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How much importance do you place on your car?

How much importance do you place on your car?

A lot. I love to drive. Also, I'd be very limited in my lifestyle choices without a car, as I live in a city that isn't laid out in a way that makes it convenient to use public transport.

If a car is part of your lifestyle, then it becomes an extension of your personality, just as much as a pair of boots and a leather jacket, or a well-tailored suit would be. In that case you should pay attention to what you drive. It doesn't have to be anything expensive or classy, but I wouldn't want to be seen around driving a Dacia Sandero.

As far as chicks are concerned, I don't think your car plays a role, unless we're talking about extreme gold-diggers.

How much importance do you place on your car?

I drive the car I had since I started college a few years back. Its a sufficient vehicle that runs perfectly fine. Although it is 14 years old it hasn't crossed my mind to look into getting something newer. I'll take care of it and drive the thing until the wheels fall off. In the mean time, I'll invest the money, energy, and time into myself.

Too often you see the chump no one will give the time of day to, go out and purchase himself a car that is incongruent with his lifestyle, and STILL no one care about him. Having a nice car is solely an accoutrement, meant to complement the worth of person (health, wealth, and self) driving it. If the car you're eyeing fits the bill (you and your lifestyle), by all means go for it.

Bonus tip: Read "Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me)" by Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson. It delves into cognitive dissonance theory (among other topics) and gives an example of someone buying a car outside their means and how they justify the purchase to others.

How much importance do you place on your car?

I drive a Honda Accord that is now banged up a bit and the headliner is messed up from some dumb bitch who went clawing in the backseat at it when we were fucking once.

I don't even have a regular place to crash in town(unless I'm mooching off the goodwill of a friend after a long night hitting the town together) and have regularly slept out in my car.

I dress nicely, but it's congruent with who I am so it matters not(my look as anyone can tell you only works on me because it's me otherwise it would fail).

So what gets me laid and keeps impressions so high among my close friend groups?

It's because I know how to have a good time, keep myself attractive, and live life to the best of my ability. At the end of the day what matters is you. I would put that money into building up life experience, a nice wardrobe that represents you, and a car that can drive forever so you can drive 3 hours straight for one hell of a bender with your friends between several cities(done this Houston to Austin sometimes and I woke up in Corpus Christi by the beach once due to it. Thankfully I was fine and had my effects/car).

On the car though you'll be good unless it's some mini cooper/Ford Fiesta/Toyota Yaris or one of those puny smart cars. Most anything else and you'll be fine.

Though I will add. If you really like a car and can actually afford it. Buy it. I plan to buy a Jag some time in the next 5 or 6 years, but that's because I've always wanted a F-type or a Lotus Evora. That's just what it is.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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How much importance do you place on your car?

I miss my gigantic truck

For the 10mpg and the two parking spots it took, the huge turn radius, the occasional crap falling off it, it was awesome.

People get out of your way, you can drag things around, all of your friends can ride in it.

OP you should get a jeep or a 4runner or the like and go exploring.

If you live in England as your flag suggests, Land Rover Defender 90.


How much importance do you place on your car?

The average millionaire drives a used car. That tells me everything I need to know about cars as a "status symbol".

“I have a very simple rule when it comes to management: hire the best people from your competitors, pay them more than they were earning, and give them bonuses and incentives based on their performance. That’s how you build a first-class operation.”
― Donald J. Trump

If you want some PDF's on bodyweight exercise with little to no equipment, send me a PM and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

How much importance do you place on your car?

I love cars and driving. I'd rather commute in my car than take public transit.

Public transit is a mark of peasants.

To me it's a sign of freedom. I can decide on a whim to just up and leave at a moments notice.

I love flashy cars too, but i would never ever buy a car brand new. That has got to be one of the dumbest things ever. Why spend money on something that depreciates in value?

Unless I can pay cash and not care, i'll never buy new.

How much importance do you place on your car?

Some people like big, luxury cars.

Some people like small, fast cars with sonorous engine notes.

Some people like classic cars that they never drive.

Some people don't like cars at all.

Each is fine.

Everyone is different.

Be yourself.

