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Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - Emancipator - 04-28-2016

[Image: UjjyXiw.jpg]

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - Ghost Tiger - 04-28-2016

Quote: (04-27-2016 07:39 PM)Centurion Wrote:  

Just saw this new video from Rebel Media...:

What the fuck? 200+ media outlets claim Trudeau is smart for "schooling" reporter about quantum computing... when he was begging to be asked about it and the reporter didn't end up asking about it LOL.

Canadians, does Trudeau have a reputation for being dumb or something?

Dude, he's functionally retarded. Not only did he spend the whole day preparing for that question like a kid at a science fair AND beg the reporter to ask it... he also GOT HIS ANSWER WRONG. He said quantum computing is sending more complex information than a simple 1 or 0 over a single bit. That is wrong. Quantum computing is about performing calculations with unknown bit values prior to knowing their actual values. One cannot send "more complex information over a single bit." You can either send an "on" signal, i.e. a "1" or an "off" signal, i.e. a "0".

Troolander is an idiot. He is angry because he has no idea how we can be expected to teach children about quantum computing when we can't even fit more complex information inside a single bit!!!

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - Ghost Tiger - 04-28-2016

Quote: (04-28-2016 12:14 PM)911 Wrote:  

I'm not a Trudeau fan, but I'd give him some credit for projecting a positive family lifestyle image, his wife seems like a good role model. Probably a result of his seeking stability to compensate for his unstable upbringing.

The point of the meme, for a Canadian dad like me, is if he thinks he is entitled to put my family at risk by importing lawless savages, I think we should fix the problem by sending him and his family to go live with them. The irony would be delicious.

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - Soma - 04-28-2016

Quote: (04-28-2016 04:14 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

Dude, he's functionally retarded. Not only did he spend the whole day preparing for that question like a kid at a science fair AND beg the reporter to ask it... he also GOT HIS ANSWER WRONG. He said quantum computing is sending more complex information than a simple 1 or 0 over a single bit. That is wrong. Quantum computing is about performing calculations with unknown bit values prior to knowing their actual values. One cannot send "more complex information over a single bit." You can either send an "on" signal, i.e. a "1" or an "off" signal, i.e. a "0".

I disagree and see no serious technical problem with Trudeau's response (which was obviously not written by him). Entanglement allows for quantum teleportation and superdense coding whereby two classical bits of information can be sent using only one qubit. Entangled qubits contain more "information" than an equivalent number of classical bits.

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - rudebwoy - 04-28-2016

Centurion - he is young and doesn't have much experience, so that was a PR stunt to show how smart he is.

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - Ghost Tiger - 04-29-2016

Quote: (04-28-2016 05:08 PM)Soma Wrote:  

Quote: (04-28-2016 04:14 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

Dude, he's functionally retarded. Not only did he spend the whole day preparing for that question like a kid at a science fair AND beg the reporter to ask it... he also GOT HIS ANSWER WRONG. He said quantum computing is sending more complex information than a simple 1 or 0 over a single bit. That is wrong. Quantum computing is about performing calculations with unknown bit values prior to knowing their actual values. One cannot send "more complex information over a single bit." You can either send an "on" signal, i.e. a "1" or an "off" signal, i.e. a "0".

I disagree and see no serious technical problem with Trudeau's response

I provide support for my argument from the Washington Post my friend...

Quote:Konstantin Kakaes Wrote:

Actually, Justin Trudeau doesn’t get quantum computing

What the Canadian prime minister messed up in the video clip that everyone loved.

Konstantin Kakaes, the author of "The Pioneer Detectives," an e-book, is a fellow at New America, where he writes about the evolving uses of drones.

Over the weekend, a video of the boyishly handsome Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, briefly discussing quantum computing at a news conference made the rounds. “A bit of genius,” rhapsodized New York magazine, while Gizmodo’s headline said, “Everyone Should Be Able to Explain Quantum Computing Like Justin Trudeau.” Choose a popular science or tech publication (or The Washington Post) and you’ll find a version of the same breathless headline. Even the Guardian’s science blog, while arguing that “we should raise our expectations,” called his explanation “quite a good one.”

Except that Trudeau’s explanation of quantum computing was actually not quite right. (Never mind that the question was the punchline to a joke that Trudeau had set up earlier.) “Normal computers work, either there’s power going through a wire or not,” he said. This much is correct, as was Trudeau’s explanation of classical bits: “Regular computer bit is either a one or a zero, on or off.” But Trudeau’s succinct attempt at glossing quantum bits was wrong: “What quantum states allow for is much more complex information to be encoded into a single bit.”

