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Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Specific to Haiti, here’s a little high level background-

Era of Napoleon. Slave revolt. French lose, but not before capturing the rebel leader Toussaint and deporting him to France where he dies.

Dessalines takes over and leads the revolution to victory. The French army sets sail, but makes arrangements for their wounded to remain behind and recover from their injuries before returning to France via a long sea voyage. As soon as the main French army was no longer in sight, Dessalines broke his word and had all the wounded French soldiers chopped to pieces with machetes.

Dessalines then went on a race-based riot. Again, machetes were used and whites were hunted and chopped to pieces. Men were killed, and women were spared if they took a black husband. How do you think the French felt about this? Dessalines continued as the leader for a few years, ruling as a brute and enforcing his control with his roving bands of machete wielding thugs. Eventually they turned on him- and he himself was hacked to pieces and his skull split in half with a machete and his body mutilated and torn apart. It was all a very fitting ending for a man who today is hailed as the founding father of Haiti. After his death the various warring parties descended into civil war. So to answer your question- would a serious investment in social services have made a difference in Haiti’s development? Maybe- social services don’t generally lead to wealth creation or new businesses. If Haiti had gone down a path of economic development and economic empowerment for its common people then maybe today it would be better. But most likely any extra wealth would have been pissed away or stolen by whatever group held the most skull-splitting machetes.

This race purge in Haiti freaked out the Southern slave states in the US as they saw what could happen if their own slaves were to gain freedom. They were deathly afraid of a slave revolt and this is part of the reason they were so entrenched in their beliefs leading up to the 1860s.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Quote: (04-28-2019 09:29 AM)ed pluribus unum Wrote:  

...but what have you done for me lately?

A little aside. I was trying to sum up the Divine Spirit recently to my mate Bill, where I said your relationship to other people becomes "What can I do for you?"

Knowing I'd been talking about Demonic influence, he asked what the other position would be.

I contemplated this for an hour or so as we worked separately, then when we came back together for his coffee and smoke break, I said that I could sum up the Demonic Spirit:

What have you done for me lately?

I think it perfectly sums up resulting sins of Pride that arise: narcissism; lack of empathy; lack of loyalty; the one-way transactional conception of interrelations; the ability to discard a person once they've served their immediate use; and the raging sense of entitlement and constant ingratitude you see in observable areas of Heavy Demonic Influence: say, the White Left.

So, knowing that, we can stop to observe our behaviour from outside ourselves to get a more realistic depiction of where our allegiance truly lies.

Seeing our Truth can be raw, ugly and painful, but it's better to understand that the wound exists so it can be treated.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Sometimes I think we need the 250 post rule for race/politics threads back.

That being said, I think historically, Africa's problem was the lack of population density. Ideas don't spread and normalise without proximity to others, and a population big enough to do division of labour to allow a intellectual class.

It makes defence harder, if you attack the coast of medieval France, thousands of men could be mobilised within days. If you attacked 19th century Africa, then most places are too isolated to form an army, leading to insane situations like a tiny Belgian mercenary force managing to oppress the entire Congo.

As for the IQ thing, I think it is less important then the "race realists" think. The average Kenyan IQ is probably ~93 due to improved childhood nutrition (especially iodine) and reduced inbreeding, That may seem low at first glance, but is probably higher than Britain at the start of the Industrial revolution(population IQ can increase), so it's not the limiting factor.

Likes denote appreciation, not necessarily agreement |Stay Anonymous Online Datasheet| Unmissable video on Free Speech

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

High IQ is really helping certain parts of Europe with the invaders....for having low IQ the invaders sure know how to manipulate the system.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Quote: (04-28-2019 04:13 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

I don't believe the whole thing about high IQ Black's running a successful country. I'm black and I think our problem isn't intelligence as much as psychopathy. I truly believe to some extent we tend to be amoral. Look at Chicago or Baltimore. Our societies aren't bad because there is no running water or electricity. They are bad because there is someone waiting to kill, rape and steal. High IQ Blacks are just as psychopathic as your common criminal e.g Mugabe.

r/K selection theory.

