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Player's Log / Lounge - BlurredSevens - 07-10-2013

Ugh. Just had a Tinder girl come to my house, the 5th one to come directly over for the "first date."

I immediately disliked her, as soon as she walked in. Cute, but not really. I figured fuck it, I'm at home, I'll just get drunk and bang her anyway. So we got drunk for about 90mins-2hrs, but I wasn't really attracted to her so I stalled big time on making the first move. I think she sensed this. I went to take a piss and when I came back she was on the phone with her roommate, who apparently got locked out of their place. So she had to leave. We made out for a minute. She said "hit me up sometime." I thought to myself "no way in hell, this was your only chance."

I'm too drunk now to realize if her roommate story was real, or if she just wanted to bail.

Overall, I'm pissed for having wasted my time, but I'm kind of glad I didn't have to bang her. Next.

Player's Log / Lounge - Every10GivesMeA10 - 07-10-2013

The girl i talked about earlier is in my apt again. Previously I was all over her and she rejected me, pushed away, etc and these last 2 times she asked why I'm not trying anything like putting my hand on her boobs....

You ask me to put your hands on your boobs but you push me away if I try to?

Maybe this girl seeks attention.

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 07-10-2013

Quote: (07-10-2013 01:25 AM)Every10GivesMeA10 Wrote:  

The girl i talked about earlier is in my apt again. Previously I was all over her and she rejected me, pushed away, etc and these last 2 times she asked why I'm not trying anything like putting my hand on her boobs....

You ask me to put your hands on your boobs but you push me away if I try to?

Maybe this girl seeks attention.

The biggest turn off to a girl is if you follow her orders. You have to be the driver.

Player's Log / Lounge - Every10GivesMeA10 - 07-10-2013

Quote: (07-10-2013 01:39 AM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (07-10-2013 01:25 AM)Every10GivesMeA10 Wrote:  

The girl i talked about earlier is in my apt again. Previously I was all over her and she rejected me, pushed away, etc and these last 2 times she asked why I'm not trying anything like putting my hand on her boobs....

You ask me to put your hands on your boobs but you push me away if I try to?

Maybe this girl seeks attention.

The biggest turn off to a girl is if you follow her orders. You have to be the driver.

I kinda played hard to get in the last 2 days. First time she was just staring at me and getting closer. I didn't pay any attention. She ended up kissing me, left after an hour. I didn't try anything.

Same thing last night. Only this time she went to lie on my bed cause she was tired. I left her there for 30 minutes, went to lie in my bed as well to sleep.

She asked me why I am not trying anything.

Funny.... I was all over her in the days prior.

I dont know, but I think she just loves the attention.

Player's Log / Lounge - WesternCancer - 07-10-2013

What the hell is tinder. Sounds like fun

Player's Log / Lounge - BlurredSevens - 07-10-2013

Quote: (07-10-2013 05:24 AM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

What the hell is tinder. Sounds like fun

Tinder is the iPhone app that's gotten me some easy bangs in the last month. It's glorious.

There is a good thread on this forum about it too.

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 07-10-2013

Quote: (07-10-2013 10:23 AM)BlurredSevens Wrote:  

Quote: (07-10-2013 05:24 AM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

What the hell is tinder. Sounds like fun

Tinder is the iPhone app that's gotten me some easy bangs in the last month. It's glorious.

There is a good thread on this forum about it too.

The new OKcupid app also has a tinder like feature.

The beauty of these is that if a girl matches back to you, you know that she's already attracted. So, you just have to focus on building comfort with her.

Genius stroke- it's definitely a score for men who know what they are doing. You can essentially swipe that you like every girl you see and cast a huge net. Then you can be in the position of power to and choose to either reply to the girl or reject her.

It's the ultimate script flip that takes advantage of the pseudonymous vibe of doing things online.

The only thing is that you have to really present well in your images. This is online game finally being honest.

The only other issue I'm having with the okcupid version is that it doesn't give you the girls screen name instead the girl's first name.

Instead opening with "Hey Jessica", I'd have to open with "Hey jessasaurus taco" or whatever stupid screen name the girl has chosen. I like the "hey xxx" because it is post-attraction and low investment.

Player's Log / Lounge - DVY - 07-10-2013

I am going through a pimp streak (part of a re-build after moving to LA from SF). Lots of bangs, dates, #s. Its becoming increasingly difficult to juggle friendships, new girls, old girls, work, gym, etc.