This isn’t the place for a full primer on quantum computing, though Seth Lloyd’s “Programming the Universe” is a good non-technical introduction. A single qubit, or quantum bit, is neither a 0 nor a 1 until it is measured. This doesn’t mean it has “more complex information” encoded into it, though. Once you measure it — which you have to do if you are to do any computing — you can get only a 0 or a 1. There’s no additional complexity there. As this quantum computing textbook explains, you can gain only one bit of information about whatever question you were originally asking by measuring one qubit.

Why, then, are quantum computers powerful?

A quantum computer measures a qubit (or qubits) at the end of a computation or series of computations. Because intermediate steps have been taken while each qubit is neither a 0 nor a 1 but in a mixed state that has some probability of being one or the other, a quantum computer can do some types of computations much faster than a normal computer could. The power of quantum computers grows when you entangle many qubits together. The capability of quantum computers, in a sense, grows exponentially — very, very fast — with the number of qubits you can successfully entangle together. Keeping qubits entangled together until you want to measure the output — or “coherent,” in the parlance — has been very difficult, which is why progress in quantum computing has been slow.

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - Ghost Tiger - 04-29-2016

Quote: (04-28-2016 07:44 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Centurion - he is young and doesn't have much experience, so that was a PR stunt to show how smart he is.

He is not young. He's 44 years old bro. Please stop with the spin-doctoring. He doesn't have any kind of valuable experience whatsoever because he is an idiot who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He's never earned a dime in his life. And he thinks pure-blood white Quebeckers are superior to the rest of Canada. He is an unmitigated political disaster and any Canadian who voted for him should hang his or her head in shame.

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - QuietDog - 04-29-2016

Quote: (04-29-2016 09:47 AM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

Quote: (04-28-2016 07:44 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Centurion - he is young and doesn't have much experience, so that was a PR stunt to show how smart he is.

He is not young. He's 44 years old bro. Please stop with the spin-doctoring. He doesn't have any kind of valuable experience whatsoever because he is an idiot who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He's never earned a dime in his life. And he thinks pure-blood white Quebeckers are superior to the rest of Canada. He is an unmitigated political disaster and any Canadian who voted for him should hang his or her head in shame.

44 years old is very young for a Prime Minister, only Joe Clark was elected younger than him. What makes you say he thinks Quebeckers are superior? I have a difficult time believing that, he seems to have bought in full-stop to the platitude that everyone is equal. I know most of it is just pandering but with all of the time he's spent on SJW feel good causes like importing the refugees or apologizing for 100 year old Komagata Maru incident it's hard not to believe there's some sincerity behind it. That's what Trudeau's biggest problem is, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and grew into an empty-headed idealist because of it. I'm certain he thinks he's doing the right thing, he just happens to be wrong because he has little experience with the real world.

Also, calling him an unmitigated political disaster now is a little pre-mature, it hasn't even been a year since he's been elected. And with all his foreign travel for PR purposes and the nonsense SJW issues he's spent his time on, the Liberals haven't really done that much yet.

I didn't vote in the last election because I thought all of the candidates sucked and like has been mentioned on this thread already there is not a whole lot of variance between the three major parties. The Conservatives in Canada are often said to be more left-leaning than the US Democratic Party and its definitely true in some regards. If I had voted however it most likely would have been for Trudeau. The Conservatives top-down arrogance I think did a real disservice to politics in this country. The way Harper and his PMO governed: the negativity, the closed off to the public approach, the vilification of the opposition, did a lot to poison our political culture and bring us closer to American style partisanship which just disengages most ordinary citizens from politics. So I think I would have voted Trudeau. Also, I think its not very healthy for a democracy to have one party in power for a decade+, it just makes corruption more likely.

While Trudeau is certainly too left for me I think the way he has been governing is definitely better for our political culture, hopefully it forces the Conservatives to warm themselves up a little bit so they can oust the dummy in the next election before he actually starts going hard on his policy objectives.

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - Ghost Tiger - 04-29-2016

Quote: (04-29-2016 12:02 PM)QuietDog Wrote:  

44 years old is very young for a Prime Minister

It is not young enough to say he is "too inexperienced" to know better than to make a complete ass out of himself in a spectacularly bungled press conference on quantum computing. I honestly can't believe the SUPPORT this idiot is getting in a thread that is called "Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown", but then again, it is ILLUSTRATIVE of the how the average Canadian voter wilfully turns a blind eye to Troolander's faults. So thank you for proving my point.

