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Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - germanico - 03-18-2016

Quote: (03-17-2016 08:41 PM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

Freemasonry is just over-symbolized and ritualized Judaism for gentiles. If you want to know about it, a good indirect method is to study Mormon theology and ignore the Jesus stuff.

[Image: mindblown3.gif]

Freemasons place the father, the creator, above the son, the creation. Thus, governments are easier to bend and manipulate because the ruling elites renegue Jesus, the redeemer, forgiver of sins, and fancy themselves after the creator, judge, reaper. Thinking that they have to do what they has to be done instead of what would be right to do the individuals are moved around through the fear of loss and the promise of reward instead of making their own paths through the push of conviction and faith in the righteous cause.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - hydrogonian - 03-18-2016


[quote] (03-18-2016 07:27 AM)germanico Wrote:  

(03-18-2016, 01:41 AM)hydrogonian Wrote:  Freemasonry is just over-symbolized and ritualized Judaism for gentiles. If you want to know about it, a good indirect method is to study Mormon theology and ignore the Jesus stuff.

[Image: mindblown3.gif]

That's funny because I thought that this was relatively common knowledge. More specifically, it is likely an elaborate version of the noachide religion: the sub religion for gentiles that is under Jewish administration.

While Judaic mythology and theology likely runs through every degree, I bolded degree names that are expressly Jewish in nomenclature to my knowledge. It is likely that others are as well, such as "brazen serpent", but I coould't elaborate on specifically how that is the case at the moment. There is only so much time for study. Keep in mind that Temple worship, to include tabernacle worship, is a Free Will theological concept that holds that Temple Rites (actions that you perform) bring God/Heaven to Earth of otherwise save you. It's not a coincidence that Mormonism has the only robust Temple worship system outside of Judaism itself (when they resume it in the messianic era - probably complete with large animal sacrifice - that Perfect Red Heffer is to soon appear in their estimation).

1 Entered Apprentice
2 Fellow Craft
3 Master Mason
Conferred in a Symbolic or "Blue" Lodge under the jurisdiction of a recognized Grand Lodge of Masons

Ineffable Degrees

4 Secret Master
5 Perfect Master
6 Intimate Secretary
7 Provost and Judge
8 Intendant of the Building
9 Master Elect of Nine
10 Elect of Fifteen
11 Sublime Master Elected
12 Grand Master Architect
13 Master of the Ninth Arch
14 Grand Elect Mason
Conferred in a "Lodge of Perfection"

Historical Degrees

15 Knight of the East, or Sword
16 Prince of Jerusalem
Conferred in a "Council of Princes of Jerusalem"

Philosophical Degrees

17 Knight of the East and West
18 Knight of the Rose Croix of H.R.D.M. (Rosicrucian)
Conferred in a "Chapter of Rose Croix" Degrees

Traditional and Chivalric Degrees

19 Grand Pontiff
20 Master ad Vitam
21 Patriarch Noachite
22 Prince of Libanus
23 Chief of the Tabernacle
24 Prince of The Tabernacle
25 Knight of the Brazen Serpent
26 Prince of Mercy
27 Commander of the Temple
28 Knight of the Sun
29 Knight of St. Andrew
30 Grand Elect Knight Kadosh (The King Kill Ritual)
31 Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander
32 Sublime Prince of The Royal Secret


Freemasons identify with the father, the creator, above the son, the creation. Thus, governments are easier to bend and manipulate because the ruling elites renegue Jesus, the redeemer, forgiver of sins, and fancy themselves after the creator, judge, reaper. Thinking that they have to do what they has to be done instead of what would be right to do the individuals are moved around through the fear of loss and the promise of reward instead of making their own paths through the push of conviction and faith in the righteous cause.

I liked your post, and I would only adjust what I did in bold to allow it to make sense according to my understanding of things. They are the builders that act on creation. The craftsmen. The manifestation of Will on Earth. Sometimes this might be couched as being that they are agents of God's Will (the Architect's Will). However, I would venture that this would be a twist on words and that, in reality, the Will that is manifested is their own and they acknowledge this to themselves. They are the architect as well as the builder.This difference is all the difference. In the Mormon faith, the Mormons become god, the architect, if they do the appropriate works (build correctly).