Heres my general schedule- work 6 days/week 8am-4pm. Wake up 6.40am. Get home by 5ish. Hit the gym for 1.5 hrs. Come home, shower then go on dates OR watch TV and chill out. Pass out by 12 on regular night, around 1 or 2 on date nights. Saturdays excluded.

Have a harem of 2 girls and a few rotating in and out. I generally only see my harem girls (both sexy as hell) during the week. I hunt during the weekends (usually solo, but occasionally Ill go w/friends).

How are you higher-level players managing these heavy demands on your time and energy? IE- Last week, banged 3 girls. Chatting on the phone w/3 more, an old fling coming to visit hit me up, and maintaining everything else (friends, gym, health, food, TV shows i enjoy watching, reading books, starting new hustles).

How are you juggling it all?

Player's Log / Lounge - WestCoast - 07-10-2013

^ sounds like you're burning the candle too much at both ends.

Either re-prioritize (cut some people off - friends, no longer meet up with ex-flings etc., or go out and game less at night).

If your life is too stressful and your lifestyle improvements are on track, take your foot off the gas. Otherwise enjoy the grind.

Personally, I've become increasingly selfish this year. I no longer hang out with people who do not add value to my life, if you were a childhood friend but you're now a time suck you're out.

Player's Log / Lounge - Giovonny - 07-10-2013

Quote: (07-10-2013 12:34 PM)DVY Wrote:  

I am going through a pimp streak . Lots of bangs, dates, #s.

I know that you are not using the word "Pimp" literally. You are just using it as a "figure of speech".

As you know, if girls are not paying you money -- You are not pimping.

Currently, you are paying for your sex. Paying in time, energy, and money . You are sacrificing your free time, hobbies, and interests to create and maintain your love life.

You should think more like a real pimp..

Make the girls do all the work.

Don't travel to them, they should travel to you. Don't go on dates, just have them come over to bang. Don't spend time with them, spend time with friends or yourself. Don't take them out to eat, have them bring you food. Never watch her tv shows, only watch yours.

Everything on your terms, everything on your time frame.

You are adjusting your schedule to accommodate these girls. They should be adjusting their schedules to accommodate you.

Be more Self-"ish". Make your life more about you and your needs.

You will lose some girls this way, but, you will also save a lot of time as the girls that stay with you will be the ones willing to do everything on your terms.

Also, this is great practice for your long term game. It's easier get pussy on the girls terms.

I think the next level of game is to get it ON YOUR TERMS!

Quote: (07-10-2013 12:34 PM)DVY Wrote:  

How are you juggling it all?

I only keep 2 girls at a time.

When you only have 2, there is no need to juggle.

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 07-10-2013

A good way to get girl to leave your house is to snore a lot. I do this naturally, but I think it can imitated really easily.

Player's Log / Lounge - DVY - 07-11-2013

Thanks gio, WC and soup.

@Gio- good stuff. I already do this. Girls come over to my pad. I don't drive to them.

Went to the gym until 6pm, then ate a giant protein meal (4 eggs and 2 sausages). Showered and relaxed. My date comes over at 7.30 or so. I pour her and myself a glass of white chilled wine, we watch the sunset from my porch. Then we go and get a light dinner at my local pannini shop. She loved it. Afterwards, went to a sushi spot I have on lock for a tempura green tea ice-cream plus sake. She begged me to pick up the 2nd tab, I let her. Went home and then smashed until I passed out around 12.

If you tally it up, 25 dollars for paninnis (+12 she paid for ice-cream and sake), 7.30 till 12pm. Not sure how I can optimize this more.

G-manifesto and I have similar sentiments. I enjoy eating out. I don't mind bringing her w/me and watching her enjoy this food. I want to try the "bring me food and drink" thing. Some asian girls would love it!

Maybe its my ambition, ego and youth that wants a constant rotation of women. Hmm... some food for thought.

@soup- I snored 1 time w/her, so I've told her to leave everytime after that so "she can get good sleep". The time she slept over the first time, I would wake up random times in the night and re-bang and then in the morning too. Needless to say, thats not healthy sleeping habits.

Player's Log / Lounge - WestCoast - 07-11-2013

^ sounds pretty efficient to me.

1. Maybe do less weekday re-bangs as it sounds like you need more sleep? (Move to a Sunday?)
2. Pull the date forward to 8:30-9:00pm go straight to sake + apps + bang = saved an hour or more where you can take a nap (if you're an efficient napper). IMHO getting 7.5 hours of sleep would be worth the extra $10-20 for dates if you're really piling on the hours.