Right now in Africa you have:

1. Random death (disease is rampant, and mostly random).
2. Free resources (sent by guilty Europeans, who are inadvertently undermining Africa's economy in the process).

Eliminate the two of those - create a predictable, objective world for your average African (bonus if you include Catholic missionaries who explain there is one God, with one sense of justice, who loves everybody equally) - and you'll see Africa start to flourish.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

This doesn't explain everything but it is very interesting and enlightening about how Africans see the world and why some of their problems are carried over to other societies despite the different environment. These are not unsolvable problems, but still, very interesting video.


Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Once you accept that genetic IQ actually takes a back seat to genetic behavioural drivers then you realise that nothing is going to "fix" Africans except eugenics, the length of that process being inverse to its intensity.

Ironically religion can play a scientific role in that process as it did in Europe.

Once an established series of behavioural protocols is set down then as long as the punishments for breaching those protocols limit access to breeding then it's only a matter of time until you get Europe 2.0

This is partly the reason why Christendom is failing. Being a proper cunt no longer restricts breeding access. It actually enhances it.

Meanwhile your biggest obstacle in Africa is that low-age onset of puberty creates a very tidal environment for genetic change. If Dikembe is hanged for murder at age 18 then he may already have sired dozens of children by then.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

That hope that with we blacks can become like white because of this and that is the reason why we have Zimbabwe and Haiti. I'm sorry but I believe we blacks are pastoral subsistence farmers. By ourselves we can't create an Athens or Tokyo.

Don't debate me.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Quote: (04-28-2019 03:18 PM)El Padrone Wrote:  

Not a good thread idea. Stay away from politics and beef, life's too short. Stick to the more pleasant/informative parts of the forum whatever that may be for you. Simeon's entitled to his opinion whether you like it or not and I say that as one who totally disagrees with him.

Yes,but you I've too much respect for This Thing of Ours to see faulty info peddled as truth! How would someone who's never even been to Africa be an expert? If I watch a doc on Orlando Disneyland am I the go to guy for the downlow on Florida's economy?
Most of what he thinks he knows is just TV tropes;the unrest,IDPs and rebels he sees on SKY/CNN or Al Jazeera. What he doesn't know is those behind BH or the so-called Tutsi genocide;I do as I'm a truthseeker which makes me an enemy of incorrect beliefs no matter how fervently believed.

You'll notice I still haven't gotten a response from the short vid 5.40 which states Kikuyu babies mental score was by far the highest 108,average US score 100. The former bettered standard score on 38 mental scale items and 20 motor scale items. The study was done by Lederman associates in 1973 which stated generally African babies are precocious in both motor and mental skills.
I've also provided more info invalidating his low IQ premise but only see stuff about eugenics,civilization,Mugabe etc etc. Btw,I'm a reasonable man-if Simeon_Strangelight can refute my conclusion along with my sources,I'll do what reasonable men always do-I'll change my mind!

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Quote: (04-29-2019 03:40 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Once you accept that genetic IQ actually takes a back seat to genetic behavioural drivers then you realise that nothing is going to "fix" Africans except eugenics, the length of that process being inverse to its intensity.

Europe and Asia are civilized now, but if you go just a few hundred years back, people were behaving a lot more like Africans. Fighting and brawls was extremely common in European cities, however they were also swiftly and harshly punished. Straight up just killing people for muggings. Exhibit anti-social behavior and your genes are removed. Asia had some absolutely barbaric punishments as well for such crimes. Duterte in the Philippines seem to be following a similar method.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

OP, you might be interested in this guy's videos:

Your claim about ethiopian writing influencing sanskrit, quite obviously doesn't hold, cause Sanskrit is 3000 years older, but it is interesting none the less. The reason that the script came to Ethiopia is probably cause the Indus Valley civilization partly founded Egypt and from there, perhaps trade routes where kept.

If anything Ethiopia shows what Africa could have been like with more contact with the outside world.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Quote: (04-29-2019 08:09 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (04-29-2019 03:40 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Once you accept that genetic IQ actually takes a back seat to genetic behavioural drivers then you realise that nothing is going to "fix" Africans except eugenics, the length of that process being inverse to its intensity.

