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Player's Log / Lounge - WesternCancer - 06-30-2013

Nascimento im in penticton. Haven't seen a prime age girl under a 7. Lots of dudes but they only talk to girls in their group. Keep in mind its Canada day weekend so its probably only this gpod during the summer.

I ran some hungover daygame on these Brazilian chicks. I told them to come to the bar later but who knows if they'll show up.

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 07-01-2013

My friend went out yesterday and were opening chicks on the street left and right with "Do you have a cigarette I could buy?" and just giving hi-fives to random girls.

I got the numbers of these two 18 yo girls who might come to chill at my house for weed.

Going to a party later, and I'll also be on Tinder and OKC today.

Ordering in right now from one of my regulars. Too much stuff to do today to get an afternoon notch going.

Player's Log / Lounge - WesternCancer - 07-02-2013

I just got annihilated by a ruthless flurry of beta bait and shit testing.

Went out to a Canada day thing today and spotted these two girls with every single slut identifier by a pool table I was gonna grab with my buddies. It's early in the night and I'm in a laid back mood.

I ask them if they're using the table. They say "ya well we're going to play this first (a videogame" I look at them disapprovingly and go "hmmm you can have second game" they agree and I ask how I work the thing. The nicer of the two starts showing me how and the other interrupts with "it's fucking common sense"

I say "is she always like this?" And the one girl starts saying "I'm a total bitch, it's. Good thing though because I'm funny... I'm a sassy bitch"

I say "if you're so funny how come you're the only one laughing" she looks at her friend, the friend looks confused, she looks back at me and I'm grinning like I just won the special Olympics.

The bitchy one catches it quick and says "well how come you're smiling then" I laugh and she says see now you're laughing.

I got ko'd and had no come back so I go for a pool cue after saying well have fun with your game. The bitches drink is right beside it. She walks over and says "gonna grab this before you drug it" I smirk and say "too late" then my buddies showed up.

Player's Log / Lounge - MrXY - 07-02-2013

Got a tourist chick off POF who's in town for the week, she readily agreed to meet at a bar. Things were going well and she was pounding wine. Went to another bar, same thing, we were getting pretty friendly then she start asking all these questions about my sexual medical history-do I have unprotected sex, how often, when's the last time, have I had a recent STD and HIV test, how many girls have I banged. i gave her a lot of smartass and evasive answers but she just wouldn't stop.

I asked her how many guys she's had and she said that since her divorce 4 years ago she's fucked over 200 guys! And she has herpes. Did not want.

Player's Log / Lounge - Hotwheels - 07-02-2013


Occasionally they tell the truth.

Player's Log / Lounge - MrXY - 07-02-2013

She's a nurse too!

I realized this morning that her cross examining me was a way of trying to make herself look less bad is some twisted female logic way

But yes i did appreciate her candor. It makes you wonder how many other nice seeming middle class women are out there who have similar histories but never reveal it-probably more than we want to imagine

Player's Log / Lounge - Hotwheels - 07-02-2013

If she was hot I probably would have banged her anyway.

Covered up of course. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Player's Log / Lounge - dog24 - 07-02-2013

Western cancer one time i was negging the shit out of some bitchy girl just for the fuck of it, she just kept quiet and finally said did i say something to you in the most condescending tone possible so i said nah im the only one talking and she goes ok and tries to ignore me lol fucking bitch i walked up to her got on her face and poked her nose while making shooting noises made her giggle i call it at least a tie.... Another option i guess would be going up to her shake her hand and say well played, i win and then walk off

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 07-03-2013

After mass texting, I've got a girl form okc coming over to my house I've never met. Coincidentally, she's cat sitting next door.

Player's Log / Lounge - Kickb - 07-03-2013

Got lunch with a friend. The waitress asked me what I'm doing tomorrow. "hard drugs" I say.

My friend tripped over himself to apologize and to inform her that I wasn't.

He has this nervous tick where he pounds the ground with his foot and the table with his phone at the same time.

He has two hot sisters. I'm surprised at his discomfort.

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 07-03-2013

This girl comes over to my house just now. She's rail thin like anorexic looking. She's got this crazy energy and talks really loudly and is a native Brooklynite who converted to Judaism.

Turns out she's got this crazy high metabolism and excretes what she takes in very fast. I think she left some of that odor all over me.

We were touching a lot, but since she's orthodox, she's saying things like "this part of my leg is the boundry."

She's staying in the building next to mine. No bang.

I've been getting all the freaks lately.

Player's Log / Lounge - Kickb - 07-03-2013

How often do your neighbors see new girls coming over?

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 07-03-2013

Quote: (07-03-2013 05:55 PM)kickboxer Wrote:  

How often do your neighbors see new girls coming over?

Ha- not often, but the lesbians downstairs hear me pounding different chicks all the time.

Actually, the butchy one was outside on the stoop when the girl showed up.

She kept shit testing me in front of this new girl I had never met before.

AWKWARD ! ha not really.

I want them to hear me fucking because I know it gets them wet when they hear girls moaning and causes strain on their relationship because they don't have dick but the fem lesbo def wants one. I heard getting banged out by my friend years ago.

