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The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - rotekz - 10-05-2018

Quote: (10-05-2018 02:20 PM)Easy_C Wrote:  

Just because some trivial news details are leaked via Q does not rule out it being a psyop.

It. Doesn't. Matter.

A psyop that observably boosts morale and gets ordinary folks digging for deeper truths is a good psyop. Nothing is more important than morale.

Personally I believe that 'Q' is more than likely to be multiple members of a military intelligence team surrounding Trump. But it really doesn't matter.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Easy_C - 10-06-2018

Quote: (10-05-2018 03:15 PM)rotekz Wrote:  

Quote: (10-05-2018 02:20 PM)Easy_C Wrote:  

Just because some trivial news details are leaked via Q does not rule out it being a psyop.

It. Doesn't. Matter.

A psyop that observably boosts morale and gets ordinary folks digging for deeper truths is a good psyop. Nothing is more important than morale.

Personally I believe that 'Q' is more than likely to be multiple members of a military intelligence team surrounding Trump. But it really doesn't matter.

Actually might matter. If they've got people barking up the wrong tree then it directly precludes the possibility of anything like another Pizzagate coming out.

There's a huge difference right there: If you are TPTB, would you want the weaponized autists chasing legitimate leads from legitimate leaks, or would you want them chasing down empty rabbit holes?

Remember the earlier story? During the Cold War the NSA beamed a radio signal into Moscow. The Russians spent an enormous amount of manpower and time trying to crack the code, to absolutely no avail.....because the radio signal was just white noise.

Most likely that's what is going on with Q.

The other possibility that's probable enough to consider is that it's someone on Trump's side who is using 4Chan to crowdsource their opposition resource.

I still believe A is more likely because.....

[Image: 99909e_3de6eea500b9422b84181a1af4903965.webp]

[Image: 1469744140193785.png]

[Image: deception_p47.png?auto=compress%2Cformat&q=90]

[Image: screenshot13.png]

[Image: deception_p12.png]

[Image: deception_p48.png]
Everything Q is doing comes straight out of that playbook.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Easy_C - 10-06-2018

Notice the particular bit on that one slide about "Constructing an experience in the mind of a target so they accept it but don't realize it".

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - sterlingarcher - 10-07-2018


People who say that can't have been following it. Too much correlation. Too many coincidences.

No way.

What really could be though is that Trumps in on the whole thing and it's all going nowhere. If the theory holds, how is he still standing??

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Easy_C - 10-08-2018

Was that directed at me?

If it was I'm not entirely sure how you get from "links to a bunch of GCHQ documents outlining HUMINT Operations tactics" to "LARP" because those suggest almost polar opposite things.

There's also more than one possible explanation for "too much correlation, too many coincidences" besides "Q is a beneficial actor who is orchestrating a secret plan to Oust the Deep State on a public forum".

The most probable of those involve possibilities ranging from Q being someone crowdsourcing opposition reserach, to a Salem-style mass psychology experiment or deliberate misdirection. I lean mostly towards the latter because Q relies heavily on approach/rapport building techniques utilized by Clowns to groom potential assets.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - sterlingarcher - 10-08-2018

It wasn't...

I just can't imagine that anyone or group could run a psyop with such a level of sophistication.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - sterlingarcher - 10-08-2018

Quote: (10-08-2018 06:51 AM)sterlingarcher Wrote:  

It wasn't...

I just can't imagine that anyone or group could/would run a psyop with such a level of sophistication.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Easy_C - 10-09-2018

It's relatively simple compared to the Psyops they've pulled previously.

For the best example look into Gordon Lawson and Kevin O'Leary

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Truth Tiger - 10-12-2018


▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 10/09/18 (Tue) 18:42:13 No.373
Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1]
General Statement:
We understand that there is extreme fatigue and frustration re: the wheels of justice [slow].
Exclude emotion and personal desire, instead use logic and critical thinking based on situational awareness [undo a lifetime of evil & corruption [infestation] in the span of less than 2 years w/ a corrupt DOJ & FBI in place?].
[Process & Planning – Law and Order][Military OP]
How can you make arrests [non military] prior to first fully cleaning out corrupt elements [at the top] of those departments [FBI][DOJ] that oversee ‘investigation & prosecution’ in the United States [they [themselves] are the very ones engaged in the illegal treasonous acts]?