How much importance do you place on your car?

Not much importance, my current vehicle gets me from A to B, has good fuel economy and has fairly clean bodywork (some retard keyed it a bit on one side though).

A long term goal of mine is to own a very well maintained Ferrari 355, it's been my favourite car for damn near 20 years. Besides that any other car I buy will be about practicality and fuel economy.

How much importance do you place on your car?

I've gotten more looks and pussy in my $10,000 Jeep Wrangler than any ferrari owner...

Five years later and still a good purchase, very little maintenance costs since I do most myself.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

How much importance do you place on your car?

I have A to B gas conservative car, it's pretty new, it's paid off, and I take really good care of it and girls will compliment it once awhile in a "it's cute" a little effeminate but whatever.

That's until they see me roll up on my Harley, that's something I like investing in....for MYSELF. Not bitches.

Honestly, a beat up truck or classic car would be my end goal, but I'd rather be debt free, get more threads, and do whatever I want.

How much importance do you place on your car?

I'll preface this by saying that I'm not, and never have been, much of a "car guy." I live in downtown Phoenix, which is very walkable and also has a decent light rail system which will take me to the suburbs or uptown. I drive my car back and forth to work, about 40 miles a day, and that's all. It literally sits unused every weekend as I walk/rail around the city or just lounge at poolside.

For a couple of years, I thought about getting something like a BMW convertible, but that feeling passed. At this stage in my life, I am perfectly satisfied with my long-since-paid-for 2007 Honda commuter car. It still gets great mileage and has been extremely reliable. On the very rare occasion I need to present a different image, say at an industry event, I just rent a car/SUV on the company card.

I've toyed with the idea of getting a motorcycle, but haven't committed to it yet.

How much importance do you place on your car?

If you get a donor cycle, make sure to get life insurance or increase it.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

How much importance do you place on your car?

Quote: (08-24-2016 06:02 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

I love cars and driving. I'd rather commute in my car than take public transit.

Public transit is a mark of peasants.

To me it's a sign of freedom. I can decide on a whim to just up and leave at a moments notice.

I love flashy cars too, but i would never ever buy a car brand new. That has got to be one of the dumbest things ever. Why spend money on something that depreciates in value?

Unless I can pay cash and not care, i'll never buy new.

You obviously don't live and work in a city centre then and have to commute through rush hour traffic every day. I usually walk to work but when it rains the subway is a godsend. Public transport is much quicker, and cheaper than paying parking fees for 9-10 hours a day.
I also would never buy a brand new car.

Some interesting perspectives and comments here guys, thanks for the feedback. The general consensus seems to be get something functional and affordable, and put the savings to use elsewhere which is good advice and tallies with my own long held view. Ulterior Motive's approach is the right one for me.

How much importance do you place on your car?

I think cars are one of the biggest money sinks in life for the vast majority of people. Spending tons on a deprecating asset has never made sense to me unless you are independently wealthy, have a love for cars, or require some unique functional aspect (towing, moving, etc).

You bought a super fast car? Why? The speed limit is 70.

You bought a luxury car (BMW, Benz, Lexus, etc)? Why? Is leather seats, a fairly accessible brand name, and some slight improvements really worth the extra 20k+?

You bought a truck? Why? You don't even move shit or go off-road.

You bought a used luxury car? Why? You're not fooling anybody and the repairs are gonna be hell probably.

Personally, I hate most modern car designs and I think the only thing worth paying a premium for (for the average person) is the eventual self-driving car that will be widespread available in 5-10 years. Total game changer for guys who have to slug it out in horrible traffic everyday.

If you are going go the extra mile on a car to impress chicks/make an impression, you go with:

1) Super exotic vehicle - which if you can legit afford, you don't need this in the first place and can go live like a God in many parts of the world.


2) Classic custom/restored cars (which are still not cheap). Some of these old classic cars ooze masculinity, style, and bring about good feelings in pretty much everybody.

I see plenty of luxury/high-end cars on the road every day. The only one that sticks out in my mind is a clean 1960s SS Camero that I see from time to time.

How much importance do you place on your car?

