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R.I.P. London - 262 - 02-18-2016

Reading threads like this makes me laugh.

On the elites selling everyone out: what do you expect? That they should be charitable while you're greedy? Then you'd be the elite, not them.

On immigration: I've said it before, but if you want a competitive country, think like a professional sports team. You don't care if the talent comes from next door (native) or across the world (foreign) - but it has to contribute. And if someone on the team isn't contributing (native or foreign), then they're off the team.

Edit: I should note that "contribute" doesn't mean "grace us with your presence." Just like a professional sports team, you want real results - real money.

R.I.P. London - AntiMediocrity - 02-18-2016

Quote: (02-18-2016 04:46 AM)KorbenDallas Wrote:  

First of all, with regards to xenophobia, it has a meaning. You can't just change the meaning because you can't find other words to use. It means dislike of foreigners. Having a no-immigration policy isn't a "dislike of foreigners".
Well, in my defence I only entered this field of discussion at the end of last year so my knowledge of terminology still has a lot of kinks. That's why I ended up clarifying my use of the word. Once again I will cease to use it.


I'm pretty sure asians are smarter on average than Europeans. But if your an African country, that doesn't mean you then just invited in 100 million Asians in to replace your people. Just because a nation might be going through a rough cultural period, a period of decadence or decline, does not give its leaders the right to replace it's population.

I agree. I have to re-iterate here that I'm not advocating that we bring more people in and never have. (Edit: In fact, I hold the opinion that the world is overcrowded as it is, regardless of country). My whole point at the beginning is that people are blaming London's downfall (and by association England's downfall) on migrants when there are other variables at work, and also that a lot of our migrants might actually be adding more value to our society than the degenerated native white population-which are increasing as years go by I might add.


Leaders of nations have a duty to their citizens to serve them first, above non-citizens.
I think we can both agree the leaders of our nations haven't served either demographics for a while. But that's another discussion entirely.


Sending back illegals in America would increase American birth rates, and going through an economic collapse by letting the banks fail along with Family Law reform would straighten out American culture pretty fast.
As this is merely speculation, I'm not going to comment on it.


I'm not sure what your getting at with youtubers making a lot of money. Most don't.

I should have been more specific here. What I was referring to is the fact that this world allows particular youtubers to make more money than someone that provides essential care, let's say a doctor. I'll find examples if you need them, Pewdiepie and Markiplier are two I can think off the top of my head that make millions a year.

It's a problem with the entertainment industry and celebrity culture in general.


Britain is arresting British natives for walking through a Muslim part of town. Tommy Robinson just got his head bashed in. Systematic rape of poor young British girls is getting covered up for a DECADE. British people are being decimated by a traitorous elite that is turning a blind eye to the destruction of their culture and safety, and your worried about what?

That people that want to put a moratorium on this are "xenophobic".

I'm worried that the British public and the government are looking for scapegoats and that hard working, law abiding immigrants are the scapegoat for the public (like a few guys in this thread) and that "Right-wing extremists" are the scapegoat for the government. Instead of looking at things closer to home and realising it's the "arresting British natives", disregarding Tommy Robinson just because he was with the EDL rather than actually pay heed to what he's saying, and covering up rapes in the media that is the problem. The very things you state.

You see we're on the same page here, but you're just isolating my defence of legal migrants like myself and misinterpreting me as a result. Tommy himself said he has no problem with Indians, Asians and Poles, not even Muslims. Just Islam, and the immigrants that propagate it. And I'm in full support of him, but at the same time Brits are also decimating the culture we used to be so proud of at the same time.


you are ill-informed on the gravity of the destruction that is occuring in Britain.
I doubt that, why do you think I left? Not to chase some EE tail, that's for sure.


Hopefully, I've gotten through, but I don't know. Britain seems completely lost to me as an outsider in terms of their native population having a chance to retain their nation and culture.
I think Britain was lost once we started emulating America's obsession with fast food, consumerism and what-not. Poland is going the same way, unfortunately unless PiS has something to do about it.

R.I.P. London - AntiMediocrity - 02-18-2016

Quote: (02-18-2016 04:52 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

If I'm not mistaken, xenophobic means "fear of the unknown". It was only extended to disliking foreigners coming to your country in droves as a form of contempt: as though you don't like them just because you haven't got to know them yet. The real term is probably more like "ethnocentric".

The funniest is when people like us are called xenophobic, after massively enjoying foreign countries and cultures for extended periods of time. To leftists, objective reality and clear thinking is an enemy, thus so too are fixed definitions.
Thank you for clearing that up. I actually pondered over my original post and was hesitant to leave the term up there, but then the 60 minute edit period lapsed and I was left to clarify my usage of the term.