James Comey, Director – FIRED
Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director - FIRED
Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff and Senior Counselor – FIRED
James Baker, General Counsel – FIRED
Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence (Strzok’s boss) – Cooperating witness [power removed]
Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence – FIRED
Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel – FIRED/FORCED
Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs – FIRED
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey – FIRED
David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SEC - HRC email invest] - FIRED/FORCE
John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCED
Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General - FIRED
Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCED
Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed] - TERMINATION IMMINENT
Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIRED/FORCED

[Batter’s Box]
Michael Steinbach
John Glacalone
Randy Coleman
Trisha Anderson
Kevin Clinesmith
Tashina Gauhar
Sally Moyer
How do you ensure those prosecuted [non military] would receive an impartial judgement based on the RULE OF LAW?
Think Federal Judge rulings [obstruction] [POTUS’ granted CONSTITUTIONAL authority].
How do you ensure 'appeals' to the U.S. Supreme Court are evaluated impartially > based on the RULE OF LAW?
Think Justice K (5 to 4).
Military Law v Criminal Law
“Enemy Combatant”
How do you navigate around installed BLOCKADE?
[MUELLER] designed to take-in evidence needed to ‘expose’ DS [DOJ block re: Mueller ‘evidence’ ongoing investigation].
[MUELLER] designed to limit POTUS’ ability to maneuver.
[MUELLER] designed to ‘stall-for-time’ until MIDTERM ELECTIONS to TERMINATE all HOUSE / SENATE ongoing investigations.
[MUELLER] designed to ‘safeguard’ D_PARTY_BASE false narrative re: RUSSIA COLLUSION [POTUS CHEATED – EVIL – SKY FALLING] in effort to DIVIDE and MOBILIZE for future protests, riots, threats, violence, FF’s, etc.
[MUELLER] designed to provide FAKE NEWS w/ ammunition to sway public opinion, obstruct foreign + domestic agenda, fuel impeachment/removal, fuel anti-POTUS [DIVISION] [prevent UNITY], etc..
[MUELLER] designed to demonstrate to foreign players that OLD GUARD still pulls strings.
[MUELLER] designed to mobilize D_PARTY for MIDTERM VOTE WIN.
[MUELLER] designed to push D_PARTY backers to DONATE [GOFUNDME – D_PARTY].
[MUELLER] designed as PUBLIC OUTCRY EXCUSE should criminal charges be brought against them [‘we are being ‘politically’ attacked because MUELLER…].
How do you REMOVE installed BLOCKADE?
How do you navigate around installed corrupt [FBI][DOJ]?
Who must authorize firing of FBI/DOJ officials?
Why did McCabe try to take SESSIONS out?
No. 175
Logical thinking v clickbait.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Truth Tiger - 10-12-2018

At this point, anyone who thinks Q is not working to educate all patriots (everywhere) about the extent of the global and ancient conspiracy against human rights is truly delusional. Being concerned about Q 'taking advantage of us' at this point indicates insufficient research and analysis has been done on the part of the skeptic.

Due to the fact that the chans are anonymous, open platforms that anyone can read, and that the Q team are hinting at information that is highly sensitive or classified, the information has to be coded as questions to prompt thinking and research. It may and does contain disinfo which is necessary (and was admitted). However, that does not imply all information is disinfo. Discernment, research, and reflection are required on the part of the individual.

The Q team is communicating directly with anyone who is listening some of the inner working of the Trump administration as it guides Military Intelligence, NSA, DOJ, FBI through the slow, painful, and convoluted effort to take back our Constitutional Republic and reinstate the Rule of Law.

BTW, when reason fails, 'ignore' exists. Don't feed the trolls.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Truth Tiger - 10-13-2018

Thoughtful Twitter stream by Stealth Jeff (@drawandstrike)


The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Easy_C - 10-14-2018

Quote: (10-12-2018 05:31 PM)Truth Tiger Wrote:  

At this point, anyone who thinks Q is not working to educate all patriots (everywhere) about the extent of the global and ancient conspiracy against human rights is truly delusional. Being concerned about Q 'taking advantage of us' at this point indicates insufficient research and analysis has been done on the part of the skeptic.

Due to the fact that the chans are anonymous, open platforms that anyone can read, and that the Q team are hinting at information that is highly sensitive or classified, the information has to be coded as questions to prompt thinking and research. It may and does contain disinfo which is necessary (and was admitted). However, that does not imply all information is disinfo. Discernment, research, and reflection are required on the part of the individual.

The Q team is communicating directly with anyone who is listening some of the inner working of the Trump administration as it guides Military Intelligence, NSA, DOJ, FBI through the slow, painful, and convoluted effort to take back our Constitutional Republic and reinstate the Rule of Law.

BTW, when reason fails, 'ignore' exists. Don't feed the trolls.

