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1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - Printable Version

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1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - Baldwin81 - 12-31-2013

Tick-tock-tick-tock... New Year's Eve's coming up (unless you're in Australia, etc.)

Paying no mind to cliches, I'll sip on a tall can while cleaning up the apartment and hop on the wagon January 1... looking forward to it.

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - The Lizard of Oz - 12-31-2013

Very few men who drink hard will find within themselves the force of will required to totally abstain from alcohol for 365 days -- but achieving something so difficult is the sort of thing that makes a man strong.

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - rdvirus - 12-31-2013

Hitting the gym hard to keep myself busy.. lots of green tea as well, pretty well the only other thing I enjoy drinking. Marking off days on the calendar, looking forward to the one month milestone.

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - SeanBateman - 01-01-2014

I ended the year with a big one last night and I woke up today with a feeling of relief that I won't be doing that anymore.

I'm excited to be sober.

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - Biz - 01-01-2014

I didn't have one drink last night.

It was probably the first time since I was maybe 15 that I didn't drink on NYE.

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - scubadude - 01-01-2014

Quote: (12-24-2013 05:14 PM)reaper23 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-24-2013 03:39 PM)scubadude Wrote:  

Count me in but I will not commit to a year. I don't see why I feel that starting drinking in one year will change anything from now.

So I don't drink anymore. Not now, not in a year, not ever.

Being in my late 30's I have a couple decades of hard drinking behind me so let's see what the rest of my life without it will be like.

Effective 12/21

mad props

i suggest though that you consider the importance of actually structuring a new lifestyle to support this decision.

abstaining while doing the same things is damn near impossible to maintain

Nah, the only thing I am changing is the fact that I simply do not drink. If I want to go out dancing or to see some live music, I will go, just no booze.

I really don't see it being too hard. I have tried moderating several times in the last couple years and that sucks. I have also gone on dry spells for up to about 4 months (and stupidly started for no real reason). Fuck moderation, if I'm going to drink then I'm going to get drunk and it's simply not worth it anymore (if it ever was).

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - scubadude - 01-01-2014

Quote: (01-01-2014 11:24 AM)Biz Wrote:  

I didn't have one drink last night.

It was probably the first time since I was maybe 15 that I didn't drink on NYE.

After a night out it's a great feeling when you wake up a just a little tired isn't it? Good job man.

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - Biz - 01-01-2014

It was a lot easier since I decided to stay in.

If I was back home with all my boys, it would have been much harder.

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - Biz - 01-01-2014

I'm wondering now if I should change my start date to 12/29.


Should I enjoy one last hoorah before my OG start date of 1/6?


1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - scubadude - 01-01-2014

Quote: (01-01-2014 11:55 AM)Biz Wrote:  

I'm wondering now if I should change my start date to 12/29.


Should I enjoy one last hoorah before my OG start date of 1/6?


Maybe put if off until 1/13 or 6/1 or maybe even 2015? Only you can decide. But, the only time you can quit is now, on 1/6 it will still be now and so will 2015. Take 10 minutes and read through the Rational Recovery quick start flash cards I posted a few pages back and then decide. It is your Addictive Voice that is putting off your start date, there will always be a hoorah coming up that could be used as an excuse.

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - Biz - 01-01-2014

Very true scuba... Good words man. I will check that out for sure.

This may sound queer but I looked at my horoscope from my iPhone app and it basically read my mind saying this is the change you have been waiting for...

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - The Lizard of Oz - 01-01-2014

EDIT: Biz, thinking about this, I would say stick to your original start date of 1/6. Sometimes attempting to backdate will backfire and make you feel cheated. The first Monday of the year is a great start date, and there is always something to be said for sticking to your original choice -- it builds discipline for doing exactly what you said you would do.

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - pants - 01-01-2014

No tobacco, coffee or alcohol so far. 30 days to go.

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - Biz - 01-01-2014

Well I could do that. But I'm already feeling good and don't have any desire to drink.

What I will do is, keep the rest of this week open for the possibility. If I do, i do. If I don't I'm already a week in towards my goal.