Europe and Asia are civilized now, but if you go just a few hundred years back, people were behaving a lot more like Africans. Fighting and brawls was extremely common in European cities, however they were also swiftly and harshly punished. Straight up just killing people for muggings. Exhibit anti-social behavior and your genes are removed. Asia had some absolutely barbaric punishments as well for such crimes. Duterte in the Philippines seem to be following a similar method.

The irony is that the "we wuz kangz" folk and the "you ain't kangz" folk are not necessarily at odds.

Take a look at the world order and imagine what would happen if there was a sudden collapse that reduced everyone to ruling from city-states again, or God forbid being reduced even further to that cliched Mad Max scenario.

Five or ten generations of breeding for boom-spear throwing and combat-driving skills would not create a lot of theoretical physicists yet white man would still be correct when he said "we wuz kangz".

There's nothing to say that Africans weren't advanced in any way for their time but circumstances arose where their intellectual bloodlines were wiped out in favor of spear-chucking psychopaths.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

I understand where the OP is coming from when he started this thread. Some of the terminology that gets thrown around on this forum is very disrespectful. It's just the nature of this place, and it's far better than being tone policed I guess. But I'm sure reading some of this must sting a bit. Cut the man some slack.

It wasn't all that long ago when the English called the Scots and Irish barbarians.

My wife is a black woman, and she's the kindest soul I have ever met. That's why I married her. Her mother and father were poor but very hard working and honest Caribbean people who raised three successful children. I often wonder what they could have done if they have the same schooling and opportunities that I had when I was a kid. I personally haven't seen any evidence that they might have a lower IQ than me. You should see some of the low-IQ tattooed pill-popping thugs that were running around my small lilly-white Canadian home town.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

No amount of evidence will every convince White folks that have their mind up that Black people aren't retarded heathens. I've given up on it.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Quote: (04-29-2019 10:21 AM)quaker13 Wrote:  

No amount of evidence will every convince White folks that have their mind up that Black people aren't retarded heathens. I've given up on it.

You shouldn't. But let sound argument and evidence convince the fence-sitters.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Quote: (04-29-2019 03:40 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Once you accept that genetic IQ actually takes a back seat to genetic behavioural drivers then you realise that nothing is going to "fix" Africans except eugenics, the length of that process being inverse to its intensity.

Ironically religion can play a scientific role in that process as it did in Europe.

Once an established series of behavioural protocols is set down then as long as the punishments for breaching those protocols limit access to breeding then it's only a matter of time until you get Europe 2.0

This is partly the reason why Christendom is failing. Being a proper cunt no longer restricts breeding access. It actually enhances it.

Meanwhile your biggest obstacle in Africa is that low-age onset of puberty creates a very tidal environment for genetic change. If Dikembe is hanged for murder at age 18 then he may already have sired dozens of children by then.

There is evidence that not even teens were spared the hanging rope in the medieval era in Europe.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Quote: (04-29-2019 10:32 AM)infowarrior1 Wrote:  

There is evidence that not even teens were spared the hanging rope in the medieval era in Europe.

Yep, seems to hang up:


Before Victorian times no distinction was made between criminals of any age. Accordingly, young children could be sent to an adult prison. There are records of children aged 12 being hanged.

I would say that 12 is a little young, but I would also say that it is possible with good confidence to scope out psychopaths at age 15. In fact, I think it is easier to diagnose a teen with psychopathy than later, when most psychopaths learn to hide their "unique ability".

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Quote: (04-28-2019 07:56 PM)Transsimian Wrote:  

As for the IQ thing, I think it is less important then the "race realists" think. The average Kenyan IQ is probably ~93 due to improved childhood nutrition (especially iodine)

What's the source for that? It's hard to believe since the average IQ of blacks in the UK is about 93 (young only - source later), something like 85 in the US and probably lower in Serbia (about 90), where the average salary is several times higher than Kenya.

From a search I found one study of school children that appears to be what you are referring to. However, they have applied the Flynn Effect to the result, which means they boosted the numbers under the assumption that IQ will be higher in the future.