What you're doing isn't "Reason". It's repeating fanboy talking points.

None of the predictions so far have actually happened. None of the "breadcrumbs" have produced anything tangible.

Compare this in stark contrast to 2016s FBIAnon who we now know is 100% correct.

That person gave tangible and specific details: that the Tarmac meeting was to work out a deal to protect Clinton foundation details, that the outcome of the investigation had already been decided, that we would see voter manipulation and Trump needed to win Midwest States in a landslide, and so on.

All of those things were specific, testable predictions that were proven. QAnon has yet to offer anything of the sort.

QAnon has just offered hints with easily led to conclusions that feel very good to believe.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - sterlingarcher - 10-14-2018

'QAnon has yet to offer anything of the sort'

C'mon man - are we talking about the same thing?

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - godfather dust - 10-14-2018

The biggest Q prediction so far is declassification, which I give 3 weeks (until midterms.)

I also don't think he is a genuine ally. Looks deep state to me "you don't have to do anything, sit back, q will take care of you."

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - DJ-Matt - 10-30-2018


From Trolling To Fleecing: Co-Creator Of ‘Q’ Hoax Explains Its Scary Evolution
How the QAnon internet hoax sowed lies, spread chaos and conspiracy theories, and profited off its surprisingly large following.

A little less than a year after the first QAnon post, which has since led hundreds of thousands of news junkies down a conspiracy rabbit hole, news correspondent Jack Posobiec from One America News Network spoke with one of the co-originators of the “Q” persona who runs a group of individuals posing as a high-level government intelligence officer. On an anonymous “free speech” platform called 8Chan, they leave thousands of riddles, “clues,” odd questions, and cryptic lines as bread crumbs for their followers to help them in their search for truth.

What gives this article some credence is that Jack Posobiec was involved with it

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Deepdiver - 10-30-2018

Why do we need some unknown "Q" when we have the Real CiC Donald himself - the other night in an interview with Fox News Laura Ingram she asked him specifically if he will Declassify the FBI-DOJ Comms electronic paper trail of emails, texts, secure comms regarding the Deep State illegal activities to derail the Trump Administration via blatant sedition and treason with the phony Clinton-Obama Chicago Way Crime Cartel's fake Russian dossier and CFR Main Stream Media pounding home Russian lies so much that the Low IQ masses eventually believe them.

IIRC Marx Stalin and Hitler all mentioned in one way or another if your Propaganda Organizations tells a lie long enough and forcefully enough eventually the People believe it...

The Donald himself said they are likely to Declassify after the mid-terms.

Deepdiver advanced analysis and opinion...

President and CiC Trump realizes that the so-called media fantasy of a Blue Wave is actually turning into a Red Wave and all Trump has to do is run Don't Phock it Up Game to win enough mid-term toss up races by hammering home his message of safety, prosperity, new Jobs and Security versus the Democommunists No Borders No Walls No USA at all - no ICE, No Border Patrol no Military and No Police and a Mad Max Cuba Venezuela Marxist Socialist Communist Tyranny with universal Mind and Thought Control and Re-education Death Camps for Freedom and Liberty Constitution-loving patriots.

Fortunately for the Patriots we have most of the LEOs and Combat Hardened Military and Veterans most enforcing our second amendment rights on Team Trump for the USA so the Democommunists Traitors are looking at some very hard days coming up when we unseal the 51,000 Sedition and Treason Deep Stater indictments per Dr. David Janda above...

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Truth Tiger - 10-30-2018

Check's post on #VIPAnon - most interesting. Confirmed that POTUS is Q+.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Truth Tiger - 10-30-2018

Q may currently be unknown (by intention) but the questions posed and topics pointed to have ignited people around the world to seek the Truth about what's been happening to human beings, now and in the past.

What's becoming clearer - by the design of the Q team and POTUS himself - is that your CiC is Q+, which gives deeper legitimacy to everything Q has posted.

Using the anonymous forum of 8chan allows the necessary BYPASS of cabal-controlled mainstream 'fake news' media. This is why Q began posting and offered endless 'Future Proves Past' proofs which are all there for anyone still drawing breath to see.

New video by Praying Medic on the big reveal that Q+ is indeed POTUS -

Time to start reading Q posts from the beginning, Patriots! Link is in my signature [Image: biggrin.gif]

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Easy_C - 10-30-2018


The biggest Q prediction so far is declassification, which I give 3 weeks (until midterms
So About that....

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Max RNR - 10-31-2018

I found this during a Q search. How about an on-topic musical break? It's kinda catchy...

