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Unite The Right rallies - Canopus - 08-13-2018


I think most of us anticipate this sentiment becoming more mainstream. It's eerie to see a demographic that not very long ago would have styled themselves as pacifists and drive around with "Coexist" bumper stickers now embracing violence as long as they can convince themselves (or allow others to convince them) that whoever they're attacking is inhuman or evil.

Eerie, but sadly unsurprising.

Unite The Right rallies - CynicalContrarian - 08-13-2018

Yet so eager are they for chaos & destabilization; they'll readily turn on each other when no one else is around to placate their temper tantrums.

Unite The Right rallies - Bluto - 08-13-2018

Quote: (08-12-2018 07:48 PM)lonewolf1992 Wrote:  

At what time of history did the USA got filled with these bunch of leftist pieces of shit. Due to popular culture I thought the USA/FBI used to get rid of these bastards way back in the 50s or 60s.

It started in the 70's in earnest. All of the leftist pieces of shit that teach new leftist pieces of shit became professors of leftist shit when the stopped protesting Vietnam. Everyone else forgot, but they are like Minions of Sauron. They bided their time got "real" jobs as professors of education, liberal arts, and journalism, and taught their Ideology to the un-educated. More often than not it stuck. Those that could not get a PHD, taught in high school or became part of the Government machine.

Unite The Right rallies - Number one bummer - 08-13-2018


Talk about narrative. I truly think the leftist mob was ready to murder yesterday and this is them whining because they couldn't.

Unite The Right rallies - DarkTriad - 08-13-2018

My pet theory - it was obviously designed to be a another giant beatdown/trap for everyone that showed up (Have u seen the layout and lack of exits?). They also had some "violence by the right" scheduled to make them look like assholes even though they were attacked. However, the word got out and only people that showed up were the Federal provocateurs. They weren't going to build an event about their own guys getting the shit kicked out of them, so they threw them in the white vans and took off when it was clear they hadn't been able to bring any suckers. Seriously, how often does the gov't let a group like that speak peacefully and then chauffer them to safety in big gov't vehicles?

Unite The Right rallies - Dusty - 08-13-2018

[Image: DkbrONGUwAAu6xU?format=jpg&name=medium]

Unite The Right rallies - Yatagan - 08-13-2018

Quote: (08-13-2018 02:51 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

[Image: DkbrONGUwAAu6xU?format=jpg&name=medium]

The jokes truly write themselves.

Unite The Right rallies - debeguiled - 08-13-2018

Madlibs Activism. Play it with your friends.

Another _______(adjective), _______(adjective), ______(noun) standing against _____(noun).

Unite The Right rallies - Kona - 08-13-2018

Quote: (08-13-2018 02:51 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

[Image: DkbrONGUwAAu6xU?format=jpg&name=medium]



Unite The Right rallies - Bazzwaldo - 08-13-2018

Self loathing post patriarchy lost sole

Unite The Right rallies - CynicalContrarian - 08-13-2018

It probably didn't breed so, instead of a participation award. How about a Darwin award?

Unite The Right rallies - Aurini - 08-14-2018

Quote: (08-13-2018 02:51 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

[Image: DkbrONGUwAAu6xU?format=jpg&name=medium]

It stealing my boot style.

Unite The Right rallies - C-Note - 08-14-2018

For the social justice warriors who really get into the identity politics game, this guy shows that no matter how much effort you put into it, there will always be someone out there with more intersectionalities and virtue than you.

Unite The Right rallies - CynicalContrarian - 08-14-2018

Not to mention. Is supposedly against 'racism', yet still feels the need to mention it's own 'race' as if that is special or something... [Image: rolleyes.gif]

Unite The Right rallies - infowarrior1 - 08-14-2018

Quote: (08-13-2018 04:56 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Quote: (08-13-2018 02:51 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

[Image: DkbrONGUwAAu6xU?format=jpg&name=medium]



Sorry. This Old Man is not interesting in the least.

Unite The Right rallies - Kona - 10-03-2018

They locked up some dudes from whenever it was this citronella torch march happened, today:

Apparantly they were running around head butting left wingers. ouch.

I find this interesting:


US Attorney Thomas Cullen described the men as "serial rioters," saying they also engaged in acts of violence at California political rallies last year in Huntington Beach, Berkeley and other cities.
The four men are accused of traveling from California to Charlottesville for the rally "with intent (a) to incite a riot, (b) to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, and carry on in a riot, © as having 'participated in violent encounters in Charlottesville,'" the complaint said.

Maybe the folks at whatever govt agency hired these guys doesnt need them anymore? maybe they now need a scapegoat?


Unite The Right rallies - RawGod - 10-03-2018

How many antifa have been locked up? I hear they run around headbutting right wingers.

Unite The Right rallies - kazz - 10-03-2018

Quote: (08-13-2018 02:51 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

[Image: DkbrONGUwAAu6xU?format=jpg&name=medium]

[Image: attachment.jpg40205]   

Unite The Right rallies - Off The Reservation - 10-31-2018

Quote: (09-09-2017 06:59 AM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

^ Psychopaths are often calm in presentation.

Speaking of Soros, I've often wondered, much like Cernovich, whom exactly is protecting Vox and why?