Quote:QuietDog Wrote:

What makes you say he thinks Quebeckers are superior? I have a difficult time believing that

That's because the media lies to you about him. Ezra explains it to you below and a video with Brian Lilley is linked further below.

Quote:Ezra Levant Wrote:

Speaking in Liberal mother tongue: Media Party gives Justin Trudeau a pass on anti-Alberta remarks

Two years ago, Justin Trudeau sat down for an interview on a French-language TV show in Quebec. It was a celebrity-style interview — the kind he likes best. Trudeau was wearing a Zorro-style hipster moustache and his shirt was, as usual, unbuttoned low.

He joked around, even doing a gag where he fell down a flight of stairs. But then the host asked him a serious question about Quebec’s place in Canada.

Trudeau summoned his best substitute-drama-teacher acting face — think of the male models in the movie Zoolander — and got serious too. Things aren’t going so well for people Quebec, he said, because “Albertans control our community.”

When the host asked if Canada was better when Quebecers were in charge, he agreed heartily: “I’m a Liberal, so of course I think so, yes … This country — Canada — it belongs to us.

Note carefully that Troolander pulls this shit in French only. He never expected this video clip to get picked up by anglo media. And that's how he rolls. I'm not going to spend a lot of time here trying to prove his loyalty to Pure laine Quebec values to you. If you don't want to see it, you won't. All I'm offering is the truth.

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - QuietDog - 04-29-2016

Quote: (04-29-2016 12:36 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

I'm not going to spend a lot of time here trying to prove his loyalty to Pure laine Quebec values to you. If you don't want to see it, you won't. All I'm offering is the truth.

Thank you for the links, quite interesting. That is quite slimy of him to try and slip it into the French interviews where the journalist interviewing him is likely a Western Canada basher too.

His loyalty to Quebec wasn't what I was questioning though. You said

he thinks pure-blood white Quebeckers are superior to the rest of Canada.

Which is what I don't believe, his mother wasn't even Quebecois. I think you're right he prefers the values of people in Quebec to those in Alberta but its because they tend to be far more liberal. Back in my younger leftist days I used to love Quebec, even saying I'd move there if they ever separated (hallelujah I came to my senses). I wasn't some sort of Quebec supremacist I just liked how liberal they were.

The Canada belongs to us comments I think is him just saying that Canada has adopted many of the values that Quebec dearly holds which is unfortunately true. But he's right in another way too, Quebec has a massively disproportionate influence on Canada compared to their population.

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - Ghost Tiger - 04-29-2016

Quote: (04-29-2016 01:34 PM)QuietDog Wrote:  

Thank you for the links, quite interesting.

You're welcome. I am pleased to hear that you enjoyed them and found them interesting.

Quote:QuietDog Wrote:

That is quite slimy of him to try and slip it into the French interviews where the journalist interviewing him is likely a Western Canada basher too.

Exactly. What you are agreeing to here is that Troolander is pandering to the systemic discrimination practices of Quebec society. I wrote about this in an earlier post:


Quote:Ghost Tiger Wrote:

I lived in Quebec City for 6 years. My eyes are wide open now. I understand the deep-rooted contempt that Quebec has for Canada because I've seen it first hand. Actually, Steven Crowder and Gavin McInnes made this point very well during the interview below.

Jump to the 29:09 mark and listen as Crowder describes the systemic discrimination he experienced as an English child going to school in Quebec. Crowder rightly contrasts Quebec's systemic discrimination with discrimination felt by blacks in the USA, which is not systemic, i.e. not nearly as terrible. I know this discrimination all too well, because I lived it bro. Then McInnes goes on to quite rightly mock Quebec's tyrannical language laws as Orwellian thought control. The 14:09 mark is good too where McInnes describes Quebec as a teenager that has been threatening to leave the house for 400 years... "OK GO!!! BYE!!!" and then goes on to explain how, to an English Canadian living in Quebec, the Quebec government is essentially a dictatorship much like Chile under Pinochet. I concur with Gavin's analysis 100% by the way.

Quote:QuietDog Wrote:

His loyalty to Quebec wasn't what I was questioning though. You said
Quote:Ghost Tiger Wrote:

he thinks pure-blood white Quebeckers are superior to the rest of Canada.