So basically shorten the dates up a bit and move around weekdays to get more sleep. The 6.5 hours stuff you can do for a while but it's taxing, 7.5 is about ideal IMHO. I don't trade health for chicks or money anymore. Used to but not worth it. Well unless you're gonna pay me 50% more or something, then I am all ears, ha.

Player's Log / Lounge - Nascimento - 07-11-2013

It seems that when you always have girls lined up and locked down you have to sacrifice time with them for more time for yourself.

When you don't, you spend more time building up those girls.

Either way you're always improving. Quality of girls, yourself etc.

Player's Log / Lounge - Millz - 07-11-2013

Got a date with a chick from OKC a 5'0 indian chick. Being a black guy you think to yourself they are all innocent and some sort of rarity but after breaking down her profile and seeing she calls herself bisexual I'm gonna take her to Clapham bounce between 3 bars and try to fuck her that night..
I need to secure an oriental chick but I'll do that soon as I'm going on a party holiday to Ayia napa in a few weeks.
Chicks on party holidays have no bitch shields and are probably the easiest lays ever so I can't wait.

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 07-11-2013

Here's a trap that girls put out in their texts:

me: maybe we can get a drink later
her: today?

Don't answer. What I really want to say is Yes, today, you fucking retard. Later means later today, everyone know that."

But she's testing you.

If say "yes", she'll say she can't do it. That's a "no". If you build 1-3 "no"s with a girl, you're probably blown out.

If you say "no", she'll turn around and say something like "Oh, I though later means later today, everyone know that (you fucking scrub with no game)."

Better to let it go and try her on a different day maybe next week.

Player's Log / Lounge - Blaze Frazier - 07-11-2013

Or just not say "Maybe we can get a drink later."

"Let's go get a drink tonight at X."

If she says "No" then move on.

Player's Log / Lounge - TheBlackNarwhal - 07-12-2013

Hm, made a couple approaches yesterday under the guise of "I'm a photographer looking for potential clients to model for a company, and it's my job to walk around stores looking for women."

Two problems with this that came to me after the fact, it automatically assumes their value as being "model material", and it frames the interaction in a less sexualized way.

Player's Log / Lounge - Belize King - 07-12-2013

Went out on a Thursday night for the first time in five months. 75 cent longnecks. Place was dead till 1230. I got there at ten. Posted up in the Tejano side for an hour. No women worth opening. Older Mexican guy said whats up to me. Some of those cats love to see something different in there spot. Whenever I lived in the valley. Dudes would buy me drinks just to kick it.

So the hiphop side started to pop off. A group of six black chicks were in a booth. One of them come up to me and told me that her friend wanted to holla at me. I dropped the ball and said ill be there in a few instead of getting her to come see me. None were worth a one night stand so it didnt matter.

Player's Log / Lounge - Rootless - 07-12-2013

Quote: (07-11-2013 04:22 PM)soup Wrote:  

Here's a trap that girls put out in their texts:

me: maybe we can get a drink later
her: today?

Don't answer. What I really want to say is Yes, today, you fucking retard. Later means later today, everyone know that."

But she's testing you.

If say "yes", she'll say she can't do it. That's a "no". If you build 1-3 "no"s with a girl, you're probably blown out.

If you say "no", she'll turn around and say something like "Oh, I though later means later today, everyone know that (you fucking scrub with no game)."

Better to let it go and try her on a different day maybe next week.

Maybe throwing it back at her saying something along the lines of "make an educated guess........" ?

Player's Log / Lounge - Every10GivesMeA10 - 07-12-2013

Any of you guys have experience with friend zones after the bang?

Player's Log / Lounge - Christian McQueen - 07-12-2013

^^^^No. But when you pump n dump there's no time for them to friend zone you lol.

If that happened to you tell her this exactly and she will either keep fucking you or disappear. I've used this countless times and it works.

You: Your not my friend and never will be. I don't need a girl who's my friend to go shopping and eat Pinkberry with OK sweetie? We're either fucking or nothing.

Frame + Law of Abundance.

Player's Log / Lounge - Rootless - 07-12-2013

Quote: (07-12-2013 06:51 PM)Every10GivesMeA10 Wrote:  

Any of you guys have experience with friend zones after the bang?

I'll tell you something even more weird.
I banged a girl and 20 minutes after, while we're on the couch watching a tv show and fooling around she started LMRing me AFTER the bang.
Yeah, you read it right, 20 minutes after I've banged her she started LMRing like hell.

