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Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - keusi12 - 04-24-2019

This statistic doesn't surprise me at all.

I finished HS about 2 years ago in an EE country (supposedly a pussy paradise) and I'm willing to bet my right arm that at least half the guys in my classmates finished it as virgins, this was in a 22 males - 2 females class. Quite a big chunk of them were downright too ugly and too socially unadjusted for modern girls to find them attractive, they would of course mostly cope with gaming and other forms of entertainment.

A quick glance over their barely active social medias tells me that things haven't gotten better for them and they still have the same SMV as they did in HS, if not worse.

I befriended the "players" and still regularly go out with them but things aren't looking too great here either. Going from HS to Uni has left them with smaller social circles and quite a few of them have fallen from grace. The guy that used to be the best looking is now borderline obese, the outgoing confident player who went through like 5+ GFs has become a skinnyfat mess, the pretty boy never grew in height and stayed 5'8.

For some incomprehensible reason they don't seem to care enough to better themselves. After I started going to the gym regularly some of them joined me but they didn't have the discipline to go through even 1 month so now I just go by myself. Fucking hot girls doesn't seem to be a priority either, despite them being obviously horny young dudes. Whenever we "go out" they insist that it's just our closed social circle that's literally only males and in secluded places. Some of them have gotten post-hs GFs but they are all average looking at best, with one of my friends literally admitting to me that he doesn't even find his GF sexually attractive but isn't sure about breaking up with her because she has a "nice" personality (this is the one who went through like 5 girls in HS).

The one friend who still tries, who I've always found to be decent looking and outgoing, said that girls simply don't like him and approaching just results in rejections. My advice to him was to buff up, being skinny might work in HS but most 18+ girls don't find it attractive as their standards skyrocket during that time.

Smartphone, social media, feminism, constant exposure to top tier lifestyles are fueling the growth of hypergamy and things will only get worse, but for some reason males who could significantly improve their SMV are also giving up or settling for unattractive/barely average girls instead.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Manbeline - 04-24-2019

Quote: (04-24-2019 08:50 AM)keusi12 Wrote:  

This statistic doesn't surprise me at all.

I finished HS about 2 years ago in an EE country (supposedly a pussy paradise) and I'm willing to bet my right arm that at least half the guys in my classmates finished it as virgins, this was in a 22 males - 2 females class. Quite a big chunk of them were downright too ugly and too socially unadjusted for modern girls to find them attractive, they would of course mostly cope with gaming and other forms of entertainment.

A quick glance over their barely active social medias tells me that things haven't gotten better for them and they still have the same SMV as they did in HS, if not worse.

I befriended the "players" and still regularly go out with them but things aren't looking too great here either. Going from HS to Uni has left them with smaller social circles and quite a few of them have fallen from grace. The guy that used to be the best looking is now borderline obese, the outgoing confident player who went through like 5+ GFs has become a skinnyfat mess, the pretty boy never grew in height and stayed 5'8.

For some incomprehensible reason they don't seem to care enough to better themselves. After I started going to the gym regularly some of them joined me but they didn't have the discipline to go through even 1 month so now I just go by myself. Fucking hot girls doesn't seem to be a priority either, despite them being obviously horny young dudes. Whenever we "go out" they insist that it's just our closed social circle that's literally only males and in secluded places. Some of them have gotten post-hs GFs but they are all average looking at best, with one of my friends literally admitting to me that he doesn't even find his GF sexually attractive but isn't sure about breaking up with her because she has a "nice" personality (this is the one who went through like 5 girls in HS).

The one friend who still tries, who I've always found to be decent looking and outgoing, said that girls simply don't like him and approaching just results in rejections. My advice to him was to buff up, being skinny might work in HS but most 18+ girls don't find it attractive as their standards skyrocket during that time.

Smartphone, social media, feminism, constant exposure to top tier lifestyles are fueling the growth of hypergamy and things will only get worse, but for some reason males who could significantly improve their SMV are also giving up or settling for unattractive/barely average girls instead.
My comment to that is, fighting hypergamy with average girls is actually how it is suppose to work. Hot women are putting themselves out of reach of the average joe, but average women still exist in the world. Feminism was not made for the average woman. It was made for the fat, ugly, aged woman and indirectly for the hot women that control the balls of the horny brass of the elite world. The saving grace is that the majority of women are average. If men lowered their standards too, then there won't be rampant porn, rampant IG followers, rampant orbiting, and overall a reduction in women going after the attention whore lifestyle.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - AntoniusofEfa - 04-24-2019

^men in Germany have been lowering their standards for years now. Decent guys with fat women is normal with people under 30.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Feldeinsamkeit - 04-24-2019

Quote: (04-24-2019 03:12 PM)AntoniusofEfa Wrote:  

^men in Germany have been lowering their standards for years now. Decent guys with fat women is normal with people under 30.

