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Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

To answer the OP: yes, as you will read more below on my story.

Roosh crashing and burning was inevitable. He was a geek who went from not getting laid at all, to getting laid a lot with relative ease. If Roosh were smart, he would've had his fun, and wifed up the best one of the bunch somewhere over in the Balkans.

When I got divorced, I was on the wrong side of 30, and I had to build myself up, and thankfully this website saved me trouble in many ways. Since reading, and trying my luck with game, I had a few lays post-divorce in South America, and Eastern Europe that fundamentally changed my life. (It wasn't so much the lay of course, as it is everything around the lay.)

So yes, heading into what appears to be a genderless, globohomo, anti-man, and even more anti-woman hellscape, this website is needed now more than ever for young men, and older men alike.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

as opposed to what--some clown at the 21 Group hawking plagarized books? 
In these times of NGO/Gov driven corporate censorship, there may very well not be another blog like this again. (Decentralized internet, we are waiting.) 
This was a great way to meet fellow wings in other cities, both foreign and domestic.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(06-30-2024, 04:57 AM)nampa Wrote:  as opposed to what--some clown at the 21 Group hawking plagarized books? 
In these times of NGO/Gov driven corporate censorship, there may very well not be another blog like this again. (Decentralized internet, we are waiting.) 
This was a great way to meet fellow wings in other cities, both foreign and domestic.

I also like that this forum is lowkey and in a quiet corner of the internet Smile

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(06-30-2024, 04:57 AM)nampa Wrote:  as opposed to what--some clown at the 21 Group hawking plagiarized books? 
In these times of NGO/Gov driven corporate censorship, there may very well not be another blog like this again. (Decentralized internet, we are waiting.) 
This was a great way to meet fellow wings in other cities, both foreign and domestic.

What plagiarized books?

Remember GManifesto plagiarizing a hitman story on RVF?  NASA Test Pilot (ThoughtGypsy) plagiarized too.  Christian McQueen marketed "business systems" of  unknown origin and hastily assembled books.  For that matter, Roosh copied Neil Strauss's title for his book Game.

You can see the old 21 Convention speakers in web.archive.com and Youtube.  They would get anybody cheap, which meant self-promoting PUA's.  This included:

Mehow, who became a PUA instructor a couple months after losing his virginity.
Caleb "Blackdragon" Jones,who paid Sugar Babies.
Strongman competitor Elliott Hulse, who married young and consequently has little experience dating.
Gay skinhead Jack Donovan.
Leader Anthony "Dream" Johnson whose wife was a secret prostitute!

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(06-27-2024, 10:00 PM)worldpeace3 Wrote:  So yes, heading into what appears to be a genderless, globohomo, anti-man, and even more anti-woman hellscape, this website is needed now more than ever for young men, and older men alike.

This part hurts the most to hear because it is true. Feels like the walls are closing in sometimes with everything being against men in productivity, happiness, and freedom. We can call it politics, but it's just general sociology at play that is hurting every boy and man. Something has to give.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(07-22-2024, 05:02 PM)Manbeline Wrote:  
(06-27-2024, 10:00 PM)worldpeace3 Wrote:  heading into what appears to be a genderless, globohomo, anti-man, and even more anti-woman hellscape, this website is needed now more than ever for young men

Feels like the walls are closing in sometimes with everything being against men in productivity, happiness, and freedom.

Some problems are ancient.  The Fight Club quote "We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like" dates back to 1928!

The U.S. is much richer now than in the 1960's or 1970's.  Men should be better off.  But two major things changed:

1)  Birth control and abortion launched the Sexual Revolution.
2)  Family planning and labor-saving technology enabled women to enter the workforce.  Wages have grown for workers with advanced degrees, especially in STEM and healthcare.  But unskilled blue-collar men have stagnant wages and are competing with immigrants.

Women now outnumber men in college, and there is no wage gap for childless women.  Young women have half the money and all the pussy!  Marriage rates have declined because women don't need men unless those men can pull their weight economically.   Many men are slackers who don't earn enough to support other people, and their women end up being free housekeepers in addition to holding a full-time job and caring for kids.

The gay agenda is generally sex-positive.  There are far more gay men than lesbians, which leaves more available single straight women for you.

The Me Too agenda derailed when victim Asian Argento paid off an underage boy, Bill Cosby's conviction was overturned, and even Rose McGowan's assailant Harvey Weinstein gets another trial.  The publicity exposed a lot of thirsty harassers and opportunistic women on the casting couch.  Brett Cavanaugh got confirmed to the Supreme Court, and Trump's administration reigned in Title IX college cases.