What do you guys make of this?
I just showed her the door very quickly, in which she responded with "text me!"


Anyway, the Salsa experiment goes on, I've started taking classes and dance on the weekend on the same club.
I've understood that you can't game girls on your "home" place, a place that you took your first steps into the dance. Or maybe I have yet to acquired the necessary skills to get it done.
As a solution, I think that after dancing in the same club and improving your dancing skills, go and hit random clubs and try there.
Any seasoned dancers willing to chip in on this theory?

Player's Log / Lounge - Nascimento - 07-13-2013

I pulled last night.

But no bang.

Stopped these two girls coming out of the dancefloor into the patio. They were receptive to me and my buddy. We isolated them and we sat down on lounge seats. My girl mentioned boyfriend just by coincidence at some point, although she mentioned she was kind of seeing some other guy, although she wants to end it.

In other words, she is committed to one guy but cheated on him at one point.

We talked briefly on the topic of relationships and I told her I don't believe in anything committed at the time. I told her I play things by ear but at the moment I'm about open relationships. She asked if I was seeing anyone and I told her yes but the nature of our relationship is that we see other people.

Everything progressing smoothly.

I suggest we go back to my buddy's place for a drink, since he lives 5 minutes away. The girls agree and talk to each other briefly for a minute privately, and we grab them and leave the club. No problems getting to his place.

There, after some 10 minutes of just talking, fluffing, listening to music while getting a drink, we isolate our girls. He's in his mainroom with hers making out. My girl knows what is going on but doesn't go nuts about it. There's a lot of sexual tension and attraction between us, especially since I had a chance to show her some of my dancing when we put on some music. That helped spiked her attraction.

I tried to pull her in several times for a kiss, she gave me the cheek everytime. 'I cant I have a bf.' I didn't react to it, but I felt I had to change it up a little bit. I eased up on the aggressiveness and went back to teasing.

I isolated her from the kitchen were I was to the other bedroom, closed the door. She was comfortable, and was roleplaying and loving conversation. I didn't even know what she was saying I was so focused on getting passed the resistance. I did more physical moves by picking her up and carrying her around the room, pushing her against the wall, but no kiss.

She eventually told me in a more serious tone, 'Look, I'm not going to have sex with you.'
'Ok, we don't have to have sex'

But it was futile. I could tell her body wanted it by the way she was reacting to me, looking down as I brought her close, and the attraction was evident and strong in her eyes.

I tried to change it up. I told her to lie down with me in the bed. This time instead of going for her lips I started kissing her neck. She didn't resist, started breathing heavily. I made sure to spread the kisses so she didn't stop because of fear of a hickie and just killing it off. After 30 seconds she noticed where it was going and told me she was leaving, that this wasn't going to happen, much more serious now.

I noticed where the line was so I stopped. Told her I understand and I'm not going to make her uncomfortable. I hugged her and told her its fine when she apologized. She tells me 'Id regret it in the morning' 'I want to commit to this guy hes great'

My buddy didn't bang either. We both thought he did lol. His makeout got pretty heavy on his bed from what I saw. Last minute resistance, and I don't doubt its a lack of game skill on his part. He's banged around 80 girls so if there anyone I know personally who can handle resistance, it's him.

They just left right afterwards. Luckily they left at 130 so we went back to the club. I did pretty well but I was a bit drained mentally after all that.

How could I have done things differently? My buddy says we did all we could, and we made best of the situation. I feel there was definitely something I missed. Maybe a stronger frame, maybe I needed to say something, maybe I needed to make her chase me more. I'm not quite sure.

Also, this is the first time I've ever pressed so far with someone who has a bf, at least a committed one. I don't mind making out with girls at the clubs who are in committed relationships as I base it entirely to attraction and the girl acts on her emotions. But if I had fucked this girl, I might have felt some guilt for making her cheat. It's just uncharted territory for me. Maybe this is necessary in terms of developing coldness in a player? It's something I will be thinking about.

Whenever I start to feel bad about it though I remind myself that if I was the bf, some other guy in my position would never back away and always go for the bang. If they don't give a shit about me, should I about them?

Player's Log / Lounge - Doc_J - 07-13-2013

Been banging this girl on and off for a month... This week had a business trip to the UK. We started dirty texting throughout the week. Worked her up so much (I could tell she was horny as hell) that yesterday the bang went to a whole other level. 3 hours fucking straight. Conclusion: working them up for 2 or 3 days with dirty texts does bring good things into your sex life.