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Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Sp5 - 03-16-2019

Quote: (03-16-2019 06:38 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Quote: (03-16-2019 05:57 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

~1-3 million dead Muslims as a result of the ME wars and not a peep from the media. 50 dead and there's an outrage and an outpouring of fake sympathy.

[Image: potd.gif]

The same people pouring crocodile tears over a mosque full of dead Muslims today will tomorrow be agitating for Trump to invade Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Sudan or whatever other place they deem ready to accept the globohomo cock in its ass.

This. And you shouldn't bitch about "Muslim attacks" in the West without considering all of the weddings the West has bombed in the last 18 years, all of the civilians shot, and the women raped. These are the facts.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - infowarrior1 - 03-16-2019

Quote: (03-16-2019 11:15 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

This is where they're going, the only maximum security unit in NZ, at Auckland prison

NZ Herald: First Look at $300 million prison rebuild 2017 video

It looks like the cells are single-occupancy. Very spare, unitary stainless steel sink/toilet like US prisons. Not like a third-world hellhole, but also not like a Scandinavian resort prison. Would you like to spend 40 years there? Windows are nice, but the view will change only with the seasons, if that. This guy will never get conjugal visits, even if they're legalized, he'll be denied for reasons for safety.

Leonard's right, the Maoris will be out to brutalize these guys for kicks. There will also be some major fundraising and [un]charitable donations from Muslims to bribe inmates and guards to torment and/or kill these guys.

The death penalty is a leniency if your prisons are shitty enough. I know people get used to things, but having to think about how you wasted your life and worry about prison shit for the rest of your life? Remember, that at best you're keeping company with morons and psychopaths - including the guards.

Dzokhar Tsarnaev and Dylann Roof are getting off easy with the death penalty in a couple of years.

Precisely why I support the death penalty. Not because that ensures that murderers get off easy compared to prison. But because we wouldn't need to house and feed them for the life they spend there.

I have previously posted a link about abolishing prison for the most part. I think that if the punishments for crimes were limited to humiliating beatings, fines garnished from wages or forced labor if he cannot/wouldn't pay and execution.

There wouldn't need to be a rapebox where bad criminals grow worse. And petty criminals become worse criminals.

Worth a read:

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - PixelFree - 03-16-2019

Only 8 pages deep into this thread, have to head out, but my thoughts at the moment.

- Obviously this was a horrible thing, RIP to the victims. Doesn't need to be said really.

- Grass roots vs false flag: 'Fake' is a catch all term that could mean anything from doctored/Hollywood footage with actors to the guy being an intelligence agency asset killing real people.

- Some weird stuff on this guys history with big gaps in his recent years - but obviously too speculate.

- I'm grateful RVF exists to have some intelligent discussion and debate on this. Everywhere I saw on the internet was a cesspool of personal attacks, virtual singling and anger from all sides.

- The level of detail, effort and extent to which the shooters referenced internet culture (even doing the 'OK' hand sign) is really weird.

- I'm surprised he didn't mention Q Anon at all.

- Interesting that Podesta was in NZ praising the NZ PM days earlier. Was he there explaining to her what she needs to do (in person, avoiding electronic means of comms. outside the watchful eye of the NSA)? Who knows.

- Why all the focus on this one shooter? - what about the other mosque shooting? I've heard some reports there was only one mosque attacked now. What of the other 3 people arrested? ZERO about them in the media - all the focus is on this one guy. As far as I can tell it's like they didn't exist anymore and it was just a 'lone wolf'.

- I heard the other shooting ended prematurely because someone in the Mosque shot back. Wonder if this person was legally carrying, and if not, will they be punished (like the girl in Denmark (?) is getting done for using pepper spray to fight off a rapist).

- Interesting this happened in sleepy, peaceful NZ, as if to 'spread out' terror attacks world wide so now 'we've all had one'.

- The guys Twitter account was made Feb 2019. Might mean nothing, might mean something.