I can confirm this is true in Hamburg. It's now got to the point of being worse than I remember in the UK, which is saying something. I've lost count of how many times I've recently spotted decently dressed and in shape guys in tow with a hamplanet. I've also noticed how the ratio of men to women here is utterly lopsided, with around twice as many dudes on average milling around in the city than there are women. It's no wonder that even moderately attractive women here feel utterly entitled and are on a permanent dopamine high of attention-whoring, made possible by the surfeit of thirst here.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - jeffreyjerpp - 04-24-2019

Quote: (04-19-2019 02:36 AM)stugatz Wrote:  

It's a jungle out there.

I'll say, though, that overall my mood is a little downbeat. I'm ecstatic my life is turning around, but I was depressed for a good reason...all I wanted to do was be a decent person, have friends who liked me, and marry a woman who'd be a faithful wife and support me. None of it was working because of the sexual marketplace's deterioration, and I'm sure I would have achieved all of this had it been 1962 or even 1990.

If only it were just the sexual marketplace that had deteriorated in this way. Look around...every aspect of the Western that used to work is hopelessly broken.
We don't even bother to enforce borders or send obviously corrupt/criminal individuals to prison anymore. Nothing matters and the rules don't count. In this bleak reality you are either one of the many getting fucked, or one of the lucky few doing the fucking.

I hate to blackpill* like this, and I am sure that at some point, whether in the Western world or elsewhere, things will get meaningfully better. But sadly this is the truth of our situation. Our society is collapsing in slow motion, and as a result the majority of things in that society are getting dramatically worse.

Except for HD streaming phone porn, which seems to get more elaborate and higher quality on a near daily basis.

*since I blackpilled, I am going to atone by mentioning my favorite white pill, which is Bitcoin. I sincerely believe it could end up being the life rafts on our society's Titanic.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - SamuelBRoberts - 04-24-2019

Is this a bad time to mention that the Bitcoin network is entirely controlled by the Chinese and exists at the pleasure of the Chinese government?

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Aurini - 04-24-2019

Quote: (04-24-2019 10:25 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Is this a bad time to mention that the Bitcoin network is entirely controlled by the Chinese and exists at the pleasure of the Chinese government?

Well, it could be worse; it could be controlled by the US government.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - nek - 04-24-2019

Quote: (04-24-2019 08:50 AM)keusi12 Wrote:  

This statistic doesn't surprise me at all.

I finished HS about 2 years ago in an EE country (supposedly a pussy paradise) and I'm willing to bet my right arm that at least half the guys in my classmates finished it as virgins, this was in a 22 males - 2 females class. Quite a big chunk of them were downright too ugly and too socially unadjusted for modern girls to find them attractive, they would of course mostly cope with gaming and other forms of entertainment.

A quick glance over their barely active social medias tells me that things haven't gotten better for them and they still have the same SMV as they did in HS, if not worse.

I befriended the "players" and still regularly go out with them but things aren't looking too great here either. Going from HS to Uni has left them with smaller social circles and quite a few of them have fallen from grace. The guy that used to be the best looking is now borderline obese, the outgoing confident player who went through like 5+ GFs has become a skinnyfat mess, the pretty boy never grew in height and stayed 5'8.

For some incomprehensible reason they don't seem to care enough to better themselves. After I started going to the gym regularly some of them joined me but they didn't have the discipline to go through even 1 month so now I just go by myself. Fucking hot girls doesn't seem to be a priority either, despite them being obviously horny young dudes. Whenever we "go out" they insist that it's just our closed social circle that's literally only males and in secluded places. Some of them have gotten post-hs GFs but they are all average looking at best, with one of my friends literally admitting to me that he doesn't even find his GF sexually attractive but isn't sure about breaking up with her because she has a "nice" personality (this is the one who went through like 5 girls in HS).

The one friend who still tries, who I've always found to be decent looking and outgoing, said that girls simply don't like him and approaching just results in rejections. My advice to him was to buff up, being skinny might work in HS but most 18+ girls don't find it attractive as their standards skyrocket during that time.