One thing I have noticed in my life is that most of people who criticise others' cars usually end up buying the very same cars once they can afford it.

Same for watches, boats, holidays, designer clothes, hot young girls 20 years your junior. All the same.

How much importance do you place on your car?

Quote: (08-25-2016 07:13 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

One thing I have noticed in my life is that most of people who criticise others' cars usually end up buying the very same cars once they can afford it.

Same for watches, boats, holidays, designer clothes, hot young girls 20 years your junior. All the same.

Somewhat relevant...I get irritated when older men get mocked for having a nice car, as if they're 'making up' for deficiencies elsewhere (usually implied phallically). I mean, how many 25 year old's can afford a Porsche v 45 year old's.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

How much importance do you place on your car?

Quote: (08-24-2016 04:17 PM)Lagavulin Wrote:  

Quote: (08-24-2016 06:02 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

I love cars and driving. I'd rather commute in my car than take public transit.

Public transit is a mark of peasants.

To me it's a sign of freedom. I can decide on a whim to just up and leave at a moments notice.

I love flashy cars too, but i would never ever buy a car brand new. That has got to be one of the dumbest things ever. Why spend money on something that depreciates in value?

Unless I can pay cash and not care, i'll never buy new.

You obviously don't live and work in a city centre then and have to commute through rush hour traffic every day. I usually walk to work but when it rains the subway is a godsend. Public transport is much quicker, and cheaper than paying parking fees for 9-10 hours a day.
I also would never buy a brand new car.

I work in Zone 1 (London) and commute in every day.

London is the only major city where commuting via public transit is faster than driving. However, tube and rail trains are still nasty, disgusting, and not air conditioned. That doesn't excuse the fact that the UK tries to make driving as miserable an experience as possible by closing off sections of streets and turning them into walking paths.

I need a shower when I get into work each day because of the subway and trains.

How much importance do you place on your car?

Quote: (08-25-2016 10:46 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-24-2016 04:17 PM)Lagavulin Wrote:  

Quote: (08-24-2016 06:02 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

I love cars and driving. I'd rather commute in my car than take public transit.

Public transit is a mark of peasants.

To me it's a sign of freedom. I can decide on a whim to just up and leave at a moments notice.

I love flashy cars too, but i would never ever buy a car brand new. That has got to be one of the dumbest things ever. Why spend money on something that depreciates in value?

Unless I can pay cash and not care, i'll never buy new.

You obviously don't live and work in a city centre then and have to commute through rush hour traffic every day. I usually walk to work but when it rains the subway is a godsend. Public transport is much quicker, and cheaper than paying parking fees for 9-10 hours a day.
I also would never buy a brand new car.

I work in Zone 1 (London) and commute in every day.

London is the only major city where commuting via public transit is faster than driving. However, tube and rail trains are still nasty, disgusting, and not air conditioned. That doesn't excuse the fact that the UK tries to make driving as miserable an experience as possible by closing off sections of streets and turning them into walking paths.

I need a shower when I get into work each day because of the subway and trains.

Add to that the daily congestion charge for those who do not live in central London. Which I think is around £12.00 a day! Even a resident has to pay it. Albeit at a 90% discount, there is little need to own a car in London.

To join back into the original discussion. I live close enough to work that I can walk in any weather, a car is a real luxury (regardless of type) and is to allow me travel at weekends or take time off work and travel. The insurance and road tax cost be about £40/month and that before I add petrol or any maintenance. The thing has an annual bill of about £1000 before you add on repayments, which thankfully is nil.

How much importance do you place on your car?

I love brand new cars. I always buy brand new.

I love their smell, their tightness, the cutting edge technology and being able to spec it exactly how I want.

My annual mileage is about 20k and most of that is rumbling in and out and through major cities; I spend a lot of time in my car and therefore it is important to me that it fits my needs.

I really don't care how much it costs as long as I can comfortably afford it.

How much importance do you place on your car?

I drive a fully paid off Toyota that is reliable and cheap on gas.

I'd say the nondescriptness of it shifts the focus towards other interesting aspects of my personality and hobbies, far better than getting into a "walking wallet" arms race that fancier cars can induce.