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - hydrogonian - 03-18-2016

I'll leave you with the concept of the Abyss, the final chasm between man and God:

[Image: treeveil.jpg]


The Abyss

Kether, Chochmah and Binah form a trinity, the supernal triad, which resides above the Abyss. This Abyss cannot be traversed by man as long as he is bound by his world of intellect and everyday experiences. Only by riding the mercabah (=the wagon, vehicle) of mystical experience, with the resulting destruction of the sense of ego, will he be able to traverse the Abyss and contact the supernal triad.


(other than the below quote, the rest of this source is hard to read):

Another theme which contributed to the notion of the Abyss was the legend of the Fall. According to the Kabbalistic interpretation of the Biblical myth, at the conclusion of the act of Creation there was a pure state, denoted by Eden, where the primordial Adam-and-Eve-conjoined existed in a state of divine perfection. There are various esoteric interpretations of what the Fall represents, but all agree that after the Fall Eden became inaccessible and Adam and Eve were separated and took on bodies of flesh here in the material world. This theme of separation from God and exile in a world of matter (and by extension, limitation, finiteness, pain, suffering, death - manifestations of the rigours or evil inherent in God) precedes Kabbalah and can be found in the Gnostic legend of Sophia exiled in matter. This idea of separation or exile from divinity mirrors very closely the use of the Abyss on the modern Tree to divide the sephiroth representing a human being from the sephiroth representing God.

Free Will theology meets its ultimate logical manifestation in antimonianism, or the practice of breaking all rules and social constructs toward exerting and demonstrating your Free Will; thus crossing the abyss and making you like God. Humans that can undergo this process destroy their ego (ego death), gain the "hidden light", and consider themselves gods to be served and worshiped by the profane. The destruction of social constructs is the re-manifestation of the waters of chaos, out of which a New Jerusalem shall rise (the BenBen) from which the world shall be ruled by those that have crossed the abyss and thus have the hidden knowledge of Da'ath (some of this is explained in the information further below):

[Image: nxlYBts.jpg?1]


At the Association for Jewish Studies Conference, Dr. Michaelson will be presenting a paper on sexual antinomianism in the Frankist movement.

Sexual antinomianism is the most notorious aspect of Frankism, in the eyes of both traditionalist critics and scholars. This sensationalistic and frequently moralistic assessment is of a piece with the general scholarly dismissal of the movement as well as with traditional heresiology, which often depicts heretics as sexually depraved. At the same time, sexuality and eros generally are central to Frankist thought, with at least five distinct meanings (Kabbalistic and Sabbatean concepts notably absent among them) that will be explored in this presentation.


Crossing the Abyss - Thelema

Choronzon is the Dweller in the Abyss; he is there as the final obstruction. If he is met with the proper preparation, then he is there to destroy the ego, which allows the adept to move beyond the Abyss. If unprepared, then the unfortunate traveller will be utterly dispersed into annihilation.

The Abyss - Thelema

The Vision and the Voice describes two additional methods of entering the Abyss. The first of these "concerns things of which it (was) unlawful to speak openly under penalty of the most dreadful punishment, namely receptive homosexual intercourse under the desert sun that went against Crowley's social habits of conduct or his conscious self-image

*my note: notice that it must be receptive homosexual intercourse, effectively putting you through the experience of the woman and thus symbolically making you a hermaphrodite similar to the first perfected hermaphroditic human: Adam Kadmon.


Ordo Templi Orientis

The really big secrets hoarded by the OTO leadership have to do with sex magic. Higher level OTO initiates apparently spend rather a lot of time obsessing about penises (as did Crowley himself). According to various exposes of the OTO, the secrets include swallowing sperm as the ultimate form of Holy Communion, although some alleged "secret" texts of the OTO specify that the substance is "analogous" to sperm without actually being sperm, whatever that's supposed to mean.

* To my knowledge, it's specifically sperm mixed with menstrual blood: representative of the hermaphrodite.