Read this article:

Note Roosh was unpersoned from Paypal for some satire and mild snark. Vox has repeatedly-venerated a mass killer, which would put him on par with Anglin, yet none of his platforms have been restricted. Much like Cernovich, he seems to have special, odd protections in some tech communities.

The story of his father is pretty crazy, if you dig into the news stories at the time. Note that he was a shareholder and investor in WorldNetDaily, where, coincidentally, Vox used to write.

Drop all talk of war. That battle is long over. The Zionists won, and Free Speech will only be allowed on their terms.

Hmmm, this column might explain Vox's protection.


Because he is both rational and intelligent, I believe that the only way to force Arafat to end his war is to force him to choose between surrender and merciless brutality.

The Israeli government must announce to the world a unilateral ceasefire, balanced by the deadly promise that for every Israeli soldier killed, 25 Palestinian police will die. For every civilian, 100 non-combatant Palestinian adults will be slain, and for every child, 1000 adults.

Furthermore, if another Jewish child is murdered, Mr. Arafat will be the first to pay the price. Only Palestinian children will be considered off-limits for these terrible reprisals. Whereas the historic 10-to-1 fatality ratio maintained a cold peace, the current 3-to-1 ratio foments a hot war. A 1,000-to-1 ratio will bring a permanent peace, one way or another.

In a fallen world, violence does solve some problems, and at times extreme violence is required. I do not wish for a single Israeli or Palestinian death, but a savage blow to end Yasser Arafat’s war is far, far better than allowing more innocents to die without an end in sight. The choice for peace or death is Mr. Arafat’s alone. And if he elects to die as he has lived, then remember that even the hydra had only nine heads.

As I've mentioned before, I'm convinced that both the Left and the Right are Satanic Forces. I also suspect the lack of reaction by Trump to Censorship of the Right is predictable, as it would be something the Zionists would also want. Whomever wins, we're getting censored. Look at the government's push to criminalize any suggestion of economic sanctions against Israel.

Remember, Torba is a Christian. Gab allows Antisemitism, which neither the Reform or Zionist Jews will tolerate. It must be destroyed.

I just stumbled across this post from last year, where writer Charles Frith points the finger of Censorship at the Zionists:


During the 2014 genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, Israel bombed a civilian population targeting and murdering 500 Palestinian babies, infants, toddlers, children and minors. I was being followed by an extra 500 new Twitter users a week as a news source on the topic. That number was kneecapped overnight and I knew that Twitter had fallen to the ubiquitous Zionist censorship that makes films like American Sniper and publishes news demonizing any voice that stands against it, such as Jeremy Corbyn.

I remained on Twitter and had 41,000 followers with a retweet count averaging a statistical reach of between 5-8 million Twitter users each month. I had a hundreds of verified followers including Hollywood film directors, Hollywood Scriptwriters, Globally famous journalists and influential people who chose to follow me anonymously but privately encouraged my work, which raised awareness of systemic child abuse (now scrubbed from Google Search) and the Zionist genocide of Palestinians. I was recognised as outing a number of powerful child rapists and shifting the narrative that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and has the most moral army.

It was only a matter of time before powerful forces including Sunday Newspaper editors, House of Lords nutjobs and a plethora of child abusing, Israel-supporting fan boys and girls managed to get me suspended with no reason provided by twitter.

I was alerted to the new free speech platform and registered immediately noting that there were 20,000 earlier applications than mine waiting for a beta user approval.

Fortunately I was approved in minutes and either they know how to profile influential social media users or someone has shared all the Twitter accounts that have been suspended in the last few months including the celebrity voice Milo who is also on

GAB is populated by a lot of Alt Right users so if you don't like free speech it's not the place for you. They welcome all people so I hope those who can handle views other than their own register to join but do be patient while they scale up. I'm not Alt Right. I like their maturity though.

I suspect Gab's not long for the world, because it allows people to share links like this one. (It's late here, so I'll have to listen in the morning, but it'll be interesting to see if in the same rabbit Zionist rabbit hole my pokings into Trump keep seeming to reveal).

As such, I'm very suspicious of Vox Day and any technological enterprise he becomes involved with.

As I said in another thread I missed the whole meltdown, but by accident today stumbled on some AB posts which now look very interesting indeed.

And as AB predicted, GAB is gone. It only took a crime (real or staged) by ONE of its users to take it all down. (Red bold added by me.(

No crime by a FB user would ever result in FB being taken down. Think about it.

Unite The Right rallies - Leonard D Neubache - 02-03-2019

Deandre Harris already wanted for arrest brings bat to fight "white supremacists".

Loses and gets his ass beat by, among others, Daniel Borden.

Cries like a little bitch to the media.

Borden sentenced to serve 4 years minimum of a 20 year sentence for having the audacity to win a mutually initiated fight against a sainted yoof.

If you're not in a racially homogeneous area or don't have plans to get to one soon then you better get your shit straight. I noted earlier that a pogrom is simply one group getting a nod from the authorities to commit violence against their enemies without threat of legal repercussions, while the targeted group will get life sentences for fighting back. Predictions of this stuff used to be ridiculed as hyperbole, but here we are.

If you're a white American then the time for placards and marches are over. Invest in high altitude real estate because the future of your kids depends on it.