Which is what I don't believe, his mother wasn't even Quebecois.

His mother is a disgusting sloot of a woman who had very little cultural influence on him or his values (because she has no culture nor values) and is probably not even certain who Justin's real father is (my money's on Mick Jagger personally). You may not want to believe that Troolander thinks like a Pure laine Quebecker, but you have already accepted that he was pandering to them in that French language interview so, as a politician, does it really matter what he truly believes? No. What matters is which way he will let the political winds push him, and that direction is towards the advancement of the Pure laine Quebec political agenda, which Crowder and McInnnes do a great job of describing above. You have virtually agreed with me on this, and so the prosecution rests. [Image: wink.gif]

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - QuietDog - 04-29-2016

Don't get me wrong, I'm no Trudeau supporter. I was more taking issue with you saying anyone who voted for him should hang there head in shame, I think there were a number of legitimate reasons someone could pick the Libs over the Tories in this past election. Better him than Mulcair and the NDP with their Leap Manifesto (Side note: It still boggles my mind that that was the name they chose for it, are they that historically illiterate that they missed the connotations to the Great Leap Forward and the Communist Manifesto? Or do they just no longer worry about hiding their commie intentions?)

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - rudebwoy - 04-29-2016

Quote: (04-29-2016 03:21 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

[quote='QuietDog' pid='1288897' dateline='1461954876']

Jump to the 29:09 mark and listen as Crowder describes the systemic discrimination he experienced as an English child going to school in Quebec. Crowder rightly contrasts Quebec's systemic discrimination with discrimination felt by blacks in the USA, which is not systemic, i.e. not nearly as terrible.

You have an axe to grind, I see you are a bitter boy.

But that statement is beyond laughable, easy on the crown royal my friend.

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - Ghost Tiger - 04-29-2016

Quote: (04-29-2016 06:03 PM)QuietDog Wrote:  

Don't get me wrong, I'm no Trudeau supporter. I was more taking issue with you saying anyone who voted for him should hang there head in shame, I think there were a number of legitimate reasons someone could pick the Libs over the Tories in this past election. Better him than Mulcair and the NDP with their Leap Manifesto (Side note: It still boggles my mind that that was the name they chose for it, are they that historically illiterate that they missed the connotations to the Great Leap Forward and the Communist Manifesto? Or do they just no longer worry about hiding their commie intentions?)

You may not think Harper was very conservative, and I agree with you, but the new right is the alt-right and it's more about border security and nationalism than it is about low taxes and spending cuts. And you cannot deny that Harper is a Canadian nationalist, and NOT a Quebec nationalist, which I argue BOTH Troolander and Mulcair (and Quebeckers Jack Layton AND Brian Mulroney) are/were. Harper actually had the balls to say "Islam" when asked about threats to security during a nationally televised interview. Harper would have been far more reasonable in limiting the influx of the migrant savages, and everyone knows that. If Harper were still Prime Minister, Michelle Malkin never would have written this post:

Quote:Michelle Malkin Wrote:

Yes, we need a Canadian border wall

Canada’s sloppy, rushed and reckless Syrian refugee resettlement program is America’s looming national security nightmare.

Donald Trump shouldn’t just be promising to build a Mexican border wall. He (and any other sovereignty-minded presidential candidate) should be vowing to rebuild the decimated “wall” of first-line watchdogs, field enforcement and patrol officers on our northern border.

The urgency could not be greater.

The Canadian liberal government has fast-tracked tens of thousands of Syrian Muslims into its country over the past five months and now plans to double its interim 25,000 goal by 2019. The bleeding-heart Canucks are forging ahead despite reports this week of the country’s failed $16 million screening program to stop Islamic terrorists from slipping through the cracks.

Multiple databases are not interoperable. Information is outdated or useless. Canadian agents are delivering incomplete background checks too late to matter, anyway. Result: Garbage in, garbage out, and untold numbers of unvetted refugees from jihad hotbeds on the loose at our doorstep. (As if the 1,500 Syrian refugees a month that the U.S. State Department is directly importing here through November aren’t enough of a security headache!)

Instead of moving to fortify our northern border, Washington is diverting our boots on the ground and downsizing our fleet of surveillance pilots in the skies. Turnover is high, morale is low, and the jihadists’ path to illegal entry has never been smoother.