Higher level initiates also learn a lot of tantric stuff, which can hardly be considered "secret," what with the Kama Sutra and more advanced texts available in every bookstore. Top OTO officials also practice Masturbation, heterosexual intercourse and homosexual intercourse for magical effect, once again techniques that aren't exactly top-secret in occult circles.


Freemasonry and Catholicism by Heindel - Part V

Formerly the unifying factors of a dual office in the ruler and the double sex of his people precluded the clashing of interests which now obtains, and which will continue until another divine ruler shall present himself to embody within in his own person the qualifications of the dual office of king and priest after the order of Melchisedec, and until sex generation be abolished. In this connection it is significant that the Bible narrative begins in the Garden of Eden, where mankind were male-female and innocent; then in the next chapter we are told of the division of sexes, the transgression of the command not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge, and the infliction of the penalty--painful parturition and swift death.

Hence marriage will be unnecessary, the clashing of interests due to the lust of sex and the love of power will then disappear and the love of souls will be hallowed by the spirit of peace.

*according to Heindel, Freemasonic and Rosicrucian theology holds that the world's conflict arises from sexual competition and, so accordingly, the sexual act must be eradicated in the social sphere. This is consistent with the hermaphroditic theology.

Again, a reminder of this Free Will theology manifesting itself in the public social sphere. These kids are "breaking social norms" and embracing a de-sexed or otherwise (representative) hermaphroditic identity. Again, as the original poster mentioned, skip to 1:35:

Da'ath is the "hidden light" or "hidden knowledge" that is found in the abyss (remember that Lucifer is the "Light Bringer" and remember the choice to eat the apple of the Tree of Knowledge) (Da'at. or Daath, sounds a lot like "Death"). After the Fall (through the abyss), man knew death:



Da'at is considered the point of creation, when the active principle of Chokhmah (wisdom), meets with the passive principle of Binah, 'understanding', and creates the archetypal idea of knowledge. These three are sometimes referred to as the "superconscious".

However, this sephirot is often not shown on the tree of life, and instead there is an empty space, straddling The Abyss. In fact, there are often two trees depicted, one which shows Da'at but not Malkuth, and the other which shows Malkuth but not Da'at. These are considered as being before The Fall of Man, and after The Fall, in which the fruit of knowledge is taken from the tree, humanity loses paradise, and falls into the earthly state of suffering represented by Malkuth.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Killer Joe - 03-18-2016

[Image: mindblown.gif]

I'll had to read that again 2-3 times in order to digest all of that.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - hydrogonian - 03-18-2016

Quote: (03-18-2016 01:35 PM)Killer Joe Wrote:  

I'll had to read that again 2-3 times in order to digest all of that.

It needed a little reformatting and now it should be easier to read. It is a lot of info, and more background reading would be necessary, as well as time, to fully grasp it (not that I necessarily have). This is the type of thing that brings further revelation as it sits with you and your mind organizes it and recognizes patterns. Also, the links that I provided were found on-the-fly and there may be better.

I hope that I've given a better starting point for consideration of the occult theology in the modern world. None of it is really hidden. Its more about ignoring the noise and reading primary sources.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Easy_C - 03-18-2016

Quote: (03-18-2016 01:56 PM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

Quote: (03-18-2016 01:35 PM)Killer Joe Wrote:  

I'll had to read that again 2-3 times in order to digest all of that.

It needed a little reformatting and now it should be easier to read. It is a lot of info, and more background reading would be necessary, as well as time, to fully grasp it (not that I necessarily have). This is the type of thing that brings further revelation as it sits with you and your mind organizes it and recognizes patterns. Also, the links that I provided were found on-the-fly and there may be better.

I hope that I've given a better starting point for consideration of the occult theology in the modern world. None of it is really hidden. Its more about ignoring the noise and reading primary sources.

There's a really good primer out there by the name of "introduction to the deepest control systems" that will give you all the "basics"(really not) of interpreting esotoric symbology. I put that in quotes because there is a massive recommended reading list that the author wants you to go through before even starting to read his book.

While I am distantly acquainted with the author he has chosen to go dark, used his technical proficiency to effectively delete any record of himself from the internet, and only communicates directly by email.

