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Official introduction thread - Printable Version

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Official introduction thread - Roosh - 11-02-2012

Welcome class of November 2012!

Official introduction thread - Alowishus D Abercrombie - 11-02-2012

Thanks! Glad to be here [Image: banana.gif]

Official introduction thread - Malekhit - 11-02-2012

Hi guys!

I'm Malek and I'm 25 years old. still continuing education (college).
I've been reading forum since October and I'm rather fresh to entire community of pickup. I started In RSD around 2 months ago but I quit from there because only pickup stuff didn't suit me and I wanted more.

I got quite few skills like I can cook really well, I'm doing rock climbing and hiking form time to time and I play tennins for entire my life, also I ski, snowboard, skateboard, snorkling, yacht, fishing.

For travelling I was about everywhere in Europe except Russia and Portugal. Currently I'm living near Toronto Canada

I've come here to learn more about life since all I did was playing computer games and slack and different schools...

My goal here is to dress like Gmanifesto, earn ok amount of money to be independent and travel a lot, and to get girls.

Official introduction thread - Wreckingball - 11-03-2012


Found Roosh's blog a few days before going to Estonia. Great and awesome stuff!
I'm Portuguese, now in Germany and quite possible in the near future in Sweden!

Thanks to the writings in the forum in the blog, I proudly detonated a Tzar bomba on a hamster a few weeks ago.

Official introduction thread - TheCaptainPower - 11-03-2012

The Captain power here, just signed up on Nov 1 to the forum and trying to get used to it.

I am avail at

Official introduction thread - panache - 11-05-2012

I'm a bit late with this, but better late than never.

I turn 21 this month. I was born and brought up in Dubai, moved to Canada for university, and I am currently in the Bay Area in California for an internship.

I had little experience with girls for the first 16 years of my life until university (guys and girls went to different high schools, culture was different etc.) Got introduced to game by a buddy who was a 6'2, built white dude from a small town in buttfuck nowhere. He was a natural, and I would try to emulate his behaviour. He would always get the hottest chic and I would get the less attractive friend, but I was cool with that, since even the less attractive girls were 7's or even 8's. We would go trying to slay lizards together, and thats basically how i got over approach anxiety.

Fast forward a few years and I am way ahead of where I thought I would be. I've built fairly tight game, started working out, started dressing better, can approach like a mad-man and I am more successful than most people I know in my private life. I'm here to expand my horizons. My game works really well under certain situations, but it isn't as tight as it could be. I'm also here for the occasional link to interesting articles that pop-up.

Official introduction thread - Punjabber - 11-11-2012

Yo people, I'm new to the forum. I found it because those biatches on Happier Abroad said "Roosh" and his following or whatever have become recognized as a hate group. IMO, the dudes on Happier Abroad are the haters. In the couple of months I've been reading here I notice that so many people get banned. I think it's great to keep haters and suspects out. No nonsense.

I pretty much have an itch to travel and are were so many cool stories here. I'd like to expat someday to south america, but for now I'm tryin to get my bread up in the U.S. I registered on November 1st, but I'm just gettin around to posting because I had like 30 RVF tabs open. Each group/community has its own slang/terms so I'm slowly figuring that out here. Besides that, I see a lot of things in American women that turn me off and some dudes I know see it too, but they don't know anything else or care to go anywhere else.

Official introduction thread - FourToTheFloor - 12-01-2012

Hey guys, been a long time lurker and manosphere reader since I dumped my ex back in March.

I'm a mid twenties, Pacific NW dude who enjoys spirited discussion amongst men. I've got wide-ranging interests and want to further develop myself as a man.

Official introduction thread - Doulos2Game - 12-01-2012

The wait was well worth it!! Been lurking for two months, I forgot to register on the 1st.

Two years from now I will be laying in bed with two Swedish girls and will appreciate all I have learned and lived since joining this forum.

Official introduction thread - Gemini - 12-01-2012

Just wanted to introduce myself and write a little info about where I'm from.

Found this forum by accident about a week ago and really like the vibe here, the writing styles, the hilarious posts, and all the good information on gaming chicks in EE. Eastern Europe is where I am originally from and where I am interested in visiting again.

I was born in Poland and moved to Canada at a young age, so I grew up in the city of Vancouver. This is where I presently live and work. I am itching to get out here and maybe live the expat life somewhere in Europe for a while. I speak fluent Polish, mediocre German, very little Spanish.

I have visited a few countries around the world mainly in Europe, but I have only gamed chicks in the following countries: Poland, Germany, Canada, United States, Lithuania, Czech Rep, etc. This is where my experience is and what I can share with the forum. I plan to go back to Europe soon either to visit or work.