Also in reference of the study of young children (like this study). The IQ of infants are very similar and they disperse until they become adults. In US studies the IQ of children at various ages show little difference due to race at a young age and large ones at adulthood. That this is due to environment can be ruled out with evidence such as adoption studies. That one in particular shows the effect of a black child being adopted by higher income white families is the additions of about 4 IQ points.

Will continue with this thread...

Quote: (04-29-2019 08:04 AM)nairobian Wrote:  

You'll notice I still haven't gotten a response from the short vid 5.40 which states Kikuyu babies mental score was by far the highest 108,average US score 100.

It partly refereed to motor skills, which are not relevant (enter Steven Hawkins).

Also, the results of that test are from the Bayley Scales, which is a test given to children of 0-1 years of age.

As already mentioned, IQ (or cognitive ability) of children is very much clustered and it changes with age. So this data is not particularly relevant for this thread.

You titled this thread as covering IQ, but that was the only part of your thread in which you mentioned it.

What have you done to look into this? There is a wealth of evidence on the cognitive abilities of people from around the world. It all points very strongly to considerable differences of IQ between ethnicities and classes of people.

It is the case that people around the world have IQs that are lower than what they could possibly be, due to the circumstances of their lives.

We are born with genes that code these fleshy pulps we inhabit. As we are born with genes that can only lead us becoming so tall, or only seeing so well, people are born with a threshold to their cognitive ability limited by their brain. No one has a solution to cure poor eye sight as it's coded for by genes. We likewise don't know how to make people more intelligent, because genes limit how intelligent one can be.

For those who say IQ is not that important. Maybe if you need complex surgery you wouldn't mind someone with a 90 IQ operating on you, or maybe an 80 IQ (considered mildly retarded). It is simply not possible for someone with a 90 IQ to undertake professional occupations. They can be trained to do complex things, but as soon as a complex problem arises outside of that training, they can't solve it. This is what IQ measures - the complexity of the problems you can solve. The average IQ of professional occupations (US) is about 112. The main reason certain places in the world are undeveloped is because there are less people cognitively capable of undertaking the tasks of a complex society. In the case of Africa it's 1-2% of people who have the cognitive ability to undertake these jobs. And a lot of them are leaving.

Here are some real scores, but note they have all been inflated as to account for the Flynn Effect.

[Image: 1.png]

When you take into account these are just young people, the not so well nourished and educated previous generations reduce those scores. And since most of them are results for children, they will likely drop a few points more compared to the London standard of IQ (100) by adulthood.

And here is maybe one of the largest relevant studies, of British pupils:

[Image: pupil-background-cat-scores.jpg]

It's a Cognitive Ability Test (which is interchangeable with IQ).

As you will see the average IQ of Sub-Saharans is about 93, but this is in the UK, and people who immigrate to the UK are not representative of their homelands. Immigrants seem to always skew higher in IQ. It wouldn't be possible for an 80 IQ person to immigrate over 1,000s of miles, using various modes transport and arrange all they need to.

The reason for differences in cognitive ability across ethnicities and classes is man-made environments. Over many generations those who are more successful in their environment slowly proliferate. So people who live high in the Himalayas are better at processing oxygen. Those who live in regions with high amounts of selenium in the soil have a higher tolerance to it.

But we have been adapting our environments and creating social and economics structures that have also acted as components in sexual selection. If you live in a commercial society without a juicy welfare state and where it was important to improve your offspring's lot by marrying advantageously then you create an environment where intelligence is positively selected, sexually. Estimates run at IQ increasing by about 0.3 per generation in such circumstances. The only way this can happen is if the more intelligent produce more children than the less intelligent. On the balance, there is no way for less intelligent people to create more intelligent offspring.

So England, varying by location and by class has been somewhat in that stream for around 800-900 years. The average IQ (in good living conditions) is probably about 105.

Then you take Eastern China, excluding their dark ages, they've been in an environment where sexual selection of intelligence was at play for around 2,000 years. The average IQ (in good conditions) is about 115. For the extra 1,100 years - that's about 33 generations, with the IQ increasing at 0.3 per generation.