However I do have a .pdf version of it which I am more than happy to share if you PM me with a burner email address.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Bobb Johnson - 03-20-2016

Hollywood also predicts lots of events subliminally.

There are a bunch of movies that foretell of 9/11.

Best movie scene to showcase this was from the 1996 film "A Long Kiss Goodnight" starring Samuel Jackson.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - The Beast1 - 03-20-2016

Anyone else think we'll see the second coming of Christ in our lifetime? [Image: tongue.gif]

State of Israel: check
Graven images of Babylon getting destroyed (Isis destroying relics): check
Cashless societies requiring the "marks" of Visa/MC/Amex to perform transactions: check
UN and other large "one world government" apparatuses: check

I know a lot of people before us always said the second coming was imminent, especially during the 1st awakening in the early 19th century. However I'm more surprised that these fools didn't think, "Gosh where is the state of Israel?" Israel in the early 19th century was under Ottoman control. We now have an actual state of Israel. That to me alone is a mark that the ends times are approaching.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - HectorLavoe - 03-20-2016

The figure of Jesus is not meant to be taken literally, his story is allegorical. Jesus represents mans connection to the Divine, the pursuit of which must be taken from within.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Mr. D - 03-20-2016

Quote: (03-20-2016 05:00 PM)HectorLavoe Wrote:  

The figure of Jesus is not meant to be taken literally, his story is allegorical. Jesus represents mans connection to the Divine, the pursuit of which must be taken from within.

Well, in that sense, Hollywood truly is a Satanic cult.
Basing this on the Hebrew word שָּׂטָן (satan), which translates into "adversary".

The general buggery etc. seems more like an extreme form of hazing and control. After all, misery loves company.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - thoughtgypsy - 03-20-2016

Quote: (03-06-2016 02:34 AM)loremipsum Wrote:  

Ok for those who don't want to wait for Chemicalfreeze:

You might not know it, but the entire world has been worshiping Saturn for thousands of years. The cult has never stopped and its rites are still present to this day.

This website discusses the disturbing occult origins of the planet Saturn and its influence on our march towards the terrifying elitist agenda of ‘justifiable’ man-made global cleansing.

Really messed up stuff.

I tried to keep an open mind and suspend judgment for a long time, but at the very least, the last link you posted is absolute fantasy.

There is no way for me to be 100% sure that all physics isn't an elaborate hoax, or to know what the Earth was like 60,000 years ago. But I've spent a great deal of time learning about electromagnetics, planetary and atmospheric dynamics, and everything I read on that link does not jive with it. It's not just supposition- I've directly observed electrical phenomena that were predicted by existing physical laws. There is zero explanation for the inconsistency with existing empirical science.

Looks like an elaborate attempt at disinformation to me.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Aurini - 03-21-2016

Quote: (03-20-2016 03:13 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Anyone else think we'll see the second coming of Christ in our lifetime? [Image: tongue.gif]

State of Israel: check
Graven images of Babylon getting destroyed (Isis destroying relics): check
Cashless societies requiring the "marks" of Visa/MC/Amex to perform transactions: check
UN and other large "one world government" apparatuses: check

I know a lot of people before us always said the second coming was imminent, especially during the 1st awakening in the early 19th century. However I'm more surprised that these fools didn't think, "Gosh where is the state of Israel?" Israel in the early 19th century was under Ottoman control. We now have an actual state of Israel. That to me alone is a mark that the ends times are approaching.

I try not to speculate or look forward to it too much, but I will say this: negative interest rates. We are literally inventing a sin that wasn't mentioned in the Bible; we are taking usury and squaring it.

You know, it's funny; when I first joined this forum I was worried that my growing religiosity might be out of place. Particularly the more esoteric elements. I'm very glad to be in a community of men who *get it*.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - jariel - 03-24-2016

I noticed this in the Jay-Z documentary "Fade to Black".

I don't get too worked up by this stuff, I just take it as it isn't coincidental that they find ways to put symbols and what not into their stories.

[Image: 2nuj4mb.jpg]

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Fortis - 03-24-2016

This thread is going exactly where I want it to.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - No Habit - 03-25-2016

Just flown through this thread and yeah I also think there is a truth to this. I don't know if anyone has mentioned it already but you ever listened to some songs backwards?