How much importance do you place on your car?

[/quote]I work in Zone 1 (London) and commute in every day.

London is the only major city where commuting via public transit is faster than driving. However, tube and rail trains are still nasty, disgusting, and not air conditioned. That doesn't excuse the fact that the UK tries to make driving as miserable an experience as possible by closing off sections of streets and turning them into walking paths.


I'm not sure that's totally accurate but you make some valid points. I think it depends which part of a city you are driving from and to, also at which time you are travelling.

The subway gets me into work in about 20 mins for a cost of £1.60 single or £3.00 return, I only have to go 4 stops, I can also walk in 20-25 mins weather permitting. It would take me a stressful 30 mins or so to drive, £14 for car parking, and I would run the risk of the car park being full and having to exit and find another. Leaving the car at home is a no brainer.

When I lived outwith the city driving was my preferred mode of transport, it was more expensive than public transport but more enjoyable and allows a level of freedom and flexibility that is denied by using unreliable and inefficient public services. Throw your gym gear in the boot and train before or after work, finish work and go wherever you like. Your circumstances generally dictate which is the better option.

Quote: (08-25-2016 12:10 PM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

I love brand new cars. I always buy brand new.

I love their smell, their tightness, the cutting edge technology and being able to spec it exactly how I want.

My annual mileage is about 20k and most of that is rumbling in and out and through major cities; I spend a lot of time in my car and therefore it is important to me that it fits my needs.

I really don't care how much it costs as long as I can comfortably afford it.

I've never bought a new car, the newest was 3 years old and that was the best I've had by a long way.

My financial focus used to be on saving for a house, then it was paying off my mortgage, then it was buying a second property, now it's changing towards some sort of business venture.

I can see the attraction but if I was going to buy something like an Audi A5 brand new and spec'd up I would be mindful of the fact that the money could get me another property, a business, or a year or two out of work travelling the world if I was of a mind to do so. Plus I know I could get a pretty good car for around 10-12k and avoid being in debt.

I can bide my time.

How much importance do you place on your car?

Quote: (08-21-2016 05:34 PM)LeeEnfield303 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-21-2016 03:23 PM)Mr. D Wrote:  

As long as it gets me from point A to point B, not much.

My '99 Avalon is now over 300k miles. Solid as an anvil. Has asked for nothing but consumables.

Still gets 29 MPG. Quiet as a church, cold A/C, cruise, and a nice sound system.


Those Avalons from late 90s/early 00's are amazing. I have a co-worker with a 2000 and 150,000 miles on it. The car is dead quite and reliable. The combination of body integrity and reliability is what is very impressive about them.

How much importance do you place on your car?


There's a million mile lexus:

And a Tundra as well:

[Image: million-mile-tundra-002-08046b912a0fb6b8...02f4-1.jpg]

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

How much importance do you place on your car?

I remember there was a thread about this a while ago and from other's personal experiences in general the only car manufactures that would actually make a difference usually are going to be Porsche, Lamborghini and Ferrari. Porsche Boxer being the best buy because girls don't know the difference and you can get a used one with low miles in the $40k range.

How much importance do you place on your car?

The basic rule is do not do anything primarily for its effect on women, and this is especially true with respect to external material goods like watches, cars, etc. Most women have no idea about any of these things, and the women you want to be around with don't care about these things.

I like cars, although I'm not sure I'm a "car guy," since I'm not too knowledgeable about all the technical aspects, etc. I get enjoyment from driving a nice car, and whenever I'm in a rental I can't wait to get back to mine. Some guys are A to B guys, and that's fine. Just a different outlook on things, and not wrong. I'm not one of those.

If you have the means to drive a nice car and it does not negatively impact the other areas in your life, it's a great experience. It does not have to be an either/or thing. I agree with Linux that you should invest in yourself first, as that will give the most bang for the buck in terms of women, but why can't you invest in yourself and get a nice car? You can if you want (and can afford it).

I'm actually considering creative financing of an "exotic" right now, simply because I think it would be enjoyable. We only have one life, and I don't want to do this when I'm 65.

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