- The movie Thrive, from 2011, has long described the elites desire for some type of situation to push forward their plans. I always wondered what it might be - and here it is, unfolding in front of our eyes.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - jcrew247 - 03-16-2019

Yeah, I agree there has to more people involved, or at least helping him getting the weapons or transporting him from place to place. There
may be other cells in NZ.
I wonder how he obtained the semi-automatic weapons.
Or if you need some special permit or training for semi-automatic
weapons rather than handguns.
They will probably ban the semi-automatics since there really isn't
a reason for non-military civilians to have one. A concealed
permit only covers a handgun I presume.
I was surprised there were even Mosques in NZ.
They were probably Pakistanis rather than Saudies.
The one potential concern is that a lot of Aussies were effected
by terrorist bombings in Bali Indonesia where there are a lot
of Muslims. I wonder if he may have known Aussies who have
died there.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - nomadbrah - 03-16-2019

Quote: (03-16-2019 08:09 PM)Sp5 Wrote:  

This. And you shouldn't bitch about "Muslim attacks" in the West without considering all of the weddings the West has bombed in the last 18 years, all of the civilians shot, and the women raped. These are the facts.

You're preaching to the choir.

No one here wants to be involved in doing Israel and the jews dirty work.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Disco_Volante - 03-16-2019

Quote: (03-16-2019 09:28 PM)PixelFree Wrote:  

what about the other mosque shooting? I've heard some reports there was only one mosque attacked now. What of the other 3 people arrested? ZERO about them in the media - all the focus is on this one guy. As far as I can tell it's like they didn't exist anymore and it was just a 'lone wolf'.
Exactly. Where'd the 50 wounded come from? It's a simple question. How Many in critical condition? On life support? Which local hospital handled the big volume of trauma cases?

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - NoMoreTO - 03-16-2019


Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - CaptainChardonnay - 03-16-2019

Quote: (03-16-2019 05:47 PM)achromaticmike Wrote:  

Quote: (03-16-2019 03:10 PM)CaptainChardonnay Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2019 05:08 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

I have a concealed carry licence in Florida-I carry a Five Seven FN solely for mass shooters. I really thought about it before I made the change-I am not going to commit a crime, If I get in an argument I will leave before escalating, I do not carry while drinking (it is illegal), in road rage situations I don't engage (or I apologize which always catches people by surprise),and I have no personal issues with anyone-If I am in a situation where I need to shoot it will be as a victim of an attempted crime-either robbery or a mass shooter. Mass shooters now all wear armor-so either carry a AR 15 pistol with a wrist brace or a FN 5.7 with the proper ammo (or both).

This happened in New Zealand but I am speaking for America-All places of worship and education must have armed security that is ready to fight-There should be at least 2 uniformed state/federal LEOs and at least 1 plainclothes disguised as a worshiper inside. Our schools should all be defended as if Donald Trump's youngest son was a student there(I exaggerate, but only a little).

The guys that did this were wrong on many levels. People are not responsible for the acts of others, but to be honest considering what we know-I don't even think I can take them at their word that they hate Muslims-this may sound bizarre , but they may just be trolling us. It is just as plausible that these dudes are trolling , picked Muslims for the attention and flew to New Zealand to commit this crime because of the lenient (compared to Australia or the USA) laws there and slower tactical response. Seriously , these dudes just may be memeing in real life and we are the laughs (Lulz) they want by even spending the cognitive energy to try to understand how subscribe to Pew di Pie, Candice Owens is an Inspiration and 70 plus more pages of online bullshit they put together matters at all. Guess I am just a normfag.

Fuck these dudes for killing innocent people-it is indefensible behavior. Watching a woman beg for her life only to be shot and run over is disturbing. I despise people like this because they are cowards, pure and simple.

Just remember your pistol will not shoot through plates. Neither will 556.
The five seven round was made to shoot through kevlar.

If you ever do find yourself in a situation fighting someone wearing plates god forbid then aim for the head or at the side of the torso assuming the shooter doesn't have side plates.

They don't even sell the correct armor piercing rounds to civilians for the fiveseven.

It's a total piece of shit on the civilian market and the only people buying it played too much Counterstrike.


Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Sooth - 03-16-2019

The NZ PM is a legit commie.

She also got donations from the Chinese comunist party in her election run.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Disco_Volante - 03-16-2019

Wall street journal now says it's a lone wolf attack. Two others detained weren't involved. Edit: they took down that article here's another where they claim only 1 shooter A cnn article also completely avoids the other attackers supposedly at the other mosque.

So this guy livestreams the first mosque where he kills all those people in the back room, with 1 or 2 getting away, then goes to the other mosque and kills 7, wounding 40+?