Quote: (02-18-2016 04:56 AM)Requiem Wrote:  

Do you realize what you are suggesting here? The culture of the natives has been corroded by cultural marxists, so you want to replace them with foreigners from countries


The issue needs to be fixed by natives, with natives and inside the country.
If it's possible for everything to be fixed by natives, with natives and inside the country then I would prefer that, without a doubt. However I am very disenfranchised by my native people and don't see it happening. It has been happening in Sweden for a lot longer and nothing has been done to fix it. You do however make a good point about the potential for migrants to become degenerated by the same culture, but that's exactly why I'm saying the culture needs to be addressed first and foremost.


Yes. The US has massive problems with culture and race. If instead of sorting that out first before importing even more of it, they're headed towards decline.
So you agree that America needs to sort out it's culture.


You'll never be a Pole, not in a hundred years, no matter what is written on your passport or how fluent you speak the language. That's a fact.
I suppose this is where you sound aggressive. I said honorary pole, which in terms of nationality means squat. I was talking in hyperbole, at the best I could get dual citizenship.


It's not about forbidding people to leave their countries. Where did that come from?
The questions were posed to someone that announced closing borders was a solution, and their purpose were to get his POV, especially considering his GF is not native to USA.

R.I.P. London - tynamite - 02-18-2016

Quote: (02-16-2016 11:19 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Quote: (02-16-2016 05:28 PM)tynamite Wrote:  

The British government has empty council properties and supported accommodation all the time. It's a shame all the immigrants are stealing it from the people who need it the most.

This is a lie and you know it, stop with the nonsense propoganda.

You know full well that the majority of people on welfare are white british, some of them have been on the "dole" for generations.

Look no further than the daily mail newspaper which highlights these extreme cases of couples with ten kids collecting big paycheques every month.

I lived in the UK for 17 years, so pull the other leg mate.

Actually it's the coloured people who take up most the welfare. The government is lying about the unemployment rate. For example, when someone is on workfare, the government classes them as employed, so millions of people could be on workfare right now and the government will lie and say that unemployment has gone down. America lies about the unemployment rate too.

A government employee leaked the real unemployment statistics to The Guardian.


Half of UK's young black males are unemployed
Unemployment rate for black 16 to 24-year-olds available for work now double that for white counterparts, ONS data shows

[Image: Black-unemployment-rate-004.gif]

Here's a heartwarming story for you. It'll warm your heart. It's truly remarkable. Goat people from Romania are bringing their family to Britain to get free money and free housing. If immigrants aren't stealing all the free council houses and supported accommodation that should be going to the homeless and mentally ill, HOW on earth are these destitute Romanian goat people affording to get accommodation in Britain?


In January, the only thing left will be the goat': Romanian father-of-seven's boast as mayor says half the population of his villages are on their way to Britain for the higher salaries and generous benefits
  • Remus Neda, 37, is heading for the UK to take advantage of state handouts
  • He makes most of his money by begging on the streets of Paris
  • People in the villages of Berini and Uliuc live in abject poverty
  • Are forced to sleep in cramped clay huts surrounded 20 of their relatives
  • Mayor Koller Gabriel-Adrian claimed villagers were leaving 'because they do not have anything here'
The mayor of two Romanian villages has claimed that up to half of their residents will move to the UK when restrictions are lifted in January.

Koller Gabriel-Adrian said he believed ‘50 per cent’ of the 1,100 people in poverty-stricken Berini and Uliuc could travel to Britain in search of higher salaries – and the generous welfare system – in the New Year.

Many have already moved to France, Italy and Spain, but the mayor said the UK would soon become a more attractive destination, with ‘better conditions’, when the borders are relaxed.

[Image: article-0-19395A3100000578-712_634x396.jpg]

Mass exodus: Remus Neda, far right, his son Simon, third left, who needs drugs for a heart condition and other family members from Berini, Romania
Among those keen to move are 170 Roma who live in abject poverty on the outskirts of the villages, with no running water in their homes and as many as 20 people sharing a three-room house.

One of them, father-of-seven Remus Neda, 37, said he hoped to move to Britain after learning that he could be eligible for housing benefits and NHS care.
Pointing to a shaggy brown and white goat, tethered to an outhouse, he said: ‘In January, the only thing left in the village will be the goat.’

[Image: article-0-19395FD500000578-694_634x409.jpg]

Basic conditions: Daniel Neda, left, and family outside their home
Mr Gabriel-Adrian, the mayor of Sacosu Turcesc, which encompasses these villages, said: ‘I think it is possible that half of the people in Berini and Uliuc, the Romanian and Roma people, will go to the UK next year.

‘In particular, the young people will go, because they don’t have anything here. They will go to work in agriculture and construction, but also for the benefits.