1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - The Lizard of Oz - 01-01-2014

Quote: (01-01-2014 02:02 PM)Biz Wrote:  

Well I could do that. But I'm already feeling good and don't have any desire to drink.

What I will do is, keep the rest of this week open for the possibility. If I do, i do. If I don't I'm already a week in towards my goal.


It's completely up to you, of course.

The thing I worry about is your feeling cheated later, like a month or two in, and having a gnawing feeling that you didn't get those last drinks in.

What you might do is have some drinks the night before your original start date. You don't need to get drunk necessarily. Really let yourself feel them, and relish them deeply.

And then just let it go and know that it's done.

It's good to assert your will with these things -- you choose the start date, you don't just let random chance choose it for you. You have your last drinks when you decide to. You let them sink in. And then you start the wagon at the time of your choosing.

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - Ironsun - 01-01-2014

Hey guys,
I have my first month in and it went pretty good. I did have one bout of craving for a drink that happened a couple of weeks ago. On the way home after work on a Friday night when it hit. That is a usual time for me to hit the booze isle at the store. Craving was not to severe and I knocked it down. Over the month I have found myself thinking about having a drink fairly frequently, nothing to serious and easily dismissed. While I am using this forum for motivation I am also using my own little accountability method. I set up a spreadsheet with column 1 being the day and date and column 2 being NA for no alcohol. When I get up in the morning the first thing I do is open the spreadsheet and log the days with no alcohol. Today was 31. This is doing a couple of things for me, I start my day out good, thinking of what I did yesterday and what I will do today with regard to alcohol and two, it takes my focus off of 365. Instead I am focused on putting in 32. I am kind of surprised I have not had more cravings and I think that my personal accountability method along with being 100% committed to doing this are blunting the cravings. Time will tell.

I have told a couple of close friends what I am doing and of course they ask why. Saying I think I am a borderline alcoholic just did not feel right. Thinking what Lizard has said, that this is a journey and you need to do the whole thing to get the benefit, triggered a better response. . . now I say I am climbing the no alcohol mountain to see what is at the top and on the other side. This is now my mantra and I like it a lot.

I know most of you guys are stating on the 3rd and I wish you all a good journey, and remember gentlemen, tighten your chin straps

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - El_gato - 01-01-2014

Nothing wrong with a few drinks. I give up the sauce for two periods of 30 to 40 days each year. I enjoyed the perspective it brings especially the vivid dreams and sound sleep at night. I don't think aspiring PUAs should be on the wagon for any extended period of time as the ladies generally enjoy a glass or two of wine - don't spoil the party. I use wine as a seduction prop - selecting the wine, the decanting, talking about the region it is from, and the food that goes along with it - usually back at my poon pad !

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - The Lizard of Oz - 01-01-2014

Ironsun, thanks for the update. It's true -- it is a journey and some of the serious benefits take quite a while to kick in. You will see for yourself as time goes on.

The cravings will wax and wane over time -- don't worry about them. Just stick to your guns and keep going.

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - The Lizard of Oz - 01-01-2014

El_gato, this thread is for guys who have drunk hard enough long enough that they need a 1 year wagon. If that's not you this is fine -- then this thread is not for you.

There are many posts earlier in thread explaining the reasons to do a wagon for those guys who can use one, so rather than repeat them I suggest you go back and read them, starting with the original post in the thread.

As far as game goes: it's true that alcohol is used as a prop for game, but that's exactly why throwing away the crutch of alcohol will force an improvement in guys' raw game skills -- yet another benefit of the wagon for those who are up for the challenge.

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - reaper23 - 01-02-2014

Quote: (01-01-2014 11:35 AM)scubadude Wrote:  

Quote: (12-24-2013 05:14 PM)reaper23 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-24-2013 03:39 PM)scubadude Wrote:  

Count me in but I will not commit to a year. I don't see why I feel that starting drinking in one year will change anything from now.

So I don't drink anymore. Not now, not in a year, not ever.

Being in my late 30's I have a couple decades of hard drinking behind me so let's see what the rest of my life without it will be like.

Effective 12/21

mad props

i suggest though that you consider the importance of actually structuring a new lifestyle to support this decision.

abstaining while doing the same things is damn near impossible to maintain

Nah, the only thing I am changing is the fact that I simply do not drink. If I want to go out dancing or to see some live music, I will go, just no booze.