Also, she made out with my sister. It's the closest thing to me that she'll allow herself.

My other neighbors could probably recite Tuthmosis First Date Bang Recipe by heart because they've heard me do the no shoes line hundreds of times.

I try to bone girls on my couch next to the door so they can hear girls saying "Ow it's so big blah blah" because a couple of years ago I came home from NYE drunk and my neighbor who was then single let me in and I went in for a kiss but got dissed. Now's she's got a boyfriend. So, I want to put strain on their relationship too with my sex life.

Player's Log / Lounge - MrXY - 07-03-2013

Quote: (07-03-2013 06:14 PM)soup Wrote:  

I want them to hear me fucking because I know it gets them wet when they hear girls moaning and causes strain on their relationship because they don't have dick but the fem lesbo def wants one. I heard getting banged out by my friend years ago.

Also, she made out with my sister. It's the closest thing to me that she'll allow herself.


I try to bone girls on my couch next to the door so they can hear girls saying "Ow it's so big blah blah" because a couple of years ago I came home from NYE drunk and my neighbor who was then single let me in and I went in for a kiss but got dissed. Now's she's got a boyfriend. So, I want to put strain on their relationship too with my sex life.

[Image: potd.gif]

Player's Log / Lounge - Nascimento - 07-04-2013

I noticed a big difference last night.

Usually when I go clubbing and do high energy dance floor game, I always vibe or connect well with at least a couple girls. Usually I get a makeout or two from this.

Last night girls were so much more receptive to me. I don't know what it is just yet. Maybe my mentality was different and it came off in my demeanor. I was getting eye fucked left and right and most of my approaches went really well.

At one point, my buddy mentioned us smelling like hot tub, because that's what we were doing before we went out. I quickly grabbed the nearest girl (who I had a short dance with, mostly being aloof) and asked her what I smelled like.

'Sex appeal.'

This night I noticed one girl who was extremely into me and instead of asking for her number, I told her she should take mine instead. She puts it in with excitement, grabs my face and kisses me, goes outside and texts me so I have her number.

Later on in the night, after a short dance and quick makeout, I take this other girl outside for some air. I noticed she wasn't as attractive as I initially thought, so I was even more aloof and didn't give her full attention. She was talking 80% of the time, and had lots to say. I ended it before I could tolerate much longer and tried the same thing, told her to take my number and that she could text me if she wanted to. She went back to her friends and texted me her name, saying she didn't want to forget to she texted me right away.

I met a very cool girl at the end of the night, hit it off instantly, did the same thing.

I think giving out your number as opposed to taking them might be a very interesting idea. Firstly, I wanted to avoid investing in numbers from clubs only to get flaked on as that has happened recently more than I would like. And I like to think it really screens for interest much, much better.

Also, I experimented grabbing a girl by her shirt and forcefully pulling towards me as a dance floor move, rather than just by the hips or the hand as I usually do. Had a much better effect, I could see the instant arousal even if only for a second on her face.

Player's Log / Lounge - NewGamer - 07-04-2013

one thing i've realized is that I'm not cut out for loud clubs/bars. It's impossible to have a conversation. You have no other option but literally going up to girls dancing and start dancing with them and I don't do dance floor game. I've got to find quieter venues. The more I go out at night and end up with flakey numbers, the more I realize that I need to daygame more.

Player's Log / Lounge - XY. - 07-04-2013

Walking around campus, saw this chick who reciprocated my eye contact. i asked her a question, but she smiled, looked down, and walked the fuck away like i was a killer. lol

saw another cute chick and got her number. texting her now

success/failure is what u make it

Player's Log / Lounge - Belize King - 07-04-2013

Head to the waterfront. Taking my niece and a wing. I have flipflops, light pants, and a a-shirt aka wifebeater. Game on baby.

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 07-04-2013

I got pinged by an OKC girl who I mass texted yesterday. Arranging for screen-to-door bang this afternoon..

Player's Log / Lounge - Giovonny - 07-04-2013

Quote: (07-04-2013 07:47 AM)Nascimento Wrote:  

I think giving out your number as opposed to taking them might be a very interesting idea.

It is interesting. I have experimented a lot with this. Sometimes, I give the girl my number, sometimes, I take hers.

If she calls you, you know she likes you. If she doesn't, I guess not.

It is a good way to screen for interested girls.

But, I think that we will also lose girls this way. Some girls will not text or call, even if they are interested. They simply don't have enough confidence to make that first move. Or, they don't want to appear eager or aggressive.

Other girls are "lukewarm" or semi-interested. They are willing to see you or talk to you again but if they don't, they are not too worried about it. These girls may or may not contact you.

Because of this, I think its better to take the girls number.

Giving her your number, is giving her 100% of the power to make the next move. I think this is too much power to give to the girl. I think its better to keep that power in our hands.

If we have her number, we can control the next move. I like this better.

But, I am 37yo. You are much younger. Experiment with this and come to your own conclusion. Don't take my word for it. You might actually like to give girls your number. Younger Canadian girls might be more likely to call a guy.

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 07-04-2013

Quote: (07-04-2013 03:22 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (07-04-2013 07:47 AM)Nascimento Wrote:  

I think giving out your number as opposed to taking them might be a very interesting idea.