‘My advice to Britain would be not to give people everything. You should take care because, if everybody goes to the UK, what will you do? Can you afford it?
‘People do not have big salaries here and will obviously be interested in the salaries and the benefits in England.’

Reflecting growing tensions in Romania, he singled out the Roma community as the most likely to move, saying: ‘It is not a bad thing for us that they want to go somewhere else in Europe.

Grinding poverty: A girl with a muddy face hides behind a woman in the village where many families live in clay huts

‘They will go to the UK, get the benefits and maybe come back home with the money, because it is worth more here.’

The Roma in Berini live in a cluster of clay huts and survive on cabbages, potatoes and corn, which they grow themselves, as well as meagre state benefits.

From January 1, all 29million people living in Romania and Bulgaria will be given the same rights as other EU citizens to live and work in the UK.

Restrictions on access to benefits and NHS care – imposed when they joined the EU in 2007 – are being lifted.

[Image: article-0-19395AA800000578-652_634x440.jpg]

Staying behind: Remus Neda's goat will be left behind in the move

Romanian TV news station Digi24 has suggested that Roma in Uliuc and Berini, near the Hungarian border, are ‘just waiting to make the journey to the UK’.

Some of them have already been ‘voluntarily expelled’ from France – and given free flights home – in a clampdown on illegal camps.

More than 10,000 Roma from Romania and Bulgaria are repatriated from France every year.

Remus Neda is one of the wealthiest Roma living in Berini because, he said, he makes ‘good money’ begging on the streets of Paris for four months of every year.

[Image: article-0-193961FC00000578-611_634x471.jpg]

Abject poverty: As many as 20 people share a three-bedroom house in Berini

[Image: article-0-1939596700000578-904_634x418.jpg]

Desperate: Maria Neda, 47, and her one-year-old son Simon are supported by Remus, who says he makes 'good money' from begging on the streets of Paris for four months every year

Destitute: Children play together in the poverty-stricken village of Berini where some properties do not have running water

His family including several grandchildren live in a ramshackle brick house, rather than a clay hut, but they are still very poor and hope to relocate to London soon. Speaking through a translator, Mr Neda said: ‘We have heard on the television that the rules are changing. It will be a very good opportunity for us.
‘If we can get a house for all the 12 people in my family then it will be a much better way of living.

‘My brother-in-law is already working in London in construction. We will wait for a call from him to say it is true that we can get benefits and then we will go the next day. I will get a job in construction on the black market, or as an employee.’
But it is the world-renowned NHS, and not just the housing benefits, that he seeks in Britain.

[Image: article-0-1939768300000578-575_634x436.jpg]

New pastures: Families see the move to London as a 'good opportunity' for them

[Image: article-0-19396D9D00000578-656_634x433.jpg]

Handouts: The families in the village only receive £9 a month from the Romanian authorities for each of their children, which they say is not enough to raise them
His 15-month-old son Simon still bears the scars of heart surgery and Mr Neda must pay for his on-going medication in Romania. ‘In the UK, it would be better because we would have free medical care,’ he said.

Another Roma villager, Daniela Neda, 45, who is not related to Remus, also plans to move to the UK when the restrictions are lifted.

Until last summer, she was living illegally in a caravan in Paris, and made €15 a day from begging, but the French authorities paid for her flight home.

[Image: article-0-19395D1F00000578-79_634x410.jpg]

Access to welfare: Remus Neda, left, said he hoped to move to Britain soon after learning he could be eligible for housing benefits and NHS care

[Image: article-0-19395BF400000578-476_634x424.jpg]

Future: Young people are more likely to travel to Britain because there is nothing else for them in Romania

Miss Neda, who lives in a tiny clay home with her five-year-old daughter Ionela and 18 relatives, said: ‘We have heard it will soon be easier for us to go abroad and get the benefits from countries like UK.

‘We only receive 40 leu (£9) per child every month here. It is not enough to raise a child.’

Rudko Kawczynski, president of the European Roma Travellers’ Forum, dismissed concerns that Romanians and Bulgarians will claim benefits when the borders rules are relaxed.

Speaking on a video on the Council of Europe website, he said: ‘Nobody can come to a country, like France or Germany, and say, “Here I am. Please, I want social welfare.” It’s stupid, it’s nonsense.’

It's the same in America. In America, 51% of immigrants are on welfare. So not only do immigrants take up all the free housing, supported accommodation and jobs, they also take up all the welfare too. British politicians are a genius. You can't make this shit up!

R.I.P. London - tynamite - 02-18-2016

[Image: nBtrNF0.gif]

[Image: 5ikuUaa.gif]

[Image: zSEiKDZ.gif]

[Image: oWchm2O.gif]

[Image: 2FGQ0KI.gif]

R.I.P. London - rudebwoy - 02-18-2016

^^Tynamite you really don't know what your talking about.