For those of you that know, Vancouver is horrendous for meeting new people and picking up chicks. Most girls that are friendly and easy to talk are probably out of towners. Of course, it's possible to meet new people, it's just a lot harder than other places. Most local girls have a bitch-shield. A lot of people are friendly on the surface but will not let you into their circle or clique very easily. It's a very laid back, but stuck-up culture with people really sticking to themselves. Kind of like Canada's version of LA. The good new is that there are more and more hot chicks in the city, especially the downtown core. They are either moving here from other parts of BC, or Canada or anywhere in the world. I have a lot of Mexican, Colombian, Brazilian, Guatemalan friends. I will write more about Vancouver in a separate post.

Thanks Rooshv for the forum and looking forward to posting and reading much more!

Cheers boys!

Official introduction thread - Major Tom - 12-02-2012

Hello everyone,

Glad to have found and be a part of this community. Some background on me, I am in my early 20s and starting from absolute square one. Growing up I had no idea how to talk to or date girls, and got little to no advice in that department aside from some tips from my mom on how to be polite and gentlemanlike, which just reinforced my natural beta behaviors and obviously got me nowhere. My high school and college years were pretty much devoid of female companionship (besides girls who are just platonic friends) and sex. Fast forward to several months after college and a Google search out of frustration on "how to get girls" (something along those lines) opens my eyes to the world of pick-up and game, which I had no idea even existed. One thing led to another and I found Roosh's blog and his books on Amazon. Does this story sound somewhat familiar? Reading Roosh's story was truly inspiring, and ever since I've been convinced that with enough study and dedication I can make up for lost time and get my shit together with the ladies and my currently non-existant sex life. Needless to say I'm behind the curve, but fortunately I do take good care of myself and have other aspects of my life together... the only thing in the way is my lack of experience in the field. I did my first two of 100 approaches (as part of the Roosh program) last night, which were admittedly weak and noncommittal, but it's a step in the right direction and I've committed to making approaching a regular habit from now on. About to finish a book right now and start a new one when it gets here in the mail on Tuesday. Although I'm starting from scratch, I can only see things going up from here and 2013 [hopefully] being a year filled with good tidings and fuck. Nice to meet y'all.

Official introduction thread - Dvorak - 12-02-2012

Hello Everybody,

I'm a Dutch guy, almost 28 yo. Even though I'm probably one of the older members on here, I still have a lot to learn.

Started with game / self improvement seriously approximately 4 years ago. Have had some ups and downs but made good progress. Had a couple of girlfriends, one night stands, fuck-buddies over the years. Nothing spectacular for somebody into game, but doing quite good compared to "normal" men.

I'm a smart guy (software engineer), but quite introverted/shy. My major issue has always been opening, but I made good progress in that during the last year. I'm fairly attractive, tall, stable job. So quickly labelled as boyfriend material. Popular with girls that rank to 7, but with the 8-9's
I haven't had that much success.

For next year my most important goal will be to become a more "sexual" man. (Better in bed, more sexual confidence, quicker escalation, ...)
Hope to meet some like-minded people on here, experienced men with good advice.

Official introduction thread - Sombro - 12-02-2012

Hello all. Longtime lurker. "Semi-retired" 40-something. Led an alpha debauched rock-n-roll lifestyle before becoming a workaholic. Entering Sigma Galt phase. Happy to pass on wisdom accrued.

Official introduction thread - RouteBackwards - 12-02-2012

How rude of me.

Two posts already and no introduction.

I've lurked this forum from time to time, and after missing last months registration day, kept my eye on this months registration.

I am a gentleman who loves the occasional cigar, Heineken and beautiful women.

I'm an artist by nature, but plan to find a career in social psychology one day. I've had my fair share of failures with women, but have also enjoyed quite a few successes with them as well.

More or less I'm interested in the discussion this forum brings and hope it will ultimately contribute to my game for the better.

Look forward to meshing with you guys,


Official introduction thread - Jack Of All Trades - 12-02-2012

Hey guys long time lurker here. I don't usually post stuff because I'm a student and don't have a lot of life experience. I discovered the forum about a year and half ago, getting depressed that I never had contact with girls, had a girlfriend, etc. I didn't even start thinking about sex or wanted it till I was 20. Then I started gaming girls bit by bit, sometimes I approached a girl in class, then making some new friends to show me around. Couple of months later I got my first kiss through a sloppy make out with a girl at a friends party. I look forward to learning from everyone and hope to pass down knowledge when I'm older and wiser.

Official introduction thread - Roosh - 12-03-2012

Welcome class of December 2012!

Official introduction thread - Panacea - 12-09-2012

Class of Dec. 2012 here.

I'm Panacea. I've been lurking for about 2 months and have read both Bang and Day Bang. I'm 17 & From South Florida. I have been into game for a solid 4 months now and have been picking up my efforts recently. I started off with delusion damage and then stumbled into the Manosphere. I also write a little blog with a friend about our lives for fun. Looking forward to being apart of RVF [Image: pimp.gif]

Official introduction thread - obrero - 12-13-2012


I grew up in rural Wisconsin, currently living in Austin, TX. I'm 26 and go to UT as an undergrad. I'm studying after being a soldier and travelling Asia since I left my mom's house.

