 10:48 AM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Of course, when it comes to women, there is not much of a leap from bog standard narcissistic hamstering to believing you are a Goddess, one of Satan's chosen, or a powerful witch. Could just be her job title going to her head. Interesting anyway.

Think she's a Buddhist more than anything.

Regardless, until Satanism confirmed, would still hit that like the fist of Zeus himself.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - FlyBoy - 05-23-2016

Quote: (05-15-2016 08:16 PM)MikeMcLaren Wrote:  

Hollywood has changed over time. From 1930's to 1990's, it was run mostly by straight Jews. From 1990's to now, it is being run mostly by Homosexuals. That is why there is a lot less that straight men can identify with now and why the message is different.

That is not true. What held the Jews back from the 30s to the 70s was the Catholic Church threat of boycott. See, The National Legion of Decency, also known as The Catholic Legion of Decency.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - debeguiled - 05-23-2016

Quote: (05-23-2016 01:59 PM)Praetor Lupus Wrote:  

Quote: (05-23-2016 10:48 AM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Of course, when it comes to women, there is not much of a leap from bog standard narcissistic hamstering to believing you are a Goddess, one of Satan's chosen, or a powerful witch. Could just be her job title going to her head. Interesting anyway.

Think she's a Buddhist more than anything.

Regardless, until Satanism confirmed, would still hit that like the fist of Zeus himself.

She's no Buddhist, probably more of a general Goddess worshiping New Age Wiccan, seeing as how "As above, so below," is a well known occult maxim that would be familiar to witches and devil worshipers. Definitely hittable under most circumstances, as long as she has no real powers.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Matsufubu - 05-23-2016

Like the witches in Macbeth, they only have power if you let them.

Chosen profession: Witch Hunter

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - kaotic - 05-23-2016

Roosh touched on this on one of his tweets, I thought it was relevant to this discussion.

Elijah Wood is calling out hollywood of being filled with pedos.

I always knew this was the case, but it seems to be more pressing than ever.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Cr33pin - 05-23-2016


Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - 911 - 05-23-2016

Corey Feldman exposes Hollywood pedophilia, says it drove his sidekick Corey Chaim to suicide. He's now 44yo, so this must have been from about 10-20 years ago. You don't see a lot of content like this anymore from the alphabet networks.