I gracefully leave this thread.

R.I.P. London - redpillage - 02-18-2016

Quote: (02-18-2016 09:32 AM)tynamite Wrote:  

[Image: article-0-19395AA800000578-652_634x440.jpg]

Staying behind: Remus Neda's goat will be left behind in the move

How about this - stay the fuck in Romania and send us the goat instead. We need entertainment for our Muslim migrants.

R.I.P. London - Krieg - 02-20-2016

[quote] (02-18-2016 09:32 AM)tynamite Wrote:  

[quote='rudebwoy' pid='1223845' dateline='1455682771']
[quote='tynamite' pid='1223605' dateline='1455661731']
The British government has empty council properties and supported accommodation all the time. It's a shame all the immigrants are stealing it from the people who need it the most.

This is a lie and you know it, stop with the nonsense propoganda.

You know full well that the majority of people on welfare are white british, some of them have been on the "dole" for generations.

Look no further than the daily mail newspaper which highlights these extreme cases of couples with ten kids collecting big paycheques every month.

I lived in the UK for 17 years, so pull the other leg mate.

Actually it's the coloured people who take up most the welfare. The government is lying about the unemployment rate. For example, when someone is on workfare, the government classes them as employed, so millions of people could be on workfare right now and the government will lie and say that unemployment has gone down. America lies about the unemployment rate too.

A government employee leaked the real unemployment statistics to The Guardian.

Here's a heartwarming story for you. It'll warm your heart. It's truly remarkable. Goat people from Romania are bringing their family to Britain to get free money and free housing. If immigrants aren't stealing all the free council houses and supported accommodation that should be going to the homeless and mentally ill, on earth are these destitute Romanian goat people affording to get accommodation in Britain?

Mass exodus: Remus Neda, far right, his son Simon, third left, who needs drugs for a heart condition and other family members from Berini, Romania
Among those keen to move are 170 Roma who live in abject poverty on the outskirts of the villages, with no running water in their homes and as many as 20 people sharing a three-room house.

One of them, father-of-seven Remus Neda, 37, said he hoped to move to Britain after learning that he could be eligible for housing benefits and NHS care.
Pointing to a shaggy brown and white goat, tethered to an outhouse, he said: ‘In January, the only thing left in the village will be the goat.’

Basic conditions: Daniel Neda, left, and family outside their home
Mr Gabriel-Adrian, the mayor of Sacosu Turcesc, which encompasses these villages, said: ‘I think it is possible that half of the people in Berini and Uliuc, the Romanian and Roma people, will go to the UK next year.

‘In particular, the young people will go, because they don’t have anything here. They will go to work in agriculture and construction, but also for the benefits.

‘My advice to Britain would be not to give people everything. You should take care because, if everybody goes to the UK, what will you do? Can you afford it?
‘People do not have big salaries here and will obviously be interested in the salaries and the benefits in England.’

Reflecting growing tensions in Romania, he singled out the Roma community as the most likely to move, saying: ‘It is not a bad thing for us that they want to go somewhere else in Europe.

New pastures: Families see the move to London as a 'good opportunity' for them

Handouts: The families in the village only receive £9 a month from the Romanian authorities for each of their children, which they say is not enough to raise them
His 15-month-old son Simon still bears the scars of heart surgery and Mr Neda must pay for his on-going medication in Romania. ‘In the UK, it would be better because we would have free medical care,’ he said.

Another Roma villager, Daniela Neda, 45, who is not related to Remus, also plans to move to the UK when the restrictions are lifted.[/quote]

The gypsies have been a problem in Eastern Europe since their arrival from India through the "silk route" and then Byzantium/Turkey some time around 12-14 century. Since then nobody was able to civilize them. They settled in Balkans and have been a huge source of tensions between them and local population.

I remember clearly how before the Romanian accession to the EU the BBC and European TV channels were showing those "poor" gypsies portraying local governments as "fascist" for not being nice to gypsies.

Well,I wish Europe good luck now. This people are impossible to change. They averse to civilized way of living, they do not have work ethic and they are not interested in work,quite frankly.

My suggestion is to do what we have done for jews. We create a state for them in their homeland of Northern India.If India or Pakistan disagree Europe should just stop all financial aid to them.

R.I.P. London - Requiem - 02-20-2016

Quote: (02-20-2016 10:37 AM)Krieg Wrote:  

My suggestion is to do what we have done for jews. We create a state for them in their homeland of Northern India.If India or Pakistan disagree Europe should just stop all financial aid to them.

Great idea! How well did this strategy work out last time?

Someone riddle me this: are people simply unwilling or actually unable to learn from history?

Also the only reason why Israel still exists is because of continuous constant US "aid". So "instead of" paying for the Gypsies you want to build them their own country and then still pay for them there?