It is easy to imagine that if you were white in the 1950's or 1960's, then you could have gotten a good manufacturing job and wife.  But what if you were not white, or were an immigrant?  Yes, a man could support a family.   But that was in a small house with one car.  The annual vacation was by car.  RVF travellers want to jet around while making money online.

So, how are the walls closing in on productivity and freedom?  I can't tell if these issues are personal or broader.  Many men don't get advanced STEM degrees or career skills.  Like Roosh, they get a 4-year degree from the local state university.  Then they start blogs like JourneyOfSuperman or Alpha_Manbeline.  They literally argue that they are educated because they read a bunch of manosphere blogs and vent online.  Some of them are happy with porn and video games.  By age 30, they are not going to have great careers and be able to support families or independent lifestyles.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

The stupidest posts in this thread have been made by non-Whites: above all PAG, but you can see several others like the moron who “doesn’t like discrimination” etc. (as if the entire point of culture and of course sexual relations wasn’t discrimination).

Citron just doesn’t realize the sheer depth of stupidity and resentment of these people. It’s not we who are resentful. We are merely reacting to this resentful brown/yellow horde that’s swarming us. It’s not an accident the “manosphere” went racist, and a new “manosphere” will soon arise where participation will be explicitly Whites-only (Gab is already effectively there). We’ve had it with these morons and don’t want them around us anymore.

When Citron bans racists, he bans the coolest potential members of this forum.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

The old RVF Meetups were great - I probably met 80-100 guys over the years. I would love to keep those alive if they were exclusive to vetted members.

Everything else (extreme religion, extreme politics, white supremacy, whining about how hard it is for men, whining about how awful women are) can stay dead.

No need for game discussions either at this point - if you need help getting laid or finding a girlfriend/wife, there are endless resources and coaches for that. No one cares how many girls you had sex with.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(08-16-2024, 10:20 PM)Ed Winslow Wrote:  The old RVF Meetups were great - I probably met 80-100 guys over the years.  I would love to keep those alive if they were exclusive to vetted members.

Everything else (extreme religion, extreme politics, white supremacy, whining ... game discussions) ... can stay dead.

It is hard to organize single men because they get coupled and leave the community.  You met so many members because the meetups were open, drawn from a large pool of forum members.  Unfortunately, the forum included incels and weirdos attracted by Roosh's hate-click viral marketing.  There were constant clashes of egos and trolls, and the forum needed Roosh's constant moderation.

Roosh was always commercializing a community of single men.  He ran an online seduction.bb and marketed seminars since 2022!  There were better forums for money, fitness, and probably game. The distinctive RVF niche was travel for single men.  If you take that away, you just have broke young virgins trading tips on success.  I don't know whether popular travel forums would tolerate an R-rated subforum for single men.

If you really want vetted members, Neil Strauss runs a society that inspired Christian McQueen's Baron Society.


Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

Things also changed a lot after COVID and the Ukrainian war at least in Europe. It seems there is a whole new generation of women in the dating market very different than the Rooshv Era generations of women. The scammers also killed the dating apps..In the golden years of Tinder, it was literally raining sex in London. It lasted +2 years in Eastern Europe, after dying in the West. Most women now live in the narcissistic world and sweet nirvana of Instagram and dont seem to genuinely looking for relationships or even fun. Not even looking for dates or meet new people, just live in the bubble of the 5-10 people they know and call this life. It's a different world, where the Roosh era type of game is not applicable.
We all had good times back then, but it had to finish at some point, because times changed and people changed how they socially interact as well.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

Artique doesn’t know what he’s talking about. There was no “hate-click farming” by Roosh. He was merely pointing out clown world features that we all know by now—and hate. And the techniques the PUAs developed all still work—but on fewer girls, because of the online apps—so you just have to work harder, that’s all. The upshot is that they get you better girls, because the kind of girl that’s satisfied by Instagram now wasn’t worth much to start with. And lastly, there were tons of cool people—and even married people like e.g. Laner above all—who still read and posted on RVF. And of course lots of divorcees etc. It was a true melting pot of masculinity.

I won’t bother going around the forum and refuting every crude misconception Artique posts, but I will say that it’s his POSTS that reek of hatred, not Roosh’s work. And if I was a moderator here I’d do something about that hatred because it is obnoxious and devalues this community and the golden work it was built on. Why is he posting here if this place is so crap and was built on crap and the community is crap? That’s what hate looks like and it’s ugly.