In Plattsburgh, New York, 45 miles from Syrian refugee dumping ground Montreal, the Customs and Border Patrol’s air branch has been slashed from 25 pilots down to a shocking six in the last three years. Shifts have been reduced to bankers’ hours, while terror plotters and smugglers never rest. Members of Congress have been alerted to the perilous impact of downsizing, but have done nothing (except, that is, to fully fund the White House refugee resettlement racket).

In Montana, Reuters reported earlier this year, our federal enforcement force is still so understaffed that the Border Patrol depends on 100 private citizen ranchers along the northern border to police the U.S.-Canada boundaries.

Of 21,000 total Border Patrol agents, only 2,100 are assigned to the northern border. There are only about 300 agents guarding the entire northern border at any one time. That’s less than the number of Capitol police on duty to protect the Capitol complex in D.C. alone, Buffalo, New York, sector Border Patrol agent Dean Mandel of the National Border Patrol Council pointed out to Congress.

Little has changed since Border Patrol agents in Washington state first told me 15 years ago of vast, abandoned sectors protected by nothing but orange rubber cones — even in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.

Little has changed since the 9/11 Commission spotlighted multiple al-Qaida operatives involved in cross-border traffic and incursions (both legal and illegal) from Canada.

Little has changed since the U.S. Government Accountability Office reported in 2011 that a measly 32 miles out of the 4,000-mile border was deemed secure by Border Patrol agents heavily dependent on non-DHS personnel for support.

A U.S. source who works for the Department of Homeland Security on the northern border told me last week that there remain vast “no-go zones” in his upstate New York sector that stretch for miles unpoliced — such as the notoriously smuggler-friendly Akwesasne reservation, where Mohawks are notoriously hostile to our Border Patrol, Air and Marine operations, and field operations agents.

“There’s a gigantic hole on our northern border,” my source described, where “people from countries of interest are crossing” into America. “Special interest countries,” as the U.S. Army War College Guide to National Security defines it, are those “designated by the intelligence community as countries that could export individuals that could bring harm to our country in the way of terrorism.”

“Yes, I’ve personally seen them. Every day. We call them ‘gotaways,'” my source sighed. These newest border-jumpers are detected (by high-tech cameras and motion sensors), but neglected because the core national security mission is not a priority and no one’s around to act on the alerts.

On the southern border, “gotaways” spiked 100 percent between 2011 and 2013. This year, as illegal trespassers from dangerous special interest countries have increased through Mexico, a Border Patrol whistleblower told Congress two months ago that his supervisors ordered agents to fudge data on “gotaways” by omitting them from data reports.

Think the same whitewashing is going on up north? You betcha.
As the disgusted northern border CBP official told me: “The attitude is no paperwork, no problems.” No problems, of course, until that one ISIS operative toting a dirty bomb in his bag rolls right across the wide open U.S.-Canadian border — detected, but neglected — and our government’s malign neglect blows up in our faces.

Harper was good for Canada. The rest of them are good for Quebec and the globalists. Troolander is Soros-funded and Pure laine approved. Canadian voters outside Quebec need to get woke.

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - Ghost Tiger - 04-29-2016

Quote: (04-29-2016 09:33 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

[quote] (04-29-2016 03:21 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

(04-29-2016, 06:34 PM)QuietDog Wrote:  Jump to the 29:09 mark and listen as Crowder describes the systemic discrimination he experienced as an English child going to school in Quebec. Crowder rightly contrasts Quebec's systemic discrimination with discrimination felt by blacks in the USA, which is not systemic, i.e. not nearly as terrible.

You have an axe to grind, I see you are a bitter boy.

But that statement is beyond laughable, easy on the crown royal my friend.

Easy on the insults friend... wouldn't want to see you receive a posting suspension and a warning level-up. It's not my statement, it's Steven Crowder's statement. I even provided you with the time mark so you could view the evidence more conveniently. I note you have yet to provide contradicting evidence or even an intelligent counter-argument. I will continue to wait. And I don't drink... my friend.

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - Jura - 04-30-2016

GT, I have to say, first, I appreciate your contribution to this thread and the fact that you've actually lived in both Alberta and Quebec. This being said, your belief that Trudeau is a Quebec nationalist and fighting for a Pure laine Quebec political agenda is laughable at best. I'm as close as a "Pure laine" as you can find today and there is nothing that screams "Quebec nationalism" when I listen to this guy. Heck, he struggles speaking to the populace, even in French.