R.I.P. London - Orson - 02-20-2016

Quote: (01-23-2016 03:32 PM)Slim Shady Wrote:  

England was worse than Germany. What is happening there is terrible, but I won't say that they don't deserve everything that they are getting. I have no love for England, or anyone that supports colonialism. You can cuck meme all that you want.

Colonialism is BEST for the colonised.

I don't have the most recent LINK, but the study (to cross my eyes) shows that the longer the colonization, the higher the GDP after independence.

Anti-colonialists from Hobson and Marx typically cite some form of "exploitation" theory to justify their claims of the heinous evil of colonization. But the ost recent refutation of this argument is powerful:

Even though many "colonies" of the 19th century had access to the same (or similar enough) technology, finance, modes of production, whether looking at trains or textiles or elsewhere, the colonies could not match the colonizers for productive success.

This difference has been attributed to institutional factors like politics and legal culture. But this latest critique implies that it really comes down to culture and religion (cf, Weber's thesis from Protestantism and the Spirit of Capitalism). (SEE "A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the World" by Greg Clark, 2007)

In short, western Europe and the Anglo-American world's protestant work and learning and self-improvement ethics makes the crucial difference in making capitalism successful.

This is, however, backward looking. What about the world of the future, where those with Confucian values (eg, the Chinese) can also do capitalism? And the Confucian's out-compete the West? Protestants and Christians alike?

R.I.P. London - JWLZG - 02-20-2016

Quote: (02-18-2016 06:14 AM)AntiMediocrity Wrote:  


you are ill-informed on the gravity of the destruction that is occuring in Britain.
I doubt that, why do you think I left? Not to chase some EE tail, that's for sure.

Very soon, the members of the forum who wish to do so will be a sharp minority.

Quote: (02-20-2016 10:37 AM)Krieg Wrote:  

The gypsies have been a problem in Eastern Europe since their arrival from India through the "silk route" and then Byzantium/Turkey some time around 12-14 century. Since then nobody was able to civilize them. They settled in Balkans and have been a huge source of tensions between them and local population.

My suggestion is to do what we have done for jews. We create a state for them in their homeland of Northern India.If India or Pakistan disagree Europe should just stop all financial aid to them.

Adolf Hitler too, also thought of Gypsies and Jews along similar lines. He too, proposed pretty drastic "Final Solutions" for them. It's not a huge stretch to suppose that some of us have pretty similar sentiments? You didn't capitalise both words for that reason.

[Image: people-4.jpg]

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQen45V5g6uLtmZjqb9j-T...3S4hDj5fXQ]

Many Germans I've spoken to are reluctant to have sons for that reason. They fear a return to militant masculine Prussian extremism.

Small wonder this forum is inexorably veering into a mishmash of Stormfront, The Daily Mail and The Sun.

R.I.P. London - johnfortunebg - 02-21-2016


Small wonder this forum is inexorably veering into a mishmash of Stormfront, The Daily Mail and The Sun.

I am pretty glad your kind is running high with the reductio ad hitlerum. Soon, nobody will care when being called racist and nazi, and then what will be your arguments exactly?
But, then again, Reddit-type SJWs masquerading as something else have never been known for their intellectual capabilities...

R.I.P. London - Krieg - 02-21-2016

Quote: (02-20-2016 10:31 PM)JWLZG Wrote:  

(02-18-2016, 11:14 AM)AntiMediocrity Wrote:  [quote]Quote:

you are ill-informed on the gravity of the destruction that is occuring in Britain.
I doubt that, why do you think I left? Not to chase some EE tail, that's for sure.

Very soon, the members of the forum who wish to do so will be a sharp minority.

[quote='Krieg' pid='1226655' dateline='1455982656']
The gypsies have been a problem in Eastern Europe since their arrival from India through the "silk route" and then Byzantium/Turkey some time around 12-14 century. Since then nobody was able to civilize them. They settled in Balkans and have been a huge source of tensions between them and local population.

My suggestion is to do what we have done for jews. We create a state for them in their homeland of Northern India.If India or Pakistan disagree Europe should just stop all financial aid to them.

Adolf Hitler too, also thought of Gypsies and Jews along similar lines. He too, proposed pretty drastic "Final Solutions" for them. It's not a huge stretch to suppose that some of us have pretty similar sentiments? You didn't capitalise both words for that reason.

Many Germans I've spoken to are reluctant to have sons for that reason. They fear a return to militant masculine Prussian extremism.

Small wonder this forum is inexorably veering into a mishmash of Stormfront, The Daily Mail and The Sun.

Hey I am not suggesting any "final solution". I just offer to rehouse gypsies back to their homeland in India.

