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BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

[Image: mLuZdsdX.png]


Take care of those titties for me.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

Quote: (08-08-2015 01:44 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

[Image: mLuZdsdX.png]


I would bang in defense of patriarchy. In other news, Aurelie Nix and Sarah Parker-Toulson are the ugliest feminists I've ever seen.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

Quote: (08-08-2015 01:39 PM)Grange Wrote:  

Why do so many of the protesters frame the debate as "Roosh V advocates rape vs. we advocate consent?" Roosh's speech is about a bigger topic but he began writing about ways to get women to agree to have sex with you. If consent wasn't important none of that would be necessary.


Unlike Julien Blanc - who I would NOT associate or compare with Roosh, Julien is "Real" PUA/Teacher. With Julien they had video evidence of him being violent that he posted and the media used it against him constantly wherever they could.

They don't have that smoking gun with Roosh. All they have is a satirical rape article... so that's what they're using as their big push. Unfortunately for them it's not as effective.

Also after the Julien Blanc fiasco - RSD (his company) started to distance himself from him. Roosh IS Roosh and he has nothing to apologize for- except for the sorry state of men in the West.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

Just watched the CTV clip. Within 3 minutes she made at least 3 100% false statements that could have been easily fact checked online with public information. Are there any real journalists in Canada?

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

Some tweets from Sara Parker Toulson, the creator of the original petition to ban Roosh from Canada:

We think the reservation was made under the name 'Ricarrdo'. PLEASE CALL THE VENUE AND INFORM THEM. The event is in the 'Breakfast Room'

Once again, the suspected venue info. Please call them to inform them of who /what they are hosting. #DenyRooshV

No confirmation if this is the venue so far. I really hope it isn't.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

Soak it up fellas, this is a great day.
Spreading the truth never happens without controversy.

The truth is on our side and that will never change.
The truth is simple and needs no justification, it stands on it's own.

Only lies need defending, changing, altering to fit the agenda of the day.
Lies are what make their believers angry, scared, violent.

This is the smell of a new age and we're a part of it's birth.
Our enemies aren't cowards, they're just scared and confused.

Don't hate them, one day they will be our allies.
I know, I used to be like them. If it wasn't for this forum, I still would be.

two scoops
two genders
two terms

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

Media is a seller's market, and if you're selling a lightning rod that will incite emotion and division in the populace, this means pageviews, ad revenue, and attention for the media.

Why go for accuracy when you can get attention? And if/when you do get the facts, you can just post a "breaking news" segment about *new* information that'll cause more people to click *refresh.*

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

Suspense is killing me.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

Members around the world are watching. It is 3 AM in China and I've been putting off going to sleep for 3 hours.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

Quote: (08-08-2015 01:50 PM)TheSlayer Wrote:  

Some tweets from Sara Parker Toulson, the creator of the original petition to ban Roosh from Canada:

We think the reservation was made under the name 'Ricarrdo'. PLEASE CALL THE VENUE AND INFORM THEM. The event is in the 'Breakfast Room'

Once again, the suspected venue info. Please call them to inform them of who /what they are hosting. #DenyRooshV

No confirmation if this is the venue so far. I really hope it isn't.

Even if it was, how does a venue cancel on their customer 10 minutes before a presentation? There would have to be some serious compensation on part of the venue.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

Guess we are at the crossroads here. However, if they really know the location, they cannot do much except waiting. At least if the hotel does ensure security. But afterwards, after the talk, there "may" happen something. At least shouting. Depends on how the 40 people will leave the place. Not to mention Roosh.

Wish Id be there. Would be enough material for a phd thesis on gender theory [Image: wink.gif]

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

Speech scheduled to start ... now.


BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

Quote: (08-08-2015 01:58 PM)Collide Wrote:  

Quote: (08-08-2015 01:50 PM)TheSlayer Wrote:  

Some tweets from Sara Parker Toulson, the creator of the original petition to ban Roosh from Canada:

We think the reservation was made under the name 'Ricarrdo'. PLEASE CALL THE VENUE AND INFORM THEM. The event is in the 'Breakfast Room'

Once again, the suspected venue info. Please call them to inform them of who /what they are hosting. #DenyRooshV

No confirmation if this is the venue so far. I really hope it isn't.

Even if it was, how does a venue cancel on their customer 10 minutes before a presentation? There would have to be some serious compensation on part of the venue.

The same way some SJW business owner puts a picture of a paying customer on instagram inviting others to harass him.

If they do cancel they will probably just give him a full refund and not wanna deal with the hassle of a protest.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

The battle of Montreal is the best thing that could have happened to the manosphere. The feminists and male feminists did a great job for us. We dont care if there are 100 or 1000 feminists protesting, they are not important. They are broken and they are gonna stay broken. The important thing is that this message gets spread to the men out there. And this is exactly what happened with all this news coverage, especially since they showed some nice Roosh´s quotes on the screen.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

Can't stop following this circus. It's hilarious. It's almost as if Roosh planned it this way. Roosh is now famous in Canada thanks to the people who didn't want him to be famous. 30,000 haters banded together to silence him but made him a national headline instead. Even the news lady is wondering what the fuck he's doing on national news with a "speech to 40 men". Huge numbers of people are going to want to watch his speech - and assuming he releases it publicly afterward they will see what he is really about. His following is going to surge. Our greatest enemy has become our greatest friend.