If anything, he shares the same intense and delusional aversion to Quebec nationalism that his late father held. For him, Quebec sovereignty would have been a crime against humanity and woud have aborted his dream of a multinational/multicultural country. He was also convinced of the inherently undemocratic nature of Quebec nationalism, but that's another story. My point is, how is Junior so different?

The truth is that he picked up right where his father left off, comparing the 2013 Charte des Valeurs to Racial segregation in the U.S. and to Trump's wall for Christ's sake. Good old guilty by association logic! Anyone in this province criticizing Muslims or fighting for what remains of our national identity is regarded as anti-democratic or even worse...

Trudeau might be (he certainly is) an unscrupulous, opportunistic, politician (as QC wrote earlier) who knows how to play the right cards with Quebec's ultra liberal population. But a nationalist? The mere idea is fundamentally illegitimate to him and a complete nonsense to any Parti Québécois supporter.


This country — Canada — it belongs to us.

It sure does, it belongs to the Liberal party! Actually, QuietDog explained it perfectly. Quebec being more liberal that Alberta, it's no surprise he acknowledges the province's role in forging Canada's political identity. It's also a way to reach to the borderline nationalists and make them feel better and more proud about their country.

Quote: (04-28-2016 04:19 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

if he thinks he is entitled to put my family at risk by importing lawless savages

Well here's one thing we can agree on. Although, I have to say, (and I'll leave you on that) how is importing lawless savages from the Middle East across Montreal supposed to help the Quebec nationalism / Pure laine agenda? [Image: undecided.gif]

[Image: jt.jpg?itok=3rj6Mhdw]

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - ed pluribus unum - 04-30-2016

Quote: (04-30-2016 02:26 PM)Jura Wrote:  

Although, I have to say, (and I'll leave you on that) how is importing lawless savages from the Middle East across Montreal supposed to help the Quebec nationalism / Pure laine agenda? [Image: undecided.gif]

Divide and conquer. Can't let the pure laines get too unified...

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - 911 - 04-30-2016

Quote: (04-29-2016 01:34 PM)QuietDog Wrote:  

Quote: (04-29-2016 12:36 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

I'm not going to spend a lot of time here trying to prove his loyalty to Pure laine Quebec values to you. If you don't want to see it, you won't. All I'm offering is the truth.

Thank you for the links, quite interesting. That is quite slimy of him to try and slip it into the French interviews where the journalist interviewing him is likely a Western Canada basher too.

His loyalty to Quebec wasn't what I was questioning though. You said

he thinks pure-blood white Quebeckers are superior to the rest of Canada.

Which is what I don't believe, his mother wasn't even Quebecois. I think you're right he prefers the values of people in Quebec to those in Alberta but its because they tend to be far more liberal. Back in my younger leftist days I used to love Quebec, even saying I'd move there if they ever separated (hallelujah I came to my senses). I wasn't some sort of Quebec supremacist I just liked how liberal they were.

The Canada belongs to us comments I think is him just saying that Canada has adopted many of the values that Quebec dearly holds which is unfortunately true. But he's right in another way too, Quebec has a massively disproportionate influence on Canada compared to their population.

I think the main reason that Quebec has dominated the PM spot in recent times has more to do with the fact that those who pull the strings in Canada are from Quebec (Desmarais, Bronfman). Their agenda is not a Quebecois agenda though. The majority of Canadian PMs from the past few decades were pushed to the top by Desmarais (Trudeau, Martin, Chretien, Mulroney all were his protégés, as was France's Sarkozy).

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - Ghost Tiger - 05-01-2016

Quote: (04-30-2016 02:26 PM)Jura Wrote:  

GT, I have to say, first, I appreciate your contribution to this thread and the fact that you've actually lived in both Alberta and Quebec.

Thanks. And I appreciate you bringing intelligent arguments to the forum instead of childish insults like some other members I could name, but won't. (They're quite rude though, sad!)

Quote:Jura Wrote:

This being said, your belief that Trudeau is a Quebec nationalist and fighting for a Pure laine Quebec political agenda is laughable at best. I'm as close as a "Pure laine" as you can find today and there is nothing that screams "Quebec nationalism" when I listen to this guy. Heck, he struggles speaking to the populace, even in French.

If anything, he shares the same intense and delusional aversion to Quebec nationalism that his late father held. For him, Quebec sovereignty would have been a crime against humanity and woud have aborted his dream of a multinational/multicultural country. He was also convinced of the inherently undemocratic nature of Quebec nationalism, but that's another story. My point is, how is Junior so different?