Balkan countries (Bulgaria,Romania) and Slovakia have actually partially sorted this problem by joining the EU. Now the gypsies are in London [Image: biggrin.gif], re-united with their long lost brothers-Indians and Pakistanis.History is a curious thing, 1500 thousands years apart and yet they find each other on the streets of London.

I must admit that civilised gypsy girls are often quite bangable. They could make it big in Bollywood.

The linguistic evidence has indisputably shown that roots of Romani language lie in India: the language has grammatical characteristics of Indian languages and shares with them a big part of the basic lexicon, for example, body parts or daily routines.[126]
More exactly, Romani shares the basic lexicon with Hindi and Punjabi. It shares many phonetic features with Marwari, while its grammar is closest to Bengali.[127]
Romani and Domari share some similarities: agglutination of postpositions of the second Layer (or case marking clitics) to the nominal stem, concord markers for the past tense, the neutralisation of gender marking in the plural, and the use of the oblique case as an accusative.[128][129] This has prompted much discussion about the relationships between these two languages. Domari was once thought a "sister language" of Romani, the two languages having split after the departure from the Indian subcontinent—but more recent research suggests that the differences between them are significant enough to treat them as two separate languages within the Central zone (Hindustani) group of languages. The Dom and the Rom therefore likely descend from two different migration waves out of India, separated by several centuries.[50][130] Genetic findings in 2012 suggest the Romani originated in northwestern India and migrated as a group.[108][109][132] According to the study, the ancestors of present scheduled tribes and scheduled caste populations of northern India, traditionally referred to collectively as the Ḍoma, are the likely ancestral populations of modern European Roma.[133] In December 2012, additional findings appeared to confirm the "Roma came from a single group that left northwestern India about 1,500 years ago."[109] They reached the Balkans about 900 years ago[108] and then spread throughout Europe.

EU countries should exercise their right to deport anyone who is not in a job or training within 3 month of arrival to a EU country. This is a law. Some EU countries did that (France and Netherlands)to gypsies. The UK is a disorganised mess of a country and I don't expect them to act on it anyhow.

By the way,gypsies is a classic example of a failed diversity.1500 years ago Europe accepted immigrants from India-and they are still here as an opaque,non integrated,problematic entity. Why would one expect current migrants from Indian Subcontinent and Middle East in the UK to integrate this time?

R.I.P. London - Requiem - 02-21-2016

Quote: (02-20-2016 10:31 PM)JWLZG Wrote:  

Quote: (02-18-2016 06:14 AM)AntiMediocrity Wrote:  


you are ill-informed on the gravity of the destruction that is occuring in Britain.
I doubt that, why do you think I left? Not to chase some EE tail, that's for sure.

Very soon, the members of the forum who wish to do so will be a sharp minority.

Quote: (02-20-2016 10:37 AM)Krieg Wrote:  

The gypsies have been a problem in Eastern Europe since their arrival from India through the "silk route" and then Byzantium/Turkey some time around 12-14 century. Since then nobody was able to civilize them. They settled in Balkans and have been a huge source of tensions between them and local population.

My suggestion is to do what we have done for jews. We create a state for them in their homeland of Northern India.If India or Pakistan disagree Europe should just stop all financial aid to them.

Adolf Hitler too, also thought of Gypsies and Jews along similar lines. He too, proposed pretty drastic "Final Solutions" for them. It's not a huge stretch to suppose that some of us have pretty similar sentiments? You didn't capitalise both words for that reason.

[Image: people-4.jpg]

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQen45V5g6uLtmZjqb9j-T...3S4hDj5fXQ]

Many Germans I've spoken to are reluctant to have sons for that reason. They fear a return to militant masculine Prussian extremism.

Small wonder this forum is inexorably veering into a mishmash of Stormfront, The Daily Mail and The Sun.


Dude, either learn how to formulate an argument or stay out of political discussions. What the hell is this shit? Emotional appeal (you even added pictures to really get the message across - nice work!) as a means of persuading readers is unworthy of a logical mind.

R.I.P. London - Krieg - 02-21-2016

Been browsing properties for sale just now.One flat was surprisingly cheap but then I checked the pictures [Image: biggrin.gif] :

[Image: 90947_101559000569_IMG_01_0000_max_656x437.jpg]

Anyone interested?

R.I.P. London - 262 - 02-22-2016

Quote: (02-21-2016 04:04 AM)Krieg Wrote:  

I just offer to rehouse gypsies back to their homeland in India.
My guess is the Gypsies left or were kicked out of India because Indians are - in this case, correctly - too cheap to give beggars enough free money to live on [Image: tongue.gif]

Quote: (02-21-2016 04:04 AM)Krieg Wrote:  

EU countries should exercise their right to deport anyone who is not in a job or training within 3 months.
Fixed that for you so you can also deport unproductive people natively born, such as SJWs [Image: wink.gif]

R.I.P. London - Pride male - 02-22-2016

Anybody watch Matt Damons Elysium?