Is this actually happening?

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

Haven't been to Canada for pleasure, any repped RVF members wanna host me in Toronto next weekend? PM me.


Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

Unfortunately the speech was cancelled. I just got word from Little Dark and he said even this crowd of protesters was too much to handle.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

Quote: (08-08-2015 01:49 PM)CH-Toronto Wrote:  

Quote: (08-08-2015 01:39 PM)Grange Wrote:  

Why do so many of the protesters frame the debate as "Roosh V advocates rape vs. we advocate consent?" Roosh's speech is about a bigger topic but he began writing about ways to get women to agree to have sex with you. If consent wasn't important none of that would be necessary.


Unlike Julien Blanc - who I would NOT associate or compare with Roosh, Julien is "Real" PUA/Teacher. With Julien they had video evidence of him being violent that he posted and the media used it against him constantly wherever they could.

They don't have that smoking gun with Roosh. All they have is a satirical rape article... so that's what they're using as their big push. Unfortunately for them it's not as effective.

Also after the Julien Blanc fiasco - RSD (his company) started to distance himself from him. Roosh IS Roosh and he has nothing to apologize for- except for the sorry state of men in the West.

There are some similarities. Ryan Holiday did an interview with Blanc:


The subject of international media outrage on what it feels like to be reviled for supposedly 'teaching rape'


A change.org petition was also started directed at one of the hotels, and when it canceled my event, the name of the petition would be changed and be forwarded to the next hotels, keeping its original signatures. It was later forwarded to the Australian government.


fake Twitter account was created with a capital “i” instead of an “l” in: @RSDJulien This fake Twitter account tweeted: “Pay me and rape them all” which was quoted by all of the media, and later by actual governments, and the story then changed from teaching sexual assault, to teaching rape.


After that, other video segments of mine, tweets and pictures were selectively edited or taken out of context to propel the story even further.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

Quote: (08-08-2015 12:36 PM)Karaya Wrote:  

"I am Cecil!" It makes me wonder how politically correct people share the same opinions indiscrimately. And even in the Cecil case, there was a manhunt as well when people tried to find the hunter by all means.

And in Cecil's case, it took Yelp ages to remove the fake bad reviews that the mob posted about Doc Palmer, and no one was outraged about them.

Regarding the venue - relax, it's probably another decoy to throw off the foaming SJWs.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

Thought I would take a second to post some quotes from Roosh's writings that haven't been getting the same level of media attention..

"don’t use physical force and don’t keep going if she says stop."

"Having sex with a girl who doesn’t want to have sex with you is rape, a serious crime in most countries."

Roosh's writing is meant to help men improve their success with women. A few radicals have twisted his words and painted him to be some rape advocate that he has never been. If you're a protester or journalist reading this right now, you should know that the change.org petition was a complete hatchet job (quotes completely taken out of context) and I would encourage you to dig a little deeper before taking things at face value. Canadian journalism has failed miserably in that regard. Don't take my word for it either, just spend some time and go do your own research!

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

Quote: (08-08-2015 02:01 PM)johhny Wrote:  

The battle of Montreal is the best thing that could have happened to the manosphere. The feminists and male feminists did a great job for us. We dont care if there are 100 or 1000 feminists protesting, they are not important. They are broken and they are gonna stay broken. The important thing is that this message gets spread to the men out there. And this is exactly what happened with all this news coverage, especially since they showed some nice Roosh´s quotes on the screen.

I'm happy they put that quote up. It wasn't sensationalist or even negative toward women. Even many blue pill men will read it and know it to be truth. It'll be enough for many of them to type rooshv.com and peruse his blog for a minute, which is all we want. Let them make up their own minds.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

[Image: 1405.gif]

Take care of those titties for me.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

Quote: (08-08-2015 02:04 PM)Gas Wrote:  

Quote: (08-08-2015 02:01 PM)johhny Wrote:  

The battle of Montreal is the best thing that could have happened to the manosphere. The feminists and male feminists did a great job for us. We dont care if there are 100 or 1000 feminists protesting, they are not important. They are broken and they are gonna stay broken. The important thing is that this message gets spread to the men out there. And this is exactly what happened with all this news coverage, especially since they showed some nice Roosh´s quotes on the screen.

I'm happy they put that quote up. It wasn't sensationalist or even negative toward women. Even many blue pill men will read it and know it to be truth. It'll be enough for many of them to type rooshv.com and peruse his blog for a minute, which is all we want. Let them make up their own minds.

People who are offended by those quotes are too twisted to have ever followed or understood Roosh anyway.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015


Quote:PapayaTapper Wrote:
you seem to have a penchant for sticking your dick in high drama retarded trash.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: August 8, 2015

Until Roosh breaks radio silence:

[Image: 11112032.gif]

Take care of those titties for me.

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