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - CynicalContrarian - 11-01-2018

Q is back for November :

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - PharaohRa - 11-04-2018

I am still on the fence about Q but whether or not it is a psyop

1) It is a good one (one of the best)
2) It helps Trump out and the campaign to MAGA, just roll with it

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - ChicagoFire - 11-06-2018

AC is claiming he's being hit by a vibrational weapon. Would be a shame if he leaves like Vault-Co which sadly was shut down 6 months ago.

"For those that don’t know, I suspect the reason Vault-Co quit was they were hitting him with some sort of vibrational tech in his house whenever he was trying to sleep, probably very much like whatever was being used in Cuba. I suspect that, because whenever I go to bed again for the last few nights, everything is completely quiet, until about an hour after I lay down. Then, just as I am entering a deeper sleep, some sort of vibrational energy begins causing my body to feel as if it is vibrating, on a bed that is not moving at all. It is accompanied by a very low pitched, very quiet, vibrational, quickly oscillating hum which gives the impression it is coming from all the walls."

AC explaining Vault-co for the unintiated:
Vault-Co was like this blog, only funnier, more succinct, and more focused on things relating to prepping, like building vaults, hacking old technology to produce survival tech, and so on. But he was actually completely wiped from search engines, as if he never existed. And the Wayback machine as well.

There was only one major way he diverged from all the other survivalist/right-wing blogs. He ardently asserted that there is an ancient race of extremely tall (8-9 ft) redheaded hominids with unusually large skulls that were protruding in the back, which has existed through human history in secret, and ruled via conspiracies with regular humans, from behind the scenes. He called them Melonheads. He often pointed out articles from the past where their skeletons were found, and photographed, and produced news articles about the finds, only for the Skeletons to disappear, with nobody ever knowing what happened to them.

The theory also seemed to indicate they interbreed with humans, but that they maintain their perceptions of themselves as a sort of master race designed to manipulate the rest of us, and they control our governments to this day. He also, as part of this maintained the Neanderthals were a breed of hominid that had evolved past humans, having been culled by Ice-Age conditions, and that humans were some sort of construct of the Melonheads, designed to genocide the Neanderthals, who were the only real threat to Melonhead power.

At some point he felt the Melonheads had tried to use a pathogen to wipe out their competition but it backfired and killed most of the Melonheads off, forcing them to interbreed with humans to save their race. And today, they are the Cabal.

One, Vault-co was always eerily prescient on a lot of things. He was a sharp guy, who read a lot. He made assertions about Neanderthals and anthropology years before you saw journals breathlessly relate what he had been saying for years. Two, there was something about his site that the powers that be wanted to stifle. And three, as crazy as that theory sounds, it one of only two things I see that could possibly explain the closure.

The other was he took a walkaround some Costco’s in Australia, and noticed vents from some subterranean structure, and then began probing his way down into it, ultimately finding a big tunnel leading in the direction of a military base, and some guards. I did a post on it, explaining at the time he would have triggered surveillance and government attention. Apparently Costco is being used as a giant Government Prepper warehouse, with the food kept date-current by the plebes coming in and buying the old stuff at a discount. Underground, the government has already prepped the tunnels to sweep all the Costco stock away to bunkers when they shutter the stores as the mushroom clouds rise.

It is possible the Australian government wanted that post taken down, so their intel people posed as British Royal Family Satanist Pedophiles, and threatened him to take his whole site down because of his posts on the Royals’ baby buggery, when in reality they wanted the Costco posts down. But strangely he was getting banned from Google for long before that, so I am not sure it was just the Costco. Maybe he had stumbled on something else even before that, since his archives went back 17 years. I’d love to pour over his archives, looking for the nerve he hit.

Sad, he was a bright light in the world. But as with all good, the Cabal did away with that.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - ChicagoFire - 11-06-2018

I just spent the past 30 minutes reading about Vault-Co. Here's a Vault-Co dump I'm going to share since all his posts and even wayback machine results are utterly wiped out. No clue if it's legit so if anybody who followed Tex could chime in that'd be nice.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Thersites - 11-06-2018

Quote: (11-06-2018 10:47 AM)ChicagoFire Wrote:  

I just spent the past 30 minutes reading about Vault-Co. Here's a Vault-Co dump I'm going to share since all his posts and even wayback machine results are utterly wiped out. No clue if it's legit so if anybody who followed Tex could chime in that'd be nice.

Didn't follow Tex, but from the article I read on the backup seem to fi the content of the site. I already backed it up the site with HTTrack.