I post here despite being previously banned because I loved this place for years, and still do. It helped massively improve my life, and as long as Citron allows me to, I’ll keep defending it and the people who built it.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

What are you on, mate. I never tried to devalue Roosh's work, quite the opposite. Roosh forum had completed its circle back then and that's all. Life evolves, if you have not noticed and people change. Those were a few golden years and we are happy that we rode the wave and had some great experiences back then. I'm talking mostly about the situation in Europe, I'm sure SEA and SA or Africa are still not bad, although there is decline there as well. Do you think it would last forever? Stop trolling.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(08-19-2024, 09:30 AM)Some guy2 Wrote:  There was no “hate-click farming” by Roosh.  Artique posts, ... reek of hatred, not Roosh’s work.

The stupidest posts in this thread have been made by non-Whites:  ...  When Citron bans racists, he bans the coolest potential members of this forum.

I was the one who accused Roosh of hate-click marketing, not Artique.

Roosh prominently linked the blogs of his black D.C. friends Virgle Kent and The Rookie.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

Roosh wasn’t very racist. As a middle-easterner I am sure he is at least somewhat racist, but the forum had plenty of non-Whites and he was fine with that. He was one himself after all lol. That said, there was an indian admin named Tuthmosis who I think left due to the racism in the forum, with people posting the Indian Race Troll meme (IRT) etc.

The issue of race was complex in the old RVF, and even more complex was how it evolved in time in parallel with political events. In 2008 even I wasn’t racist, but by 2015 when Europe was being swarmed by browns from the middle east tons of articles were being written about those people’s inferiority, and of course the RVF crowd was reading them and wanted to discuss them.

Today we’re even further along this process, and I believe a cutting-edge PUA or men’s forum should be Whites-only (i.e. not even Roosh would be allowed lol).

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

Since the GIRLS that are the subject of game come in different races with vastly different characteristics, a game forum that doesn’t analyze races is impossible. You can see this everywhere in the old posts, e.g. when people were saying that SEA girls are dumb as rocks and struggle with basic conversation. Wouldn’t SEA guys reading this get offended?

Of course they would, and they did. The forum was rife with race issues, and those kept escalating as the political situation escalated. But Roosh was pretty good at maintaining a kind of balance of allowing instructive race analysis without letting tensions blow up into outright hatred.

But as aforesaid, I would solve the whole issue by just banning non-Whites.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(08-19-2024, 10:13 PM)Some guy2 Wrote:  Roosh wasn’t very racist. As a middle-easterner I am sure he is at least somewhat racist, but the forum had plenty of non-Whites and he was fine with that. He was one himself after all lol. That said, there was an indian admin named Tuthmosis who I think left due to the racism in the forum, with people posting the Indian Race Troll meme (IRT) etc.

The issue of race was complex in the old RVF, and even more complex was how it evolved in time in parallel with political events. In 2008 even I wasn’t racist, but by 2015 when Europe was being swarmed by browns from the middle east tons of articles were being written about those people’s inferiority, and of course the RVF crowd was reading them and wanted to discuss them.

Today we’re even further along this process, and I believe a cutting-edge PUA or men’s forum should be Whites-only (i.e. not even Roosh would be allowed lol).

Finally an interesting poster here.

I agree with you that PUA forums should be whites-only, because the success that someone has in a given country is hugely dependent on the person's race. In multicultural PUA forums, you will typically not know the race a the poster unless he discloses it. As a white man, I couldn't care less reading the experience of an arab in europe. All I'm interested in is the experience of fellow white men.

There are only 2 possible solutions :
- White man only forum
- Multiethnic forum with separate sections so that one race can only post in one section. But it is a risky bet as it will surely bring lots of race trolls who will create fake accounts in the other sections they aren't supposed to post in.

I would add that age is the second attribute that is important. It would be interesting to have a white-only forum where people are obligated to precise their age-range (20-30, 30-40, etc).

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(08-19-2024, 10:13 PM)Some guy2 Wrote:  Roosh wasn’t very racist. As a middle-easterner I am sure he is at least somewhat racist, but the forum had plenty of non-Whites and he was fine with that. He was one himself after all lol. That said, there was an indian admin named Tuthmosis who I think left due to the racism in the forum, with people posting the Indian Race Troll meme (IRT) etc.

The issue of race was complex in the old RVF, and even more complex was how it evolved in time in parallel with political events. In 2008 even I wasn’t racist, but by 2015 when Europe was being swarmed by browns from the middle east tons of articles were being written about those people’s inferiority, and of course the RVF crowd was reading them and wanted to discuss them.