Then you take Sub-Saharan Africa, where people have undertaken little more than hunter gathering and subsistence farming. It requires some cognitive ability, but the threshold isn't that high. In those societies having a 100 IQ is not any more desirable for sexual selection than having an 80 IQ.

However, in most or all societies there were classes of people who had callings and mating patterns that lent themselves to a small group who had some sexual selection based on intelligence. These were merchants, priests, keepers of history and so on. Africa has had those people, but in very limited numbers.

What sets parts of Europe and a few parts of Asia apart is these people existed in larger numbers and in a broader scope - a large middle class (in the terms of the time).

Last point is that due to the controversy around the research there is not enough good data on IQ by country. But there is a lot more data on standardised educational attainment. They show the same as IQ studies - a difference of about 40% between those in Bejing and those in Sub-Saharan Africa. See.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

I came in here for a laugh and wasn't disappointed. I'll bet money OP is a professor or some fag working in academia.

I had a professor who's from Africa and promoted his crazy IMF, Jeffrey Sachs bullshit to the class. Right, as if sending more money to a failing business, continent, etc will solve everything.

Quote: (09-21-2018 09:31 AM)kosko Wrote:  
For the folks who stay ignorant and hating and not improving their situation during these Trump years, it will be bleak and cold once the good times stop.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

It's interesting seeing a lot of high rep members telling OP to "sit down and Shut up" (paraphrasing) This isn't good at all, let the man speak.

People HAVE to be able to speak, it does everyone a disservice for them not to.

Oh and Simeon. . .Renegade of funk (I know him personally and meet up with him periodically) is NOT always right (we both talk about these things all the time) A lot of the IQ thing is brought about by environment, breast feeding, and or the lack of, physical violence to the child, and the lack of, stability of the countries or the lack of, DIET or the lack of etc etc.

Personally, a lot of the "empirical data" shows that IQ IS MALLEABLE" i.e. it can change. it's not inherently genetic which is what a lot of people (racist or not) think. it's malleable over time and in different environments.

OP is right in pointing out that africa as a whole is messed up. Hell, MOST OF THE WORLD compared to the U.S. and the West, is messed up. But instead of actually talking about the real reasons for this (too much "aid"/ interference from outside), Past Colonialism (which did a LOT of damage to the continent)Modern colonialism (China) and people who are just trying to grab more and more power probably goaded on by ((certain entities)) (the GLOBAL deep state) in South Africa and beyond, you get a fucked up situation.

I do find that no one measures the IQ's of poor Chinese farmers with very little to eat (which is the majority of the Chinese population mind you) Or poor Japanese men who only work in construction, or etc etc etc. I get it, White people feel threatened by the establishment, as the establishment IS out to get you guys, but then you guys are also doing yourself a disservice by trying to paint blacks as low I.Q. and ignorant inherently (even if you "say" that's not what you mean, I have enough of a high IQ to read between the God Damn lines) INSTEAD of using this forum for what it should be used to: UPLIFT yourselves and others who are trying to do the same.

This fixation on race is why a LOT of people have either left or just don't post anymore, and definitely don't add data sheets any longer (myself included)
Why would I write datasheets to people who'd think I'm inherently beneath them? I wouldn't and I don't. I've noticed that the forum has absorbed a lot of trash posters over the years(some real, but many paid shills [see, that low I.Q talking]) and has really derailed a lot of the forum's purpose. As such, you ALL lose in the long run.

Here in this very thread you have a guy trying to debate you on the issues, and you all relentlessly trash him (I'm looking at YOU Kosko) like in the first damn paragraph. You guys need a damn wake up call. Why aren't you focused on helping your brothers out on the forum? We've had enough time to sus out who's who by now, been through a lot of B.S. but you guys still want to claim "Racial Superiority" without even thinking about the fact that CERTAIN GENES GET ACTIVATED based on certain situations the human body finds itself in.

Whatever, you guys can have your race superiority, there's not much I find interesting on this forum anyway, so I'll bow out for a while whilst you guys waste your time arguing for "muh IQ" instead of working to get AHEAD of the god damn system(individually and collectively) that wants to put ALL men down.