Smartphone, social media, feminism, constant exposure to top tier lifestyles are fueling the growth of hypergamy and things will only get worse, but for some reason males who could significantly improve their SMV are also giving up or settling for unattractive/barely average girls instead.

We don't shame other men often enough or to the degree needed. WAY too many simps, guys giving women everything for nothing. Laugh as we may at the backwardness of some other cultures, but they're quietly (or perhaps less quietly) taking over, and it's due to the fact that the men have self-respect. Men drive organized society and its institutions. If the men are shameless without any self-respect and weak-willed, the society will fall into disarray, regardless of technological advancements, material wealth, sense of moral superiority, or compassion. Nature only cares about fertility and might.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Fortis - 04-24-2019

Quote: (04-24-2019 10:25 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Is this a bad time to mention that the Bitcoin network is entirely controlled by the Chinese and exists at the pleasure of the Chinese government?

I thought the entire market was controlled by Japanese whales, or is that just a different thing?

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - SamuelBRoberts - 04-25-2019

The physical network itself. To run a node on the Bitcoin network you need a powerful, special kind of computer called an ASIC. More than half of these, as well as the equipment used to make them, are in China and could be taken by the government with a phone call.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - jeffreyjerpp - 04-25-2019

Quote: (04-25-2019 12:25 AM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

The physical network itself. To run a node on the Bitcoin network you need a powerful, special kind of computer called an ASIC. More than half of these, as well as the equipment used to make them, are in China and could be taken by the government with a phone call.

Not saying Bitcoin is perfect, but it would be significantly more difficult than a phone call for the Chinese government (or anyone) to attack the network.

If the government, Chinese or otherwise, wanted to crush Bitcoin, they have a far easier way to do it: simply declare Bitcoin illegal and a threat to national security, and make any transaction of Bitcoin for any goods or fiat money punishable with mandatory prison time. China has "banned" Bitcoin about two dozen times so far, but doesn't seem to have a serious interest in actually ending it.

In any case, authorities in the Western world will take tyrannical measures to keep the existing system afloat.

Would they merge private 401Ks with underfunded government pensions to "level the playing field"? How about bring social media "hate speech" regulations from the UK to the USA? What do you think they have in store for gun owners?

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - CynicalContrarian - 04-26-2019

From Anonymous Conservative's blog :


Abortions in Russia decreased nearly 20% in 2018. Not surprising if you accept that K-selection is in the air.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Rorogue - 04-27-2019

Western women will fuck everyone (and everything), but betas.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - ilostabet - 04-27-2019

Quote: (04-26-2019 09:14 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

From Anonymous Conservative's blog :


Abortions in Russia decreased nearly 20% in 2018. Not surprising if you accept that K-selection is in the air.

The article actually says nearly 10, not 20 (real number 9.6%), but still, it's not an insignificant number since we're talking about killing babies. On the other hand it's hard to reconcile some people's hopes about Russia when you realize it's still the country with the highest abortion rates in the world.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - PharaohRa - 04-27-2019

Quote: (04-26-2019 09:14 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

From Anonymous Conservative's blog :


Abortions in Russia decreased nearly 20% in 2018. Not surprising if you accept that K-selection is in the air.

Russia is reversing the damage caused by the (((Bolsheviks))). Eventually, the birth rate in Russia will be back to around 2.1 (maybe even higher). I am not surprised that this is happening because comrade Putin is committed to bringing back Russia to its former glory. Now all they need to do is to roll back gun control laws and clamp down on corruption and it will be the Aryan paradise it was supposed to be as long as they keep (((them))) controlled with the pimp hand.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - PharaohRa - 04-27-2019

Quote: (04-27-2019 02:28 PM)ilostabet Wrote:  

Quote: (04-26-2019 09:14 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

From Anonymous Conservative's blog :


Abortions in Russia decreased nearly 20% in 2018. Not surprising if you accept that K-selection is in the air.

The article actually says nearly 10, not 20 (real number 9.6%), but still, it's not an insignificant number since we're talking about killing babies. On the other hand it's hard to reconcile some people's hopes about Russia when you realize it's still the country with the highest abortion rates in the world.