R.I.P. London - Lian - 02-23-2016

I have no dog in this fight other than the despair of helplessly watching the rapid decline of a civilization not unlike my own, but I will say I was in London last year and the high percentage of non native British was noticeable, and I understood where the "My British country" lady's rant came from.

The way I see it immigration is a benefit when there is a need, in small, sustainable, assimilate-able numbers. With native British unemployment so high, I can't see a rational argument for any immigration beyond a tiny percentage of highly-skilled labor - think Swedish doctor, not Middle East Muslim convenience store owner. And of course the immigrant himself has to be assimilate-able, and a random Swedish person will be so more often than a random Middle East Muslim.

With this you'll lose out on prevalence of kebabs for example, but by keeping this bar high you maintain integrity and prevent decay from within down the line. And if we're talking about food, I'd certainly say "professional chef with decades of experience" qualifies, from the Middle East or wherever.

To relate it to the US and Mexican immigration, for example, it's not that "they're willing to do the jobs Americans won't do" as is often argued, it's that they're willing to do it at a price Americans aren't. In other words offer $20/hour to clean toilets and watch unemployed Americans' resumes explode your mailbox, though you obviously won't do this if the government gives you a choice of much cheaper labor, which you'll want and ask for, to the eventual detriment of you and your neighbors. Unintended consequences and all that.

America for Americans, UK for the British, and any policy that is not put forward with that in mind seems carelessly if not willfully destructive to the native population.

R.I.P. London - rudebwoy - 02-23-2016

^Since WW2 Britain has always needed immigrants, due to labour shortage.

Thousands of EE natives have come over to the UK and gained employment, how do you explain that?

I went to a Barclays bank, the teller was Polish girl and the manager came out and she was a young Polish girl. I then went across the street to get a coffee, the girl helping me was a cute EE gal.

This article says there are more Polish in UK than in Krakow.

The article states that there are now 1.27 million people from Eastern Europe working in the UK, that is from one region. Do you honestly think that if all those people left tomorrow, the "natives" would just fill in those jobs. LOL

The bottom line is that these people work harder than most of the natives, who feel entitled to certain jobs. Again I am not speaking about ALL, but a large majority.

Sure, it is easy to say UK for British. The real UK doesn't reflect that.

Visiting a place for one week and making an assessment doesn't make you an expert.

R.I.P. London - Samseau - 02-23-2016

Quote: (02-23-2016 06:45 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

^Since WW2 Britain has always needed immigrants, due to labour shortage.

Thousands of EE natives have come over to the UK and gained employment, how do you explain that?

I went to a Barclays bank, the teller was Polish girl and the manager came out and she was a young Polish girl. I then went across the street to get a coffee, the girl helping me was a cute EE gal.

This article says there are more Polish in UK than in Krakow.

The article states that there are now 1.27 million people from Eastern Europe working in the UK, that is from one region. Do you honestly think that if all those people left tomorrow, the "natives" would just fill in those jobs. LOL

The bottom line is that these people are harder than most of the natives, who feel entitled to certain jobs. Again I am not speaking about ALL, but a large majority.

Sure, it is easy to say UK for British. The real UK doesn't reflect that.

Visiting a place for one week and making an assessment doesn't make you an expert.

Aren't you supposedly distrustful of the rich?

There wasn't a "labor shortage." There was a "rich people not wanting to pay more" surplus.

We can see the endgame today. Read the first article in the OP. There is literal slavery in the streets of London now. That was always the endgame of immigration.

R.I.P. London - rudebwoy - 02-23-2016

^ check your facts, there was a labour shortage after WW2.

R.I.P. London - Lian - 02-23-2016

Quote: (02-23-2016 06:45 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

^Since WW2 Britain has always needed immigrants, due to labour shortage.

Thousands of EE natives have come over to the UK and gained employment, how do you explain that?

I went to a Barclays bank, the teller was Polish girl and the manager came out and she was a young Polish girl. I then went across the street to get a coffee, the girl helping me was a cute EE gal.

This article says there are more Polish in UK than in Krakow.

The article states that there are now 1.27 million people from Eastern Europe working in the UK, that is from one region. Do you honestly think that if all those people left tomorrow, the "natives" would just fill in those jobs. LOL

The bottom line is that these people are harder than most of the natives, who feel entitled to certain jobs. Again I am not speaking about ALL, but a large majority.

Sure, it is easy to say UK for British. The real UK doesn't reflect that.

Visiting a place for one week and making an assessment doesn't make you an expert.

Thousands of EE natives have come to the UK and gained employment, ok so... how do I explain what exactly? Carrot on stick, meet rabbit. Other than that I don't see what you're getting at.