Today we’re even further along this process, and I believe a cutting-edge PUA or men’s forum should be Whites-only (i.e. not even Roosh would be allowed lol).

I think your post summed up why Game / Red-Pill  / Manosphere or whatever you want to call it has become so corrupted. It started out as a way for men (yes men of all nationalities and races) to improve themselves across all aspects of life (fitness, women, finances, etc.). It's extremely ironic that many game techniques were probably used by non-white men to have success with women of all races including white women, just as white men used it to meet women of all races. Somehow now the racist ex-Gamers are trying to convert Game into white nationalism and it has all become a bad joke of sorts now. 

The best example of this is Roissy / Heartiste who's early writing was something that all men enjoyed and learned from, until he became a miserable and angry white nationalist. The thing is game, charisma, masculinity etc. these things are always race neutral no matter how much the racists protest.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

^ Non-whites are useless to us whites, since success with a certain demographics is very dependent on race. Who cares about the reports of an Indian.

Don't hesitate if you have anything else useful to contribute, non-white.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

Can you just stop whining about non-white being allowed on the forum? Because it will not change, no matter how much you whine, and humanoids who are able to talk about nothing but races and politics will be banned.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(08-21-2024, 08:54 PM)citron Wrote:  Can you just stop whining about non-white being allowed on the forum? Because it will not change, no matter how much you whine, and humanoids who are able to talk about nothing but races and politics will be banned.

Well done, mate. Ban those idiots directly when they raise retarded issues..

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

That incel pmed if I like his dick pic lol

Citron, ban his device IDs better if you can.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

citron, we aren’t whining, we’re talking. Discussing. In ONE thread. The fact that you can’t grasp that shows why you aren’t good in moderating a discussion forum.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

Oh boy oh boy that was insightful reading
I'm not surprised that roosh finally bagged up and silently left the internet, how long one can live in lies of his making before reality of it hit him back in the face.
True or not i liked posts on rok, i found them greatly entertaining and missed them after roosh last neuron went south, he got account on telegram but i found his pseudo religious ramblings as immature as rest of his work, now even that is gone.
Anyway, if i can give you little advice as for future of this place, just forget the roosh, those good times are gone and won't be back, make this place anew instead, adjusted to modern world and changing realities, make it yours, put new categories, give it a new look post stuff and people will come
Don't ban idiots like rooshwasalooser and this alfadiypsychologist from the beginning of this thread, they make place alive and others have something to laugh about
Some dropping links around would help too, but you must remember that world indeed changed, forums are becoming things of the past and people attention span and ability to comprehend text without short video becoming scarce.
Maybe open a telegram channel with the chat and links to here, no chances that they will ban you there and it fits modern halfwit brains mobile junkies
I can help you at least with that
And good job resurrecting this place and rok against the roosh will

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

This forum sustained itself by suppressing explicit discussion of P4P, and attracting a perfect storm of big baller trolls, fantasists, and commercial self-promoters. Prostitution was rampant. LINUX wrote one of the most popular posts about two bangs in 22 hours on his first day in Colombia, without knowing Spanish. MiXX had the most reputation points, and Roosh had to specifically warn him to stop discussing P4P.

Many members reported "misunderstandings" where women demanded money after sex. "Superman" wrote about tricking Dominican women into sex under the pretence of taking them shopping later. Then he checked out of his hotel early to avoid paying $20! The convoluted logic is that paying $20 does not count as a notch, but tricking a whore does. Vincent Vinturi also wrote on STW about $20 Cambodian whores. Greek Kamaki was hilarious, and insisted that he merely offers "gifts" due to his advanced age. Shemp (on Swoop the World) was open about being a Sugar Daddy.

The popular destinations had cheap prostitution, e.g., Thailand and South America. Africa was a niche for Naughty Nomad and Rottenapple. The Fantasist/Vorkuta (Bald and Bankrupt) wrote about picking up hitchhikers at bus stops and paying for sex. I surmise that prostitutes hang around bus stops.

Then you have outright fiction, like NASA Test Pilot and The G Manifesto. Samseau wrote about easy dance floor game, and became a moderator of the christisking.cc forum. Soup wrote about ridiculous numbers while posting on the forum at all hours. Neil Skywalker (Spike) and Goldmund promoted books by lying about their numbers. They were broke, with no advance knowledge nor pipelining, limited time, and shitty logistics.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

Archivist is an autist who understands nothing about people.

RVF in its heyday was the second-best forum online (the best was and still is orgyofthewill.net).

I read it every day and it opened up new horizons.

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