Pierre Elliott Trudeau wasn't THAT averse to Quebec nationalism buddy. PET was, first and foremost, a scrapper. PET was a ferocious tiger of a man and he relished the pitched battles with René Lévesque and savoured his clear victories over the sadly outmatched Lévesque. Troolander is no tiger. This is why PET put him in boxing, to try to toughen the little cuck up. It didn't work. Note that PET's favourite son was his son Michel who died in an avalanche while skiing in B.C. in 1998. After Michel died, they say PET lost the will to live and shrivelled up and died 2 years later. Justin and his "father" Pierre are vastly different personalities, most likely due to the high probability that PET is not Justin's biological father. Behold Troolander's mom and her probable baby-daddy:

[Image: dWpgxsr.jpg]

Quote:Jura Wrote:

The truth is that he picked up right where his father left off,

Troolander took over leadership of the Rolling Stones? He's got those moves like Jagger? I KNEW IT!!!

Quote:Jura Wrote:

comparing the 2013 Charte des Valeurs to Racial segregation in the U.S. and to Trump's wall for Christ's sake. Good old guilty by association logic! Anyone in this province criticizing Muslims or fighting for what remains of our national identity is regarded as anti-democratic or even worse...

I said Troolander is "Soros-funded and Pure laine approved". The Soros funding is listed first for a reason. The globalists are USING the Pure laine fear and loathing of the Tête carrée as a weapon against Canadian nationalists like Harper. It's the oldest trick in the book. Like ed pluribus unum rightly said to you above, "Divide and conquer".

Quote:Jura Wrote:

Trudeau might be (he certainly is) an unscrupulous, opportunistic, politician (as QC wrote earlier) who knows how to play the right cards with Quebec's ultra liberal population. But a nationalist? The mere idea is fundamentally illegitimate to him and a complete nonsense to any Parti Québécois supporter.

You're making my argument for me. BECAUSE he is an unscrupulous, opportunistic politician, it doesn't matter if he is a Quebec nationalist at heart or not, what matters is that he is able to pander to the PQ supporters for votes and then let himself be pulled around by his Soros puppet strings. That French language interview I posted is prima facie evidence of said pandering. When Troolander did his gay pratfall down the stairs, he was channelling Jerry Lewis who is ADORED by the French for only God knows what reasons.

Quote:Jura Wrote:


This country — Canada — it belongs to us.

It sure does, it belongs to the Liberal party! Actually, QuietDog explained it perfectly. Quebec being more liberal that Alberta, it's no surprise he acknowledges the province's role in forging Canada's political identity. It's also a way to reach to the borderline nationalists and make them feel better and more proud about their country.

You're falling for a trick here. The Liberal party inside Quebec is different than the Liberal party outside of it. In Alberta, the Liberal party represents the leftist anti-Conservative party opposed to Preston Manning and his Reform revolution. And yes, to Albertans, it represents Quebec. Inside Quebec, however, the Liberal party represents "money and the ethnic vote" (Parizeau quote). It represents the Tête carrée and those who sold out to him. Essentially this means that all Liberals are virtually Quebeckers, but not all Quebeckers are Liberals. When Troolander says "Canada belongs to us" you are correct in saying he means "us Liberals" but you're missing the fact that, in saying this during a French language interview, he is pandering to the Péquistes and attempting to court their votes away from another charismatic Quebecker named Jack Layton. He is EXPANDING the Liberal party inside Quebec. Troolander is like Cruzifer... wearing many different masks to many different special interest groups. He is a cipher with no true personality of his own. He is a substitute drama teacher. Literally.

Quote:Jura Wrote:

Quote: (04-28-2016 04:19 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

if he thinks he is entitled to put my family at risk by importing lawless savages

Well here's one thing we can agree on. Although, I have to say, (and I'll leave you on that) how is importing lawless savages from the Middle East across Montreal supposed to help the Quebec nationalism / Pure laine agenda? [Image: undecided.gif]

[Image: jt.jpg?itok=3rj6Mhdw]

Just another mask for the cipher... the substitute drama teacher turned male model Prime Minister of Canada. Thanks Soros.