Isaiah 4:1

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

I think the cultural dimension of IQ looms very large here, and it is largely ignored in these IQ debates. Someone who grew up with a tiger mom and helicopter dad is going to fulfill his entire potential, while someone coming out of a ghetto and grew up fatherless in a thug culture where studying is looked down upon is going to stay trapped in a quantitative arrested development.

It's also helpful to look at the fact that the average person, white or black, is becoming dumber across the West, due to the deliberate sabotage of educational standards. There is an effort to reduce intellectual potential, and to almost stigmatize higher intellectual discourse by making it uncool. You see this across many modern subcultures, like the modern hipsterish leftish culture, the baked metal/rock culture, nihilist atheistic progressives, BoomerCons, new age chicks, ghetto types, Insta hoes and so forth...

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Quote: (04-29-2019 11:52 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (04-29-2019 10:32 AM)infowarrior1 Wrote:  

There is evidence that not even teens were spared the hanging rope in the medieval era in Europe.

Yep, seems to hang up:


Before Victorian times no distinction was made between criminals of any age. Accordingly, young children could be sent to an adult prison. There are records of children aged 12 being hanged.

I would say that 12 is a little young, but I would also say that it is possible with good confidence to scope out psychopaths at age 15. In fact, I think it is easier to diagnose a teen with psychopathy than later, when most psychopaths learn to hide their "unique ability".
Reducing all punishments to the death penalty, garnishing wages and public beatings. The problem that is cited in the article wouldn't exist.

No school for criminals. Nor prison rape.

Jails should exist only for death row and pre-trial.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Why are African countries paying anything to France these days? Here's a three-word advice from a former French colony (Vietnam): Dien Bien Phu. Just kick their arses out, say fuck off you frogs and don't speak their language.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

I'm in no way calling for PC policing and I'm glad some of you get it;CJ_W I wish I could rep you! He has a lot of followers but he brought up this shit and still does and doesn't want to refute my points-I'm beginning to think cause he can't,its been 3 days!
StrikeBack that map of French military bases shows you why:Jean Fraude de Peau Peau has never been shy using force in these parts. Shit may be changing though with Putin's moves in Africa.

When Central African Republic (CAR) pleaded for help last year to fight marauding militias, former colonial ruler France offered guns it had seized off Somalia. But Russia objected and donated its own weapons instead.By early February, Russia had sent nine planes with weapons along with dozens of contractors to train local soldiers and secure mining projects, marking the start of its highest-profile military foray in sub-Saharan Africa for decades.

Muscling in on a country dominated by France for years served as a statement of intent about Moscow’s renewed push for global prestige and influence, and is part of a wider campaign shaking up long-standing power dynamics on the continent.

Let me not spam this thread with extraneous info-Simeon_Strangelight,where are you at?

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Quote: (04-30-2019 03:40 AM)nairobian Wrote:  

I'm in no way calling for PC policing and I'm glad some of you get it;CJ_W I wish I could rep you! He has a lot of followers but he brought up this shit and still does and doesn't want to refute my points-I'm beginning to think cause he can't,its been 3 days!
StrikeBack that map of French military bases shows you why:Jean Fraude de Peau Peau has never been shy using force in these parts. Shit may be changing though with Putin's moves in Africa.

When Central African Republic (CAR) pleaded for help last year to fight marauding militias, former colonial ruler France offered guns it had seized off Somalia. But Russia objected and donated its own weapons instead.By early February, Russia had sent nine planes with weapons along with dozens of contractors to train local soldiers and secure mining projects, marking the start of its highest-profile military foray in sub-Saharan Africa for decades.

Muscling in on a country dominated by France for years served as a statement of intent about Moscow’s renewed push for global prestige and influence, and is part of a wider campaign shaking up long-standing power dynamics on the continent.

Let me not spam this thread with extraneous info-[b]Simeon_Strangelight,where are you at?[/b]

On top of posting things that don't make any sense, you're calling out someone who already answered you twice on the initial subject, the IQ of black people.

It's seems like it is more a personal beef with Simeon where you want to have the last word than really listening to what he has to say.

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

Don't feed the troll guys.

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