I'm looking for a solid wing in Austin. My game isn't great but it isn't bad, I think I excel at day game. I went through an ugly dry spell when I moved back to the U.S. earlier this year. I cannot believe how bitchy women are at night here.

I found Roosh because a Danish 7.5 that I had banged while in India was offended and showed me Roosh's post about Danish women being masculine. "I can't believe he wrote that"

Official introduction thread - shiznit - 01-01-2013

Hi everyone. Just another male in his 20's with the need to seriously improve my game. Been following Roosh for a while now. I come from Norway, Oslo to be exact. I've also travelled extensively throughout Europe so I'd be glad to share travelling tips.

Happy new year to you all.

Official introduction thread - Stakes Is High - 01-01-2013

23 years old. Born in the Bay Area, California. Went to college in San Diego. Graduated and now I am doing business development at a solar engineering firm in Madrid, Spain.

I came here to Spain mainly for the women. I fell for a Spanish chick who was studying abroad at my school, and decided this is where I was coming after I graduated. Once my work visa ends, April, I will hopefully have a contract to teach English in Curitiba (no Portuguese). I am now second guessing Brazil to teach in Columbia.

I've got my Spanish flag. My game is far from tight, somedays it's better than others. In English, my game is pretty spot-on. I know the subtleties of the language that I just don't know in Spanish. I have had much more success with native speaking people. Having said that, I run a lot of day-game.

Looking for someone to sarge with- out-of-towners or locals.

Official introduction thread - LaPastillaRoja - 01-01-2013

Hey guys, I've been reading the forum for a while now and I'm a huge fan of Roosh's work and I finally got around to creating an account/remembered it was the first.

My background is I'm a 20 year old business student in Birmingham, England. I was born in the UK but moved to the States when I was 9, from Oxford to Columbus, Ohio to be exact. I moved back to the UK for university in 2010. I have dual citizenship through my mom and I feel spending an equal amount of time in Europe and NA gives me a kind of neutral (or completely skewed) view on a lot of issues.

Game wise, I still have a LOT to learn but I feel I have a pretty solid base. Being english in the states is obviously like shooting poosy in a barrel and the same basically is true vice versa. The foreign guy card is definitely a good one to play! I was also lucky enough to spend 6 months in Barcelona on an ERASMUS exchange (comprehensive data sheet coming soon [Image: biggrin.gif] ) as well as a lot of time in Madrid while I was seeing my ex-girlfriend.

I feel like my numbers (I value flags way more than notches) are a bit inflated because of my time in Barcelona as I managed to rack up 7 flags (Colombia, France, Finland, Sweden, Bulgaria, Belarus, Canada) in a short period of time. This summer I plan on being a holiday rep in Ibiza so it should be an excellent chance to further develop my foreign relations!

I speak quite good spanish (dated una madrileƱa for nearly 2 years), basic French, and am working on Portuguese. I am extremely keen to travel in SA and once I get my degree and work for 6-8 months I am going to make an extended pilgrimage.

I feel like what you guys are doing on the form is great, and I hope I can become a somewhat useful part of this well oiled gaming machine [Image: wink.gif] Also anyone looking to practice spanish feel free to hit me with a PM for some useful resources! Game on lads!


Official introduction thread - Leaper - 01-01-2013

Another member of the first class of 2013 here. I'll keep it brief. I'm a youngin' living on the east coast (not far from NYC) and going to school in the midwest (VERY different from NYC). I've always gotten by pretty well on natural game, but just started reading up on it and actively practicing it this fall and immediately noticed a jump in both the quality and quantity coming my way.

Haven't travelled nearly as much as I'd like to, but I'm graduating in a year and plan on taking some time off instead of jumping right into any kind of corporate grind. I'm working right now on getting some kind of cash flow going that by that point will hopefully be enough for me to live on modestly.

I speak English and conversational Spanish, but I'm looking forward to expanding that, especially this summer when I'll have more free time.

Looking forward to contributing every once in a while instead of just lurking. Cheers.

Official introduction thread - Tomo - 01-01-2013

Another member of the class of 2013! I've been lurking on here and reading manosphere and other game resources since around Spring 2012. Started getting serious about it and took the plunge last month. I'm 26 and heading to South America in October. I tweeted Roosh yesterday (using my 'real' identity haha) about whether he would recommend there or Eastern Europe... I wonder whether he'll respond now that he knows I'm a fully paid-up member of the crew?!

Official introduction thread - CarpeDiem - 01-01-2013

Yeah, I'm part of the first class of 2013 as well. I'm a young guy who's been following Roosh and blogs like his for about a year now.

Official introduction thread - Emancipator - 01-01-2013

Hello everyone,

I have been a long time lurker of this forum since two years ago after I realized the life isn't what it was made out to be. I guess I finally took the "red pill". I finally decided to register as this forum can be the source of some good commentary and discussion, hard to find such a place on the internet now.