Here is a photo from the supposed 2nd mosque shooting. Magically they're the bloodiest wounds imaginable, despite ammo that minimizes the wound as you all told me lol. What a coincidence no live-stream to see these extremely bloody wounds.
[Image: attachment.jpg41456]   

You guys actually believe that? It's clear the gun laws being imposed were written way in advance of this event. The new zealand government is now threatening 10 years in prison just for possessing the fucking video. I think the mass censorship is to cover up the bullshit narrative they pushed.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - MaxMillion - 03-16-2019

Quote: (03-16-2019 09:28 PM)PixelFree Wrote:  

Only 8 pages deep into this thread, have to head out, but my thoughts at the moment.

- Obviously this was a horrible thing, RIP to the victims. Doesn't need to be said really.

- Grass roots vs false flag: 'Fake' is a catch all term that could mean anything from doctored/Hollywood footage with actors to the guy being an intelligence agency asset killing real people.

- Some weird stuff on this guys history with big gaps in his recent years - but obviously too speculate.

- I'm grateful RVF exists to have some intelligent discussion and debate on this. Everywhere I saw on the internet was a cesspool of personal attacks, virtual singling and anger from all sides.

- The level of detail, effort and extent to which the shooters referenced internet culture (even doing the 'OK' hand sign) is really weird.

- I'm surprised he didn't mention Q Anon at all.

- Interesting that Podesta was in NZ praising the NZ PM days earlier. Was he there explaining to her what she needs to do (in person, avoiding electronic means of comms. outside the watchful eye of the NSA)? Who knows.

- Why all the focus on this one shooter? - what about the other mosque shooting? I've heard some reports there was only one mosque attacked now. What of the other 3 people arrested? ZERO about them in the media - all the focus is on this one guy. As far as I can tell it's like they didn't exist anymore and it was just a 'lone wolf'.

- I heard the other shooting ended prematurely because someone in the Mosque shot back. Wonder if this person was legally carrying, and if not, will they be punished (like the girl in Denmark (?) is getting done for using pepper spray to fight off a rapist).

- Interesting this happened in sleepy, peaceful NZ, as if to 'spread out' terror attacks world wide so now 'we've all had one'.

- The guys Twitter account was made Feb 2019. Might mean nothing, might mean something.

- The movie Thrive, from 2011, has long described the elites desire for some type of situation to push forward their plans. I always wondered what it might be - and here it is, unfolding in front of our eyes.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Cattle Rustler - 03-17-2019

Quote: (03-16-2019 11:59 PM)MaxMillion Wrote:  

Nope, not really. 47 down. Not enough.
It DOES NEED to be said.
"RIP to the victims." MY ASS!

It's autistic comments like these that put the forum in a bad spotlight and will attract negative attention when our enemies or the media comes for dirt to dig through. Some folks talked about the Feds monitoring RVF because of Rawmeo before he got busted,'s because of shit like this.

Self awareness is supposed to be common sense but I guess common sense is not common.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - weambulance - 03-17-2019


Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - ShotgunUppercuts - 03-17-2019

@CattleRustler they aint trying to hear that shit though.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Disco_Volante - 03-17-2019

This is pretty damning and obvious when this guy breaks it down: especially 5:20 on

He shoots with blanks (simulation rubber rounds) THE FIRST TIME when the people fall down "dead". goes to his car, gets real ammo, comes back and shoots the now rubber mannequins which are coincidentally ALL laying face down. Hence the impact shots. He thinks a couple of the mannequins simply had blood packets, but most did not. It was real ammo the 2nd time when everyone is completely still (they're rubber mannequins). Many of them weren't even shot in the 1st swipe when they all drop down motionless.

I encourage you to watch those.

The fact the new zealand gov is now threatening to track every IP that views it with prison time shows an unprecedented length to cover this up.

Edit to answer Atomic below: He shows in the video there's a clear sound difference between the first trip ammo and the second. They sound very different in the same room. It's some different type of ammo whether it's rubber bullets or some shit idk.
They make simulation rounds that are akin to rubber bullets but look real: they aren't blanks per say.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Atomic - 03-17-2019

Quote: (03-17-2019 01:35 AM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

This is pretty damning and obvious when this guy breaks it down:

He shoots with blanks THE FIRST TIME when the people fall down "dead". goes to his car, gets real ammo, comes back and shoots the now mannequins which are coincidentally ALL laying face down. Hence the impact shots. He thinks a couple of the mannequins simply had blood packets, but most did not.