I really don't see it being too hard. I have tried moderating several times in the last couple years and that sucks. I have also gone on dry spells for up to about 4 months (and stupidly started for no real reason). Fuck moderation, if I'm going to drink then I'm going to get drunk and it's simply not worth it anymore (if it ever was).

if my experience of getting sober and not drinking now for almost five years means anything...then i'd recommend reconsidering that plan.

going out to dance or to see music is fine, but who will you go with? what will the attitude be? how will you make sure that you are in company that will support you?

you already said that after four months you "stupidly" started for "no real reason" in the past.

i would venture a guess to say that by doing the same things in the same places with the same people - that was part of your reason whether you know it or not

i'm not saying you have to change your life forever. hell, i just spent part of a day bar hopping with a group of people, me drinking diet coke and water the whole time.

but at first, its going to be way harder if the only thing that is different is the fact you're not drinking

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - Shooter - 01-02-2014


I'm in. I'm also part of this nutrition/fitness challenge that starts on 11Jan. We deduct points whenever we eat bad or drink ect.

I'll start with the drinking after I finish my bottle of Patron<3

Good luck guys and remember, whenever you want to give in just understand that other people are also going through the same thing. Keep each other accountable and I'll see you on the other side!

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - Bushido - 01-02-2014

Quote: (01-02-2014 12:12 AM)reaper23 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-01-2014 11:35 AM)scubadude Wrote:  

Quote: (12-24-2013 05:14 PM)reaper23 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-24-2013 03:39 PM)scubadude Wrote:  

Count me in but I will not commit to a year. I don't see why I feel that starting drinking in one year will change anything from now.

So I don't drink anymore. Not now, not in a year, not ever.

Being in my late 30's I have a couple decades of hard drinking behind me so let's see what the rest of my life without it will be like.

Effective 12/21

mad props

i suggest though that you consider the importance of actually structuring a new lifestyle to support this decision.

abstaining while doing the same things is damn near impossible to maintain

Nah, the only thing I am changing is the fact that I simply do not drink. If I want to go out dancing or to see some live music, I will go, just no booze.

I really don't see it being too hard. I have tried moderating several times in the last couple years and that sucks. I have also gone on dry spells for up to about 4 months (and stupidly started for no real reason). Fuck moderation, if I'm going to drink then I'm going to get drunk and it's simply not worth it anymore (if it ever was).

if my experience of getting sober and not drinking now for almost five years means anything...then i'd recommend reconsidering that plan.

going out to dance or to see music is fine, but who will you go with? what will the attitude be? how will you make sure that you are in company that will support you?

you already said that after four months you "stupidly" started for "no real reason" in the past.

i would venture a guess to say that by doing the same things in the same places with the same people - that was part of your reason whether you know it or not

i'm not saying you have to change your life forever. hell, i just spent part of a day bar hopping with a group of people, me drinking diet coke and water the whole time.

but at first, its going to be way harder if the only thing that is different is the fact you're not drinking

Hmm I dunno. Sometimes it can be enlightening to go out sober and watch your friends get drunk.

Depending on the group, you either have just as much fun as usual (if they are cool) or bore yourself to death. Either way, it's enlightening. Personally I can experience a "social high" while totally sober if I am A) hanging with cool people and possibly B) opening sets of cute girls. Alcohol isn't necessary if those conditions are in place.

I think a guy will naturally find other things to do eventually but cutting yourself off cold turkey from your previous social life will likely increase that "bored" feeling and tempt a man into regressing. But that's just my take on it. Others may feel differently.

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - Duke Castile - 01-02-2014

Well my challenge dates are getting pushed back a bit....

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - Atlantic - 01-02-2014

Two weeks in. Feel great and have been hitting the gym everyday. My sleep seems to be deeper and I need less too (around 7 hours as opposed to my usual 9).

1 Year Drinking Wagon Challenge for 2014 - scubadude - 01-02-2014

Yeah Reaper, you're probably right. Last time it all started again when I was handed a shot and absentmindedly took it. Then it just turned into a screw it attitude.