Do not underestimate Russia's commitment to getting back to where it wants to be. The Aryan warrior spirit is strong there since it is the homeland of all Aryan peoples. It sees increasing the birth rate in any manner as one of those ways.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - AntoniusofEfa - 04-28-2019

Russia is done. The births are mostly related to migrants from former USSR countries. These are NOT slavic people who are having kids. The life there is very expensive, while the only ones with a high income are the government in senior roles. The middle class there can barely afford 1 child.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - jasond - 04-28-2019

Abortion rate in Russia is still far higher than the USA, and the birthrate in Russia is significantly lower than the USA. Population is in decline. Those who think Russia has a promising future are probably internet jockeys that have never been there.

44% of Russians under 30 want to leave the country. You can see the hordes arriving in Western European capitals everyday.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Rorogue - 04-28-2019

so basically entire Europe is fucked?

at this point, which country isn't fucked?

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Nefarias - 04-28-2019

EU is getting kinda fucked (not yet), but mainly because guys are ruining it for each other and making girls picky as fuck.

There is 106 males for every 100 females

100k females means there is 106k males of the same age. If there is sample size of 100k girls 18-24 there is 318k guys 18-40 who target those girls. Now it's safe to say that only half of these girls are fuckable (europe is getting more and more uglier/heavier every year thanks to western influence and better living conditions) so some men have no other option than settle for 3/10 whale or single mother in her 30s And even then they "were chosen" over 2 other guys.

And don't forget traveling - nowadays in every bigger city there is a significant number of foreigners that make it even harder for an average Joe to compete (guess why girls put their tinder bio in english, they wanna fuck that exotic spanish guy not your boring ass with stable job and average lifestyle).

There is no social structure to engage in (real life) conversation and everyone sticks to their already existing friends. People are getting more and more autistic and don't even know how to talk to each other (recently I merged 2 sets together and they just awkwardly stared like "wtf is happening I don't know what to do").

Overall if you are a normal guy with nice office job you get access to chubby plain Jane from HR (and even then you have to fight with other 5 white knights) and have maybe few other friends. Now what should you do to meet more women? You can try to join some meetup group - it's full of guys. Couchsurfing? Guys. Library? Old people and guys. I have no idea how to meet girls organically apart from daygame and online.

I don't like MGTOW mindset but sometimes they are right, if I was less than average looking guy I would probably give up too. Quality of guys is just much higher than girls. Just go to a local gym - how many guys you see working on themselves? How many guys are working 15 hours a day to build their business? Now to go a random coffee place and how many girls you see talking about bullshit sugar-rich food?

Clubs and bars are also sausage fests - 75/25 ratios at best. No matter how much venues are trying to cover this fact with report photos on facebook (where they only take pictures of hot girls - all 5 of them) time/money investment into nightgame is just too high to bother (for me) - I can save that 2k usd that I spend every year on alcohol and cover charges and go on vacation to SEA and have better time.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - AntoniusofEfa - 04-28-2019

^ try salsa class, sailing club, rowing club, kickboxing, start organizing small parties with the people you meet from these groups. Think about a cooking evening, or a wine tasting.

I realized that game day is pretty much dead. Only exceptions would be dive and hostel bars.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - SW15 - 04-28-2019

Quote: (04-28-2019 10:26 AM)AntoniusofEfa Wrote:  

^ try salsa class, sailing club, rowing club, kickboxing, start organizing small parties with the people you meet from these groups. Think about a cooking evening, or a wine tasting.

I have done a number of fitness classes over time, including kickboxing. I've felt that all fitness classes are like the Crystal Pepsi of game. When Pepsi introduced Crystal Pepsi, they thought that there was a market for a clear cola. Turned out, there wasn't much of one. With fitness classes, there's a seemingly good setup for approaching since most fitness classes are majority women. However, there is not a great social vibe at most classes. Also, you are committing yourself to a 45-60 min class just for the opportunity to do approaches 5 mins before a class and 5 minutes after. You could walk up to a woman in the mall or grocery store and not have to do a 45-60 min class just for that narrow window to approach (of course, grocery store and mall game have a lot of down time search for candidates for approaches).

With the share of American adults having no sex being high, a lot of it is coming from the 60+ group. However, the 18-29's having no sex is supremely high. I'm actually a little surprised that those in the 30s are having a decent amount of sex because that's the older part of the socially inept Millennial cohort. The Millennials born from 1982-1989 seem to be managing to do better than the later Millennials (1990-1995/96). I've known a lot of older Millennials having mating issues, so that's been a bit surprising.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - AntoniusofEfa - 04-28-2019

I did kickboxing for fun, and ended up seeing the same faces later on at campus. It was a nice way for me to make new connections with other people since I am hanging around in deep bluepill social circles both at uni and work. There was a surprisingly high number of women there (50%).