I truly believe that everything in live is energy vibrating on different frequencies. And there are constructive creative vibrations and destructive vibrations. So depending on the words you use your vocal cords vibrate either constructively or destructively that's why you cannot speak the word "good" while making it sound evil and you cannot speak the word "evil" making it sound good. The intrinsic vibrational structure of this makes it impossible.

So anyway, there songs who have a lot of satanic messages in them played backwards. One extreme example is the latest Black Star song of David Bowie .

First of all the lyrics played forward don't make fucking sense. But they are feeling 95% uncomfortable at the time. 5% feel good.
So played backwards 95% of the time there are satanic phrases like "Hail Lucifer" actually in french. 5% of the time the reverse message ist "Holy Ghost". And I don't think you have to understand a language to feel if the vibrations are destructive or constructive. All language uses the same vibrations of the vocal cords.

So here is the song (can't find the video anymore, but in it 95% of the time there were people tortured correlating to the reverse satanic messages and 5% there were people having a great time corresponding to the reverse holy ghost messages) :

Song reversed:

I might be totally wrong about all this, so make up an opinion for yourself.

To deny truth because it might be painful is ignorance, though.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Easy_C - 03-25-2016

Quote: (03-25-2016 05:16 AM)Bad-Habit Wrote:  

First of all the lyrics played forward don't make fucking sense. But they are feeling 95% uncomfortable at the time. 5% feel good.
So played backwards 95% of the time there are satanic phrases like "Hail Lucifer" actually in french.

The French isn't a coincidence. French is language of major importance to esoteric scholars, as well as the country itself being home to a number of important esoterists and organization (not the least of which is the Illuminati).

I also have to say, I'm kinda wowed by the work that everyone else has done on the thread. So far I was under the impression that only myself and a few of the obscure sources I've mentioned earlier knew about the Hermaphroditic agenda and it's importance as the real reason that feminized males the LGBT agenda are being so strongly pushed.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Latinopan - 03-26-2016

Kind of related, Hollywood gets together to brainstorm how the portray gun in TV shows and movies.

-Write stories exaggerating the emotional consequences for the shooter if a gun is used
-Write stories showing a gun owner accidently being shot by his own gun
-Write stories showing a gun accidently misfiring while loading it
-Write stories showing a gun misfiring and shooting someone else when dropped
-Write stories that depict a family suing gun manufacturers
-Write stories showing that introducing guns makes people more prone to anger and violence
-Write stories showing that gun owners are ultimately too afraid to get and use their guns
-Write stories showing a teenage girl threatening to break up with her boyfriend if he doesn’t get rid of his gun
-Write stories showing parents getting prosecuted for leaving a gun out
-Write stories showing that women are more likely to get shot by husbands than by an intruder
-Write stories showing guns misfiring or jamming at critical times
-Write stories showing people feeling less safe when their neighbors have guns
-Write stories showing people getting criminally prosecuted for brandishing a firearm
-Write stories showing a self-defense firearm use where the person is charged with murder because it’s determined that excessive or unjustified lethal force was used
-Write stories showing that having a gun in the home actually increases the likelihood of a home invasion

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - theoogabear - 03-28-2016

Call bullshit on me, but my grandpa and 2 of my uncles were in the Bohemian Grove and they said it was a lot of fun, but just too expensive. No hokie pokie mysticism, nothing crazy or out there. Just a lot of frat boy partying. I can get more info if y'all are interested.

My grandpa got out after taking a stab at the Nixon administration in his cabinet's presence. People saw him as an annoying ideologue after that. But rituals? Satanic stuff? Nah, nothing like that and they would definitely talk about it if it happened.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Beyond Borders - 03-28-2016

Quote: (03-28-2016 09:41 AM)theoogabear Wrote:  

Call bullshit on me, but my grandpa and 2 of my uncles were in the Bohemian Grove and they said it was a lot of fun, but just too expensive. No hokie pokie mysticism, nothing crazy or out there. Just a lot of frat boy partying. I can get more info if y'all are interested.