Also the tone of the woman yelling "help me" is exactly the same tone and volume when he's 30+ feet away as when he walks right up over her.

I encourage you to watch those.

The fact the new zealand gov is now threatening to track every IP that views it with prison time shows an unprecedented length to cover this up.

Haven't watched the "breakdown". But have you ever fired an AR with blanks?

Unless you have a blank adapter the weapon won't cycle...


Edit to answer Atomic below: He shows in the video there's a clear sound difference between the first trip ammo and the second. They sound very different in the same room. It's some different type of ammo whether it's rubber bullets or some shit idk.

Sounds seems to same to me on both trips. I can pause the video at the 10:49 mark and very clearly see 5.56 ball rounds doubled stacked in mags. Sure that is the second trip in. But you also see blood spatter at close range off the right shoulder off the dude that rushed in. When he bends down to pick up the previously discarded magazine at 7:30, you can also see real ammo.

From someone who has fired these types of weapons, including in urban situations, everything looks legit to me.

But if someone wants to find a conspiracy, they will find it.

Edit again, because you keep editing your post which makes it hard to keep this post history intact:


They make simulation rounds that are akin to rubber bullets but look real: they aren't blanks per say.

I have shoot sim rounds before. Trust me, they sound nothing like a real round. And they are not very powerful. Hell it's not uncommon for dudes to take sim rounds to the face, the doc normally has to come over and pry it out, but it's nothing more than a sick instagram photo and a gnarly wound for a week or so.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Transsimian - 03-17-2019

I think the attack is more than plausible.

He put up his twitter in February, so what, he didn't have any concrete plans to become a "public figure" before then. Most of us here are don't have an active twitter account.

The gun laws were prepared ahead of time. So what, a shooting wasn't exactly a black swan event, and politicians were just waiting for the right opportunity.

Here's a good lefty meme.
[Image: 3fs76H7.jpg]

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - weambulance - 03-17-2019

It's hard to get a good look in the video and I don't have pictures of all the guns handy, but the first rifle has a brake and as far as I can tell the second rifle doesn't have a muzzle device at all. Or if it does, it's not an open-sided brake like the first rifle has. Maybe a little birdcage or some other small-port device, but the writing on the barrel goes almost to the muzzle on the left side, clearly visible at 11:10.

The rifles don't sound all that different to me anyway---as was pointed out earlier normal microphones don't pick up gunshots very accurately---but between different muzzle configurations and how close he is to walls at different points there's no point trying to analyze the gunshots.

There's way too much recoil evident for blanks/sims during his extended strings of fire with the first rifle. Muzzle flash is clearly visible around 7-8:00. Looks right to me.

Around 11:30 when he's shooting the bodies again, well, that's what it looks like when you shoot a real flesh and blood body up close. I've never shot a human that close but I have shot several deer at near-point-blank range after they were down. It's not some huge gory mess even with 308 soft points.

I don't see anything in the video to suggest it's fake.

He's also not a particularly proficient combat shooter to my eye, FWIW. He doesn't move like a trained shooter and he doesn't stand in the right places.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Leonard D Neubache - 03-17-2019

The FiveSeven is a proven performer. Billion dollar corporations don't spend tens of millions of dollars on R&D to create rounds that perform less effectively than hundred year old chamberings. There are simple ways to get around the shitty ammo restrictions instead of using chamberings that are older than your great-grandfather, functionally obsolete and only still exist because hundreds of millions of guns are still chambered in them.

Atlantaman is on the leading edge of ballistics technology. Recliner expert Elmers relying on shitty Youtube tests were the same people who dragged their feet on autoloaders then dragged their feet on double-stacked "plastic guns". I'll trust scientists with skin in the game, and anything that makes the ATF shit its pants for that matter.

Touch wood you don't fail to put down a threat in time and end up left wondering if maybe you shouldn't have put your faith in backyard Youtube videos instead of hard science.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - marcusdivincenzo - 03-17-2019


Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Sp5 - 03-17-2019

Guy who rushed Tarrant, grabbed his gun (it was empty), disrupted him at the second mosque.


Abdul Aziz, 48, was in the Linwood mosque praying with his four sons when he heard gunshots. He immediately knew something was wrong.