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - MrRoundtree - 05-01-2016

Too many têtes carrées in this thread

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - Ghost Tiger - 05-02-2016

[Image: PSFrUUx.jpg] Wrote:


Key messages:

- Confirmed cases of pertussis have been identified in Syrian Refugee children in Ontario and Nova Scotia and exposed contacts have since relocated to the lower mainland of BC

- Health care providers in Fraser caring for Syrian Refugees should be alert to this risk of pertussis in patients presenting with respiratory symptoms

- Health care providers should notify public health immediately if they identify reportable communicable diseases in Syrian Refugees and other infectious diseases where exposure was PRIOR to arrival in Canada

On February 16, a Syrian Refugee arrived from Jordan to Montreal with respiratory symptoms and was subsequently diagnosed with pertussis. Other refugee families were exposed during their hotel stay in Montreal, and some of these contacts have now moved to BC and specifically the Aldergrove and Guildford areas in Fraser. Public Health is following up with known contacts to assess their current health and provide prophylaxis to high risk contacts. However, additional exposures may have occurred, and health care providers caring for Syrian Refugees in the Fraser region should be aware of this increased risk of pertussis.

Many Syrian Refugees will have incomplete vaccinations and may be at increased risk from vaccine-preventable diseases. Health care providers should notify public health immediately if they suspect a reportable communicable disease. If you suspect other infectious diseases in a Syrian Refugee where the exposure was likely prior to their arrival in Canada, these should also be reported to public health so that they can be referred on to the Public Health Agency of Canada who is working with Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada to mitigate this issue. Health care providers can refer refugees to their local public health unit for assessment of their immunization status and provision of catch-up vaccinations.

If you suspect your patient may have pertussis:

- A nasopharyngeal (NP) specimen, using a pertussis swab (dacron swab on wire shaft, NOT cotton swab on plastic shaft) is recommended for laboratory diagnosis. Swabs should not be taken from asymptomatic contacts. Pertussis swabs may be ordered (free) from [email protected].

- Report all suspect pertussis cases so Public Health can follow-up on any high risk close contacts for whom antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended.

- All suspect and confirmed cases of pertussis should be told to stay home until after 5 days of antibiotic treatment, or until NP swab results rule out infection. Without antibiotics, patients are infectious until 3 weeks from onset of cough. Asymptomatic contacts of cases do not require isolation.

Great work Troolander!

I reiterate... if you voted for this idiot, hang your head in shame. This is an unmitigated political, security, and health care disaster.

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - pharao - 05-03-2016

[Image: cC9QDoC.jpg]

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - Just_Die - 05-03-2016

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - TooFineAPoint - 05-03-2016

Quote: (04-29-2016 06:03 PM)QuietDog Wrote:  

Better him than Mulcair and the NDP with their Leap Manifesto (Side note: It still boggles my mind that that was the name they chose for it, are they that historically illiterate that they missed the connotations to the Great Leap Forward and the Communist Manifesto? Or do they just no longer worry about hiding their commie intentions?)

They are quite proud to identify as socialists and/or commies. It's mind-boggling every time I hear it in person. And this is from lefties in Alberta of all places. I can't imagine what the Toronto NDP supporters are like...

Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown - Ghost Tiger - 05-04-2016

I received the following email from The Rebel today about a new book about how Troolander is an unmitigated political disaster: Wrote:

Dear Ghost Tiger,

A new book proves it: Justin Trudeau is manipulating Canada's immigration system, taking in thousands of potentially dangerous Muslim migrants.

It's a deliberate attempt by Trudeau to change the demographic makeup of Canada so his Liberal Party can win favour with special interest groups and add to its voting coalition in time for the next election.

Trudeau's cynical political agenda is exposed in a new book by fan favourite Rebel guest commentator Candice Malcolm, called Losing True North: Justin Trudeau’s Assault on Canadian Citizenship.

[Image: 5C0qFdy.jpg]

You can buy the book by clicking here.

Candice explains how Trudeau is sacrificing Canada’s traditions by making radical changes to our immigration system. And how these changes are putting our economy, our national security and possibly even our way of life at risk.

Trudeau is deliberately changing our country – and changing what it means to be Canadian.

Losing True North is a must read to any Canadian who is concerned about this radical agenda.

Yours truly,

Ezra Levant

P.S. Candice is our friend and ally. More than that, this book would never be published by a “mainstream” publisher — it’s too critical of the Liberals. But you can order it in hard copy at Amazon.

P.P.S. Please leave a review on Amazon for the book — you know Trudeau’s spin doctors will be trying to trash-talk it.

Just ordered my copy of this book. I'll review it once I've read it.