It is interesting. I have experimented a lot with this. Sometimes, I give the girl my number, sometimes, I take hers.

If she calls you, you know she likes you. If she doesn't, I guess not.

It is a good way to screen for interested girls.

But, I think that we will also lose girls this way. Some girls will not text or call, even if they are interested. They simply don't have enough confidence to make that first move. Or, they don't want to appear eager or aggressive.

Other girls are "lukewarm" or semi-interested. They are willing to see you or talk to you again but if they don't, they are not too worried about it. These girls may or may not contact you.

Because of this, I think its better to take the girls number.

Giving her your number, is giving her 100% of the power to make the next move. I think this is too much power to give to the girl. I think its better to keep that power in our hands.

If we have her number, we can control the next move. I like this better.

But, I am 37yo. You are much younger. Experiment with this and come to your own conclusion. Don't take my word for it. You might actually like to give girls your number. Younger Canadian girls might be more likely to call a guy.

Nah- always get their number. The man has to take the initiative.

Player's Log / Lounge - Nascimento - 07-04-2013

I'm going to experiment with this for a bit. Anything night game related where I have a strong connection and am not able to pull, I will suggest she can take my number and if she wants she can text me.

I think there is a difference between an alpha way and a beta way of giving a girl your number.

A beta will probably be excited at the prospect of the girl texting him later on. If she took his number and name down and they had a good conversation with some touching, she will probably text him, right? At least that is the beta mindset. If he doesn't get a text he gets upset. If he does, he gets over excited and will probably fuck up on text game. Lose-lose.

An alpha knows he is not investing by taking her number. She can text him and if he feels like it he can choose to take it somewhere provided she texts him. If she does text him she is effectively chasing him and because he wasn't needy in that he didn't care if she texted him or not, he will do much better in terms of text game. Win-win.

I noticed a difference today, after the 3 girls had texted me that night and I had their texts saved on my phone. This was different, as the opposite scenario is me having texted 3 girls and added them to my contacts, and maybe gotten a reply or two.

In the past I would have cared more and have been eager awaiting their replies the day after. Although I would try to be busy all the time, I'd still be checking my phone every so often.

Today I didn't give a shit. I sent a basic 'whats up' text at the same time to these girls and forgot to check my phone for a couple hours. When I did I had 3 replies and I teased them on something briefly, and left it at that. I wasn't nearly as invested as before, and I am much more comfortable knowing they have invested more than me in the text exchanges thus far.

That's how I'm looking at it right now, although it could change. I will test this out for a bit. My main goal during night game is to have fun and try to pull a ONS anyways, not get numbers.

Player's Log / Lounge - Belize King - 07-05-2013

Quote: (07-04-2013 07:47 AM)Nascimento Wrote:  

I noticed a big difference last night.

Usually when I go clubbing and do high energy dance floor game, I always vibe or connect well with at least a couple girls. Usually I get a makeout or two from this.

Last night girls were so much more receptive to me. I don't know what it is just yet. Maybe my mentality was different and it came off in my demeanor. I was getting eye fucked left and right and most of my approaches went really well.

At one point, my buddy mentioned us smelling like hot tub, because that's what we were doing before we went out. I quickly grabbed the nearest girl (who I had a short dance with, mostly being aloof) and asked her what I smelled like.

'Sex appeal.'

This night I noticed one girl who was extremely into me and instead of asking for her number, I told her she should take mine instead. She puts it in with excitement, grabs my face and kisses me, goes outside and texts me so I have her number.

Later on in the night, after a short dance and quick makeout, I take this other girl outside for some air. I noticed she wasn't as attractive as I initially thought, so I was even more aloof and didn't give her full attention. She was talking 80% of the time, and had lots to say. I ended it before I could tolerate much longer and tried the same thing, told her to take my number and that she could text me if she wanted to. She went back to her friends and texted me her name, saying she didn't want to forget to she texted me right away.

I met a very cool girl at the end of the night, hit it off instantly, did the same thing.

I think giving out your number as opposed to taking them might be a very interesting idea. Firstly, I wanted to avoid investing in numbers from clubs only to get flaked on as that has happened recently more than I would like. And I like to think it really screens for interest much, much better.

Also, I experimented grabbing a girl by her shirt and forcefully pulling towards me as a dance floor move, rather than just by the hips or the hand as I usually do. Had a much better effect, I could see the instant arousal even if only for a second on her face.

Why didnt you try a venue change and bang?

I second the number. I rather do that. They have it then you know they are down. For me though it doesnt work well. Rarely get a call back. If a girl is going to fuck you, 70% of the time they automatticaly know. Escalation of force gets them to open up. If you dont try then and there your likely hood of smashing goes down. In the States or maybe all western girls, a makeout should mean she will fuck you. You need to push the issue and convince her it is okay. Cockblocking girlfriends are your main setback.

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 07-05-2013

I just canceled plans with one of my regulars so that a girl from Tinder could come over right now.

Player's Log / Lounge - Kickb - 07-05-2013

I heard tender is coming to android in a couple weeks. Seems like a cool trend to get in on in the beginning