UK for British and the real UK not reflecting? When I said "UK for the British" I thought it was obvious I meant that that UK should be for the British, in other words with the interests of British people of primary concern, and unfortunately it isn't, and I don't see how you're not saying the same thing I am here.

As for your "LOL," my eyebrows raised so far above my eyes I thought they were gonna fly off. What do you mean they wouldn't fill those jobs? Assuming the demand for those jobs remained after they left, of course they would, the reason they don't now is because they are unwilling to do those jobs at the current price point, which, say it with me now, is a reflection of the abundance of (willing to do it) cheaper alternatives. A point, if you'll recall, I made in my first post.

EDIT: If you bothered to read the article in the OP as Samseau mentioned, an example is right there, black as night:

A Polish builder explains that, on his work site, the English builders tell him angrily they used to be paid £15 an hour. Now it is £7 an hour. ‘They hate me,’ he says simply.

But then he gripes about the newly-arrived Romanians who, he says, are pushing wages even lower.

And I don't think one needs to spend a long time in a place to make an observation as simple as the "high percentage of non native British was noticeable." Living in a place for decades doesn't make one an expert either, if those decades are spent with one's head in the sand.

I should note I am not anti anything here, I'm pro British in this instance, just as I'd be pro Polish, or Middle Eastern for that matter if the tables were turned.

Any government that puts the interest of foreigners above that of its own people should be promptly removed, peacefully if possible, violently if not. See: Germany.

R.I.P. London - Foolsgo1d - 02-23-2016

Quote: (02-23-2016 06:45 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

^Since WW2 Britain has always needed immigrants, due to labour shortage.

Thousands of EE natives have come over to the UK and gained employment, how do you explain that?

I went to a Barclays bank, the teller was Polish girl and the manager came out and she was a young Polish girl. I then went across the street to get a coffee, the girl helping me was a cute EE gal.

This article says there are more Polish in UK than in Krakow.

The article states that there are now 1.27 million people from Eastern Europe working in the UK, that is from one region. Do you honestly think that if all those people left tomorrow, the "natives" would just fill in those jobs. LOL

The bottom line is that these people work harder than most of the natives, who feel entitled to certain jobs. Again I am not speaking about ALL, but a large majority.

Sure, it is easy to say UK for British. The real UK doesn't reflect that.

Visiting a place for one week and making an assessment doesn't make you an expert.

There is no labour shortage, only bullshit wages called minimum wage.

There is entitlement but then again you show me how a person born in Britain can compete with a foreign worker from EE who can sustain themselves on the same wage?

I worked with a Polish couple in a minimum wage job. They saved enough money to build on a plot of land in Poland a 4 bedroom house. Built from scratch.

They're now living in Manchester teaching English and go back to Poland regularly. They are hard workers and I am not doubting the work ethic of these people, but you cannot compete with workers who come from a poorer country.

There is a problem in the UK when it comes to native workers, I've worked with hundreds of them but don't for a second think being in a job above minimum wage is a guarantee you will not be replaced for a cheaper worker.

Work which requires security checks are already being opened to migrant labour, when the EU starts pushing for more professional jobs to be made available the tables will start to turn.

If you can get professional accreditation in your field at a cheaper rate in EE and then go to UK for work on these professional qualifications you are by default in a better position should you become employed.

Businesses will sacrifice natives for cheaper labour 100% of the time.

R.I.P. London - johnfortunebg - 02-24-2016


Do you honestly think that if all those people left tomorrow, the "natives" would just fill in those jobs. LOL

Part of them will be filled, at higher average wages. Part of them will disappear.

There is no benefit for natives in importing foreign labor. There is abosulutely no meaningful correlation between the size of the labor force and the prosperity (per capita PPP GDP) of a nation.

The only 2 reasons why this stupid "we need workers" bullshit is being promoted is:
a) larger labor force means larger absolute (not per capita) pool of tax revenue, ergo more money for politicians and special interest groups to appropriate
b) sustainability of the Ponzi scheme known as 'pay-as-you-go' pensions. Which will eventually collapse one way or the other. Whether it will be in 15 or 50 years is absolutely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

And that is even prior accounting for the effect AI, machine/deep learning and automation will have on the labor force. There won't be physical banks anymore and Starbucks will be severely automated (no longer 5 morons behind the counter - just 1 or max 2, to greet you and make you feel welcome) so no more junk jobs.

R.I.P. London - Foolsgo1d - 02-24-2016

I'll dispell that tax revenue gain from migrant labour right now.

Migrants send their money home. A lot of their income is un-taxed unless they're working for corporations such as Subway. They live in low income housing areas and spend little except for food and drink.

Money going out of the country cannot be taxed or used.