Most fun I had at a class was at Salsa, where the dancers would often change pairs.

What I want to say is that it is not all hopeless. Game has changed, but so did the opportunities for us men. And in any case past age 30 most of us don't have the insane desire to fuck everything that moves, where as the women who still have not locked down a guy are going mental.

I was in Cologne for last valentine's day, and I noticed that around 20:30 almost all the younger women, sub mid 30 had standardized gift bags (likely from their employers ) with girlie goodies. Older Women had flowers and were holding hands with their husbands.

It is not that the younger female generation lack sex: they lack commitment.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - SW15 - 04-28-2019

Quote: (04-06-2019 02:07 PM)Delta Wrote:  

This isn't at all surprising. I've noticed, anecdotally, that young women's minds have been absolutely poisoned when it comes to men, dating, and relationships. And while it's easy to point the finger at feminism, the syndrome I'm describing affects literally all single young women I've ever encountered, feminist or anti-feminist, cunt or good human being. I've never once come across a counterexample. Correct me if you've seen any exceptions, but in my experience, all single women below age 35 share these three traits:

1. Utter lack of desire or urgency to be with a man. I have a habit of, every now and then, social media stalking my exes, girls I'd dated briefly, and girls I'd gone out with once or twice and was interested in, to see what they're up to. Yeah yeah yeah it's not healthy or whatever, sue me. Anyway, what I find the vast majority of the time is that months or even years after my time with the girl is up, there's no sign of a man anywhere on her social media. It's funny because we tend to project our habits onto women and assume we get rejected because another guy came along that she liked better. But the reality is, usually you're not losing out to another guy, you're losing out to... no one. Her 'better deal' isn't a more attractive man, it's singledom. I know a girl in her 20's who literally has never been with a man in her entire life. She's cute and pleasant. But her attitude about men is more or less "meh, I'm happy as is." Can you imagine a desirable man choosing to forego pussy his entire life because it's just not important to him?

Do you ever hear a woman verbally express urgency about finding a man? On the other hand, how often do you hear late 20's women, past their peak and on the precipice of their looks fading, talk about how much they want to live abroad for a couple years or something equally antithetical to settling down with a man?

Aside from anecdotes: We all know Tinder has absurd M:F ratios, but did you know that the relationship oriented dating sites are not much better? It's not just that men try harder to get sex; men this day in age are also trying much harder to find love.

2. Extreme, unreasonable pickiness. I won't get into hypergamy because it's already so heavily discussed, but there's also another dimension to women's pickiness: demanding an exact image match. If you meet girls on swiping apps, ask them about their experience, and I guarantee they'll happily admit that they snap reject 99% of the guys on there. And how often do you hear girls express ridiculous, totally unnecessary requirements for any guy they'd consider? (e.g. Must be a dog person, must be a cat person, must be a feminist, must be a conservative, must be a Christian, must be an atheist, must be older than me, must not be more than a couple years older than me, must be at least 6' tall, must love trying ethnic foods... the list could go on forever.)

3. Extreme hostility toward, and over-criticalness of men who are interested in them. Pro-tip: If you're ever chatting with a girl and struggling to find a topic she's interested in, change the subject to "weirdos" who try to get with her. Without fail, her passions will suddenly be awoken as she giddily disparages the "nice" but "weird" guys in her social circle who are trying to get in her pants, along with the "creeps" who open her on the street, try to dance with her at the bar, and message her on dating apps. Often she'll criticize a half-decent opener some guy used on her as though it was criminally bad, even though you and her both know she wouldn't do any better if she was tasked with starting conversations with the opposite sex. I don't think I've ever met a girl who didn't believe that the men who wanted her were all losers who were way beneath her.

These three go hand-in-hand. 2 and 3 are the result of 1. The conclusion is inescapable, and I'm far from the first person on here to state it: The safety, security, and prosperity of modern western society has all but eliminated women's need for a man.

I can confirm that I have observed all three of these factors at play in my approaching. It is really terrible.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Syberpunk - 05-05-2019

This is such a great thread, many of the posts are solid gold, I pray this forum is being backed up/archived regularly in case of a deletion.

Too much real living knowledge is in danger of being wiped forever...

I'm always screenshoting.