My grandpa got out after taking a stab at the Nixon administration in his cabinet's presence. People saw him as an annoying ideologue after that. But rituals? Satanic stuff? Nah, nothing like that and they would definitely talk about it if it happened.


Just kidding.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Roosh - 03-28-2016

I did an intro article about this topic on my blog today:

It's new to a lot of people.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Conscious Pirate - 03-28-2016

Great article Roosh. Having grown up in the entertainment industry, this makes a lot of sense.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - captain_shane - 03-28-2016

Quote: (03-28-2016 10:05 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Quote: (03-28-2016 09:41 AM)theoogabear Wrote:  

Call bullshit on me, but my grandpa and 2 of my uncles were in the Bohemian Grove and they said it was a lot of fun, but just too expensive. No hokie pokie mysticism, nothing crazy or out there. Just a lot of frat boy partying. I can get more info if y'all are interested.

My grandpa got out after taking a stab at the Nixon administration in his cabinet's presence. People saw him as an annoying ideologue after that. But rituals? Satanic stuff? Nah, nothing like that and they would definitely talk about it if it happened.


Just kidding.

It is bullshit. Yeah, no rituals [Image: dodgy.gif]

[Image: bohemiangrove02_03.jpg]
[Image: BohemianGrove_1926.jpg]
[Image: cremation_of_care.jpg]

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Geomann180 - 03-28-2016

Quote: (03-28-2016 09:41 AM)theoogabear Wrote:  

Call bullshit on me, but my grandpa and 2 of my uncles were in the Bohemian Grove and they said it was a lot of fun, but just too expensive. No hokie pokie mysticism, nothing crazy or out there. Just a lot of frat boy partying. I can get more info if y'all are interested.

My grandpa got out after taking a stab at the Nixon administration in his cabinet's presence. People saw him as an annoying ideologue after that. But rituals? Satanic stuff? Nah, nothing like that and they would definitely talk about it if it happened.

Maybe they were unwitting sponsors?


Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - AnonymousBosch - 03-28-2016

Re: Bowie, note what he's drawing on the inner sleeve of 'Station To Station' in 1976.

[Image: David-Bowie-e1453906570485.jpg]

I find it fascinating that everything Bowie investigated in the 70's: Occultism, Nietzsche, Crowleyism, Kabbalah, Fascism, and later casually-disowned in the 80's by gaming journalists with the power of charm and blaming it all on cocaine and craziness, all came back at the end. What are his last two projects? A stage play based on 'The Man Who Fell To Earth' from the 75/76 occult period, and videos that use explicit imagery from Crowley and the Kabbalah.

[Image: X7mLrYj.jpg]

At his death, the media, instead of being horrified by what Bowie actually still-believed in, celebrated him. That's some master-level Game.

Fitting in with these theme, '95 album 'Outside' is about the ritualistic occult art murder of a young girl.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - theoogabear - 03-28-2016

To all who replied to my comment:

I'm not convinced the bohemian grove is really anything more than what they told me. It really is the meeting of the most powerful men in the country, but they just party. That's it. Those photos that were posted, I seriously don't know if those are real and I'm not going to contest their validity, but I'm not gonna lie man if that shit IS TRUE, it's dead in the current bohemian members. My grandpa doesn't give a flying fuck about spiritual who-ha and my uncle is a as materialistic as they come.

If those are prereqs for selling your soul to the devil, than they pass. But they just don't strike me, personally, as people to get so passionate about anything other than their paycheck.

On top of this, my grandpa left the bohemian grove with bridges burning and he became MORE successful. My uncle's career trajectory stayed more or less the same with him leaving.

I really think this is just a club similar to that club Frasier and Niles Crane wanted to get into. A place were men just sit around and meditate on how much better they are than other people who aren't in the club.

However, one story did stay with me.

My grandpa was wondering around the grove and overheard some business typhoon pipe up and say that he thinks "Reagan should have it." My grandpa took this to mean the election.

And apparently, since my grandpa was in it, I can join. Who knows. I'll sign up and after the 10 years it takes them to approve you, I'll let you guys know what goes on. ~~~ooeeooeeoo~~~

***if you guys have any questions you have about it, PM me. I'm visiting my grandpa this weekend and he's pretty open about this shit.