Rather than running from the sound, he ran toward it and grabbed the first thing he could find — a credit card machine — and flung it at the attacker. He tried to distract the attacker in a move that many fellow worshipers have described as heroic, weaving through cars in the parking lot, attempting to draw the gunman’s attention away from the mosque.

Latef Alabi, the acting imam of Linwood, told The Associated Press he believed the death toll would have been far higher at the mosque without Mr. Aziz’s actions.

Mr. Aziz said he saw the attacker drop one of his guns and managed to grab it but when he pulled the trigger, the gun was empty. When the gunman went to his car, presumably to grab more ammunition, Mr. Aziz said he threw the gun at the assailant’s windshield, shattering the glass. The assailant sped away.

Mr. Aziz remained humble, saying in an interview with The New York Times that anyone in his position would have done the same. “I was prepared to give my life to save another life,” he said.

Originally from Kabul, Afghanistan, Mr. Aziz lived in Australia for 27 years after having fled the violence of his home country. He moved to New Zealand a few years ago, describing it as a beautiful country.

[Image: skynews-abdul-aziz-hero-new-zealand_4610...0316153533]

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Leonard D Neubache - 03-17-2019

Guy doesn't even look remotely Afghani.

I tried to google "afghan man clean shaven" "no beard" and a number of other variations but apparently there's something like two of them in the whole world and they look nothing like that guy at all.

That did is flat out hispanic. I'm not saying "impossible". I'm just saying...

[Image: tenor.png]

Like I said earlier, the truth of this matter in many ways is going to get very foggy from here on, due to state agencies scrambling to fine-tune their propaganda. We've already seen a "(wo)man on the street" interview with a likely paid actor. The MSM plebs aren't going to be in on the conspiracy (if there is one) but that's not going to stop them from spinning their own brand of bullshit.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - NoMoreTO - 03-17-2019

It is so strange that whenever Islamics are attacked, the media does not put a Mullah out front in centre, or a true follower of Islam. Ultimately, they might not illicit the white tears they want from the interview, even with serious editing. People are naturally wary of muslims.

They had some MSM up at the gym yesterday and I noticed that the main spokesperson was a muslim woman. The media prefers to put a woman with hijab out front and centre.

But if you are wanting to speak to the leaders of their Mosque, we know it should ALWAYS at a minimum be a man, with a beard.

Any shaved man or woman without a hijab is a fake muslim. We know this from their text / cultural rules.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Sp5 - 03-17-2019

Quote: (03-17-2019 07:24 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Guy doesn't even look remotely Afghani.

I tried to google "afghan man clean shaven" "no beard" and a number of other variations but apparently there's something like two of them in the whole world and they look nothing like that guy at all.

That did is flat out hispanic. I'm not saying "impossible". I'm just saying...

[Image: tenor.png]

Like I said earlier, the truth of this matter in many ways is going to get very foggy from here on, due to state agencies scrambling to fine-tune their propaganda. We've already seen a "(wo)man on the street" interview with a likely paid actor. The MSM plebs aren't going to be in on the conspiracy (if there is one) but that's not going to stop them from spinning their own brand of bullshit.

Lol. Tell me you're joking.

Afghanistan is peopled by Tajiks, Uzbeks, Baloch, Hazara, Pathans, Pushtuns, and others. They look different, but many if not most fall into the Latin American/Andalucian looking mode, because the Latin Americans and Spanish themselves look very different. And note that the Spanish Gitanos originally came from India.

I knew a Tajik guy in New Mexico, used to get spoken to in Spanish all the time.

Damn straight, he looks like an Afghan guy who's had the benefit of a protein-rich diet for 30 years and done some lifting.

I used to do propaganda. It's hard even if you're telling the truth.
How fucking stupid would the (((propaganda masterminds))) have to be to cast a Mexican as an Afghan in New Zealand in an elaborate propaganda deception already requiring the cooperation and silence of scores of people?

He wouldn't speak any of the Afghan languages. All you need is one person (eg among the many in NZ Armed Forces) who did a tour in Afghanistan dropping a few phrases on him and "Whoops!"

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Leonard D Neubache - 03-17-2019

On the contrary it wouldn't be the first time that the MSM has done something that ham-fisted. They know they only have to sell that shit for a week at most and after that anyone questioning it enters into tin-foil-hat land.

If you've known Afghans that look like that then sure. Okay then. Thanks for helping out, brah. Glad to have you on the team.